A splendid fighting game...

by ChessBase
3/13/2010 – ... with an amazing final was played between Michal Krasenkow und Baadur Jobava in the 4th round of the European Individual Championship in the Croatian town of Rijeka. Here White had just attacked the black Nd5 for the third time with 33.Qg2. How would you assess the situation now? A) the battery in the d-file decides for White; B) a clever unpinning trick leads to an endgame with a minus exchange for Black, but a likely draw. C) the second player wins. The solution is here, but first ponder over it with a larger version of the diagram.

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Here White had just attacked the black Nd5 for the third time with 33.Qg2. How would you assess the situation now?

A) the battery in the d-file decides for White;
B) a clever unpinning trick leads to an endgame with a minus exchange for Black, but a likely draw.
C) the second player wins.


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