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World class players explain the ideas behind their moves. Opening specialists present current trends and exciting ideas for your repertoire. Master trainers in terms of tactics, strategy and endgame show you exactly the tricks and techniques that you need to be a successful tournament player!
Our starting position arises after 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.0-0 Nf6 5.d3 d6 6.c3 a6 7.a4 Ba7 8.Nbd2 0-0 9.h3 h6 10.Re1 Re8!?.
The entry point of my article. This position can be reached via many move orders, as is usual in the Italian. Both players have made the most natural moves. Playing 10...Re8!?, Black wants to trade White's light-squared bishop with ...Be6, but does not wish to have the structure with ...fxe6. Their main idea after ...Be6 is to prepare for the d6-d5 push. After Bxe6 Rxe6, the rook on e6 is placed well: it can be transferred to g6 at some point or, after d6-d5/dxe4, also to d6.
10...Re8!? is one of the most reliable ways for Black to go. I recommend it because handling this position is fairly easy, Black's moves are relatively straightforward. As a main advocate of this line I would highlight Hikaru Nakamura, who employed it in many games. Magnus Carlsen has also played it a few times. I tried it myself too and reached good positions after the opening.
From the diagram, I'll investigate these white continuations: A) 11.Qb3, B) 11.Bb3, C) 11.Nf1 and D) 11.b4.
An intriguing attempt, as White is trying to provoke some miscoordination of Black's pieces, and stops the ...Be6 move for the moment. Chigaev is the specialist in this variation. 11...Qd7. The most natural reply, overprotecting the f7-pawn and threatening ...Na5.
12.a5. The point of White's strategy is that the a5 pawn ensures space advantage, which could be unpleasant for Black in some endgames. Now the solid 12...Rb8 followed by ...Be6 is okay - as happened in my game Chigaev,M - Grigoriants,S 1/2, but the most accurate is 12...b5! which presents a pawn sacrifice.
A rare, harmless line. 11...Be6 12.a5 (if 12.Bc2 to avoid the bishop trade, then 12...a5! - an important move, stopping White's b2-b4) and now 12...d5 as played in Antipov,M - Nakamura,H 0-1 is okay, but trading the bishops with 12...Bxb3 is simpler. After 13.Qxb3 Qd7 followed by d6-d5, Black is okay.
A standard, yet harmless way of playing. After trading the bishops and pushing ...d5, Black will be fine. As we will see in the forthcoming games, White could only hope for some queenside pressure, and the knight would be more flexible on d2 - with the opportunity of jumping b3-c5 in some variations. 11...Be6! 12.Bxe6 Rxe6 and now White has three different main lines: C1) 13.Ng3, C2) 13.Be3 and C3) 13.b4.
C1) 13.Ng3
allows Black to solve the opening problems after 13...d5,
threatening to take on e4 or just a6-a5 to prevent b2-b4 (Puranik,A - Kasimdzhanov,R 0-1).
C2) 13.Be3 is also harmless. After 13...Bxe3 14.Nxe3 d5! 15.Qc2 (a usual move to protect the e4 pawn)
comes the important 15...a5!. Black is in-time to stop b4, which could be the only active plan for White. 16.Rad1 Qd7!. Simply preparing ...Rd8. 17.Qb3 Rd8! Black safely protects the d5-pawn and is okay, see Anand,V - Grischuk,A 1/2.
C3) 13.b4!?
The best move here. White is grabbing space on the queenside. 13...d5! 14.Qc2 Qd7 15.Be3.
A simple attitude! White trades bishops, hoping that in the resulting position their knights would be more flexible. 15...Bxe3 16.Nxe3 Ne7!?.
Black needs to regroup their pieces a little, since the knight on c6 will never feel comfortable. After a complicated battle, Carlsen won a nice game, see Esipenko,A - Carlsen,M 0-1.
This is the most fashionable and challenging modern approach to this position. White grabs space on the queenside, keeping the knight on d2. If Black later executes the pawn pushes ...d5 and ...b5, the white knight will target the c5 square from b3. 11...Be6 12.Bxe6 Rxe6 13.Qc2. A standard square for the queen. White overprotects the e4 pawn and avoids the possible queen trade on the d-file. 13...Qd7. A useful move, Black should not hurry with d6-d5 as long as the knight is on d2. 14.Rb1!?
An attempt to provoke some weakening in Black's position. 14...b5! (14...Ne7?! is an inaccuracy). White has some advantage after 15.Nf1. It's advisable to read the comments of one the best players in the world, Alireza Firouzja, on his victory in Firouzja,A - Tari,A 1-0). 15.Ra1. It looks weird to just go back and lose a tempo, but now the pawn on b5 causes problems for Black. Having overprotected a4, White intends to put up some pressure on the a-file, combined with play on the kingside. 15...Rae8!?. An active move, keeping the attacking potential of the e6 rook in reserve - Rg6 at some point or after ...d5/...dxe4, followed by Rd6. See the details in So,W - Nakamura,H 1/2.
Conclusion: Against the Italian there are several decent lines, though equalising is never easy. I think 10...Re8!? followed by ...Be6 gives relatively easy play for Black. White gets a little pull at best, but everywhere the defender's position is acceptable. Apart from the details featured in this opening survey, I recommend the reader to briefly look at Nakamura's many many (blitz) games as Black to familiarise yourself with the kind of tricks he has up his sleeve in this line.
You can find the full article with all games and analyses in the new ChessBase Magazine #214!
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From the Dutch to the King’s Indian –ChessBase Magazine #214 comes with 11 opening articles and lots of new ideas!
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