World Senior Championship 2023 passes midpoint

by ChessBase
11/1/2023 – It is the halftime at the World Senior Chess Championship 2023, and after six rounds the participants were enjoying a day off. After visiting the city of Palermo the players are getting ready to continue battles for the titles in second half of the tournament, starting on November 1. | Photos: Denis Burko

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FIDE press release

After Round 6, in the Open 50+ category GMs Ivan Morovic Fernandez (CHI; pictured below), GM Suat Atalik (SRB), GM Michael Adams (ENG) and GM Artashes Minasian (ARM) are tied for the top position, each scoring 5/6.

Six players, GM Maxim Novik (LTU), GM Darcy Lima (BRA), GM Klaus Bischoff (GER), GM Hannes Stefansson (ISL), the defending champion GM Zurab Sturua (GEO) and IM Uffe Vinter-Schou (DEN), are trailing the leaders by just a half-point.

Standings 50+ after six rounds

Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts.  TB1   TB2 
1 5
GM MOROVIC FERNANDEZ, Ivan CHI 2488 5 0 21,5
2 13
GM ATALIK, Suat SRB 2427 5 0 21
3 1
GM ADAMS, Michael ENG 2670 5 0 20,5
4 9
GM MINASIAN, Artashes ARM 2462 5 0 18
5 16
GM NOVIK, Maxim LTU 2375 4,5 0 21
6 14
GM LIMA, Darcy BRA 2416 4,5 0 20,5
7 7
GM BISCHOFF, Klaus GER 2473 4,5 0 19,5
8 2
GM STEFANSSON, Hannes ISL 2529 4,5 0 18,5
9 4
GM STURUA, Zurab GEO 2514 4,5 0 18,5
10 18
IM VINTER-SCHOU, Uffe DEN 2345 4,5 0 16,5
11 22
IM VLASSOV, Nikolai FID 2283 4 0 20,5
12 23
IM NADANIAN, Ashot ARM 2279 4 0 19
13 3
GM DLUGY, Maxim USA 2520 4 0 18,5
14 10
GM MATAMOROS FRANCO, Carlos S. ECU 2455 4 0 18,5
15 30
FM DIEU, Bruno FRA 2221 4 0 17,5
16 6
GM DEGRAEVE, Jean-Marc FRA 2479 4 0 17
17 35
BOULARD, Eric FRA 2181 4 0 16,5
18 41
KALISKY, Vladimir SVK 2169 4 0 16,5
19 8
GM HOLZKE, Frank GER 2473 4 0 16
20 29
FM PLOTKIN, Victor CAN 2229 4 0 16
21 34
FM MUSSANTI, Diego ARG 2183 4 0 15
22 11
GM GODENA, Michele ITA 2441 4 0 15
23 19
IM PASCHALL, William USA 2329 4 0 15
24 21
FM CABE, Arlan PHI 2303 4 0 14
25 40
IM STETS, Vasyl UKR 2169 4 0 14
26 24
IM MAIER, Christian GER 2278 4 0 12
27 32
IM PRASAD, Devaki V IND 2200 3,5 0 21,5

72 players


In the Open 65+ category, the defending champion GM John Nunn of England (pictured below) is leading the race with 5.5 points after 6 games (the highest score in the event so far).

Following him, there are 5 players, sitting on 5 points: GM Nikolay Legky (FRA), FM Ole Christian Moen (NOR), GM Daniel Campora (ARG), IM Jan Rooze (BEL) and FM Terry Chapman (ENG).

Standings 65+ after six rounds

Rk. SNo Name FED Rtg Pts.  TB1   TB2 
1 1
GM NUNN, John D M ENG 2560 5,5 0 21,5
2 9
GM LEGKY, Nikolay A FRA 2348 5 0 20,5
3 37
FM MOEN, Ole Christian NOR 2157 5 0 20,5
4 10
GM CAMPORA, Daniel H. ARG 2343 5 0 19,5
5 18
IM ROOZE, Jan BEL 2245 5 0 18,5
6 14
FM CHAPMAN, Terry P D ENG 2284 5 0 18
7 15
FM STEBBINGS, Anthony J ENG 2263 4,5 0 20
8 4
GM KNAAK, Rainer GER 2451 4,5 0 19,5
9 28
IM PETRAN, Peter SVK 2192 4,5 0 19
10 6
GM FERNANDEZ GARCIA, Jose Luis ESP 2379 4,5 0 19
11 2
GM VAGANIAN, Rafael A ARM 2493 4,5 0 19
12 81
FM MADEIRA, Wagner Martins BRA 2012 4,5 0 18,5
13 16
IM ROOS, Louis FRA 2257 4,5 0 18
14 23
GM DJURIC, Stefan SRB 2223 4,5 0 16,5
15 24
IM DONCEVIC, Dario CRO 2219 4,5 0 15,5
16 11
IM BIRNBOIM, Nathan ISR 2342 4 0 20,5

152 players


In the Women category, WGM Galina Strutinskaia (FIDE; pictured below) tops the standings after six rounds with 5 points, followed by two players with 4.5 points each: WIM Sopio Tereladze (GEO) and WGM Marina Makropoulou (GRE).

Standings Women 50+ and 65+ after five rounds

Rk. SNo Name Typ FED Rtg Pts.  TB1   TB2 
1 7
WGM STRUTINSKAIA, Galina S65 FID 2114 5 0 18,5
2 5
WIM TERELADZE, Sopio S50 GEO 2215 4,5 0 16,5
3 9
WGM MAKROPOULOU, Marina S50 GRE 2081 4,5 0 16
4 2
IM KLINOVA, Masha S50 ISR 2249 4 0 21,5
5 3
WGM CALZETTA RUIZ, Monica S50 ESP 2239 4 0 19
6 4
WGM MIKHAYLOVA, Irina S50 FID 2216 4 0 18
7 8
WIM KRASENKOWA, Elena S50 POL 2089 4 0 17,5
8 11
WIM KHROPOVA, Larisa S65 FID 2054 4 0 17
9 14
WFM FOLKOVA, Martina S50 CZE 2022 3,5 0 19,5
10 6
WIM BURCHARDT, Brigitte S65 GER 2124 3,5 0 18
11 10
WGM BOGUMIL, Tatiana S65 FID 2080 3,5 0 16
12 17
WFM KIERZEK, Mira S65 GER 1941 3,5 0 15
13 18
WIM LESZNER, Liliana S50 POL 1891 3,5 0 14,5
14 19
NI, Polina S50 LAT 1866 3 0 19,5



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