Tegernsee Masters: Donchenko and Bluebaum lead, Keymer in quarantine

by Carlos Alberto Colodro
11/3/2020 – Starting October 31 until November 8, the Tegernsee Masters tournament is taking place near the shore of Lake Tegernsee in Bavaria, Germany. The event is a 10-player single round robin with 5 German players and 5 international players hailing from the Czech Republic, Italy, Brazil, India and Belgium. Unfortunately, Vincent Keymer withdrew from the tournament after finding out one of his classmates tested positive for Covid-19. | Photos: Sebastian Siebrecht

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Bluebaum and Donchenko in the lead

Two young players that have been showing good results this year are sharing the lead after three rounds — German numbers one and three Matthias Bluebaum and Alexander Donchenko. The co-leaders will face each other in round 4, when Bluebaum will have the white pieces. At the German Masters in August, Donchenko played white in their direct matchup and lost the game in 43 moves

A contemporary of theirs, Italian GM Pier Luigi Basso, is the only player a half point behind, while German number two Liviu-Dieter Nisipeanu is on 1½ points after losing with black against Donchenko on Monday.

Unfortunately for young Vincent Keymer, who arrived as the fourth seed, he had to withdraw from the tournament after the health authorities from the district of Mainz-Bingen placed him in a 14-day quarantine — a week before the start of the event, the 15-year-old sat in the same classroom as another kid who later tested positive for Covd-19. The participants of the tournament were not affected by the administrative order. 

Keymer only got to play a game, against IM Ashot Parvanyan. Since Keymer won with white, simply taking him off the lineup had no impact on the standings table.

Vincent Keymer

Vincent Keymer

Donchenko kicked off the event with a nice win over GM Alexandr Fier. When the Brazilian played 31...Ng3, his position was already in tatters:


White’s bishops are in perfect attacking spots against Black’s weakened king. There followed 32.Rxg3 Qxg3 33.Re3 Qg4 34.Rxe6 Qxe2 35.Bxe2 and Black resigned five moves later.

Tegernsee Masters 2020

The participants of the 2020 Tegernsee Masters

In round 2, it was Bluebaum’s turn to win with white using the bishop pair. After strategically outplaying 14-year-old Leon Luke Mendonca, the German number one opened up the kingside at the right time:


Black’s previous 23...Qd7 was a mistake, as it allowed 24.hxg6 hxg6 25.gxf5 gxf5 26.Nxe4 dxe4 27.Kh1 when White has the upper hand on the kingside after the simplifications:


With Black’s light-squared bishop and queen cut off from the action, White went on to get the win without any hassle — 27...Kh8 28.Bh5 Ng5 29.Rg1 Nf3 30.Rg6 Rg8 31.Rh6+ Kg7 32.Bf4 and Black resigned soon after.

Matthias Bluebaum

Matthias Bluebaum

Donchenko obtained a key win in round 3, when he beat Nisipeanu with the white pieces. Nisipeanu’s crucial mistake came on move 21:


The experienced grandmaster born in Brasov played 21...Rfd8 here, instead of the correct 21...Nxc4, at least grabbing a pawn before White captures on f6 ruining Black’s kingside structure. After the text, Donchenko found 22.Nxf6+ gxf6 and the good-looking 23.b3, giving up two rooks for the queen — 23...Qxa1 24.Be3 Qxf1 25.Kxf1 Rb7 26.Qc3 Rd1+ 27.Kg2:


Donchenko had foreseen that this position was winning, and went on to elegantly prove he had the upper hand — 27...Kg7 28.Bd4 Ng4 29.Bxf6 (giving up a piece temporarily) Nxf6 30.Qe5.


Black resigned after 30...Re1 31.Kf3

Alexander Donchenko

Alexander Donchenko

Standings after Round 3

Rk. Name Pts.  TB1 
1 Blübaum Matthias 2,5 3,00
2 Donchenko Alexander 2,5 1,75
3 Basso Pier Luigi 2,0 2,75
4 Nisipeanu Liviu-Dieter 1,5 1,50
5 Mendonca Leon Luke 1,0 1,75
6 Dardha Daniel 1,0 0,50
7 Parvanyan Ashot 1,0 0,00
8 Nguyen Thai Dai Van 0,5 1,25
9 Fier Alexandr 0,0 0,00

All games



Carlos Colodro is a Hispanic Philologist from Bolivia. He works as a freelance translator and writer since 2012. A lot of his work is done in chess-related texts, as the game is one of his biggest interests, along with literature and music.


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M0SAIC0 M0SAIC0 11/3/2020 04:00
where are the gloves ?!