Fritz and Chesster - Learn to Play Chess
Learn to think strategically, try out tricky mental exercises and master fun and exciting challenges – all with a generous helping of chess knowledge.
In 1958, 193 students took part in the very first "Alsterufer" match. Sixty years later 3,888 children and juniors from 143 schools in Hamburg came to the Barclay Card Arena to celebrate chess.
Each team consists of eight players and each school can nominate as many teams as it likes. The strength of the participants varies wildly. A lot of the players are still very young and absolute beginners but Hamburg's best juniors — players who sometimes are already International Masters or even Grandmasters — also regularly take part in the event.
To level the field, the organizers estimate the playing strength of the various teams before the start of the tournament and try to pair teams of roughly equal strength against each other. The teams with the best result — usually 8-0 — of the winning "Alsterufer" (this year teams from the right bank of the Alster) take part in a lottery, and the winner of this lottery gets to keep the challenge cup for one year.
On the all-time ranking list the "Linke Alsterufer" (the left bank of the Alster) leads by 36-21 but in the year of the 60th jubilee the "Rechte Alsterufer" (the right bank of the Alster) triumphed by a final result of 1,031½ : 912½, thus shortening the gap in the overall result to 26,628½ : 26,985½.
The challenge cup for the winner went to the Goethe-Gymnasium from Lurup, the Käthe-Kollwitz-Gymnasium from Halberstadt won the prize for the best guest team.
The cup is coveted, and every team wants to win it, but the "Alsterufer" Festival is, first of all, a chess spectacle. It is also one of the biggest chess tournaments in the world — and maybe the loudest, most funny and most entertaining too.
The battle can begin
The "Alsterufer" match is more than chess. Zoe Wees opened the event with her song "Unstoppable".
Let's try something more positional!
Thies Rabe, high-ranking politician and secretary of schools in Hamburg (left) made the first moves: 1.c2-c4, the English Opening as the senator proudly told the crowd afterwards. Carsten Höltkemeyer (right) from the main sponsor Barclaycard moderated.
Jump into chess action, move by move, to rescue Chesster from deep within King Black’s castle. Join Fritz and Bianca in a thrilling chess adventure as they enter rooms of the castle, where each challenge will help you sharpen skills and prepare for the ultimate showdown.
Fritz and Chesster - Part 3 Chess for winners
This unforgettable chess adventure is designed to advance young chess player’s skills, move by move. Discover mini-games, brain-twisters and more at every attraction. Pick up chess tips and skills as you ride in bumper cars and the Ferris wheel. Polish up your chess strategy and tactics, opening, middle game and endgame and use what you’ve learned to win. You’ll have lots of fun while you learn more about the serious business of playing – and winning – chess!
The team of the Goethe-Gymnasiums from Lurup with the winner's cup
The band "Til" took care that the chess tournament finished in style
Fritz 16 - He just wants to play!
Fritz 16 is looking forward to playing with you, and you're certain to have a great deal of fun with him too. Tense games and even well-fought victories await you with "Easy play" and "Assisted analysis" modes.
Let's play again — the "Alsterufer" match in Hamburg makes chess come alive