How Bobby Fischer battled the Sicilian
Fischer liked to play aggressive but basically sound lines against the Sicilian and many of his variations are still very much alive and a good choice for players of all levels.
The 28th World Senior Chess Championship was played in Bled (Slovenia) from November 17th to 29th, 2018. The championship was divided into 4 categories: Open 50+, Open 65+, Women 50+ and Women 65+. In total 330 players from 57 countries and all the continents came to enjoy the event. Among them were 20 Grandmasters and 10 Women Grandmasters.
Read the report on the results. Below find selected highlights from GM Mikhalchishin.
Treated themes: how to create weaknesses, how to conquer and exploit important squares, the powerful helping pawn, piece transfer to strongholds, coordination in the attack.
Sicilian Paulsen Powerbook 2016
In our Powerbook we have brought together all games with the ECO codes B40-B49. Added to 62 000 selected master games from both Mega and correspondence chess there 122 000 high class games from the engine room on playchess.com.
Victor Kupreichik's award for the best-attacking player went to Per Ofstad from Norway | Photo: Tadej Sakelšek