Before the round started there was a minute of silence for the Russian plane that fell the day before

The start of the round

It was the coldest day during the tournament, and several children came down with colds.
Though warm inside the hall, it was cold outside.

In round six, Nguyen Quoc Hy (1583) from Vietnam defeated Javokhir Sindarov (2299) the top
seed of the Boys Under-10, with some spectacular tactics. Even with monthly ratings, they are
sometimes slow to keep up with the kids. Bear in mind that in the first five rounds, he had scored
4.5/5 with four opponents rated around 1900 average.
Javokhir Sindarov (2299) - Nguyen Quoc Hy (1583)

[Event "FIDE WYCC 2015 - U10"] [Site "Porto Carras"] [Date "2015.10.31"] [Round "6"] [White "Sindarov, Javokhir"] [Black "Nguyen, Quoc Hy"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B23"] [WhiteElo "2299"] [BlackElo "1583"] [SetUp "1"] [FEN "r5k1/4bppp/p4r2/3q4/Qp1pR3/1P1P1NP1/P1P2PKP/2R5 b - - 0 23"] [PlyCount "88"] [EventDate "2015.??.??"] [EventCountry "GRE"] [TimeControl "40/5400+30:1800+30"] 23... Rxf3 $1 {72} 24. Rxe7 {8} ({Obviously if} 24. Kxf3 f5 $1) 24... Rxg3+ $1 {67 A nice shot that is the key to the whole sequence.} 25. Kxg3 {30} Qg5+ {10} 26. Kf3 {5} Qf6+ {31} 27. Kg2 {63} Qxe7 {19 It is clear that White is in a world of pain with a rook stuck trying to protect the backward c-pawn, and his position collapsed fairly quickly.} 28. Kf1 {34} Qb7 {111} 29. Re1 {150} Kf8 { 37} 30. Kg1 {40} Qb5 {54} 31. Kf1 {400} Qxa4 {119} 32. bxa4 {6} Rc8 {1} 33. Re2 {1} Rc3 {16} 34. Ke1 {66} Ra3 {46} 35. Re4 {21} Rxa2 {25} 36. Rxd4 {59} Rxa4 {8 } 37. Kd2 {73} a5 {34} 38. Kc1 {46} Ra1+ {17} 39. Kb2 {55} Rf1 {106} 40. Rf4 {0 } g6 {0} 41. Kb3 {183} Ra1 {57} 42. Re4 {23} h5 {325} 43. Re2 {40} Rh1 {242} 44. Ka4 {67} Rxh2 {351} 45. Kxa5 {5} Rh4 {6} 46. Kb5 {19} Rf4 {84} 47. Rd2 {94} h4 {161} 48. f3 {143} h3 {357} 49. d4 {7} Rh4 {82} 50. Rh2 {17} g5 {189} 51. d5 {92} Ke7 {51} 52. Kc6 {36} f5 {124} 53. Rh1 {219} Kd8 {67} 54. d6 {134} h2 {89} 55. Kd5 {257} g4 {84} 56. fxg4 {20} fxg4 {26} 57. Ke4 {2} g3+ {22} 58. Kf3 {4} Rg4 {13} 59. Kg2 {26} Kd7 {14} 60. Rd1 {6} Rg6 {45} 61. Ra1 {24} Rxd6 {36} 62. Kxg3 {17} Rd2 {4} 63. Kf3 {55} Rxc2 {10} 64. Ke3 {2} b3 {10} 65. Kd3 {4} b2 {33 } 66. Rd1 {9} Rc1 {7} 67. Kd4 0-1

German star Vincent Keymer has been struggling in the tournament,
unable to produce his best game. It is always a very different experience
playing these youth tournaments as opposed to adults.

Last year FM Nodirbek Abdusattarov had arrived at the Boys Under-10 as the top seed, but
a loss in round three had left him playing catchup all the rest of the tournament. In the end,
he had only been able to get silver. This year he isn't letting that title out of his sights, in spite
of a much harder level of opposition, and he is leading the Boys Under-12 with 6.5/7.

Alireza Firouzja (2364) has also been a force to reckon with in the Boys
Under-12, with 6.0/7 and the only player to obtain a draw against the
leader Abdusattarov, the image above.

Wondering who the youngest participant is? Meet 5-year-old Ezizova Hatija playing in the
Girls Under-8. Her sister won the Bronze in the World Youth held in Durban last year.

If John McEnroe played chess...

Kiriil Shevchenko from Ukraine was the early leader in the Boys Under-14 with 5.0/5, but a
loss in round six and a draw in round seven have placed him in the pack chasing the leaders

Egyptian FM Adham Fawzy has also been the star of his group the Boys Under-16 and is the
sole leader with 6.5/7 with a 2774 performance so far

Olga Badelka hails from Belarus and is currently in 3rd in the Girls Under-14
with 5.5/7, just a half point behind the leaders

Team Hungary

The King of the Boys Under-18 is Masoud Mosadeghpour from Iran. He is on a roll that has placed
him a full point ahead of his nearest rival, and 1.5 points ahead of the rest. He stands alone with
an amazing 7.0/7. Move over Fabiano, you have company.
Daniil Yuffa - Masoud Mosadeghpour (Annotated by IM Sagar Shah)

[Event "WYCC Open 18"] [Site "Porto Carras"] [Date "2015.10.31"] [Round "6.1"] [White "Yuffa, Daniil"] [Black "Mosadeghpour, Masoud"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A05"] [WhiteElo "2485"] [BlackElo "2420"] [Annotator "Sagar Shah"] [PlyCount "124"] [EventDate "2015.10.25"] [EventRounds "11"] [EventCountry "GRE"] [WhiteClock "0:06:59"] [BlackClock "0:04:48"] 1. Nf3 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. cxd5 Nxd5 5. Qa4+ Nc6 6. Ne5 Qd6 7. Nxc6 Qxc6 8. Qxc6+ bxc6 9. b3 Nb4 ({In the recent FIDE Women's Grand Prix, this was seen in the game between Zhukova and Muzychuk where the World Champion played a dubious idea but was still able to emerge victorious.} 9... Nxc3 10. Bb2 Ne4 $6 11. Bxh8 f6 {Objectively White should be better.}) 10. Kd1 {White counts on making use of the static features of the position to claim a long term edge.} Be6 11. Bb2 Bg7 12. Kc1 O-O {Somehow it seems that it is very easy to play the Black position. All that you have to do is develop your pieces while White is struggling with his king placement. But this is far from the truth. If White is able to connect his rooks, he will be clearly better thanks to the huge c-pawn weaknesses.} 13. Na4 $1 Bxb2+ 14. Kxb2 {Step one has been achieved. White has a clear advantage now. Only Bf1 needs to be developed.} Rfd8 15. d3 Rd5 $5 {A very nice practical move. The idea is to swing the rook to a5 and the other one of b8 and put a lot of pressure on the opponent's king.} 16. Kc3 $6 ({White had to be very alert and go for central expansion.} 16. e4 $1 Ra5 ( 16... Rd4 17. Nc5 Rad8 18. Be2 Bc8 19. Rac1 $16 {With just a very pleasant position.}) 17. d4 Rb8 18. Nc5 $18 {And Black is busted.}) 16... Rb8 17. d4 Rf5 18. f3 Nxa2+ $1 {Objectively the position might be equal but White's defensive task is not at all easy.} 19. Rxa2 Rxb3+ 20. Kc2 Rb4 {Black has two pawns and mainly the rook on h1 and bishop on f1 are sitting like spectators.} 21. Nc3 $2 (21. Kc3 Rb3+ 22. Kc2 {should have been a draw.}) (21. d5 $5 {A very nice idea forcing the bishop to interfere with the action of the f5 rook.} cxd5 $1 $13 ( 21... Bxd5 $2 22. Ra3)) (21. Ra3 $2 Ra5 $1 $19) 21... Bb3+ {This was not a necessary check.} (21... Bxa2 22. Nxa2 Rxd4 $17 {With three pawns and a rook for two minors, Black is better.}) 22. Kd3 Bxa2 23. Nxa2 Rb2 24. Nc3 Ra5 25. g3 c5 $1 26. Bg2 cxd4 27. Kxd4 Rb4+ 28. Kd3 Rc5 29. f4 e6 {Black had the initiative but now the position has cooled down a bit. White has good co-ordination and hence decent chances of holding the draw.} 30. Ne4 $1 Rb3+ 31. Kd2 Rb2+ 32. Ke3 (32. Kd3 Rb3+ 33. Kd2 $11 {could have been a good idea to make a draw.}) 32... Rcc2 33. Bf3 Kf8 34. Ra1 Ra2 {It is said that the side with two rooks in such endgames always looks forward to exchange of a pair of rooks. Main reason being that the two rooks duplicate their function while for the side with minor pieces, the rook is a completely different function and works well with the other minors.} 35. Rd1 Ke7 36. g4 Ra3+ 37. Kf2 f5 $1 38. gxf5 exf5 39. Nd2 a5 $17 {Both the black rooks are very active and the white pieces have been pushed back. Combined with the a-pawn, this is nearly a winning position for Black.} 40. Nf1 Rcc3 41. Rd4 a4 42. Rb4 Kd6 {Making use of every piece in the battle. On the other hand White's biggest problem is that his knight on f1 has absolutely no good outpost.} 43. h4 Ra1 44. Ne3 a3 45. Rd4+ Kc5 46. Rd5+ Kb6 47. Re5 Rf1+ $1 48. Kxf1 ({The point is that after} 48. Nxf1 a2) 48... Rc1+ 49. Kg2 a2 50. Nd5+ Ka7 51. Nxc7 a1=Q {The rest is easy.} 52. Re8 Rg1+ 53. Kh2 Qe1 54. Ra8+ Kb6 55. Nd5+ Kc5 56. Rc8+ Kd4 57. e3+ Kd3 58. Bg2 Qf2 59. Nb4+ Kxe3 60. Rc3+ Kd4 61. Rg3 Rxg2+ 62. Rxg2 Qxh4+ { A game that had many ups and downs. White had a chance to claim a clear advantage in the opening but then missed it. Mosadeghpur took his chances and had a winning position. But then played indecisively. When Yuffa was close to equalising, he made mistakes and after that the Iranian player cruised to victory. With this Masoud moved to 6.0/6.} 0-1

Kirril Alekseenko, fresh from his win at the Chigorin Memorial, is the only player
who has been able to stay within yelling distance, and is sole second with 6.0/7

Adam C. Taylor came from England and is at 50% after seven rounds

A wide array of keychains, pens, and pins are for sale at the gift shop/stand

There are also jackets, t-shirts, and further wearable memorabilia

Chief Arbiter IA Panagiotis Nikolopoulos: president, king, and emperor all

Coming with her crown

Poise beyond her years

"Biting your knuckles" isn't just an expression

Mobina Alinasab (front) represents Iran in the Girls Under-16, where she has scored 4.5/7

The timeless reflection of chess
All photos by Reint Dykema
About the photographer
Reint Dykema is a passionate chess dad. Both his two sons Dirkho and Joshua compete this year in the World Youth championships.
This is the third World Youth that Dykema has the opportunity to take photos and work closely with ChessBase.
In last year's World Youth championship in Durban, Dykema was the official photographer.
Over weekends he is also a wedding photographer when he is not taking photos in the local tournaments in South Africa.