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The Aerosvit International GM tournament is taking place in from June 16 to 29, 2006, in Foros/Yalta, the southern-most part of the Crimean peninsula of Ukraine. It is a category 18 event with 12 GMs rated 2600 or higher. Time controls are 120 minutes for the entire game, with an increment of 30 sec. per move. In case of a tie the final places are determined by the result of the direct encounter; then Sonneborn-Berger; and finally the number of won games.
View from the tenth floor of the playing venue
The scenery in Foros/Yalta
Nisipeanu |
Areshchenko | |
Volokitin |
Shirov | |
Bologan |
Rublevsky | |
Ponomariov |
Ivanchuk | |
Karjakin |
Grischuk | |
Harikrishna |
Mamedyarov | |
Bologan – Rublevsky 0-1
In the key game of the round occurred the Queen's Gambit Accepted with 3.e4
e5. The move 14.Nf5!? was almost new (once it occurred in a game between computers,
Zappa 1.0 - Pharaon 3.3, CEGT 2005). The endgame, which arose, may look very
good for White who has a better pawn structure. Still, Black has chances to
develop a serious counterplay. And indeed, the black light squared bishop proved
to be very strong, while White could not use the weakened pawn structure on
the opponent's queenside. Gradually Black obtained a big advantage and started
to collect the white pawns one after another. In the end, Rublevsky had only
one extra pawn in the rook endgame, but it proved to be enough for a win.
Changing of the guard: Viorel Bologan in round six against Sergei Rublevsky
Nisipeanu – Areshchenko 1-0
Already for a fourth time in 2006, Nisipeanu plays a rare line 6.Be3 e5 7.Nde2!?
in the "Najdorf". Queens were exchanged quickly after what White
was fighting for some advantage. The play was very complicated, but, as it
seems, the control over the white squares always ensured somewhat better chances
for White. On the 56th move Nisipeanu missed a possibility to delivery checkmate
in a few moves (56.Ke8!), but later he won anyway.
Volokitin – Shirov 1-0
In the Petroff Defence, Volokitin opted for a line 3.Nxe5 d6 4.Nf3
Nxe4 5.Nc3, which became topical after Shirov's successful games in Russia
vs The Row 2002 match. So, Shirov is fighting against his own weapon. An interesting,
complicated struggle. After the impressive move 25.Rd4! the game soon transposed
into a pleasant for White endgame. After the long struggle, Volokitin converted
his advantage into a full point. The final of the game was quite pretty.
Andrei Volokitin, 2660, Ukraine vs Alexei Shirov, 2699, Spain
Ponomariov - Ivanchuk 0.5-0.5
A well researched line of the "Najdorf" with 6.Be3 e5 7.Nb3. Ivanchuk's
novelty 18...Rc7 allowed White to repeat the position. Ponomariov avoided the
repetition, but hardly obtained the advantage. The draw was agreed on the move
40. In Ponomariov's words, it was rather him (White) who fought for a draw.
Karjakin – Grischuk 0.5-0.5
The Anti-Marshall. After a good novelty 17...Qxd5! (instead of 17...exd5?!,
Mariotti vs Rest of the World, Internet 2006), a few moves later Grischuk obtained
a better endgame with a dangerous passed b-pawn. Karjakin was forced to fight
for a draw. His task was not too difficult, but of course it was important
to play 32.Rxb4! (if 32.Be3, then 32...Bc3 and the black pawn goes forward).
Harikrishna - Mamedyarov 1-0
In the Four Knights Defence with 4.d4 Mamedyarov used somewhat risky 4...Bb4!?
(normal is 4...exd4) and after 5.Nxe5 0-0!? (Instead, 5...Nxe4 6.Qg4! Nxc3
7.Qxg7 Rf8 8.a3 Nxd4 9.axb4 Nxc2+ 10.Kd2 Nxa1 11.Kxc3 is known as good for
White). Black solved his opening problems (if there were any) and was no worse.
Later Mamedyarov played carelessly and allowed White to develop the initiative.
Harikrishna finished the game by a beautiful attack: 25.Nh6+! gxh6 26.Qd4!,
where, instead of 26...Ne6 also 26...Re5 27.Rgxe5 dxe5 28.Qxe5 could not have
saved Black.
Notes from the official web site