Best of 2015: Most popular opening

by ChessBase
12/31/2015 – The year 2015 is almost over, so we thought it's time to let you vote for your highlights of this year. Today we want you to vote for the most popular opening of the year 2015. The following article features a video by Rustam Kasimdzhanov who presents a selection of openings to vote for. Which is the most popular opening of the year 2015?

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To vote you need to login with your ChessBase Account. The final result of the vote will be revealed in a week but during the next days more polls about various aspects of chess will follow. However, now it's your turn to vote for the "Most popular opening of the Year 2015". Here are the candidates presented by GM Rustam Kasimdzhanov:

Opening expert GM Rustam Kasimdzhanov shows the most popular openings of 2015 on the elite level












Rustam Kasimdzhanov: Mr. Openings

Rustam Kasimdzhanov at the 2014 Olympiad in Tromsoe

Grandmaster Rustam Kasimdzhanov from Uzbekistan has for many years been known as a very strong and imaginative player. However in 2004 Rustam Kasimdzhanov shocked the chess world by winning the FIDE world chess championship title, beating a string of world-class players like Ivanchuk, Grischuk, Topalov and Adams in the process. The Uzbekian grandmaster, who has helped Anand in both his World Championship matches, lives in Germany. Over the years he recorded a number of highly praised DVDs for ChessBase, especially opening DVDs. He also worked as an opening trainer for the german national team which won surprisingly the 2011 European Team Championship with the help of Kasimdzhanov.

See more products of Rustam Kasimdzhanov in the ChessBase shop.

Photo by Pascal Simon

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Attack_the_king Attack_the_king 1/12/2016 03:33
I like all the openings in Chess.e4 for attacking and open positions.d4 for slow games as well as d4 setups,.The other are the traps!!
gmwdim gmwdim 1/3/2016 06:40
Everyone's playing the Berlin now, even aggressive players like Topalov and Nakamura.
ivan3ivanovich ivan3ivanovich 1/1/2016 05:25
Kings Gambit? Nah... Much too drawish!
Ken Walters Ken Walters 1/1/2016 12:33
King's Gambit? Nakamura vs Adams, London 2011.
tom_70 tom_70 12/31/2015 10:58
Even though I detest it because of it's high draw rate, the Berlin seems to be the opening most pro's like to play. I wish one of them would grow enough hair on their testicles to play the King's Gambit just once in a pro tournament.
RaoulBertorello RaoulBertorello 12/31/2015 09:15
I don't know what opening is the most popular one, i.e. which is the most played among the professional players, but I can tell you which I prefer: the Najdorf line of the Sicilian, because it reminds me of the good old Fisher-Spasskij times, when I learned it.