Understanding Minor Piece Endgames

by Davide Nastasio
3/19/2019 – Amateurs hope to learn the secret to magically becoming good at chess. But the secret is already known: learn endgames! The benefits can become obvious, even from a superficial study. One learns how to coordinate different pieces and this can lead to stunning victories. But there's much more — improvements in calculation and visualization come from endgame study which are essential qualities that differentiate the great players from the mediocre ones. Reviewer DAVIDE NASTASIO thinks GM Karsten Mueller's last book on understanding endgames with minor pieces is one everyone should read in order to improve at chess.

Chess Endgames 3 - major piece endgames Chess Endgames 3 - major piece endgames

The third part of the endgame series tackles queen endings, rook against minor pieces, queen against rook and queen against two rooks. Queen endings are not nearly as mysterious as they appear at first sight. Knowing a few rules of thumb and principles will make things very much easier for you.
Over 7 hours video training.


Understanding = Mastery!

A long time ago I was listening a chess podcast. The host was interviewing Alina L'Ami, a great chess player and also a great photographer.

Alina l'AmiAs always, part of the interview was asking Alina how she became good at chess. One of her answers, if I remember well, was that she studied one of the endgame encyclopedia volumes from cover to cover! Honestly I don't remember which volume, it could be the one on rook endgames, but that is not the point I'm trying to make here.

Another quite famous GM, Alex Yermolinsky, often mentions how his chess knowledge reached another level when he undertook an intense study of endgames with a study partner.

Now, I could go on and on to mention all the players who have in one form or another, indicated the study of endgames as their key to improvement in chess. But we could also think of it from another point of view. Once we have passed the stage which by move 25 we have blundered a piece, when most of our games reach move 40 or more... it becomes clear the result of the game will be decided in the endgame! One of the big disadvantages of our modern times is how everything must be done in a rush, so also chess games suffer from shortened time controls. This means when we reach the endgame often we are quite short on time. Consequently, in order to win one must nurture the knowledge of different kind of endgames.

Unfortunately, with learning endgames, we have a big handicap — we don't know which endgames will present themselves in our games. There is also another disadvantage about endgames: we don't know if our analysis are correct. For hundreds of years many endgame books, maybe copying each other, reported some results for some endgames. Recently, endgame tablebases, where all the possible moves within a certain number of pieces and pawns have been calculated have upended the assessments of human wisdom in some instances. This should definitely stir our curiosity. In fact, the ChessBase Endgame Turbo 5 puts the most important of these on a 128 GB USB key! That of course, won't help you in tournament games over the board, which brings us to the topic of today's article, a book created by the endgame wisdom of a lifetime endgame scholar: Karsten Mueller!   

This last masterpiece by Mueller focus on minor piece endings. Obviously he refers to some other people minor pieces, since my knights are ferocious tigers roaming the board creating havoc, devastation, and stoking fear in the enemy army! 

A Russian chess set from 1890, whose knights would clearly take offence to be called minor!

What's in the book

Understanding Minor Piece Endgames is made up of eight chapters. The first two chapters are dedicated to knight endgames. Chapter 1 has 85 examples, and 86 exercises!

I'd like to show a page from the book for chapter 1 as example, and of course let the reader try to solve some exercises by playing against the engine.

Chapter 1 Example 01-02

Previously, I read some comments that wanted the solution to the exercises in my reviews. I generally don't give it, because the truth is, in a tournament game we are not allowed shortcuts to find the solution of any position. I'm also afraid that giving the solution will make you lazy. Think of it as an opportunity to socialise too! Why not print out the article, or pull it up on your phone show the position to more expert players in your local chess club?

As an experiment for readers in more remote locales, I thought I'd use the new feature of ChessBase 15 for creating some nice little movies with the solutions. So if you want real training, play it out against the engine in the diagram, or if you just want to see how it's solved, then clicking on the movie will do the trick.

One note of caution: in the solution I've entered only the main line, but in Mueller's book there are multiple lines. It would have been too complicated to make a video for each possible line of each possible exercise, once again a little effort should be done in order to explore moves which seems possible refutations, and are not. I did check every exercise with the engine, and the authors used the tablebases, so we know these endgames are correct, and we simply need patience and perseverance in order to solve them. But that's part of learning!

Ex. 01-33
Black to move and win

Here the link to the solution:

Exercise 01-34
Can you break White's blockade?

And here's the link to the video-solution:

Exercise 01-36
How to stop White's pawns?

Here the link to the solution of exercise 01-36:


We see the selection of the authors also in the exercises. The above exercise comes from the game Navara vs Velicka 2010, and White won, because Black wasn't able to find the correct moves. I'll provide the entire game to prove the point: at every level, we must include endgame exercises in our training:

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1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nc3 Nf6 4.Nf3 a6 5.e3 b5 6.b3 Bg4 7.h3 Bxf3 8.Qxf3 e6 9.c5 Nbd7 10.g4 h6 11.Qg2 Be7 12.Bd3 e5 13.f4 e4 14.Bc2 Nh7 15.0-0 0-0 16.Nxe4 dxe4 17.Bxe4 Nb8 18.Bd2 a5 19.a3 Nf6 20.Bf3 Nh7 21.Kh1 Ra7 22.Bc3 Bh4 23.e4 Qe7 24.b4 axb4 25.axb4 Rxa1 26.Rxa1 Qc7 27.e5 Rd8 28.Ra8 Nf8 29.Qa2 Ne6 30.f5 Ng5 31.Bg2 Qe7 32.Qa7 Qxa7 33.Rxa7 Bf2 34.Ra2 Bh4 35.Kg1 Kf8 36.Ra7 Ke8 37.Rb7 Bg3 38.Kf1 Rc8 39.Rxb8 Rxb8 40.Bxc6+ Kd8 41.Kg2 Kc7 42.d5 Ne4 43.Bd4 Bh4 44.e6 Bf6 45.Bxf6 Nxf6 46.e7 Nxd5 47.e8Q Rxe8 48.Bxe8 Nxb4 49.Bxb5 Na2 50.Kf3 Nc3 51.f6 gxf6 52.Be8 Nd5 53.Ke4 Ne7 54.h4 f5+ 55.gxf5 f6 56.Ba4 Kb7 57.Bc2 Kc7 58.Kf4 Nd5+ 59.Kg4 Ne3+ 60.Kh5 Nxc2 61.Kxh6 Ne3 62.Kg6 Nd5 63.Kf7 Nf4 64.Kxf6 Kc6 65.Kg5 Nh3+ 66.Kg4 Nf2+ 67.Kh5 Kxc5 68.f6 Kd6 69.Kg6 Nd3 70.Kg7 Nf4 71.Kg8 Ke5 72.f7 Ne6 73.h5 Kf6 74.h6 1–0
  • Start an analysis engine:
  • Try maximizing the board:
  • Use the four cursor keys to replay the game. Make moves to analyse yourself.
  • Press Ctrl-B to rotate the board.
  • Drag the split bars between window panes.
  • Download&Clip PGN/GIF/FEN/QR Codes. Share the game.
  • Games viewed here will automatically be stored in your cloud clipboard (if you are logged in). Use the cloud clipboard also in ChessBase.
  • Create an account to access the games cloud.

For those who prefer to see immediately the solution here the link:


Also in this case White missed the right continuation, but it's only from the book we can learn that Black blundered too! Thanks to ChessBase we can start the engine and see the mistakes (or buy the book and read about it on page 331).

In chapter 2 we find 52 positions used as examples to explain some endgame concepts, and 31 exercises.

Exercise 2-30
How did White break down Black's defenses?

Honestly this one is quite easy, and as pattern nearly replicates some tactics. One must see the idea, more than precise calculations ten moves ahead. As mentioned previously, I include the game this position came from (don't forget in the book multiple lines are analysed), so that one can use the ChessBase diagram's built-in engine to discover what happens if Black plays a different move:

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1.e4 c6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Nf3 g6 4.d4 Bg7 5.e5 Bg4 6.Be2 Bxf3 7.Bxf3 e6 8.Ne2 Nd7 9.0-0 Ne7 10.c3 Qb6 11.Rb1 Nf5 12.g3 0-0 13.Bh1 c5 14.g4 Ne7 15.Be3 cxd4 16.cxd4 Qa6 17.Ra1 Rac8 18.Qd2 Rc7 19.b3 Rfc8 20.Rfc1 Rxc1+ 21.Rxc1 Rxc1+ 22.Nxc1 Qb5 23.Bf3 Nc6 24.Be2 Qb4 25.Qxb4 Nxb4 26.Bb5 Nb8 27.f4 N8c6 28.Bd3 Nxd3 29.Nxd3 b6 30.Kf1 Bf8 31.Ke2 Nb4 32.Nc1 Be7 33.Bd2 Nc6 34.Bc3 Kf8 35.Nd3 f6 36.exf6 Bxf6 37.Ke3 Kf7 38.a4 Be7 39.Ne1 Bb4 40.Bxb4 Nxb4 41.g5 Nc6 42.Nd3 Na5 43.Ne5+ Ke8 44.b4 Nb7 45.Kd3 Nd6 46.b5 Nc8 47.Nc6 Kf7 48.Kc3 Ke8 49.Kb4 Kd7 50.a5 Kd6 51.Ka4 Kd7 52.Nxa7 Nxa7 53.axb6 Nc8 54.b7 Nb6+ 55.Ka5 Nc4+ 56.Ka6 Kc7 57.Ka7 1–0
  • Start an analysis engine:
  • Try maximizing the board:
  • Use the four cursor keys to replay the game. Make moves to analyse yourself.
  • Press Ctrl-B to rotate the board.
  • Drag the split bars between window panes.
  • Download&Clip PGN/GIF/FEN/QR Codes. Share the game.
  • Games viewed here will automatically be stored in your cloud clipboard (if you are logged in). Use the cloud clipboard also in ChessBase.
  • Create an account to access the games cloud.
Snyta,Z2093Snajdr,T19781–02011B15Ostrava Konik op-A5

I find knights quite interesting as pieces. Sometimes they are useless in an endgame, because they cannot stop a passed pawn — they will not arrive in time compared to a bishop which can kill those pawns like arrows from far away. On the other hand, sometimes knights are definitely better than bishops because they can attack and harass pawns on any square. Clearly they are pieces we can learn to use thanks to the many examples and exercises contained in these two beginning chapters. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 are dedicated to the different kind of bishop endgames we find over the board. Chapter 3 is made up of 77 positions that explain some fundamental ideas of these type of endgames. As before the chapter has a wealth of exercises: 61 in all. Here is a small example from chapter 3:

Exercise 3-13
White missed a study-like win! Can you do better?

Here the solution, for those who want to enjoy a nice video made by ChessBase 15:


Watching the game can teach us also the opening that endgame came from. Plus we can learn also from the way White mishandled the position:

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Flip Board
Position not in LiveBook
1.d4 Nf6 2.Bg5 e6 3.e3 d5 4.Nd2 c5 5.c3 Nc6 6.f4 Be7 7.Bd3 h6 8.Bh4 Bd7 9.Ngf3 cxd4 10.exd4 g5 11.fxg5 Nh5 12.Bf2 hxg5 13.g3 Bd6 14.0-0 g4 15.Ne5 Nxe5 16.dxe5 Bxe5 17.Qxg4 Qc7 18.Bd4 0-0-0 19.Bxe5 Qxe5 20.Qd4 f6 21.Nf3 Qd6 22.Qxa7 Nxg3 23.Rf2 Ne4 24.Rg2 Rdg8 25.Qa8+ Qb8 26.Qxb8+ Kxb8 27.Re1 Nc5 28.Bc2 e5 29.Rxg8+ Rxg8+ 30.Kf2 Ne6 31.Bf5 Kc7 32.Bxe6 Bxe6 33.h4 Bf7 34.Rg1 Rxg1 35.Kxg1 Kd6 36.Kf2 f5 37.a4 f4 38.Ng5 Bh5 39.a5 e4 40.b4 Bg4 41.Nf7+ Kc7 42.Ne5 e3+ 43.Ke1 Bh5 44.Nd3 f3 45.Nf4 Bf7 46.h5 d4 47.cxd4 Bc4 48.Nh3 Be6 49.Nf2 Kc6 50.h6 Bg8 51.Nd1 f2+ 52.Nxf2 exf2+ 53.Kxf2 Kd5 54.b5 Ke6 55.a6 bxa6 56.bxa6 Kf6 57.Ke3 Bd5 58.Kf4 Ba8 59.a7 Kg6 60.Ke5 Kxh6 61.Kf6 Kh7 62.Kf7 Kh8 63.Ke6 Kg7 64.Kd6 Kf7 65.Kc7 Ke6 66.Kb8 Bd5 67.a8Q Bxa8 68.Kxa8 Kd5 69.Kb7 Kxd4 ½–½
  • Start an analysis engine:
  • Try maximizing the board:
  • Use the four cursor keys to replay the game. Make moves to analyse yourself.
  • Press Ctrl-B to rotate the board.
  • Drag the split bars between window panes.
  • Download&Clip PGN/GIF/FEN/QR Codes. Share the game.
  • Games viewed here will automatically be stored in your cloud clipboard (if you are logged in). Use the cloud clipboard also in ChessBase.
  • Create an account to access the games cloud.
Stefanopoulos,O2279Fernandez,D2401½–½2008D00Athens Acropolis op2

Another amazing exercise is the following. Black missed the correct move, and lost the game.

Exercise 3-4
How to stop White's pawns?

This game is a reminder to everyone how a mistake in the endgame can cause hours of fight to be wasted.

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Replay and check the LiveBook here
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 a6 5.Nc3 Qc7 6.Bd3 Nf6 7.0-0 Nc6 8.Be3 Ne5 9.h3 Bc5 10.Kh1 d6 11.f4 Nxd3 12.cxd3 0-0 13.Rc1 Qe7 14.e5 Nd5 15.Nxd5 exd5 16.Qf3 Rd8 17.Qg3 Kh8 18.a3 Bd7 19.b4 Bxd4 20.Bxd4 dxe5 21.Rce1 Qf8 22.Rxe5 f6 23.Bc5 Qg8 24.Re7 Bc6 25.Bd4 Re8 26.Rfe1 Qf8 27.Bc5 Qg8 28.f5 Rxe7 29.Rxe7 Re8 30.Rc7 Rc8 31.Qxg7+ Qxg7 32.Rxc8+ Qg8 33.Rxg8+ Kxg8 34.d4 h5 35.g4 hxg4 36.hxg4 Kf7 37.Kg2 Ke8 38.Kg3 Kd8 39.Kh4 Be8 40.Bd6 Kd7 41.Bg3 b6 42.Bb8 a5 43.b5 a4 44.Bg3 Ke7 45.Bc7 Bxb5 46.Bxb6 Kf7 47.Bd8 Bd3 48.Kg3 Bf1 49.Kf4 Bh3 50.Bxf6 Kxf6 51.g5+ Kf7 52.Ke5 Bg2 53.Kd6 Be4 54.Ke5 Bc2 55.g6+ Ke7 56.f6+ Ke8 57.g7 Bh7 58.Kxd5 Bg8+ 59.Kc6 Kd8 60.Kb5 Bb3 61.f7 Bxf7 62.Kxa4 Ke7 63.Kb5 Kf6 64.Kc5 Kxg7 65.a4 Bh5 66.Kd6 Kf8 67.a5 Be2 68.d5 Bc4 69.Kc5 Be2 70.Kc6 Ke7 71.Kc7 1–0
  • Start an analysis engine:
  • Try maximizing the board:
  • Use the four cursor keys to replay the game. Make moves to analyse yourself.
  • Press Ctrl-B to rotate the board.
  • Drag the split bars between window panes.
  • Download&Clip PGN/GIF/FEN/QR Codes. Share the game.
  • Games viewed here will automatically be stored in your cloud clipboard (if you are logged in). Use the cloud clipboard also in ChessBase.
  • Create an account to access the games cloud.
Ye,J2671Wang,R25261–02001B48Hebei zt 3.37

And here the solution of the exercise, once more in video form:


Chapter 4 contains 46 examples and 31 exercises. Chapter 5 has 32 examples, and 23 exercises. Chapter 6 is about the big fight between bishops and knights! This chapter is huge!! There are 194 positions used as examples to learn all the possible ideas in the battle between these minors, plus 117 exercises! Probably just studying this chapter in depth could take months.

Chapter 7 is dedicated to computer endgames. This chapter is quite interesting because it illustrates the problem of the horizon effect. An engine is not like humans, it gives a precise numeric evaluation based on the depth reached in the calculation. Such depth is based on different factors, one obviously the program, but the hardware and the memory of the machine can be quite a limiting factor. So if one engine reaches 20 moves depth, and the line is evaluated positively, it could happen that 5 moves later such evaluation is proven wrong, and the engine will never know it. The chapter shows how the strongest engines on the planet still commit mistakes.

Chapter 8 on endgame studies shows the mistakes found in various endgames.

Pros and Cons

The diagrams in the book don't have coordinates, which, for some players, could be uncomfortable. It also implies all the diagrams are from White side, even when Black is the one to move — possibly confusing, when placing the pieces over a board, in case one doesn't have space to turn it around. Personally, I'd like to have diagrams oriented from Black side when is Black to move, because sometimes I like to try to solve directly a position from the book, without the board.

The book is definitely packed with a lot of information and tons of positions! It made me feel like I do when travelling on airplanes these dats...too tight. I also wish the diagrams were bigger. The amount of variations in an endgame is staggering, I bought a small magnetic set to keep track of the initial position, and watched each variation on the big board, while using the magnetic set as reference for the beginning position. Maybe publishers should begin to give access to the PGN of a book, so one can watch some of these endgames, with big lines, with ChessBase 15 while reading.

Honestly I find easier and less confusing to follow lot of variations within a game or endgame position in ChessBase.

Let me tell you somthing else I like about this book: The exercises at the end of each chapter. The book has endless exercises, making it really valuable to those players who are serious about reaching master level strength. Yes, 'talent' is just a word and won't clearly help us on our chess quest. Instead, calculation and the understanding gained from the exercises in this book are the way! So the choice is simple, if one doesn't want just to sit down and complain, achieving nothing, then he should choose this book and give it a chance through trying the exercises.

Many of us don't have money for a coach, but GM Mueller is the best endgame coach one can afford. He made a precise selection of exercises, knowing what one needs to practice and learn, in order to improve. Some exercises are difficult, and this is the reason why I use the '10-minute rule'. I try to solve the exercises, visualizing lines, or trying to grasp the main idea behind them for just 10 minutes. Then I write down the lines I've looked at along with the evaluation. If I don't find it at all, then I just go to see the solution, and learn what I missed. If instead I found some valuable lines, then I spend the next 10 minutes actually moving the pieces over the board, and see if I forgot some moves which could refute my ideas. Only then do I move on to the actual solution from the book. I'm not trying to get the exercises right, because the point here is:

  1. Work over our calculation and visualization
  2. Gain ideas I can use in my own tournament games

Why it is better to put a time limit? Because the goal should be to finish the book, or accomplish as goal a number of exercises (let's say 100), and then within 6-12 months try to go over them again, and see what we can remember.

This could be even more true for those who are not strong enough to visualize the solutions, and just play them over the board. Then after 6-12 months, go back and this time try to solve the exercises. This is a book one must use — definitely not one to leave on the bookshelf!

I think the authors did great research, quoting for every position the game it came from. Thanks to ChessBase Mega Database 2019 one can find each game, create an endgame database, comment the mistakes, and periodically review the games to gain familiarity with these positions which can also arise in one's own games.

Final thoughts

If your goal for this year is to improve in chess, surely to get this book, and just dedicate one month or two to parse through different endgames, and discover new ideas which will be rewarding. If your goal is just to enjoy chess, then endgames can be quite inspiring. There may be few pieces but there's a wealth of incredible ideas and manoeuvres to discover move after move. I think the book is well done, and a source of study for a lifetime. Maybe as goal one could decide to study 100 examples in total and do 100 exercises divided between the various chapters.


Davide is a chess aficionado who regularly reviews books and DVDs.


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