Ach, who can tell them apart?

by ChessBase
1/20/2002 – When Garry Kasparov took the title from Anatoly Karpov in 1985 the chess world was electrified. But the rest of the planet had a problem. The names started alike, both had the same letters, with just an "sa" thrown into the second for good measure. Until today people seem to have problems telling which is which. You will find typical mixups here

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Garry Karpov vs Anatoly Kasparov

Here are some interesting quotes (sent in by Michael Scheidl of Vienna, Austria):

Simon & Schuster: Gary Karpov: SEMI-CLOSED OPENINGS IN ACTION (INTERMEDIATE), Scribner Paperback Fiction, 1990, ( $15.00 ) Hardcover, ISBN: 0-020-21805-2 GAMES/Chess

The Montclaire Times: At the precocious age of 10, Kevin Grant took on World Chess Champion Gary Karpov. “Karpov was one of the best games that I can look back on. I can see that I’m much stronger now than when I played him,” Grant said. “I was the second-to-last person to play him out of 40 people. He ended up getting me at the end.”

Professor Teodor C. Przymusinski home page: As it was vividly demonstrated by the recent chess match between Anatoly Kasparov and IBM's Big Blue computer, which ended in the defeat of the world chess champion...

Nuestra Comunidad: "La única diferencia entre los sistemas binarios de las computadoras y el razonamiento humano radica en el proceso de reconocimiento de la información", aseguró el científico, quien brindó un ejemplo muy ilustrativo de esto al recordar la derrota del ajedrecista Anatoly Kasparov contra un súper ordenador que tenía registradas en su sistema las jugadas más difíciles del campeó n ruso. Pero, cuando éste se dio cuenta de ello, en una segunda partida realizó jugadas tontas que "tronaron" a la computadora, resultando vencida.

Wichita Area Skeptics Project: Deep Blue, IBM's chess-playing computer, was finally able to defeat Anatoly Kasparov, but only because of a "brute force" increase in processing speed and memory.

And how about Kramnik? Three new letters (n, i, k), but still he hardly fares better:

l'Hümanité: Shirov a gagné ce droit en battant Viktor Kramnik en demi-finale WCC en 1998.

Chromefish: In 2000 the inaugural BrainGames World Chess Championship was held between Gary Kasparov and Viktor Kramnik.

Ah, well, it will all get much better soon, when Vassily Ponomariov becomes world champion.

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