Tune your tactics - episode 2: knight pins

by Pascal Lautenschläger
7/7/2017 – A solid tactical understanding is sure to help any chess player in critical situations. Whether it is a simple exchange or a mating attack, tactics are ubiquitous. Take advantage of the opportunity to develop your tactical understanding in this series with IM Oliver Reeh and Pascal Simon! Friday at 3.30 pm CEST it's all about knight pins!

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Tune your tactics


The show Tune your tactics will broaden your tactical knowledge. We present puzzles from easy to difficult. Today it'a all about the knight pins:

Or you can watch the first episode about knight forks:

Or as a direct link

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Multimedia specialist: Videos, photos and e-commerce amongst others are the fields Pascal works for.


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gaus gaus 7/10/2017 08:56
Interessante Serie, ich, Kreisklassenspieler ca. 1400 Punkte habe das Problem, dass es viele Handlungsfelder gibt: Eröffnung, Endspiel, wie bringe ich einen Vorteil zum Erfolg etc. , kaufe unregelmäßig DVDs und schaue gerne TV Chessbase, aber mir fehlt das strukturierte Arbeiten um mich um z.B. 200 Punkte zu verbessern. Hier würde ich mir mehr Hilfen erwarten. Ihre Sendung ist ein Anfang
Könnte man nicht mal eine DVD machen mit dem Titel: Steigern Sie ihre Wertungszahl von 1300-1500 auf 1600-1800?? LG
KrushonIrina KrushonIrina 7/9/2017 04:45
Very nice progression. Last example was pretty.
Emmanuel1977 Emmanuel1977 7/8/2017 09:58
So many thanks for this lesson, and long live to this serie !
ChaseBase is wonderfull for intermediate et advanced players, but infortunatly there a lack of courses like this one for beginners.
For instance, I don't always find tools fiting my needs to improve my stratagegy (or even my tacticts). And, more important to me: I don't find anything to learn chess to my young son of 7. Enverybody has not had the chance to go into a chess class when during chikhood...
So, this is parfert; why not creating a section "chess class for beginners", or something like that ?