A Reykjavik retrospective

by Alina l'Ami
4/30/2019 – "A bit of sun and five degrees" — that's how IM ALINA L'AMI begins her photographic tour through the GAMMA Reykjavik Open 2019. In her characteristic way she blends beautiful photography and highlights from the chessboard to paint a picture of one of the most visually stunning tournaments in the world. | Pictured: IM Tania Sachdev who finished with 5½/9 | All photos: Alina l'Ami

Chess News

The Dutch Stonewall - A fighting repertoire against 1.d4 The Dutch Stonewall - A fighting repertoire against 1.d4

In the Dutch Stonewall Black from the very first move fights for the initiative. Let Erwin l'Ami take you on a fascinating journey to the depth and attractions of this unique opening. At the end you will be rewarded with a new repertoire against 1.d4!


Tourist vs Icelander

A bit of sun and five degrees — that's all is needed to tell the difference between a local and a traveller when in Reykjavik. While a tourist would rather deck out in winter parkas, windproof layers and waterproof  boots, the Icelander will simply wrap the frosty sunshine around an overoptimistic-summery-look.

Because... nothing burns like the cold?!


The 'worst' thing about being a tourist is having other tourists recognize you as such.
Her name is surely not ending in -dóttir!

Tip: Click or tap any image to enlarge to full size!

If summer is normally defined by words like hot, sweat, mosquitoes, the Icelandic 'heliophile' style doesn't need high temperatures to forget about the hiking attire. Sunshine is a state of mind in Reykjavik but an unprepared body might scream for knitted hats and snowboard pants instead of ice cream.

Colorful bakery

Who knew the cold could be so colorful?

Leaving the summer fever aside, the notorious weather was quite polite during the 34th edition of the historical Reykjavik Open. I've been playing it for many years already and even though I am very much aware of how meteorologically volatile this place is, I still got caught off guard. The choleric winds would have carried your author away like Mary Poppins, hadn't it been for signposts and fences to cling to.

Where's Alina?

Trying to camouflage in
No hat but having just a t-shirt like the locals was too much for me

There is one safe outdoor activity though which avoids the dramatic fate of being blown away or down to the ground → going back inside, fast! No one is crazy enough to complain about that when the building in question is the movie-like setting “Harpa”.

The chess world would be a better place with more tournament venues like this...

The poetry of Chess is never dead

Speaking of flying, time does just that, never to return. Missing the opportunity of playing in such a compact field of grandmasters and young talents would be indeed a shame.

Escorting children

Children are great imitators and Reykjavik Open gives them something great to imitate


It is easier to relate and look up to someone...

...closer to your age group.

Year after year, the playing hall is jam-packed with chess enthusiasts who would not waste their chance but this time the players outdid themselves. When WOW Air ceased its operations due to bankruptcy less than a week before the tournament was due, one could expect a major change in the starting list too. After all, Reykjavik is not Amsterdam and finding a last minute ticket is more difficult than the canceling-it-all route.


Everyone was present, including the FIDE President!

To my surprise and despite all the travelling difficulties, only five players were unable to make it! The others, as well as two of the tournament winners, the Romanian grandmasters Constantin Lupulescu and Mircea Parligras, invested quite a serious amount of money to just get there and play. Seeing how it paid off, I should have booked with the same flying carrier and maybe get rewarded with a better result.


I can't repress a smile writing this caption: well done Costica!
7/9, best tiebreak and 15 rating points for the tournament winner

It's not just bias here because he is a fellow countryman and a friend I've travelled with to so many European, World and Team Championships — the analysis he made for us, on his win against Firouzja is a highlight. And I will stop here, before I add a few more exclamation marks!

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1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.f4 c5 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.Be3 Be7 8.Qd2 0-0 9.dxc5 Qa5 10.0-0-0 b6 While checking Alireza's games, I was really impressed by his handling of the white pieces lately. So I decided that for this game, rather than just defending, I would give myself some winning chances as well. 11.Bb5 ≤11.cxb6 axb6 opening the a file looks quite dangerous for White 11...Nb4 12.a3 bxc5 the point of Black's previous play 13.Bxd7 after a long think my opponent chose the most principled reply 13.Kb1 was a more cautios reply played in the game Kovacevic-Cabarkapa, 2018 Rb8 14.axb4 14.Bxd7? Bxd7 15.axb4 Qxb4 16.b3 c4 White is really trying to get mated 14...cxb4 15.Nxd5 exd5 16.Bxd7 Bxd7 17.Qxd5 Qxd5 18.Rxd5 Bc6 19.Ra5 Rfc8 20.Rxa7 Bf8 and here a draw was agreed; even with two pawns down Black has a lot of compensation thanks to his very active pieces 13...Bxd7 14.axb4 cxb4 15.Nb1 Rfc8 Being caught off guard, several strong players with White couldn't believe this wasn't a mere bluff. Actually Black is more than fine as he will be making fast progress on the queenside and White's piece up will prove to be no more than a consolation prize. 16.Nd4 16.f5 trying to have some play against Black's king fails miserably after Ba4 17.Nd4 Rxc2+ 18.Nxc2 Rc8-+ once White's queen leaves the scene, her king will be at Black's queen mercy. 16...Qa2 16...Qa1!? was another tempting option that worked very well in the following game 17.Qd3 a5 18.f5 exf5 19.e6 fxe6 20.Nxf5 exf5 21.Qxd5+ Kh8 22.Qxd7 Bf6-+ 0-1 (27) Santos Ruiz,M (2560)-Edouard,R (2658) Skopje MKD 2019 17.f5 17.Qd3 a5 18.Kd2 18.b3 Rc3! 19.Nxc3 bxc3 20.Qxc3 Bb4-+ was one of the ways White could lose quickly 18...Qxb2 19.Ke2 a4 20.Nd2‼ Rc3 21.Rb1 Qa3 22.Ra1 Rxd3 23.cxd3 Qc3 24.Rhc1 Qb2 25.Rab1 was a typical engine draw 17...exf5 17...Ba4 was actually what I had prepared before but 18.Qd3 was what really worried me during the game f6‼ Of course the machine immediately realizes this is completely winning as after the d4 N will be removed, White's position will fall to pieces. For me f6 was rather counterintuitive, to say the least. 18...Rxc2+ 19.Nxc2 Rc8 20.Rd2 b3 21.Nc3± and White is still alive and well 18.Rhf1 a5 19.Nxf5 Bxf5 19...Bf8? I would prefer to keep my d7 B alive but time is of the essence 20.Bd4± 20.Rxf5 a4 21.Bd4 21.Qxd5 I think that when going for this line, my opponent was pinning his hopes on this move; however Rxc2+! is crushing 22.Kxc2 Rc8+ 23.Bc5 Rxc5+ 24.Qxc5 Bxc5-+ and the Bc5 keeps Black's king alive. The same cannot be said about his counterpart who will not survive for long. 21...a3 21...b3 was also interesting but after 22.c3 I was afraid my play could be blocked a3 23.bxa3 Bxa3+ 24.Nxa3 Qa1+! this was an idea I missed 25.Nb1 Ra2 26.Rf2 Rc2+! 26...Rxd2 27.Rfxd2∞ 27.Qxc2 bxc2 28.Kxc2 Rb8 finally the clumsy Nb1 leaves the scene 22.e6! my talented opponent finds a very strong defensive resource, trying to muddy the waters f6! the right decision to block White's play. However, now I will no longer have the vital Bg5+ in some lines. 22...fxe6 was my initial idea but after 23.Qe3 I realized White also becomes quite active 23.Rg5? Bxg5 24.Qxg5 Ra7 simply kills the fun 23.Qd3 b3 24.Rf2 and we got to the the most important moment of the game. If I don't find something now, White is ready to repel Black's attack with simple moves. Ra4! after a very long thought I finally hit on the right idea - if I eliminate White's strongest defender I can finally break through 24...Qa1 doesn't quite work as after 25.bxa3 Bxa3+ 26.Kd2 Rxc2+ 27.Ke1± White's king runs away 24...axb2+ 25.Bxb2 bxc2 25...d4! is another amazing engine move that makes little sense to me 26.Rxc2 Rxc2+ 27.Qxc2 Black got nowhere 25.c3 Rxd4 26.Qxd4 Bc5 27.Qd2 27.Qxd5 Be3+ 28.Rdd2 axb2+ 29.Kd1 Qxb1+ 30.Ke2 h6! to give my king a much needed breathing space was not easy to find. I ended my calculation here and concluded that at least in practical play it is much easier to play with Black 27...Bxf2? a bad miss spoiling it all. I saw in advance 28...Qa1 which looked promising and didn't bother to check for other candidates 27...axb2+ 28.Qxb2 Bxf2-+ I completely missed this simple winning idea 28.Qxf2 Qa1 29.e7? with little time left my opponent also goes wrong 29.Rxd5 a2 30.Qf5 g6 31.Qe4 and because of the e6 pawn Black cannot make much progress. Also White has his problems so a draw here would have been a normal result 29...a2 30.e8Q+ 30.Qf5 Rxc3+ could be what he missed 30...axb1Q+ 31.Qxb1 Rxc3+?? 32.Kd2 and White even wins 31.Kd2 Qxb2+ 32.Ke1 Re3+-+ 30...Rxe8 31.Qf5 d4 This important victory brought me a one point lead in the tournament. Then I decided to push my luck and lost the 8th round with White against Gawain Jones making the tournament situation a little more entertaining. 0–1
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Lupulescu,C2634Jones,G26980–12019D85GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.1

A Classical Guide to the French Defence

This DVD gives you the key to start out with the French Defence. GM Yannick Pelletier is a specialist of this opening, and believes that the most efficient way to understand its ideas, plans, and typical structures is to study classical lines.

Small tidbit

It is not breaking news that, as a Romanian and a friend of the co-winners, I am happy for their performance and for seeing them facing each other in the final round on the top board. It was a non-violent game between friends, a sentence in which only malicious people would place quotation marks on 'friends'.

I would instead focus on something more constructive than speculating on pure nonsense. For example, what distinguished the 2019 edition, was the speeding ticket it received for constantly stirring up the leader board:


Firouzja was having a great tournament and then he lost to Lupulescu, who lost to Jones, who nearly lost to L'Ami (I wish that was me!)

Erwin l'Ami

The former tournament winner missed a good chance of tying for the first place
But I know from a reliable source that he did have a good time:)

Having all the options open is usually the ultimate dream of any calculated chess player and so it was for the organizers who could safely remove the 30 moves drawing rule. Every round was a turf war and I didn't even mention yet the wonder kids.


They have no right to vote but they do posses instead of eyes,
a pair of freshly sharpened ax's blades!

experiencedEvery kid is an artist
The challenge is to remain an artist once they grow up

I am a big fan of brain teasers, so the following is a small selection to work on:

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This was a very entertaining game with sacrifices and a time scramble to remember: starting with move 20, both players had to blitz their moves with only 1 minute on the clock! 1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 c6 3.Bg2 Bg4 4.h3 Bxf3 5.Bxf3 Nf6 6.Bg2 Nbd7 7.0-0 e5 8.d3 Bc5 9.Nd2 0-0 10.e4 Re8 11.exd5 cxd5 12.c4 e4 13.Kh2 e3 14.fxe3 Bxe3 15.cxd5 Nb6 16.Ne4 Nbxd5 Letting the opening discussion aside, this is where the fun begins 17.Rxf6! Bold but objectively not the best approach. However, it is said that aspirin was also discovered accidentally... 17.Qf3 with a bit healthier but, according to some, less humorous play. 17...gxf6 18.Qf3 Bxc1 19.Rxc1 Kh8 20.Rc5 Re6 21.Rc4 Nb6 Black could stabilize with 21...Qe7 22.h4 Rd8 23.Bh3 Re5 making White's life more difficult to prove the compensation. 22.Rc5 Qe7 23.d4 Rd8 24.Rh5 Rd5 25.Rh4 Qd8 Being precise with the seconds ticking is far from easy. 25...f5 26.Qh5 f6 27.Nc3 Ra5 28.a4 The animals I fear are those who make no sounds; same goes for those quiet but potentialy lethal moves. 28.Be4 is not considered the strongest continuation but analyze this! Messy position... 28...Nxa4 29.Nd5∞ 26.Nc5 Rc6 More stubborn is 26...Rxd4 27.Nxb7 Qd7 28.Nc5 Qd8 29.Rxd4 Qxd4 30.Nxe6 fxe6 31.Qa3 h5 32.Qxa7 h4 33.Qb8+ Kg7 34.gxh4 Qxb2 27.Qd3 returning the favour 27.Nxb7 Qe7 28.Nc5 keeping the initiative and also grabbing a pawn along the way. 27...f5 28.Bxd5 A very natural decision to even the playing field. Positional play doesn't look too bad to me 28.b4 Qg5 29.a4 28...Qxd5 29.Qe3 Nc4 30.Qe8+ Kg7 31.Nd7 Qd6 32.Rf4 Rc7 Find the best defense for White! 33.Rxf5 that was not it 33.b3 Nd2 34.Qe5+ Qxe5 35.Nxe5 Rc2 White is suffering but it is not losing at least. 33...Rxd7 34.Rg5+ Kh6 35.h4 Qe7 36.Qg8 Find the winning continuation in less than 30 seconds since that was the amount of time Black had on the clock! Qe2+ That was not it either... 36...f6-+ I wonder what did Black miss here... 37.Kh3 Qf1+ 38.Kh2 Qf2+ 39.Kh3 Qf1+ 40.Kh2 Qe2+ 41.Kh3 Qf1+ Courage is very often a risky move but it does bring results as well: Tigran finished with 7/9 and a shared 1st place. ½–½
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Petrosian,T2605Hambleton,A2484½–½2019A07GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.9
Grandelius,N2687Eggleston,D24011–02019A18GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.3
Saduakassova,D2461Salles,L22211–02019B51GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.26

Powerplay 26: Checkmate Challenge — essential knowledge

Checkmate. That's the aim of the game. There are numerous ways to checkmate the enemy king, but there are common patterns that recur over and over again, and having these at our mental fingertips is essential for when we want to finish the game.

Holiday mode: activated

Everyone knows by now how professional yet friendly and relaxed Reykjavik Open is. The laid-back Icelanders, the multitude of side events (Fischer Random, Blitz, football, quiz, golden circle trip), the beautiful views, the unique landscape and unearthly colours are all good reasons to explain the tournament's popularity.

Harpa interior

Having a tournament venue like Harpa is certainly gold too

It feels as if it is not a chess competition but a very active...holiday. Surely going out twice a day for different restaurants has something to do with it but probably the arbitrary starting times of the games also contributed.

Routine is an important word in a chess player's vocabulary and quite challenging to achieve with five different kick-off times — 09, 11, 13, 15 and 17. Chess players however, are creative people, able to introduce order into complete randomness.

young boy

Only the Fischer Random Cup messed with our minds a bit

Pity I couldn't trace back the Fischer Random games which are real gems of chess humour. I did find two classical examples though with motifs I personally don't remember seeing before.

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26...Qe6 cute:) But more precise is 26...Qe8 27.e6 and only now Qxe6-+ 27.R1f3 27.Rxe6 Bxg5 28.Rd6 Bxe3+ 29.Kh1 White will suffer but with good chances to survive. 27...Rc1+ 28.Kf2 Rxb1 29.Rh3 Qf5+! A queen that can go from being royal to gangster in 3 moves! The rest is no longer relevant for the theme. 30.Rxf5 Bxg5 31.Rxg5 Rb2+ 32.Kf3 Rxa2 33.e4 f6 34.exf6+ Rxf6+ 35.Ke3 Ra3+ 36.Ke2 Rxh3 37.gxh3 dxe4 38.Ke3 Rf5 39.Rg1 Rb5 40.Rf1 Rf5 41.Rb1 b6 42.Kxe4 Kf6 43.Rc1 Ke6 44.Rc7 Rh5 45.Rxa7 Rh4+ 46.Kd3 Kd5 47.Rd7+ Kc6 48.Re7 Rxh3+ 49.Ke4 Kd6 50.Rb7 Rh4+ 51.Kd3 Kc6 52.Rf7 b5 53.Rf8 Rxh2 54.Rc8+ Kd7 55.Rb8 Rh5 56.Rb6 Kc7 57.Ra6 Rh3+ 58.Ke4 b4 59.d5 b3 60.Rc6+ Kb7 61.Rc5 Rh4+ 62.Ke5 Rb4 63.d6 b2
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Van Foreest,J2598Korley,K24400–12019C53GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.9
Saduakassova,D2461Gantar,J21721–02019C10GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.29

Moves don't come easy


Being a chess parent doesn't come easy either

An island in another world

This is my 'nth' article on Iceland and its beautiful tournament, which makes me reluctant on keep insisting how such a trip will guarantee you seeing something you've never seen except in National Geographic.

People in puffin costumes

Ok... the real puffins should be a little smaller but just as cute!

Harpa at night

This playing hall is lighting up an otherwise Black & White chess life

fondue bistro

To avoid looking like your passport photo and bring you back to that perfect Facebook profile pic — plan ahead and come to Reykjavik!

Final standings (top 25)

Rk. Name Pts.
1 Lupulescu Constantin 7,0
2 Firouzja Alireza 7,0
3 Grandelius Nils 7,0
4 Jones Gawain C B 7,0
5 Parligras Mircea-Emilian 7,0
6 Petrosian Tigran L. 7,0
7 Tari Aryan 7,0
8 Gupta Abhijeet 7,0
9 Hovhannisyan Robert 6,5
10 Movsesian Sergei 6,5
11 l'Ami Erwin 6,5
12 Van Foreest Jorden 6,5
13 Kevlishvili Robby 6,5
  Korley Kassa 6,5
15 Loiseau Quentin 6,5
16 Tang Andrew 6,5
17 Salomon Johan 6,5
18 Stefansson Hannes 6,5
19 Sadzikowski Daniel 6,0
20 Brunello Sabino 6,0
21 Prithu Gupta 6,0
22 Cornette Matthieu 6,0
23 Potkin Vladimir 6,0
24 Lagarde Maxime 6,0
25 Praggnanandhaa R 6,0

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1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.e5 Nfd7 5.Bd3 c5 6.c3 Nc6 7.Ne2 cxd4 8.cxd4 f6 9.exf6 Nxf6 10.Nf3 Bd6 11.0-0 Qc7 12.Bg5 0-0 13.Rc1 Bd7 14.Re1 C06: French Tarrasch: 3...Nf6 4 e5 Nfd7 5 Bd3 main lines Rac8
15.Nc3N Predecessor: 15.a3 h6 16.Bh4 Be8 17.Bg3 Bh5 18.Ne5 Bxe5 19.dxe5 Ne4 20.Bxe4 dxe4 21.Qd6 Bxe2 22.Qxc7 Rxc7 23.Rxe2 1/2-1/2 (35) Tiviakov,S (2612)-Sengupta,D (2580) Douglas 2015 15...Qb8 16.Bh4 White is slightly better. Kh8 17.Bg3 Bxg3 18.hxg3 Qd6 19.Qd2 Ng4 Threatening ...Nxd4. 20.Qg5 Nh6 21.Qh4 Nf5 22.Bxf5 Rxf5 23.Re3 White mounts an attack. Rcf8 24.Rce1 R5f6 25.Ne5 Ne7 26.g4 Hoping for g5. Be8 27.Rh3
27...h5 Better is 27...h6! 28.Re2 28.gxh5 And now Ng6+ would win. Nf5 29.Qg5 28...Rf4 28...Kg8± was called for. 29.Qg3 Qb4? 29...Kg8 30.Nd3 30.gxh5 Rxd4 31.h6 Nf5+- 30...hxg4 30.Nd3 Double Attack, Discovered Attack. Accuracy: White = 40%, Black = 32%.
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Jones,G2698Deglmann,L22751–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.1
Visser,H2269Grandelius,N26870–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.2
Firouzja,A2669Chittka,J22681–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.3
Bewersdorff,O2261L'Ami,E26470–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.4
Movsesian,S2637Abbas,D22531–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.5
Eric,J2247Lupulescu,C26340–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.6
Parligras,M2633Stoyanov,V22381–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.7
Birkisson,B2234Hovhannisyan,R26300–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.8
Tari,A2615Piasetski,L22221–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.9
Jaksland,T2222Lagarde,M26120–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.10
Petrosian,T2605Salles,L22211–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.11
Ghazarian,K2209Gupta,A2602½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.12
Van Foreest,J2598Ptacnikova,L22021–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.13
Kristjansson,A2198Potkin,V2597½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.14
Christiansen,J2571Le Goff,R21861–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.15
Dougherty,M2183Gretarsson,H25710–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.16
Fier,A2570Ingvason,J21811–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.17
Esbensen,A2176Djukic,N25660–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.18
Stefansson,H2558Gantar,J21721–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.19
Thorhallsson,S2171Cornette,M25560–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.20
Praggnanandhaa R2537Maisuradze,N21681–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.21
Giacomini,H2167Gukesh D25360–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.22
Brunello,S2534Halldorsson,J21631–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.23
Bjornsson,T2156Sadzikowski,D25230–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.24
Hjartarson,J2520Laustsen,L21551–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.25
Abrahams,D2143Kanarek,M25051–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.26
Tang,A2501Briem,S21380–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.27
Van de Plassche,E2136Salomon,J24950–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.28
Libiszewski,F2488Walton,A21321–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.29
Siddharth,J2132Hambleton,A24840–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.30
Prithu Gupta2478Marttala,T21311–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20191.31
Saduakassova,D2461Jones,G2698½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.1
Grandelius,N2687Low,Z2418½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.2
Kevlishvili,R2451Firouzja,A26690–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.3
L'Ami,E2647Tania,S23971–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.4
Korley,K2440Movsesian,S26370–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.5
Lupulescu,C2634Pigott,J23841–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.6
Lupulescu,C2634Pigott,J23841–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.6
Astaneh Lopez,A2427Parligras,M26330–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.7
Hovhannisyan,R2630Van de Plassche,B23761–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.8
Hovhannisyan,R2630Van de Plassche,B23761–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.8
Yoo,C2414Tari,A26150–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.9
Lagarde,M2612Borocz,I23501–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.10
Thorfinnsson,B2399Petrosian,T26050–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.11
Ragnarsson,D2380Van Foreest,J2598½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.12
Cummings,D2338Christiansen,J25710–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.13
Gretarsson,H2571Sarkar,J23370–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.14
Bjornsson,S2312Fier,A2570½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.15
Djukic,N2566Jacobsen,M23020–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.16
Cornette,M2556L'Ami,A22901–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.17
Sohal,T2280Praggnanandhaa R25370–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.18
Gukesh D2536Ortega Ruiz,J22811–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.19
Briem,S2138Brunello,S25340–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.20
Sadzikowski,D2523Abrahams,D21431–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.21
Vidic,T2102Hjartarson,J25200–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.22
Salomon,J2495Jonsson,G20271–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.23
Nilssen,E2048Libiszewski,F24880–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.24
Hambleton,A2484Kakulidis,E20221–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.25
Petursson,G2020Prithu Gupta24780–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.26
Gupta,A2602Kristjansson,A21981–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.27
Potkin,V2597Ghazarian,K22091–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.28
Loiseau,Q2461Kristjansson,O20781–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.29
Tomazini,Z2390Georghiou,P22411–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.30
Sowray,P2356Bentel,R21300–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20192.31
Firouzja,A2669Cornette,M2556½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.1
Praggnanandhaa R2537L'Ami,E2647½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.2
Movsesian,S2637Gukesh D25361–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.3
Brunello,S2534Lupulescu,C2634½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.4
Parligras,M2633Sadzikowski,D2523½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.5
Hjartarson,J2520Hovhannisyan,R26300–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.6
Tari,A2615Salomon,J2495½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.7
Prithu Gupta2478Lagarde,M26121–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.8
Petrosian,T2605Hambleton,A2484½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.9
Christiansen,J2571Sarkar,J2337½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.10
Jones,G2698Kjartansson,G2444½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.11
Grandelius,N2687Saduakassova,D24611–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.12
Gupta,A2602Thorfinnsson,B24360–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.13
Van Foreest,J2598Tomazini,Z23901–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.14
Low,Z2418Potkin,V25970–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.15
Fier,A2570Ragnarsson,D23801–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.16
Bjornsson,S2312Djukic,N25661–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.17
Bentel,R2130Stefansson,H25580–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.18
Jacobsen,M2302Loiseau,Q2461½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.19
Thorhallsson,S2171Gretarsson,H25710–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.20
Maisuradze,N2168Kanarek,M25050–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.21
Tang,A2501Laustsen,L21551–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.22
Kreckovic,M2168Kevlishvili,R24510–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.23
Giacomini,H2167Korley,K24400–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.24
Abrahams,D2143Astaneh Lopez,A24270–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.25
Briem,S2138Yoo,C24140–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.26
Eggleston,D2401Marttala,T21311–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.27
Siddharth,J2132Thorfinnsson,B2399½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.28
Tania,S2397Maroroa,S21281–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.29
Van de Plassche,B2376Munshi,A2113½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.30
Vaishali R2353Maxion,D21101–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20193.31
Hovhannisyan,R2630Movsesian,S2637½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.1
Prithu Gupta2478Grandelius,N26870–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.2
Sadzikowski,D2523Firouzja,A26690–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.3
L'Ami,E2647Brunello,S2534½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.4
Lupulescu,C2634Praggnanandhaa R25371–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.5
Cornette,M2556Parligras,M26331–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.6
Libiszewski,F2488Tari,A2615½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.7
Salomon,J2495Petrosian,T2605½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.8
Hambleton,A2484Van Foreest,J2598½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.9
Potkin,V2597Bjornsson,S23121–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.10
Thorfinnsson,B2436Christiansen,J25711–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.11
Sarkar,J2337Fier,A2570½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.12
Stefansson,H2558Alashtar,A19051–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.13
Lagarde,M2612Pedersen,S17241–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.14
Cummings,D2338Jones,G26980–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.15
Gukesh D2536Jacobsen,M2302½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.16
Stefansson,V2293Hjartarson,J25200–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.17
Kanarek,M2505L'Ami,A22901–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.18
Sohal,T2280Tang,A25010–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.19
Loiseau,Q2461Ortega Ruiz,J22811–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.20
Kevlishvili,R2451Jaksland,T22221–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.21
Deglmann,L2275Kjartansson,G24440–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.22
Korley,K2440Esbensen,A21761–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.23
Astaneh Lopez,A2427Obrien,M21101–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.24
Yoo,C2414Hardarson,P18081–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.25
Abbas,D2253Eggleston,D24010–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.26
Salles,L2221Tania,S23970–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.27
Le Goff,R2186Vaishali R23531–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.28
Finnbogadottir,T1849Borocz,I23500–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.29
Aasen,K1861Gupta,A26020–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.30
Djukic,N2566Magnusson,M20061–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20194.31
Grandelius,N2687Hovhannisyan,R26300–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.1
Firouzja,A2669Potkin,V25971–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.2
Movsesian,S2637Stefansson,H25581–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.3
Cornette,M2556Lupulescu,C26340–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.4
Jones,G2698Thorfinnsson,B24361–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.5
Hambleton,A2484L'Ami,E26470–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.6
Tari,A2615Prithu Gupta24781–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.7
Kjartansson,G2444Lagarde,M26120–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.8
Petrosian,T2605Loiseau,Q2461½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.9
Van Foreest,J2598Kevlishvili,R24511–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.10
Fier,A2570Korley,K2440½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.11
Brunello,S2534Astaneh Lopez,A2427½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.12
Hjartarson,J2520Yoo,C2414½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.13
Eggleston,D2401Kanarek,M25051–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.14
Tang,A2501Sarkar,J2337½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.15
Tania,S2397Salomon,J2495½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.16
Borocz,I2350Libiszewski,F24880–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.17
Parligras,M2633Le Goff,R21861–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.18
Bewersdorff,O2261Gupta,A26020–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.19
Piasetski,L2222Christiansen,J25711–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.20
Ghazarian,K2209Djukic,N25660–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.21
Praggnanandhaa R2537Kristjansson,A21981–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.22
Siddharth,J2132Gukesh D2536½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.23
Bentel,R2130Sadzikowski,D25230–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.24
Low,Z2418Fridjonsson,J21171–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.25
Thorfinnsson,B2399Munshi,A21131–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.26
Smith,D2047Tomazini,Z23900–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.27
Tinkler,P-Ragnarsson,D23800–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.28
Van de Plassche,B2376Haraldsson,H20271–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.29
Alashtar,A1905Sowray,P23560–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.30
Bjornsson,S2312Bjorgvinsson,A20581–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20195.31
Hovhannisyan,R2630Firouzja,A2669½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.1
Lupulescu,C2634Movsesian,S26371–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.2
Lagarde,M2612Jones,G26980–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.3
L'Ami,E2647Van Foreest,J2598½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.4
Eggleston,D2401Tari,A26151–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.5
Thorfinnsson,B2436Grandelius,N26870–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.6
Yoo,C2414Parligras,M26330–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.7
Astaneh Lopez,A2427Petrosian,T26050–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.8
Gupta,A2602Low,Z24181–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.9
Potkin,V2597Thorfinnsson,B23991–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.10
Tomazini,Z2390Fier,A25700–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.11
Djukic,N2566Tania,S2397½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.12
Stefansson,H2558Van de Plassche,B23761–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.13
Ragnarsson,D2380Cornette,M25561–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.14
Sowray,P2356Praggnanandhaa R25370–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.15
Sarkar,J2337Brunello,S25340–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.16
Sadzikowski,D2523Bjornsson,S23121–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.17
Chittka,J2268Hjartarson,J2520½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.18
Mai,A2003Tang,A25010–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.19
Loiseau,Q2461Visser,H22691–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.20
Korley,K2440Jacobsen,M23021–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.21
Gretarsson,H2571Piasetski,L22221–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.22
Gukesh D2536Schwerteck,M20991–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.23
Kanarek,M2505Botez,A20331–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.24
Birkisson,B2094Hambleton,A24840–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.25
Mai,A2067Prithu Gupta24780–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.26
Kevlishvili,R2451Esbensen,K19851–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.27
Thorsteinsdottir,G1984Kjartansson,G24440–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.28
Suleymenov,A2431Mayrhuber,N19771–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.29
Valtysson,T1915Borocz,I23500–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.30
Stefansson,V2293Baldvinsson,L19381–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20196.31
Firouzja,A2669Lupulescu,C26340–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.1
Jones,G2698Hovhannisyan,R2630½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.2
Grandelius,N2687Eggleston,D24011–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.3
Tang,A2501L'Ami,E26470–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.4
Movsesian,S2637Sadzikowski,D2523½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.5
Parligras,M2633Stefansson,H25581–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.6
Petrosian,T2605Ragnarsson,D23801–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.7
Praggnanandhaa R2537Gupta,A26020–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.8
Van Foreest,J2598Korley,K24400–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.9
Libiszewski,F2488Potkin,V2597½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.10
Fier,A2570Loiseau,Q24610–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.11
Brunello,S2534Lagarde,M26121–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.12
Tari,A2615Stefansson,V22931–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.13
Ortega Ruiz,J2281Gretarsson,H25710–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.14
Thorhallsson,S2171Djukic,N25660–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.15
Esbensen,A2176Gukesh D25360–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.16
Hjartarson,J2520Abbas,D22531–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.17
Giacomini,H2167Kanarek,M25050–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.18
Salomon,J2495Chittka,J22681–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.19
Hambleton,A2484Salles,L22210–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.20
Prithu Gupta2478Le Goff,R21861–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.21
Siddharth,J2132Kevlishvili,R24510–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.22
Kjartansson,G2444Bjornsson,T21561–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.23
Obrien,M2110Suleymenov,A24310–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.24
Tania,S2397Walton,A21321–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.25
Borocz,I2350Maroroa,S21281–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.26
Kristjansson,A2198Christiansen,J25710–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.27
Cornette,M2556Ingvason,J21811–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.28
Saduakassova,D2461Gantar,J21721–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.29
Piasetski,L2222Thorfinnsson,B24360–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.30
Kreckovic,M2168Astaneh Lopez,A24270–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20197.31
Lupulescu,C2634Jones,G26980–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.1
Gupta,A2602Grandelius,N2687½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.2
L'Ami,E2647Petrosian,T2605½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.3
Loiseau,Q2461Parligras,M26330–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.4
Hovhannisyan,R2630Brunello,S2534½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.5
Korley,K2440Tari,A26150–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.6
Suleymenov,A2431Firouzja,A26690–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.7
Kevlishvili,R2451Movsesian,S2637½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.8
Potkin,V2597Salomon,J24950–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.9
Gretarsson,H2571Libiszewski,F24880–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.10
Djukic,N2566Prithu Gupta24780–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.11
Gukesh D2536Kjartansson,G24440–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.12
Sadzikowski,D2523Eggleston,D24011–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.13
Salles,L2221Hjartarson,J25200–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.14
Kanarek,M2505Tania,S2397½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.15
Van Foreest,J2598Borocz,I23501–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.16
Christiansen,J2571Van de Plassche,B23761–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.17
Sowray,P2356Fier,A25701–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.18
Stefansson,H2558Bjornsson,S23121–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.19
Cummings,D2338Praggnanandhaa R2537½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.20
Ciolek,A2284Tang,A25010–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.21
Sarkar,J2337Saduakassova,D2461½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.22
Thorfinnsson,B2436Jacobsen,M23021–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.23
Astaneh Lopez,A2427Einarsson,H22791–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.24
Alashtar,A1905Low,Z24180–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.25
Yoo,C2414Bewersdorff,O22611–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.26
Ragnarsson,D2380Bentel,R21301–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.27
Lagarde,M2612Giacomini,H21671–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.28
Bjornsson,T2156Cornette,M25560–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.29
Laustsen,L2155Hambleton,A24840–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.30
Abrahams,D2143Thorfinnsson,B2399½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20198.31
Parligras,M2633Lupulescu,C2634½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.1
Jones,G2698L'Ami,E2647½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.2
Brunello,S2534Grandelius,N26870–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.3
Firouzja,A2669Hjartarson,J25201–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.4
Salomon,J2495Hovhannisyan,R2630½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.5
Tari,A2615Sadzikowski,D25231–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.6
Petrosian,T2605Libiszewski,F24881–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.7
Prithu Gupta2478Gupta,A26020–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.8
Kjartansson,G2444Stefansson,H25580–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.9
Movsesian,S2637Thorfinnsson,B24361–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.10
Astaneh Lopez,A2427Van Foreest,J25980–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.11
Low,Z2418Kanarek,M2505½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.12
Tang,A2501Yoo,C24141–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.13
Tania,S2397Loiseau,Q24610–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.14
Ragnarsson,D2380Kevlishvili,R24510–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.15
Sowray,P2356Korley,K24400–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.16
Cummings,D2338Lagarde,M26120–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.17
Borocz,I2350Potkin,V25970–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.18
Christiansen,J2571Stefansson,V22930–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.19
Chittka,J2268Gretarsson,H25710–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.20
Sarkar,J2337Djukic,N25660–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.21
Cornette,M2556Abbas,D22531–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.22
Praggnanandhaa R2537Stoyanov,V22381–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.23
Thorhallsson,S2171Gukesh D25360–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.24
Hambleton,A2484Le Goff,R21861–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.25
Saduakassova,D2461Salles,L22211–02019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.26
Maisuradze,N2168Suleymenov,A24310–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.27
Eggleston,D2401Ingvason,J2181½–½2019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.28
Baldursson,H2122Pigott,J23840–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.29
Van de Plassche,B2376Maroroa,S21280–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.30
Vaishali R2353Rice,C20260–12019GAMMA Reykjavik Open 20199.31


Alina is an International Master and a very enthusiastic person in everything she does. She loves travelling to the world's most remote places in order to play chess tournaments and report about them here on ChessBase! As chance would have it Alina is also an excellent photographer.


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