Chess News
There are many cases of material imbalance in chess. In this video series, GM Dejan Bojkov of Bulgaria makes an attempt to systematise the most important ones and gives valuable advice on how to handle the resulting positions.
The first time I heard that the World Cadet Championships (for ages 8-12) will be held in Santiago de Compostela I felt excited. After all, we all have heard about the famous Spanish hospitality, food and traditions. I have experienced those in this same area — Galicia. In fact, many of the Bulgarian grandmasters and international masters got their norms and even titles at tournaments there, as part of the Galician summer circuit.
No need to fear the Qd6 Scandinavian
In this "Learn in 60 Minutes" video GM Dejan Bojkov from Bulgaria offers a complete repertoire for White after the moves: 1.e4 d5 2.exd5 Qxd5 3.Nc3 Qd6 4.d4 Nf6 5.Nf3 when all the main moves are covered: 5...Bg4; 5...g6; 5...a6 and Tiviakov's speciality 5...c6.
Santiago de Compostela on a nice day
Some worrying signs started to appear when we (trainers, parents and players) tried to contact the organisers. Since I was about to coach two players from different countries, it was mandatory for us to stay in the same hotel. We wrote simultaneously to the organiser with a request and were assured that we shall stay in the same TRYP hotel — but only after many emails, the majority of which went unanswered.
However, roughly a week before the event we were mysteriously relocated to different hotels, without any explanation. The emails were still never answered and, eventually, even the contact phones were turned off.
The chaos at the arrival was evident: People were not on the list of the transfers, there was insufficient English-speaking staff. In addition, those who had the misfortune to arrive at other airports besides the one in Santiago had to first travel to the local airport and wait on a long queue to receive their badges before being taken to their hotels. This is, for instance, what happened to the American delegation [Aviv Friedman, the head of the USA delegation confirmed this - Ed.]. Once the kids arrived in the hotel they were asked to go back to the airport (all of them) to receive their badges. There was no logical explanation for why the head of the delegation cannot take care of the badges alone.
We, as part of the Bulgarian representatives, were relocated to a hotel named Los Tilos. It was supposed to be a four-star hotel, but a quick look at its pictures and the booking reviews revealed that it does not deserve at least three of those stars.
The English Defence (1...b6) is a less well-known weapon against White setups with 1.c4 and 2.d4. Black has a number of nice tricks and ideas at his disposal that can quickly dispatch an unprepared opponent.
The guests were not impressed by elements of the hotel looking rather worse for wear
An inquiry to the organisers to either change the hotel, or lower the price was made once that we arrived at the airport, but the reply was typical for this particular official: “I have personally checked all the hotel rooms and there are all very good.” Later this version was changed to “I have checked this hotel two years ago, and it was fine…” In my experience, this is the first four-star hotel which did not have elementary facilities, to say nothing of a swimming pool or gym.
Let’s talk about math now: A double room in this hotel costs about €48 euros in peak periods. The organiser was charging €136 euros. One would expect that the food will be of a very high quality for that difference, would not they?
It transpired there was barely anything to eat. In the morning, apart from bread, there was one type of ham and one type of cheese. No warm buffet, eggs or even honey. Nada. Lunch and dinner were like those cosy French restaurants, where the chef is cooking what he likes and everyone eats the same. Except that the food was similar to what one might find in the army. No salad at all, typically meat and French fries. And no choice. We are not even talking about elementary needs for people with different dietary habits. We had representatives from Muslim countries who had their religious restrictions and could not eat pork, for instance.
Three days of polite complaints were met with the same answer by the organiser “I know about your problem…” I learned later that he specifically asked the hotel staff not to give his telephone number to anyone.
No guts, no glory! With the Pirc Defence Black takes a bigger risk than usual, but in return may hope for higher dividends too. Let GM Bojkov show you how to optimize your chances.
The playing hall — Cidade de Cultura de Galicia
As for the playing conditions, the players had a nice venue to play, but for the parents, there was only a tent prepared while waiting for them. On a rainy, windy day it was useless and many of the parents had to stay outside in the rain.
The tent on a rainy and windy day
Due to a storm, the fourth round was cancelled — not that this was announced on the English page of the site, but rather only in Spanish.
Essentially, the English Opening usually leads to reversed positions in which the first player enjoys the extra tempo. Then why not meet this 1.c4 move with 1…e5 and play the reversed Sicilian? In this 60 Minutes video, you will find a complete repertoire for Black based on the move 1…e5 against White’s most popular approach - the Reversed Dragon setup. Bulgarian GM Dejan Bojkov uses very recent top GM games to highlight the trends in the line and to explain the ideas behind Black’s development.
During this accidental free day, there was some activity at the hotel. Some things were repaired or fixed. The organiser immediately took credit for these improvements.
But it came a bit too late. Social networks were filled with pictures of the disastrous conditions for which people were heavily overcharged. There were many complaints from the other hotels too. An ultimatum was signed by every participant of our hotel that we should be reimbursed and receive an official apology.
On the next day, the organiser capitulated and decided to return half of the money to the participants who stayed in Los Tilos. The food was also improved, although it remained way below normal standards.
The city centre was scenic
In the Girls Under-12, the rating favourite was Machteld Van Foreest from the Netherlands, the only player who was rated above 2000 (her two older brothers Jorden and Lucas are grandmasters). However, she started with a loss and could not really get into the big fight for the medals, although at the end tied for the third. The other rating favourite, Amina Kairbekova from Kazakhstan, stood well but finished badly. Here is the game where it started going wrong for her:
Thus the battle for first place was between Umida Omonova from Uzbekistan and Savitha Shri from India. The former made one draw more and had to settle for the silver.
As for Savitha Shri, this is what her coach Ramesh wrote on his Facebook page:
“Congratulations to Savitha Shri Baskar for winning World under 12 girls championship! Coming from a very tough economic background, this is a fantastic achievement. Like many talented players, she will face the similar challenge of finding someone who can financially support her for further progress. Hope that happens”
The bronze went to Emilia Zavivaeva from Russia, thanks to her having the best tiebreak.
Samantha Edithso took clear first place in the Girls Under-10. Here was her win over the silver medalist Alexandra Shvedova from Russia:
Unorthodox against the French Winawer
The French Defence is an aggressive and tough opening. Typically, the second player shows his ambitions as early as on move three in the main, after - 1.e4 e6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 Bb4 - the Winawer Variation. Black’s intentions are clear - pressure in the center, and quick development. Check the new Learn in 60 minutes to find a repertoire based on the move 4.Ng1-e2. The author GM Dejan Bojkov used it to win a crucial game at the Canadian Open Championship 2011, which helped him share victory at this prestigious event.
I know Edithso from the Olympiad in Batumi. Peter Long who was helping her there showed me some of her games. She is very talented, sharp player and a bright hope for the Indonesian chess. The same applies to Shvedova and Yining Chen (bronze) from China.
Samantha Edithso interviewed at the Batumi Olympiad
In the Girls Under-8, Yunqing Zhao of China is the champion with 9½/11. Second was Veronica Yudina (RUS) with 9/11, followed by Evelyn Qiao (USA) with 8½/11.
In the Boys Under-12, D Gukesh from India was above everyone. With his rating of 2457 and strong play, he left no chances to his opponents. His start 8/8 was more than convincing and despite the slip in round nine he finished with 10/11, 1½ ahead of the group of four boys who tied for the second. Volodar Murzin, who won against Gukesh, earned the silver medal, with bronze going to Nico Chasin who edged out Arthur Guo (both from the USA) on tiebreak.
Winners of the under-12 section | Photo: Mikhail Kobalia
The Boys Under-10 saw Ji Yueheng of China and Erick Zhao of USA tied for first with the Chinese player edging out his opponent narrowly on tie-break. The interesting part here is that the two of them actually did not play each other at the championship. Bronze was for Artem Pingin from Russia thanks for his better tiebreak.
The most impressive win of the tournament was arguably in the Boys Under-8, after Yuvraj Chennareddy scored nine consecutive wins before slowing down with a draw and finishing with another win. A final result of 10½/11 for the boy from Chicago is one his coach GM Mesgen Amanov can be very proud of! Silver went for the European champion Jahandar Azadaliyev (Azerbaijan) and bronze for Khumoyun Begmuratov (Uzbekistan).
Yuvraj Chennareddy clinched gold with a round to spare | Photo: Grant Oen / USChess.org
There needed to be a cherry on the cake of misery and there was: My flight back home was from La Coruna airport. We already knew the people and decided to check if everything is OK with the transfer. Four days prior to the flight the first request was made. I was not in the transfer list but was assured it will be alright. Of course, once that the list of the travelers finally arrived I discovered that all the information was completely wrong. We called from the reception the organiser and he said it would all be worked out. Then a triple check with the travel office was made. They have not heard anything from the organiser but assured us it would be fine.
Now at 3 AM in the morning, guess if the transfer came? After half an hour I had to give up and call a taxi. It cost me about a hundred euros.
Thankfully, I received reimbursement for my taxi fare and an apology from the organisers. Just before we entered the airport I saw the official bus, which was filled with Russian participants who came from another hotel. For a moment I thought I might have missed the transfer somehow. Until two minutes later two other taxies arrived with participants from Azerbaijan and Serbia. They explained that no transfer came for them either!
Despite the horrible conditions, my girls finished on a positive score and I am very proud of them. Although we know they can do better.
Santiago de Compostela is a great town to visit with its monumental building, churches and parks.
A pretty park view on a nice day
It is a pity that we did not have enough time and desire to visit it, after the survival game we forced into.
One thing is for sure: the wrong practices of overcharging and no choice for the participants should stop once and forever. If someone is organising a major event like this should definitely have some experience from the previous championships and/or have someone experienced to assist him.
Correction November 22: Umida Omonova is from Uzbekistan, not Tajikistan
Correction November 23: In the boys under-12, Volodar Murzin (from Russian and coached by GM Mikhail Kobalia), took second place (silver), while Nico Chasin came third.