The interactive format encourages the viewer to study and find the brilliancy, following the footsteps of some of the greatest players of the game.
Which is your favourite DVD (of your own) and why?
I did enjoy filming my DVD on the London System. This was not an opening that I really understood. But preparing and playing the variations in the DVD really advanced me as a player.
"Simple yet aggressive!" Enjoy this new exciting DVD by Simon Williams. Let the famouns Grandmaster from England show you how to gain a very exciting yet well founded opening game with the London System (1.d4 d5 2.Bf4).
What is your all lifetime motto over the board (and maybe also in life)?
Not sure I really have a ‘motto’. I do try to maximise the enjoyment I get from the small amount of time we have on this earth. You could say the same about my chess, try to enjoy it and keep things fresh.
What is it that you like most about playing chess?
I find the process of getting lost in a one’s own thoughts to be very therapeutic. I suppose you could say I find it to be an intense form of meditation.
Do you think that you have enough time to spare also on non-chess-related activities?
I most certainly do. Yes. [I guess we should be giving Si more work! -Ed.]
Which is the ChessBase program that you use the most (and what for)?
Every serious chess player must have a copy of the ChessBase database and features. When I am at a tournament I rely on the search tool!
The Black Lion — an aggressive version of the Philidor Defense
Looking for an interesting, exciting, aggressive and flexible opening to play against 1 e4!? Then the Black Lion is just the opening for you! The Lion gets ready to roar after 1.e4 d6 2.d4 Nf6 3.Nc3 e5 4.Nf3 Nbd7 5.Bc4 Be7 6.0–0 c6 – and now Black wants to attack with an early ...g5. Grandmaster Simon Williams suggests a simple to learn, yet deadly system of development for Black. He explains the main ideas of this opening in an easy and entertaining manner, using examples from such maverick players as Baadur Jobava. In what other opening do you get a chance to attack White’s castled King with an early ...g5? Let the Lion roar and the fun commence!
Chess-wise speaking: What is crossing your mind these days?
Mainly nowadays it is trying to show the world, and especially people who in normal situations who would not touch a chess board; that chess is fun, cool and exciting. The tools of my trade are now YouTube and Twitch.
Simon Williams | Photo: Nadja Wittmann
What are you currently working on in the ChessBase studio?
I just finished two DVDs on the Torre and Colle. I now try to pick openings that rhyme as it makes my job a lot easier.
What will be on your agenda next?
Keep trying to produce good training videos that will help people improve in a factual but fun way.