The Bishop's Opening and the Italian game

by Davide Nastasio
6/1/2018 – This DVD could be Carlsen's answer to Caruana's unbeatable Petroff Defence. Tiviakov in his most recent video series teaches us his experience with this formidable weapon for White, which avoids the Petroff, and eventually lets us enter into a comfortable Italian game, an opening which has become very popular recently. DAVIDE NASTASIO takes a closer look, and SERGEI TIVIAKOV annotates a fresh game of his own.

The Bishop's Opening and The Italian Game The Bishop's Opening and The Italian Game

Studying the content of this DVD and adding these openings to your repertoire will provide players with a very strong tool to fight 1...e5 - as the practice of the author clearly demonstrates.


A review

DVD cover

After my last match, a disaster which cost me 30 points, I needed to make some changes to the openings I play. Tiviakov begins this DVD pointing out an important idea I didn't think of... how to avoid studying the Petroff Defence if someone plays 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3? The opening could be a field of battle once again in the next World Championship!

Tiviakov, in this video series, makes special mention of Kramnik's games as proof that for White it is difficult or nearly impossible to gain an advantage against what is also known in some countries as the Russian Defence.

In fact, we have seen what the Russian Defence has accomplished in the last couple of high-level tournaments, and for those who missed it, I'm talking of course about Grischuk vs Caruana from the Candidates and Vitiugov vs Caruana from the Grenke Chess Classic!

Of course in our busy times, in this century based on rushing, we want the answer, instead of endless questions! For Tiviakov the answer is playing 2.Bc4, aiming to eventually transpose into the Italian!

Position after 2.Bc4

As always, when I try to discover a new opening, I try to find the names of the top players who actually play it. A few names mentioned by Tiviakov can help us: Caruana, and Morozevich.

So why there is a connection between the move Bc4 and the Italian game? As always there is the possibility of transpositions into other openings like after 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nc6

Position after 2...Nc6

Now White just needs to play Nf3, and this is the tabya for the Italian game!

Of course the next transposition happens if Black tries stubbornly to enter the Russian Defence by playing: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 Nf6 3.d3 now Black can play 3...Nc6 and we enter the Italian game once more playing 4.Nf3

So what is the Bishop's opening?

Tiviakov begins to define it as when Black tries to fight for the centre, via d5, push the pawns on c7 and d7 to c6 and d6, and develop the b8-knight to d7.

Tiviakov illustrates and explains quite well the ideas of the Bishop's game, I'd say better than in books, because I consulted three different works — two recently published, and one older, and I couldn't find the details Tiviakov gives. Not only that, in most works the lines given by Tiviakov are not treated at all, making this video series better than a book because, at my level, it is quite possible those lines will be played.

While listening to Tiviakov's videos, I pay notice of possible tactical tricks. Try to work out the following, alone (no engine, and no solution, like in a real game!) after the moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 c6 3.d4 Nf6 4.dxe5 Qa5 5.Nc3

Please ask yourself: Is the move Nc3 a mistake because Black can play Nxe4, or does White have a clever tactical shot to refute Nxe4? (Tiviakov explains it in the video! I'm not giving any answer, because I want the reader to be always ready, like in a tournament game, to refute possible dubious moves.)

By the way, I'd like to argue, just for a minute, for the superiority of the ChessBase training system. After a long line given by Tiviakov for the Bishop opening, it ends in this position.

IQP training position

What should I do?

If one owns an engine program like Houdini or Komodo (I have them both!) it's enough to click on your favourite engine, for example I've clicked on Houdini 6:

Then I return to my Chessbase 14 program and I do the following, click on position setup:

Then click on COPY FEN (highlighted)

And then return to your favourite engine and click paste position —  Et voila — one is ready to practice that position against the silicon friend, and ready if it happens in a tournament game.

Returning to review the DVD: It is made up of 16 videos which give a repertoire for playing the Bishop's opening and the Italian game.

This is followed by ten videos of training positions, in which Tiviakov shows the student positions, and ask questions, giving feedback if one doesn't find the right move. Then there is a mega-database based upon the ECO keys which cover the Bishop opening and Italian game. This is a gift of over 350000 games!! And another database of all Tiviakov's games played in these 12 years with the Italian and Bishop game, for a total of 151 games.

I started to watch Tiviakov's games, because I find quite important when the author of an opening book or DVD is also the one who suffered in the same positions we will suffer!

Here two games I found interesting from Tiviakov's personal games:

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1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.c3 Nf6 5.d3 a6 6.Bb3 Ba7 7.Nbd2 0-0 8.h3 d6 9.Nf1 d5 10.Qe2 h6 11.g4 dxe4 12.dxe4 Nh7 13.Ne3 Be6 14.Bc2 f6 15.Bd2 b5 16.0-0-0 Na5 17.Nf5 Qe8 18.b3 c5 19.h4 c4 20.b4 Nc6 21.g5 a5 22.Rdg1 Bxf5 23.exf5 axb4 24.g6 bxc3 25.Bxc3 Kh8 26.Rg4 Bc5 27.Kb1 Bb4 28.Bb2 Ba3 29.Bc3 Bb4 30.Ba1 Bc5 31.gxh7 Rf7 32.Rhg1 Rfa7 33.Bb2 Bf8 34.a4 Nb4 35.Be4 Rc8 36.Qe3 Rxa4 37.Nxe5 fxe5 38.f6 g5 39.Rxg5 1–0
  • Start an analysis engine:
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  • Use the four cursor keys to replay the game. Make moves to analyse yourself.
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  • Games viewed here will automatically be stored in your cloud clipboard (if you are logged in). Use the cloud clipboard also in ChessBase.
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Tiviakov,S2634Balogh,C26211–02010C54V MTSz Klubu Polonia Wroclaw6
Tiviakov,S2593Sargissian,G26141–02004C54FIDE World Championship1.4

Final thoughts

DVD cover

Tiviakov has made another very important DVD, which unlike this one is not a repertoire (but also explains the ideas behind some moves, because at heart he is a good coach!) and treats mating attacks on the kingside in the Italian, and Ruy Lopez.

With these 2 DVDs in one's hand, one can be prepared for the opening theory, and at the same time the middlegame themes and ideas.

I feel Tiviakov really did the homework for me, because he showed me many possible unusual continuations which could surprise me at the board, giving me a good 50% of the opening preparation needed to play in tournament.

Now it's time to put in my own 50% of preparation playing it in slow time control games, blitz, studying the games given in the database, before actually put it at work in my tournament games.

Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez

The purpose of this DVD is to teach players how to conduct the attack on the black king using different methods. Although the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez are mostly positional openings, it is very often possible to make use of attacking methods of play


Tiviakov won the strong Nakhchivan Open in Azerbaijan in early May, and sent us the following annotated game, in which he notes that his work on these recent DVDs came in handy.

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This game was played in the seventh round of the very strong open tournament in Nakhchivan (Azerbaijan). The win allowed me to take the clear lead before the last two rounds of the tournament and eventually secure the shared first place. 1.e4 e5 My opponent in this game is a young talented Turkish player, nowadays only playing 1...e5 against 1.e4. 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 Due to the recent surge of the popularlity of the Italian Game I am trying to avoid it now, going for the Ruy Lopez instead. a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.Qe2 5.Qe2 is my pet line, which I have played since early childhood. Although I often choose 5.d3 as well. 5...b5 6.Bb3 Bc5 Only by developing the bishop to c5 can Black equalise. If black bishop is developed to e7, White always has chances for advantage. 7.c3 0-0 7...d6 8.d3 h6 is a more accurate move order, not allowing White to start the attack on the Black king. It has been played against me by Piket, Onischuk, Ponomariov and Shirov (among others). 8.d3 Now Black has no useful moves, since White is threatening to play Bg5 (possible after both 8...d5 and 8...d6). h6 9.h3!? [Played without hesitation! After Black has played weakening h7-h6, White has got a target for attack on the king's side.] d5 10.g4!? Played in style of my ChessBase DVD "Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez". Although this plan of attack is extremely risky in the current position, could I have played something else?! The answer is: "NO"! If you are interested in similar and alternative attacking plans, I strongly recommend to acquire this DVD. You will not regret it! 10.0-0 the position is equal, similar to (ECO) C86. Bb7 11.Rd1 Re8 12.Nbd2 Bf8 13.a3 Na5 14.Ba2 c5 15.b4 cxb4 16.axb4 Nc6 17.exd5 Nxd5 18.Ne4 Re6 19.Bb3 Qd7 20.c4 Ndxb4 21.cxb5 axb5 22.Bxe6 Qxe6 23.Rxa8 Bxa8 24.Nc3 Bb7 25.d4 Qb3 26.Qb2 Qc4 27.dxe5 Bc8 28.Be3 Be6 29.Nd2 Qh4 30.Nxb5 Nd3 31.Qc2 Ncxe5 32.Nd4 Bd5 33.Nf5 Qh5 34.Ng3 Qg6 35.Qc8 Be6 36.Qd8 f5 37.Nf3 Nxf3+ 38.gxf3 Ne5 39.f4 Nc6 40.Qa8 Ne7 41.Rd8 Qf7 42.Bc5 Bd5+- 43.Qb8 Ng6 44.Qd6 Bb7 45.Rb8 Kh7 46.Rxf8 Qb3 47.Be3 Nxf8 48.Qxf8 Qd1+ 49.Kh2 Qf3 50.Qxf5+ Kh8 51.Qf8+ Kh7 52.Qf5+ Kh8 53.Qf8+ 1/2-1/2 Tiviakov,S-Bauer,C/Mondariz Balneario 2000 (53) 10...Be6 It is not easy to give an accurate evaluation of the arising positions, which are extremely dynamic, sharp and compicated. All analysis engines tend to evaluate the positions as being much better for Black, but after long and deep analysis they change such evaluations to equal and even favorable for White. I can say that such positions are very risky for both sides. Even a single mistake can be fatal! 10...dxe4 11.dxe4 Bb7 11...Nh7 12.Rg1 Be6 13.g5 Bxb3 14.axb3 h5 15.g6 fxg6 16.Rxg6 Rf6 17.Rxf6 Qxf6 18.b4 Bb6 19.Be3 Bxe3 20.fxe3 Ng5 21.Nbd2 Nxf3+ 22.Qxf3 Qg6 23.Ke2 Rf8 24.Qh1 Kh7 25.Rg1 Qe6 26.Rf1 Rf6 27.Qg2 Rxf1 28.Qxf1 Ne7 29.Qf8 Qf6 30.Qe8 Ng6 31.Nf3 Kh6 32.h4 Nxh4 33.Qh8+ Kg6 34.Qe8+ 1/2-1/2 Langheinrich,F-Jenni,F/Germany 2003/Inforbase 2011 (34) 12.Rg1 - 10...Bb7 12.Bc2 Qd6 13.Nh4 Ne7 14.g5 hxg5 15.Bxg5 Nh7 16.Bxe7 Qxe7 17.Nf5 Qg5 18.Nd2 g6 19.0-0-0 Qf4 20.Ne3 Nf6 21.Rhg1 Rad8 22.Rg3 Nxe4 23.Rf3 Qh4 24.Ng2 Qg5 25.Qxe4 Qxg2 26.h4 Qh2 27.Rg3 Qxf2 28.Rxg6+ fxg6 29.Qxg6+ Kh8 30.Qh6+ Kg8 31.Qg6+ Kh8 1/2-1/2 Mikhaletz,L-Jedryczka,K/ Swidnica 1999/Inforbase 2011 (31) 10...Bb7 11.Rg1 11.g5? dxe4 12.dxe4 Nxe4 13.Qxe4 Na5 14.Qe2 Nxb3 15.axb3 Qd5 16.gxh6 16.Nbd2 e4 17.Nd4 Bxd4 18.cxd4 e3 19.Nf3 Qxf3 20.Qxf3 Bxf3 16...Qxf3 17.Qxf3 Bxf3 11...dxe4 12.dxe4 Ne7 13.Bc2 Qd6 13...Nd7 14.Nh4∞ 14.g5 hxg5 15.Bxg5 Nh5 16.Nh4 Nf4 17.Bxf4 exf4 18.Nd2 Qh6 19.Nhf3∞ At this moment I think that only 10...a5!? can create serious problems for White who has now to prove that attacking strategy works. The following lines demonstrate the dangers of the white position... All other moves instead of 10...a5 lead to the complicated positions where White is at least not worse. 11.a4 11.g5 hxg5 12.Bxg5 dxe4 13.dxe4 a4 14.Bd5 Qd6 15.Bxf6 Qxf6 16.Nbd2 Ba6 17.Bxc6 Qxc6 18.Nxe5 Qd6 11...bxa4 12.Bxa4 12.Rxa4 Ba6-+ 12...dxe4 13.Bxc6 exf3 14.Bxf3 14.Qxf3 e4 15.Bxe4 Nxe4 16.dxe4 Bb7 17.0-0 Re8 18.Nd2 a4 14...Ba6 15.c4 Bb4+ 16.Kf1 e4 17.dxe4 Nd7 10...Qd6 11.g5 11.Rg1 dxe4 12.dxe4 a5∞ 11...dxe4 12.dxe4 hxg5 13.Bxg5 Na5 14.Nbd2 14.Bc2 Nc4∞ 14...Nxb3 15.axb3∞ 11.g5 dxe4 12.dxe4 Bxb3N Only this natural move is a new one. 12...Nh5? 13.gxh6 g6 14.Bxe6! 14.Bg5? Be7 14...Qd7= 15.Bxe6 fxe6 15...Bxg5 16.Be3 Kh7 17.Nbd2 Nf4 18.Bxf4 Rxf4 19.0-0-0 Bd6 20.h4 Qf6 21.Qe3 Bf8 22.Ng5+ Kh8 23.h7 Bh6 24.Qc5 Nd8 25.Qxc7 Rxf2 26.Rhf1 Rf4 27.Kc2 Bxg5 28.hxg5 Qxg5 29.Rg1 Qf6 30.Nb3 Nf7 31.Nc5 Kxh7 32.Nd3 Rf3 33.Rg2 Rd8 34.Nxe5 Rxd1 35.Nxf7 Qxf7 36.Qh2+ Kg7 37.Kxd1 Qf4 38.Qxf4 Rxf4 39.Rd2 g5 40.Rd6 Kf6 41.Ke2 Rxe4+ 42.Kf3 Ra4 43.a3 a5 44.Rb6 Rf4+ 45.Kg3 b4 46.axb4 axb4 47.cxb4 Rc4 48.b5 Rb4 49.Rb8 Kf5 50.Rf8+ Ke4 51.Rb8 Kd5 52.b6 Kc6 53.Re8 Kd7 54.Rg8 Rxb6 55.Rxg5 Rxb2 56.Kf3 Kd6 57.Ke3 Rh2 58.Ra5 Rh3+ 59.Ke4 Rh4+ 60.Ke3 e5 61.Rb5 Ke6 62.Rb8 Rh3+ 63.Ke4 Rh4+ 64.Ke3 Kf5 65.Rf8+ Kg6 66.Re8 Kf6 67.Rf8+ Ke6 68.Ra8 Kf5 69.Rf8+ Ke6 70.Re8+ Kf5 1/2-1/2 Paehtz,E-Sasikiran,K/ INT 2004/Inforbase 2011 (70) 14...fxe6 15.Bg5± is bad for Black. By the way, it was me who taught Elisabeth Paehtz to attack like this in the Italian Game and Ruy Lopez. 13.axb3 hxg5 14.Bxg5 Now we have a typical situation with this plan of attack. For the moment White keeps his king in the center, improving the position of his pieces, finishing his development. And only when everything is ready for the direct attack, White castles queenside, bringing the a1-rook a1 into play. Whose king is safer? It's difficult to say... Qd6 After 14...Be7 15.Nbd2 Nh5 16.Be3 Bf6∞ the position is unclear. 15.Nbd2 Played very quickly, although 15.Nh4 Qe6 16.Rg1 Nh7 17.Nf5 g6∞ with complicated play, deserved serious attention as well. 17...Nxg5 18.Rxg5 g6 19.h4 Kh7 20.b4 Be7 21.Nxe7 15...Nh7 16.Rg1 Or 16.h4∞ 16...Nxg5 17.Rxg5 Now White needs only two moves: 0-0-0, Rg1 to launch a decisive attack on the black king. Nd8 Frankly speaking, I was not expecting this move, since sacrificing a pawn is a very consequential decision. Although, I have to admit, it looks tempting - White has a very weak f4 square. 17...Qe6?! is not good for Black. E.g. 18.0-0-0 Be7 19.Rg3 Rad8 20.Rdg1 Bf6 21.Ng5 Bxg5 22.Rxg5 g6 23.h4± -> but 17...Qh6 18.0-0-0 Be7 19.Rg3 Rfd8 20.Rdg1 Bf8 21.Kc2∞ and 17...Rfd8 18.b4 Bb6 19.Nh4 Qf6 20.Ndf3 g6 21.Kf1= were both good alternatives, with unclear play in both lines. 18.b4 Including the moves 18.b4 Bb6 has both advantages and drawbacks. The bishop from b6 cannot join the defence, moving to e7. But with the pawn on b4, Black can immediately open the position on the queenside by playing a5 or c5. Taking the pawn on e5 was also possible... The following variations demonstrate how complex and difficult the arising position is! 18.Rxe5 Ne6 19.Rf5 19.b4 Bb6 - 18.b4 Bb6 19.Re5 Ne6 19...g6 19...Nf4 20.e5 Qh6 21.Qe4 Nxh3 22.Nd4 20.Rf6 Qb6 20...Qd8 21.Rxe6 fxe6 22.0-0-0 21.Ng5 Bxf2+ 22.Rxf2 Nxg5 23.h4 23.0-0-0 Rae8= 23...Ne6 24.0-0-0∞ and the position is unclear. 18...Bb6 The bishop is standing clearly worse on a7 than on b6. For example, 18...Ba7 19.Rxe5 Ne6 20.Rf5 f6 20...Nf4 is bad for Black after 21.e5 Qh6 22.Qe4 Nxh3 23.Nd4 Bxd4 24.cxd4 Ng5 25.Qg4 Qh1+ 25...Nh7 26.Ke2± 26.Ke2 Qxa1 27.Rxg5 g6 28.Qh4+- 21.Nh4 Nf4 22.Rxf4 Qxf4 23.Ng6 Qh2 24.Nxf8 Kxf8 25.Nf1 25.f3 Qxh3 26.0-0-0 25...Qxh3 25...Qf4 26.Rd1 Re8 27.Ng3 f5= 26.0-0-0± with advantage for White. 19.0-0-0 Here again capturing on e5 was possible. After 19.Rxe5 Ne6 20.Rf5 c5 or 20...f6 21.e5 fxe5 22.Ne4 Qe7 23.Rxe5 Qf7 24.0-0-0 Rae8= with an equal position 21.bxc5 Nxc5 22.0-0-0 Rad8 23.Nd4 Rfe8 23...b4 24.Rg1 24.Rg1∞ The position is unclear. 19...Ne6 Not the only move for Black. 19...Qh6 20.Rxe5 Ne6 21.Nh2 Qxh3 22.Rh5 Nf4 23.Rxh3 Nxe2+ 24.Kc2 f5= with equal chances, was possible as well. 20.Nc4 20.Nb3 Nf4 is not good for White 20...Qe7? Until this moment both sides were playing more or less OK, not committing any errors. But the text move is a mistake, missing very nice exchange sacrifice. After the correct 20...Nf4! 21.Qc2 Qh6 22.Ncxe5 22.Nxb6 cxb6 23.Kb1 a5 24.bxa5 Rxa5 25.Rxe5 Qc6= is equal as well 25...b4= 22...f6 23.Ng4 Qxh3 24.Ng1 Qh4 25.Nf3 Qh3 26.Ng1 Qh4= the game would have finished in a draw! 21.Nxb6 Nxg5? Basically, the losing move. After the correct 21...cxb6 22.Rxe5 Qc7 23.Qe3 White keeps an extra pawn with better chances, but the fate of the game would be far from clear. 23.Kc2 22.Nd5! Played completely in the style of my ChessBase DVD "The Art of the Positional Exchange Sacrifice". If you want to learn more about this and other similar sacrifices, I strongly recommend this video series. 22.Nxa8 Rxa8 23.Nxg5 23.Qe3 Nxf3 24.Qxf3 a5= 23...Qxg5+ 24.Kc2= leads to an equal position. 22...Qd8 23.Nxe5‼ 23.Nb6 Qf6 24.Nxa8= is only enough for a draw. 23...Ne6?! Now we have a position where after the exchange sacrifice White has full compensation because of the powerful knights in the centre. And despite that, for the moment, White has no direct attack on the Black king, and Black can do little to defend successfully. 23...Nh7 24.f4 Qd6 25.Qg2 Rae8 26.Rg1 g6 27.Qg3± was a much more stubborn defence than the text, although during the game it is very difficult to make such a passive move as Nh7. 23...Nxh3 24.f4 Nxf4 25.Nxf4 Qg5 26.Ned3+- 24.f4+- Played quickly, although the computer engines show a direct win after 24.Rg1! White has four attacking pieces against (at most) three defenders. So White wins! For example, Qh4 24...a5 25.Qh5 axb4 26.Nc6+- 25.Qe3 Kh7 25...f6 26.Rg4 Qh5 27.Ne7+ Kh7 28.N5g6 Rae8 29.Qf3 Qh6+ 30.Kc2+- 26.Rg4 Qh6 27.f4+- 24...Qh4 Sacrificing the knight makes little sense. 24...Nxf4 25.Nxf4 Qg5 26.Ned3 a5 27.bxa5 Rxa5 28.Kc2+- and White wins. 25.Qg4 Qh6 Going into an ending is hopeless for Black. White's pieces are so powerful that even in the ending without an exchange he can play for an attack and win! 25...Qxg4 26.Ne7+ Kh7 27.hxg4 g6 28.f5 gxf5 28...f6 29.fxg6++- 29.N5xg6+- 29.gxf5 Nf4 30.Nd7+- 26.Qf5 26.Kc2!+- immediately, was more accurate. 26...Qh4 Black cannot save himself after other moves either. 26...Rae8 27.Rg1 f6 27...c6 28.Nf6+ Kh8 29.Nxe8 Qxf4+ 30.Qxf4 Nxf4 31.Rg4+- 28.Ng6 Rf7 29.h4+- 26...Kh8 27.Kc2+- 27.Nxf7+ Rxf7 28.Qxf7 Rf8 29.Qe7 c6 30.Kc2 cxd5 31.exd5+- 27.Qg4 Qh6 28.Kc2 Now White is back on a correct track to win! As the course of the game and the variations illustrate that Black cannot save the game. Rad8 28...Rae8 29.Nd7 Qg6 30.f5 Qxg4 31.hxg4 Ng5 32.e5+- 28...Kh8 29.Qf5 Qh7 30.Nxf7+ Rxf7 31.Qxe6 Raf8 32.f5+- 29.f5 Ng5 29...Rxd5 30.Rxd5 Nf4 31.Rd4 Nxh3 31...Nh5 32.Nd3 Nf6 33.Qf4+- 32.Nd7 Rc8 33.e5 Ng5 34.Rd2 Nh7 35.Rg2 Rd8 36.Nc5+- 30.h4 Rfe8 30...Rxd5 31.Rxd5 Nh7 32.Nd7 Nf6 33.Nxf6+ Qxf6 34.e5+- 31.Qxg5 Going into an easily won ending. The computer prefers to give the mate after 31.hxg5 Qh2+ 32.Kb3 Qxe5 33.Nf6+ Kf8 34.Nd7+ Rxd7 35.Rxd7 Qxe4 36.Qh5 Qc4+ 37.Ka3 Kg8 38.g6+- 31...Qxg5 32.hxg5 Rd6 or 32...Rxe5 33.Nf6+ gxf6 34.Rxd8+ Kg7 34...Kh7 35.gxf6 Rxe4 36.Rd7+- 36.Rf8+- 35.gxf6+ Kxf6 36.Kd3+- with a won rook ending. 33.Nxc7 I am very happy with this game, one of the best recently. 1–0
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Tiviakov,S2569Sanal,V25051–02018C77Naxcivan Open7

Alinca castle following an extensive renovation

Alinca castle following an extensive renovation | Photo: Rahim Gasimov

Final standings (top 25)

Rnk. SNo   Name FED Elo Club/City Pts.  TB1   TB2  n w we w-we K rtg+/-
1 4 GM Mamedov Nidjat AZE 2602 Baku 6,5 2543 4 9 6,5 5,19 1,31 10 13,1
2 9 GM Tiviakov Sergei NED 2569   6,5 2496 4 9 6,5 5,34 1,16 10 11,6
3 2 GM Safarli Eltaj AZE 2657 Baku 6,0 2529 3 9 6 5,96 0,04 10 0,4
4 3 GM Guseinov Gadir AZE 2654 Shamkir 6,0 2524 3 9 6 6,02 -0,02 10 -0,2
5 10 GM Khenkin Igor GER 2557   6,0 2501 3 9 6 5,17 0,83 10 8,3
6 1 GM Korobov Anton UKR 2678   6,0 2442 4 9 6 7,11 -1,11 10 -11,1
7 14 GM Ghaem Maghami Ehsan IRI 2531   6,0 2439 3 9 6 5,53 0,47 10 4,7
8 43 FM Ibrahimli Murad AZE 2305 Sumqayit 6,0 2407 5 9 6 3,28 2,72 20 54,4
9 27 IM Abdulov Orkhan AZE 2401 Baku 6,0 2375 5 9 6 4,68 1,32 10 13,2
10 30 IM Pak Yevgeniy KAZ 2390   5,5 2519 4 9 5,5 2,95 2,55 10 25,5
11 6 GM Smirin Ilia ISR 2592   5,5 2497 3 9 5,5 5,62 -0,12 10 -1,2
12 7 GM Bernadskiy Vitaliy UKR 2589   5,5 2493 2 9 5,5 5,64 -0,14 10 -1,4
13 18 IM Beradze Irakli GEO 2486   5,5 2476 3 9 5,5 4,60 0,90 10 9,0
14 13 GM Abbasov Farid AZE 2531 Baku 5,5 2474 3 9 5,5 5,18 0,32 10 3,2
15 11 GM Korneev Oleg ESP 2533   5,5 2453 3 9 5,5 5,42 0,08 10 0,8
16 20 IM Asadli Vugar AZE 2470 Baku 5,5 2448 4 9 5,5 4,73 0,77 10 7,7
17 16 GM Sanal Vahap TUR 2505   5,0 2499 4 9 5 4,54 0,46 10 4,6
18 22 FM Tutisani Noe GEO 2460   5,0 2485 3 9 5 4,10 0,90 10 9,0
19 8 IM Firouzja Alireza IRI 2570   5,0 2449 3 9 5 5,90 -0,90 10 -9,0
20 31 IM Bashirli Nail AZE 2374 Baku 5,0 2438 4 9 5 3,77 1,23 10 12,3
21 5 GM Aleksandrov Aleksej BLR 2594   5,0 2430 2 9 5 6,36 -1,36 10 -13,6
22 15 GM Kotronias Vasilios GRE 2518   5,0 2408 4 9 5 5,77 -0,77 10 -7,7
23 19 GM Galego Luis POR 2477   5,0 2388 4 9 5 5,55 -0,55 10 -5,5
24 23 IM Tahbaz Arash IRI 2451   5,0 2372 3 9 5 5,37 -0,37 10 -3,7
25 37 WFM Hojjatova Aydan AZE 2344 Baku 5,0 2362 3 9 5 4,40 0,60 20 12,0


Davide is a chess aficionado who regularly reviews books and DVDs.


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