U.S. Champ Final: Who else?!

by Alejandro Ramirez
4/13/2015 – A cheeky title, playing on last year's report. The favorites of the tournament in both sections won the tournament in the last round, and with few difficulties. Krush obtained an easy draw against Nemcova. She could have even pushed a slightly better endgame, but the draw guaranteed her first place. In the Open, Onischuk blundered, and Nakamura wrapped up the tournament.

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The 2015 U.S. Championship is an elite national championship event, featuring 12 of the strongest chess players in America. Over the course of eleven rounds, these competitors will battle for $175,000 in prize money, qualification into the World Championship cycle, and the coveted title of 2015 U.S. Champion.

U.S. Chess Championship - Final Round

Table White Score Rating Black Score Rating Result
1 GM So, Wesley 5.5 2788 GM Troff, Kayden W 5.0 2532 1-0
2 GM Naroditsky, Daniel 2.5 2633 GM Kamsky, Gata 5.0 2683 ½-½
3 GM Shankland, Samuel L 4.5 2661 GM Akobian, Varuzhan 5.0 2622 ½-½
4 GM Sevian, Samuel 4.5 2531 GM Holt, Conrad 4.5 2530 1-0
5 GM Nakamura, Hikaru 7.0 2798 GM Onischuk, Alexander 6.0 2665 1-0
6 GM Gareev, Timur 4.0 2604 GM Robson, Ray 6.5 2656 0-1


Tony Rich, chief arbiter, with one of the main sponsors, Jeanne Sinquefield

So, Wesley 1-0 Troff, Kayden
What a beautiful rebound by Wesley So. After forfeiting his game he won his last two rounds, once against Kamsky and finally against Troff. Black's preparation was a little sketchy, as he found himself down a pawn in a Grunfeld, which seems normal nowadays, but his compensation was nowhere to be found. So easily took a full point and cilnched third place in the tournament.

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1.d4 Nf6 2.Nc3 d5 3.Bg5 Timur likes to put his bishop here early in the game. c5!? An ambitious move, opting to play a reverse chigorin. Ray knew he'd have to win to catch Nakamura, and fighting chess certainly isn't outside of his comfort zone. 4.Bxf6 gxf6 5.e4 White tries to open things up. dxe4 6.dxc5 Qa5 7.Bb5+?! This check seems to help Black develop. Qd5 and Qh5 look like better moves. Bd7 8.a4 8.Bxd7+ Nxd7 might be best, but this was clearly not the idea of Bb5+. 8...a6?! 8...e6 looks direct and strong. 9.Ra3? Timur's crazyness can sometimes throw off his opponents, but this time he does it to himself. This move looks like complete nonsense. Nc6 10.Nge2 e6 Black threatens Bxc5, which incidentally hits a rook now. 11.b4? Another insane move, which gives away more material. 11.Nd4 looks like the best try, but after 0-0-0 12.0-0 f5 Black's position is still to be preferred. 11...Qxb4 12.Rb3 Qa5 c5 is still going to fall, and White has no compensation whatsoever. 13.0-0 Cause why not? axb5 I'm not sure I'd even bother taking this. 13...f5 followed by taking on c5 looks easy and allows no chances for a slip up. 14.Nxe4 Be7 15.axb5 Ne5 16.N2c3 Rc8? This gives White a chance to get back in it. 16...Qc7 17.Nd6+ Kf8 and White's compensation will evaporate quickly. 17.Qd4?! 17.Nd6+ Bxd6 18.Qxd6 Qc7 19.Ne4 looks best, and after Qxd6 20.Nxd6+ Ke7 21.Nxb7 White has some counterplay, though Black is still much better. 17...Qc7 18.c6?! 18.f4 Ng6 19.c6 is more accurate, since now Nxf6 can be throw in at any time. 18...bxc6 19.b6 c5! Ray finds a key move, and should be easily won again. 20.Nxf6+ Bxf6 21.Qf4 Qd8 22.Ne4 Ng6?! 22...Bg7 was best according to the computer, laughing at White's Nd6+. 23.Qf3? This move is almost comical. 23.Nxf6+ Ke7 24.Qg5 is necessary, and after h6 25.Nd5+ Kf8 26.Qxd8+ Rxd8 Black is still much better, but the game can continue. 23...Be5 Now the game is over. 24.Rd1 Qe7 25.b7 Rb8 26.Rb6 0-0 27.g3 f5 28.Ng5 Bc7 29.Rxd7 Qxd7 30.Rxe6 Bd8 31.Qb3 Kh8 32.Qc3+ Qd4 33.Nf7+ I really looked forward to this matchup, but it was a bit of a letdown since Timur was basically lost right out of the opening. Congrats to Ray on a very nice tournament. 0–1
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Gareev,T2604Robson,R26560–12015D01U.S. Championship 201511

Naroditsky, Daniel ½-½ Kamsky, Gata
Naroditky's position was certainly slightly better against Kamsky.

Kamsky finished tied for fifth, a far cry from defending his U.S. Championship

Shankland, Samuel ½-½ Akobian, Varuzhan
Shankland's deep opening preparation gave him a better position from the opening. The ensuing rook endgame was certainly better for white, but somehow Akobian had no problems holding the endgame. It feels like Shankland could have tortured Akobian for a longer time, but that was not the case and Akobian escaped with a relatively easy draw.

Sevian, Sam 1-0 Holt, Conrad
What a game! Sevian missed an absolutely fantastic way of winning in Holt's pet French line. After missing 27. Nf5!! Black got the initiative since White's attack didn't crash through fast enough. Black's passed b-pawn was a serious advantage which gave him a winning endgame. However, the win was not trivial as Black's king was quite exposed. In a strange turn of events, Holt flagged in what was probably a winning position.

Nakamura, Hikaru 1-0 Onischuk, Alexander

Who else?! 2015 U.S. Champion Hikaru Nakamura showed by far the most solid chess

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1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Bc4 Safe to say that the Scotch Gambit was not what Onischuk expected in this game. Nf6 5.e5 d5 6.Bb5 Ne4 7.Nxd4 Bc5!? An interesting line that attemps to make the game more double-edged. 7...Bd7 is the main line. 8.Be3 Best. 8.0-0 0-0! and Bd7 is unnecessary, since the c6 pawn can't safely be grabbed. 9.Nxc6 bxc6 10.Bxc6 Ba6! with an initiative. 8...0-0 A risky choice by Onischuk, who clearly was trying to mix up the game. 8...Bd7 transposes into normal lines. 9.Nxc6 bxc6 10.Bxc5 Nxc5 11.Bxc6 Rb8 The saner choice. 11...Ba6 is a move I used to play myself, but unfortunately after 12.Nc3! Black's ideas just don't lead anywhere. 12.0-0 This leads to a very drawish endgame. 12.Qxd5 Qe7 13.0-0 is more ambitious for White, but after Rxb2 14.Nc3 Rxc2 the game isn't far from equality. 12...Rxb2 13.Qxd5 Qxd5 14.Bxd5 Rxc2 15.Na3 This ending is quite equal. Both the e and c pawns are weak. Re2 16.Rac1 Nd3 16...Ne6 is a simpler way to draw, but Onischuk's move is fine as well. 17.Rxc7 Be6 18.Bb3! Naka keeps the tension, forcing Alex to find acccurate moves. a5 19.Ra7 Bxb3 20.axb3 Rxe5?! Still drawn, but this makes it more complicated. 20...g6 Nd3 was an active move, and it should be followed up actively. 21.Rxa5 Rb8 22.Rb5 Rxb5 23.Nxb5 Rxe5 and the b-pawn will be collected in short order. 21.Nc4 Rb5 22.Rb1 It is still well within the draw zone, but black has to play with precision. Nc5 22...a4 23.Rxa4 Nc5 24.Ra3 Rfb8 25.Nd2 g6 and White's chances of winning are pretty slim due to his passive pieces. 23.Nxa5 Re8? Onischuk really starts to slip. The rook just doesn't do enough here. 23...g6 followed by Rfb8 is still very drawish. 24.g3 g6 25.b4 White's extra pawn isn't so shabby anymore. Nd3 26.Nc6 Re2 27.Rd7 Nxf2? This loses immediately. 27...Rb6 was forced, and after 28.Ne7+ Kg7 29.Nf5+ gxf5 30.Rxd3 White has excellent winning chances, but at least Black can fight on. 28.Nd4 Nh3+ 29.Kh1 Nf2+ 30.Kg2 Nd1+ 31.Nxe2 An abrupt end to the tournament. Onischuk got an easily drawn position, which is perhaps not what he was searching for, but all it takes is a couple inaccuracies to make life difficult. Congrats to Hikaru, who while not playing up to his standards, played well enough to win the event. 1–0
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Nakamura,H2798Onischuk,A26651–02015C55U.S. Championship 201511

Gareev, Timur 0-1 Robson, Ray
An almost impossible game to understand. Gareev's Veresov left him in an almost lost position by move 13, and after that Robson simply cleaned up.

An amazing result: Robson with a wonderful second place finish

Final Standings

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1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.d4 exd4 4.Bc4 Nf6 5.e5 d5 6.Bb5 Ne4 7.Nxd4 Bc5 8.Be3 0-0 9.Nxc6 bxc6 10.Bxc5 Nxc5 11.Bxc6 Rb8 12.0-0 Rxb2 13.Qxd5 Qxd5 14.Bxd5 Rxc2 15.Na3 Re2 16.Rac1 Nd3 17.Rxc7 Be6 18.Bb3 a5 19.Ra7 Bxb3 20.axb3 Rxe5 21.Nc4 Rb5 22.Rb1 Nc5 23.Nxa5 Re8 24.g3 g6 25.b4 Nd3 26.Nc6 Re2 27.Rd7 Nxf2 28.Nd4 Nh3+ 29.Kh1 Nf2+ 30.Kg2 Nd1+ 31.Nxe2 1–0
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Nakamura,H2798Onischuk,A26651–02015C44ch-USA 201511.1
Gareev,T2604Robson,R26560–12015D01ch-USA 201511.2
So,W2788Troff,K25321–02015A15ch-USA 201511.3
Shankland,S2661Akobian,V2622½–½2015D37ch-USA 201511.4
Naroditsky,D2633Kamsky,G2683½–½2015B41ch-USA 201511.5
Sevian,S2531Holt,C25301–02015C19ch-USA 201511.6

U.S. Women's Championship - Final Round

Table White Score Rating Black Score Rating Result
1 WIM Ni, Viktorija 6.0 2188 WCM Virkud, Apurva 3.5 2132 1-0
2 IM Paikidze, Nazi 7.0 2333 WGM Foisor, Sabina-Francesca 5.0 2235 ½-½
3 GM Krush, Irina 8.0 2477 WGM Nemcova, Katerina 7.0 2279 ½-½
4 IM Goletiani, Rusudan 5.5 2311 WFM Yu, Jennifer R 2.0 2180 ½-½
5 WGM Sharevich, Anna 5.5 2267 WGM Abrahamyan, Tatev 5.5 2322 1-0
6 WIM Wang, Annie 2.5 1901 FM Melekhina, Alisa 2.5 2235 1-0

Ni, Viktorija 1-0 Virkud, Apurva
Ni favored a slow Reti position in which she attacked on the kingside, very reminiscent of a King's Indian Defense. Virkud never found counterplay on the queenside, even though she should have blasted open that side as soon as possible. Black's defense was in the long run impossible, and Ni crashed through the kingside with typical sacrifices and won without problems. An excellent finish for an already excellent tournament for Ni, who clinched third.

WCM Apurva Virkud: the wildcards did not have a strong event – they finished in the last spots

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1.Nf3 d5 2.c4 e6 3.b3 Nf6 4.g3 Be7 5.Bg2 0-0 6.0-0 c5 7.Bb2 Nc6 8.e3 b6 9.Qe2 Bb7 10.Rd1 dxc4 11.bxc4 Qc8?! Not the right square for the queen. 11...Qc7 Is the main move, allowing the rook on a8 to get out. 12.d3 Not a bad move, but I'd try to punish Black a bit more. 12.Nc3 Rd8 13.Rac1 followed by d4 would give White a highly favorable hanging pawns structure. 12...Rd8 13.Nbd2 I'm not sure what the knight is doing here. 13.Nc3 13...Qc7 Apurva fixes her queen. Strong players are always willing to admit their mistakes. 14.e4?! This is entirely the wrong idea, in my opinion. 14.Ne1 followed by f4 is a very reti-esque idea. 14...e5 The problem is that Nd4 comes before Nd5. 15.Nf1 Nd4 16.Nxd4?! 16.Qe1 is actually a better choice, in my opinion. The idea is that on Nc2 17.Bxe5 Qd7 18.Qe2 Nxa1 19.Bxa1 and White has excellent compensation. 16...cxd4 Black has an excellent reversed King's Indian now. White's attack hasn't started yet, and the queenside is already opened up. 17.Bc1 Nd7 18.f4 Bd6?! There is no reason to allow White to break up your pawns. 18...f6 is better.. 19.f5?! 19.fxe5 Nxe5 20.Bf4 gives White reasonable counterplay, although I'd still prefer Black. 19...f6 20.g4 Nc5 21.Ng3 Be7 22.h4 Bc6 23.g5 These moves all make sense. I still like Black, but she has to be careful here. Be8?! 23...Ba4 was a clever move, forcing the rook to move away from defending d3. 24.Rf1 b5 and White's pawns are getting broken up. 24.Nh5 Bxh5 Giving up the bishop isn't ideal, but otherwise White was going to crash through. 25.Qxh5 Bf8 Black wants to guard against g6 and sacs on h6. 26.Bf1 Kh8 27.Rd2 Rd7 28.Rg2 White is building and Black's queenside counterplay hasn't gone anywhere. I'd take White now, and by quite a wide margin. Qd8 29.Bd2 Qe8 30.Qg4 The ending even looks good for White, but there is no reason to trade queens. Qd8 31.Be2 Rb8 31...b5 I might even sac a pawn to open up lines, but this is clearly desperation. 32.Kh2 Rbb7 33.Rag1 Qe7 34.Qg3 After building up her position well, Vika gets too cautious. 34.h5 wins pretty straightforwardly, as h6 is a huge threat as well as simply taking on f6. fxg5 35.Bxg5 Qd6 36.h6 and Black won't survive long. 34...Rdc7 34...Qd6 is a better defense, saving a tempo in the h5 lines. 35.gxf6 Qxf6 36.Bg5 Qd6 37.f6 Rf7 and at least Black can fight. 35.Bh5? This I just don't understand. 35.h5 wins. 35...Qd6 35...b5 I'd try to get in this move while I had the chance, just so White has to think about it 36.Qf3 She wants Bg6-Qh5. Kg8 36...fxg5 37.hxg5 g6 is the better defensive try. 37.Be8 Too intricate. 37.gxf6 Qxf6 38.Bg5 and f6 is winning. 37...Rc8 38.Bh5 Rcc7 39.Rg3 Qc6 39...b5 just to do something. 40.Bg6 Vika finally completes her idea. 40.gxf6 Qxf6 41.Bg5 still wins. 40...hxg6 41.fxg6 Nxe4? This just loses. 41...Qe6 42.Qh5 Be7 43.Qh7+ Kf8 44.Rf1 and White will crash through pretty easily. 42.Qh5 Bd6 43.dxe4 Qxc4 44.Qh7+ Kf8 45.gxf6 Qxa2 46.R1g2 Qg8 47.f7 Vika completes a superb second half of the event with this powerful attacking game. 1–0
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Ni,V2188Virkud,A21321–02015A06U.S. Womens Championship 201511

Paikidze, Nazi ½-½ Foisor, Sabina
In a must-win-game, considering that in best case scenario Nemcova would win Krush and with a win Paikidze would tie with the winners, the new addition to the championsihp decidided to play an exchange Slav with no winning chances at all. Foisor had no problems holding a draw.

Krush, Irina ½-½ Nemcova, Katerina
White just needed a draw to win the tournament, and she did exactly that. Krush traded all the pieces, got a slightly better endgame and she forced a draw in a minimally slightly better position, clinching her seventh U.S. Women's Chess Championship.

Irina Krush, seven times U.S. Women's Champion

Goletiani, Rusudan ½-½ Yu, Jennifer
Goletiani can consider herself lucky for surviving a bad opening decision, after which Black had a strong attack in every sector of the board. Somehow, Yu blundered, and she can consider herself lucky to have survived the combined action of White's major pieces and her powerful bishop on b2. The draw seemed to be a fair result in the resulting endgame.

Sharevich, Anna 1-0 Abrahamyan, Tatev

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1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.g3 c5 4.d5 exd5 5.cxd5 d6 6.Nc3 g6 7.Nf3 Bg7 8.Bg2 0-0 9.0-0 a6 Tatev varies from the Sharevich-Krush game from earlier in the tournament. 9...Re8 10.Bf4 Ne4 11.Nxe4 Rxe4 12.Nd2 Rxf4 was Sharevich-Krush. 10.a4 Re8 11.Nd2 Anna stops Ne4 for good. Nbd7 12.h3 Nh5 12...Rb8 is the main line. 13.Nc4 Ne5 14.Na3 Nh5 with a complex game. 13.Nc4 13.Nce4 is an option for White that isn't allowed in the 12. .. Rb8 line. 13...Ne5 14.Na3?! I actually don't like playing this way now, since Black can find more useful moves than Rb8. 14.Nxe5 is nothing for White, but at least the game is relatively even. 14...Bd7 14...f5 is also a good option for Black. 15.Bd2 I'm not sure I like the bishop here, but it is difficult to suggest good moves for White. b5?! A typical pawn sac for this line, but there was no reason to rush it. 15...f5 once again looks best, asking White what the plan is. I already prefer Black. 16.axb5 axb5 17.Ncxb5 Bxb5 17...Qb6 18.Nc3 Qxb2 19.Ra2 Qb6 is about equal. 18.Nxb5 Qb6 19.Nc3 Nc4 Black has great compensation here, but White keeps the pawn for a little while. 20.Rb1 Rab8 21.g4 Nxd2! Accurate. 21...Nf6 22.Bf4 gives White too much play. 22.Qxd2 Nf6 23.b3?! This creates some awkwardness. 23.Rfc1 looks more solid. 23...Qb4 24.Qc2 Rb6?! Tatev misses a chance to cause problems. 24...Nxg4 25.Ne4 25.Na2? Qb5 26.hxg4 Rxe2 and the a2 knight falls. 25...Nf6 26.Nxd6 Red8 27.Ne4 Nxd5 and I'd take Black due to her better king position, although it is still pretty close to equal. 25.Rfc1 Reb8 26.e3 Qa3 27.Bf1 Rxb3? One of many last round blunders. Tatev misses Anna's reply. 27...Qa7 and it is still pretty even. 28.Nb5! White snags an exchange, for which there isn't much compensation. R3xb5 29.Rxb5 Rxb5 30.Bxb5 Nxd5 Black has a pawn for the exchange, but White's pawn structure is more solid and Sharevich can go after the Black king. 31.Rb1 Nc3?! Tempting, but Black's activity is artificial. 31...Nb4 keeps White's pieces out, and after 32.Qa4 32.Qd2 d5 isn't so clear. 32...Qxa4 33.Bxa4 d5 offers Black some drawing chances. 32.Rb3 Qa1+ 33.Bf1 d5 34.Rb8+ Bf8 35.Kg2?! 35.Qd2 immobilizing Black's pieces is immediately strong. 35...Qe1?! 35...Kg7 offers better chances. 36.Rd8! stopping Black's from moving anything. The rest is easy. Kg7 37.Rd7?! 37.Qb2 is a bit more accurate. 37...c4?! 37...Qa1 with the idea of Qa8! keeps Black in it for a few moves. 38.Qb2 Now it is really over. Kg8 39.Qb8 Ne4 40.Qf4 Nd6 41.Rxd6 Bxd6 42.Qxd6 c3 43.Qxd5 White calculates accurately. c2 44.Bc4 White's mate trumps Black's queen. Anna finishes her tournament on a high note, while Tatev will likely want to forget this year's event as soon as possible. 1–0
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Sharevich,A2267Abrahamyan,T23221–02015A64U.S. Womens Championship 201511

Wang, Annie 1-0 Melekhina, Alisa
In a complicated Benko gambit, Melekhina blundered a piece and that was the end of the game.

A rough event for Alisa, who will be flying to China in the next few days
to represent the U.S.A in the World Women's Team Championship.



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1.c4 e5 2.Nc3 Nf6 3.g3 d5 4.cxd5 Nxd5 5.Bg2 Nb6 6.Nf3 Nc6 7.0-0 Be7 8.a3 0-0 9.d3 Be6 10.Be3 Nd5 11.Nxd5 Bxd5 12.Rc1 Bd6 13.Qa4 a6 14.Ng5 Bxg2 15.Kxg2 Nd4 16.Bxd4 Qxg5 17.Bc5 Qe7 18.Qb4 Rac8 19.Bxd6 cxd6 20.Rc3 Rxc3 21.Qxc3 f5 22.Qc4+ Qf7 23.Rc1 Qxc4 24.Rxc4 Rf7 25.Rc8+ Rf8 26.Rc7 Rf7 27.Rc8+ Rf8 28.Rc7 Rf7 ½–½
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Krush,I2477Nemcova,K2279½–½2015A22ch-USA w 201511
Paikidze,N2333Foisor,S2276½–½2015D14ch-USA w 201511
Ni,V2188Virkud,A21321–02015A13ch-USA w 201511
Sharevich,A2267Abrahamyan,T23221–02015A64ch-USA w 201511
Goletiani,R2311Yu,J2180½–½2015A11ch-USA w 201511
Wang,A1901Melekhina,A22351–02015A59ch-USA w 201511

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Commentary provided for the Chess Club and Scholastic Center of Saint Louis by Josh Friedel:

Joshua Friedel

Josh was born in 1986 in New Hampshire, USA and is currently living in Wisconsin. He obtained his international master title in 2005 and his grandmaster in 2008. He has participated in six US Championships, including a tie for fourth in 2008. Major Open tournament victories include: the 2003 Eastern Open, 2005 Berkeley Masters, 2008 National Open, 2009 Edmonton International, 2009 North American Open, 2010 Saint Louis Open, 2010 American Open, 2013 Chicago Open.

Josh will be annotating the games for the Saint Louis Chess Club.

Photos by Lennart Ootes


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Grandmaster Alejandro Ramirez has been playing tournament chess since 1998. His accomplishments include qualifying for the 2004 and 2013 World Cups as well as playing for Costa Rica in the 2002, 2004 and 2008 Olympiads. He currently has a rating of 2583 and is author of a number of popular and critically acclaimed ChessBase-DVDs.


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