Opening package: 1.b3 and Black Secrets in the Modern Italian
Wesley So published two new opening DVDs: 1.b3, the so called Nimzo-Larsen-Attack, for White and his black secrets in the modern Italian. Get them in a package and save money!
Last week we saw how Vachier-Lagrave knocked out Veselin Topalov from an exciting Najdorf battle. Interestingly, in the semi-finals there were no tiebreaks needed. Vachier-Lagrave went on to beat Grischuk by meeting 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 g6 3.h4 with a clever Benko setup. We'll have a detailed look at how Mamedyarov beat So in an impressive Catalan game.
The live show is free to watch, and available on-demand for ChessBase Premium accounts.
Warming-up question: What would you play here with White?
White to move
To chat, please visit videos.chessbase.com/live or login via Playchess for Windows. Merijn is on-demand at 18:00 UTC (20:00 CEST / 2 PM EDT).
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