Tata Steel Rd9: Carlsen takes full point lead

by Albert Silver
1/26/2016 – It started slow, with four uninspiring draws, but the Magnus locomotive has now reached peak speed with a fourth win, and is now in the lead by a full point. Prodigy Wei Yi finally scored his first win, after a one-sided demolition of Navara’s kingside. In the Challengers, Adhiban fell to Dutch talent Van Foreest, and is tied with Safarli for first. Illustrated report with GM analysis.

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The 78th Tata Steel Chess Tournament takes place from January 15 to 31, 2016, in the coastal village of Wijk aan Zee, North Holland. It is one of the most prestigious events in the international chess calendar. The "Wimbledon of Chess" attracts the very best chess grandmasters in the world, along with thousands of amateur players, live event visitors and online visitors from around the world. The tournament has two main player groups, each with 14 players. They are known as the Tata Steel Masters and the Tata Steel Challengers. You will find the schedule, starting times, pairings and results at the bottom of the page.

Round nine - report

Photos by Alina L'Ami from the official Facebook page

Round 9 Masters - Tuesday the 26th
Caruana, F. - Karjakin, S.
Wei, Y. - Navara, D.
Mamedyarov, S. - Ding, L.
Van Wely, L. - So, W.
Tomashevsky, E. - Hou, Y.
Eljanov, P. - Giri, A.
Carlsen, M. - Adams, M.
Round 9 Challengers - Tuesday the 26th
Baskaran, A. - van Foreest, J.
Safarli, E. - l'Ami, E.
Nisipeanu, L. - Dreev, A.
Batsiashvili, N. - Antipov, M.
Sevian, S. - Haast, A.
Abasov, N. - Ju, W.
Admiraal, M. - Bok, B.


Although several players had their chances, only two managed to win their games in round nine...

.... do you really need to ask who the first was?

Magnus Carlsen - Michael Adams

[Event "78th Tata Steel GpA"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee NED"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Carlsen, M."] [Black "Adams, Mi"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C50"] [WhiteElo "2844"] [BlackElo "2744"] [PlyCount "125"] [EventDate "2016.01.15"] 1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bc4 {Magnus proposes the Giuoco Piano...} Bc5 {... and Black says 'let's do it!'} 4. O-O d6 5. c3 Nf6 6. d3 h6 7. a4 a5 8. Na3 O-O 9. Nc2 Re8 10. Re1 Ba7 11. Be3 Be6 12. Bb5 Bd7 13. Bxa7 Nxa7 14. Bc4 Be6 15. Bxe6 Rxe6 16. Ne3 Nc8 17. Nf5 Ne7 18. d4 exd4 19. N3xd4 Re5 20. Ng3 Ng6 21. Qc2 c6 22. Rad1 Qc7 23. Ndf5 {Little by little, White makes inroads.} Rd8 24. Qd2 Kh7 {A careless move that gives Black trouble almost immediately.} 25. f4 Qb6+ 26. Kh1 Ree8 27. h3 Rd7 28. Nxd6 {Thus falleth the first pawn.} Rxd6 29. Qxd6 Qf2 30. Qd3 Nxf4 31. Qf3 Nxh3 32. Re2 Qxf3 33. gxf3 Ng5 34. Kg2 Ne6 35. Red2 g6 36. Nf1 h5 37. Ne3 h4 38. Nc4 g5 39. Nxa5 g4 40. Nxb7 g3 41. Nd6 Rg8 {[#] There is no question the black pawns and knights are enough to leave anyhow with slight misgivings, but White has it under control.} 42. Nf5 Nf4+ 43. Kh1 h3 44. a5 N6h5 45. a6 Ne6 46. a7 Ra8 47. Ra1 Ng5 48. Nh4 Nf4 49. b4 g2+ 50. Nxg2 hxg2+ 51. Rxg2 Nxg2 52. Kxg2 Ne6 53. c4 Nc7 54. Kg3 Kg6 55. Kf4 Kf6 56. e5+ Ke7 57. Ke4 f6 58. f4 fxe5 59. Kxe5 Ne8 60. f5 Nd6 61. f6+ Kd7 62. Rd1 Re8+ 63. Kd4 1-0

Carlsen wasn't the only one to win, as Wei Yi completely demolished David Navara's king

Wei Yi vs David Navara (Analysis by IM Sagar Shah)

[Event "78th Tata Steel GpA"]
[Site "Wijk aan Zee NED"]
[Date "2016.01.26"]
[Round "9.3"]
[White "Wei, Yi"]
[Black "Navara, David"]
[Result "1-0"]
[ECO "C65"]
[WhiteElo "2706"]
[BlackElo "2730"]
[Annotator "Sagar Shah"]
[PlyCount "55"]
[EventDate "2016.01.16"]

1. e4 e5 2. Nf3 Nc6 3. Bb5 Nf6 4. d3 Bc5 5. Bxc6 dxc6 6. Nbd2 O-O 7. Nc4 Nd7 8.
Qe2 Re8 9. Bd2 Bd6 10. h4 $5 $146 {Anand, Mcshane and Libiszewski have played
g4 prior to this. Wei Yi has the similar intention of crashing through on the
kingside but starts with his h-pawn.} c5 11. h5 h6 {A very natural reaction
stopping the pawn from reaching h6.} 12. O-O-O Nb8 $5 {David sees that the d4
square can be a juicy one for his knight and tries to reroute it to that
square via c6. But one gets the feeling that it is a little bit too slow.} (
12... Nf6 {with the idea of Ng4 might be to the point.}) 13. Rdg1 Nc6 14. g4 $1
{The attack is just too strong.} f6 {Maybe Navara had banked on this move to
stop the opening of the floodgates, but it doesn't really help.} 15. g5 $3 fxg5
16. Nxg5 $1 Nd4 17. Qd1 hxg5 18. Bxg5 Be7 19. Be3 {With the g-file open and
the h-pawn coming down, this is already a decisive advantage to White.} Bf6 20.
h6 Re7 21. hxg7 Rxg7 22. Qh5 {One after another, the White pieces join in the
party.} Be6 23. Bh6 (23. Qh8+ Kf7 24. Rxg7+ Bxg7 25. Nxe5+ $1 Bxe5 26. Rh7+ Kg6
27. Rh6+ Kf7 28. Qxe5 $18 {Was a nice way to finish off the game.}) 23... Bf7
24. Bxg7 Bxh5 25. Bxf6+ Kf8 26. Bxd8 Ne2+ 27. Kb1 Nxg1 28. Bxc7 {What a
crushing victory for Wei Yi. All it took was for Navara to make a small
inaccuracy with Nb8 and the Chinese prodigy just launched an irresistable
attack.} 1-0


Wei Yi shares his thoughts on his win and analyzes with Yasser Seirawan

Special prize for the Masters' s winner, offered by the town hall of Wijk aan Zee - design
by Sjanneke van Herpen.

On the rest day, activities were organized to promote the game

The children were the most obvious beneficiaries

Everyone walked out a winner

However they weren't the only ones, and football players, all dressed in their jerseys,
also partook in the simuls

They had no issues requesting advice from the youngsters

Replay round nine Masters games (with times per moves)

[Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Carlsen, Magnus"] [Black "Adams, Michael"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C50"] [WhiteElo "2844"] [BlackElo "2744"] [PlyCount "131"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(70s)} e5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(6s)} Nc6 {(0s)} 3. Bc4 {(31s)} Bc5 {(0s)} 4. O-O {(20s)} d6 {(51s)} 5. c3 {(39s)} Nf6 {(22s)} 6. d3 {(50s)} h6 {(101s)} 7. a4 {(847s)} a5 {(313s)} 8. Na3 {(710s)} O-O {(58s)} 9. Nc2 {(54s)} Re8 {(586s)} 10. Re1 {(16s)} Ba7 {(184s)} 11. Be3 {(33s)} Be6 {(46s)} 12. Bb5 {(106 s)} Bd7 {(400s)} 13. Bxa7 {(1920s)} Nxa7 {(90s)} 14. Bc4 {(71s)} Be6 {(516s)} 15. Bxe6 {(57s)} Rxe6 {(8s)} 16. Ne3 {(10s)} Nc8 {(592s)} 17. Nf5 {(403s)} Ne7 {(558s)} 18. d4 {(93s)} exd4 {(182s)} 19. N3xd4 {(43s)} Re5 {(91s)} 20. Ng3 {(194s)} Ng6 {(15s)} 21. Qc2 {(422s)} c6 {(361s)} 22. Rad1 {(66s)} Qc7 {(206s)} 23. Ndf5 {(139s)} Rd8 {(142s)} 24. Qd2 {(126s)} Kh7 {(1092s)} 25. f4 {(204s)} Qb6+ {( 239s)} 26. Kh1 {(41s)} Ree8 {(186s)} 27. h3 {(444s)} Rd7 {(262s)} 28. Nxd6 {(63s)} Rxd6 {(63s)} 29. Qxd6 {(2s)} Qf2 {(5s)} 30. Qd3 {(381s)} Nxf4 {(26s)} 31. Qf3 {(9s)} Nxh3 {(6s)} 32. Re2 {(59s)} Qxf3 {(19s)} 33. gxf3 {(3s)} Ng5 {(220s)} 34. Kg2 {(44s)} Ne6 {(35s)} 35. Red2 {(9s)} g6 {(3s)} 36. Nf1 {( 47s)} h5 {(99s)} 37. Ne3 {(7s)} h4 {(49s)} 38. Nc4 {(181s)} g5 {(48s)} 39. Nxa5 {(15s)} g4 {(175s)} 40. Nxb7 {(0s)} g3 {(0s)} 41. Nd6 {(320s)} Rg8 {(935s)} 42. Nf5 {(43s)} Nf4+ {(189s)} 43. Kh1 {(18 s)} h3 {(57s)} 44. a5 {(43s)} N6h5 {(32s)} 45. a6 {(71s)} Ne6 {(106s)} 46. a7 {(681s)} Ra8 {(378s)} 47. Ra1 {(237s)} Ng5 {(10s)} 48. Nh4 {(613s)} Nf4 {(50s)} 49. b4 {(128s)} g2+ {(495s)} 50. Nxg2 {( 87s)} hxg2+ {(11s)} 51. Rxg2 {(8s)} Nxg2 {(6s)} 52. Kxg2 {(5s)} Ne6 {(59s)} 53. c4 {(8s)} Nc7 {(31s)} 54. Kg3 {(30s)} Kg6 {(22s)} 55. Kf4 {(92s)} Kf6 {(77s)} 56. e5+ {(119s)} Ke7 {(329s)} 57. Ke4 {( 139s)} f6 {(72s)} 58. f4 {(48s)} fxe5 {(54s)} 59. Kxe5 {(12s)} Ne8 {(424s)} 60. f5 {(0s)} Nd6 {(0s)} 61. f6+ {(138s)} Kd7 {(149s)} 62. Rd1 {(26s)} Re8+ {(29s)} 63. Kd4 {(7s)} Kc7 {(149s)} 64. Re1 {( 63s)} Nf5+ {(218s)} 65. Kc3 {(7s)} Ra8 {(79s)} 66. f7 {(19s)} 1-0 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Caruana, Fabiano"] [Black "Karjakin, Sergey"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "C65"] [WhiteElo "2787"] [BlackElo "2769"] [PlyCount "119"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} e5 {(45s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} Nc6 {(4s)} 3. Bb5 {(0s)} Nf6 {(5s)} 4. d3 {(0s)} Bc5 {(6s)} 5. Bxc6 {(0s)} dxc6 {(5s)} 6. Nbd2 {(0s)} O-O {(12s)} 7. Nc4 {(10s)} Nd7 {(37s)} 8. Qe2 {(14s)} Re8 {( 260s)} 9. Bd2 {(19s)} Bd6 {(170s)} 10. h4 {(115s)} Nf8 {(573s)} 11. h5 {(129s)} Ne6 {(83s)} 12. O-O-O {(412s)} c5 {(313s)} 13. Qf1 {(409s)} f6 {(933s)} 14. Nh4 {(185s)} Nd4 {(774s)} 15. c3 {(979 s)} Nc6 {(35s)} 16. Nf5 {(72s)} Bxf5 {(586s)} 17. exf5 {(6s)} h6 {(3s)} 18. g4 {(183s)} Bf8 {(268s)} 19. Qe2 {(536s)} Qd7 {(93s)} 20. Be3 {(391s)} Rad8 {(171s)} 21. Qc2 {(414s)} Kh7 {(516s)} 22. Qb3 {(270s)} a6 {(346s)} 23. Nd2 {(977s)} Na5 {(88s)} 24. Qc2 {(41s)} Qd5 {(381s)} 25. Kb1 {(91s)} Qxd3 {(243s)} 26. Qxd3 {(13s)} Rxd3 {(1s)} 27. Ne4 {(27s)} c4 {(83s)} 28. b4 {(130s)} Nc6 {(331s)} 29. Rxd3 {(24s)} cxd3 {(1s)} 30. a4 {(367s)} Rd8 {(66s)} 31. Rd1 {(205s)} Kg8 {(10s)} 32. Kb2 {(79s)} Kf7 {(43s)} 33. a5 {(49s)} b6 {(287s)} 34. axb6 {(58s)} cxb6 {(2s)} 35. Ra1 {(361s)} d2 {(60s)} 36. Nxd2 {(23s)} a5 {(9s)} 37. b5 {(41s)} Na7 {(3s)} 38. c4 {(95s)} Nc8 {(7s)} 39. Ne4 {(280s)} Bb4 {(2s)} 40. Kc2 {(0s)} Ke8 {(0s)} 41. Rd1 {(378s)} Rxd1 {(210s)} 42. Kxd1 {(12s)} Kd7 {(86s)} 43. Kc2 {( 455s)} Kc7 {(366s)} 44. c5 {(584s)} a4 {(402s)} 45. f3 {(987s)} bxc5 {(585s)} 46. Nxc5 {(3s)} Bxc5 {(25s)} 47. Bxc5 {(4s)} Nd6 {(4s)} 48. b6+ {(15s)} Kc6 {(190s)} 49. b7 {(5s)} Nxb7 {(5s)} 50. Bf8 {(2 s)} Nd6 {(312s)} 51. Bxg7 {(7s)} Nf7 {(4s)} 52. Bxf6 {(18s)} a3 {(26s)} 53. Bh4 {(921s)} Kd5 {(121s)} 54. Be1 {(23s)} a2 {(161s)} 55. Kb2 {(117s)} Kd4 {(165s)} 56. Bd2 {(21s)} Kd3 {(8s)} 57. Bc1 {(16s)} Ke2 {(13s)} 58. f4 {(26s)} exf4 {(15s)} 59. Bxf4 {(4s)} Kf3 {(4s)} 60. Bxh6 {(0s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Tomashevsky, Evgeny"] [Black "Hou, Yifan"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "E53"] [WhiteElo "2728"] [BlackElo "2673"] [PlyCount "93"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} e6 {(0s)} 3. Nc3 {(0s)} Bb4 {(0s)} 4. e3 {(4s)} O-O {(3s)} 5. Bd3 {(8s)} d5 {(8s)} 6. Nf3 {(11s)} c5 {(16s)} 7. O-O {(20s)} cxd4 {(38s)} 8. exd4 {(9s)} dxc4 {(4s)} 9. Bxc4 {(7s)} b6 {(4s)} 10. Bg5 {(39s)} Bb7 {(14s)} 11. Qe2 {(22s)} Bxc3 {(31s)} 12. bxc3 {(9s)} Nbd7 {(9s)} 13. Nd2 {(111s)} Qc7 {(38s)} 14. Rac1 {(47s)} Nd5 {(372s)} 15. f3 {(252s)} e5 {(1245s)} 16. Rfe1 {(2377s)} Rae8 {(448s)} 17. Bxd5 {(318s)} Bxd5 {(14s)} 18. c4 {(5s)} Bb7 {(600s)} 19. d5 {(37 s)} f5 {(26s)} 20. Be3 {(200s)} Rc8 {(375s)} 21. a4 {(1499s)} a5 {(857s)} 22. Qd3 {(220s)} Rf6 {(271 s)} 23. Qa3 {(248s)} Ba6 {(367s)} 24. Bf2 {(120s)} Rh6 {(321s)} 25. h3 {(114s)} Rg6 {(9s)} 26. Qe7 {(209s)} h5 {(260s)} 27. h4 {(271s)} Qd8 {(190s)} 28. Qxd8+ {(303s)} Rxd8 {(2s)} 29. Kh2 {(103s)} Kf7 {(81s)} 30. Rc3 {(40s)} Re8 {(196s)} 31. Bg3 {(234s)} Nc5 {(117s)} 32. Rxe5 {(53s)} Rxe5 {(76s)} 33. Bxe5 {(2s)} Nxa4 {(7s)} 34. Ra3 {(83s)} Nc5 {(19s)} 35. Bd4 {(33s)} Nd7 {(19s)} 36. Kg1 {(35s)} Rh6 {(163s)} 37. Kf2 {(28s)} Rh8 {(20s)} 38. Re3 {(35s)} Rc8 {(600s)} 39. d6 {(23s)} Re8 {(5s)} 40. Rxe8 {(0s)} Kxe8 {(0s)} 41. Bxg7 {(46s)} Kf7 {(735s)} 42. Bb2 {(1322s)} f4 {(393s)} 43. Ke2 {(132s)} b5 {(641s)} 44. cxb5 {(485s)} Bxb5+ {(6s)} 45. Kd1 {(7s)} Ke6 {(15s)} 46. Ne4 {(31s)} Nb6 {(809s)} 47. Bc1 {(884s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Eljanov, Pavel"] [Black "Giri, Anish"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "E04"] [WhiteElo "2760"] [BlackElo "2798"] [PlyCount "95"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} e6 {(0s)} 3. Nf3 {(38s)} d5 {(0s)} 4. g3 {(67s)} dxc4 {(0s)} 5. Bg2 {(10s)} c5 {(4s)} 6. O-O {(65s)} Nc6 {(3s)} 7. Na3 {(776s)} cxd4 {(15s)} 8. Nxc4 {(5s)} Bc5 {(6s)} 9. a3 {(234s)} a5 {(41s)} 10. Bd2 {(435s)} O-O {(443s)} 11. Rc1 {(41s)} Bd6 {(743s)} 12. Nxd6 {( 1434s)} Qxd6 {(6s)} 13. e3 {(6s)} e5 {(246s)} 14. exd4 {(317s)} Bg4 {(634s)} 15. h3 {(284s)} Bxf3 {( 13s)} 16. Bxf3 {(292s)} Nxd4 {(142s)} 17. Be3 {(14s)} Rad8 {(593s)} 18. Bxd4 {(231s)} exd4 {(137s)} 19. Qd2 {(8s)} Qb6 {(62s)} 20. b4 {(516s)} axb4 {(53s)} 21. Qxb4 {(18s)} Qxb4 {(488s)} 22. axb4 {( 6s)} Rd7 {(12s)} 23. Rc5 {(260s)} Re8 {(546s)} 24. Rd1 {(78s)} g6 {(248s)} 25. Rc4 {(550s)} d3 {(148 s)} 26. Kf1 {(248s)} Re6 {(186s)} 27. g4 {(206s)} h6 {(180s)} 28. h4 {(61s)} Re5 {(135s)} 29. Rc5 {( 369s)} Rxc5 {(130s)} 30. bxc5 {(5s)} Rc7 {(139s)} 31. Rxd3 {(83s)} Nd7 {(81s)} 32. Rd6 {(234s)} Nxc5 {(63s)} 33. Rb6 {(4s)} Kg7 {(472s)} 34. Kg2 {(30s)} f6 {(122s)} 35. Kg3 {(31s)} g5 {(70s)} 36. hxg5 {(26s)} hxg5 {(10s)} 37. Rb5 {(38s)} Kf7 {(191s)} 38. Rb6 {(41s)} Ke7 {(15s)} 39. Rb5 {(56s)} Kd6 {(203s)} 40. Rb6+ {(0s)} Ke5 {(0s)} 41. Rb5 {(12s)} Kd4 {(40s)} 42. Rb6 {(204s)} Rf7 {(200s)} 43. Rd6+ {(117s)} Kc3 {(1080s)} 44. Rb6 {(52s)} Kd4 {(122s)} 45. Rd6+ {(6s)} Kc4 {(13s)} 46. Rb6 {(4s)} Kc3 {(230s)} 47. Kg2 {(87s)} Kc4 {(528s)} 48. Kg3 {(53s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Van Wely, Loek"] [Black "So, Wesley"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "D38"] [WhiteElo "2640"] [BlackElo "2773"] [PlyCount "51"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. Nf3 {(0s)} d5 {(6s)} 2. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(5s)} 3. c4 {(0s)} e6 {(3s)} 4. Nc3 {(3s)} Bb4 {(5s)} 5. cxd5 {(39s)} exd5 {(4s)} 6. Bg5 {(11s)} h6 {(6s)} 7. Bxf6 {(207s)} Qxf6 {(5s)} 8. Qa4+ {(11s)} Nc6 {(8s)} 9. e3 {(6s)} O-O {(7s)} 10. Be2 {(23s)} Be6 {(9s)} 11. O-O {(16s)} a6 {(15s)} 12. Rfc1 {(105s)} Bd6 {(32 s)} 13. a3 {(358s)} g5 {(312s)} 14. Qd1 {(283s)} Rad8 {(656s)} 15. Na4 {(228s)} Bc8 {(304s)} 16. Nc5 {(463s)} Rfe8 {(201s)} 17. Rc3 {(276s)} Ne7 {(991s)} 18. Rac1 {(586s)} Nf5 {(222s)} 19. Nd2 {( 778s)} Re7 {(470s)} 20. b4 {(720s)} Kg7 {(178s)} 21. Nf1 {(289s)} Rh8 {(418s)} 22. Bh5 {(253s)} c6 {(419s)} 23. a4 {(248s)} Rc7 {(315s)} 24. Nd2 {(475s)} Re8 {(181s)} 25. h3 {(530s)} Qe7 {(402s)} 26. Qe1 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar"] [Black "Ding, Liren"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "D47"] [WhiteElo "2747"] [BlackElo "2766"] [PlyCount "60"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} d5 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} c6 {(0s)} 3. Nf3 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 4. Nc3 {(0s)} e6 {(13s)} 5. e3 {( 7s)} Nbd7 {(5s)} 6. Bd3 {(13s)} dxc4 {(21s)} 7. Bxc4 {(4s)} b5 {(5s)} 8. Bd3 {(4s)} Bb7 {(5s)} 9. a3 {( 76s)} b4 {(398s)} 10. Ne4 {(81s)} Nxe4 {(218s)} 11. Bxe4 {(9s)} Nf6 {(6s)} 12. Bd3 {(173s)} bxa3 {( 185s)} 13. O-O {(41s)} axb2 {(152s)} 14. Bxb2 {(6s)} a5 {(3s)} 15. Qb3 {(1079s)} Bb4 {(366s)} 16. Ba3 {(17s)} c5 {(50s)} 17. Bb5+ {(413s)} Ke7 {(158s)} 18. dxc5 {(296s)} Bxf3 {(190s)} 19. gxf3 {( 123s)} Qd5 {(8s)} 20. Qxd5 {(141s)} Nxd5 {(180s)} 21. Bc6 {(70s)} Ra7 {(61s)} 22. Bxd5 {(322s)} Bxa3 {(21s)} 23. Rxa3 {(6s)} exd5 {(3s)} 24. Rd1 {(6s)} Ke6 {(300s)} 25. Rb1 {(68s)} Rc8 {(70s)} 26. Rb5 {(30s)} a4 {(5s)} 27. Rb4 {(43s)} Rxc5 {(4s)} 28. Rbxa4 {(4s)} Rxa4 {(4s)} 29. Rxa4 {(5s)} Rc6 {( 6s)} 30. Kg2 {(3s)} Rb6 {(3s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Wei, Yi"] [Black "Navara, David"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C65"] [WhiteElo "2706"] [BlackElo "2730"] [PlyCount "55"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} e5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} Nc6 {(0s)} 3. Bb5 {(1s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 4. d3 {(23s)} Bc5 {(0s)} 5. Bxc6 {(11s)} dxc6 {(1s)} 6. Nbd2 {(16s)} O-O {(116s)} 7. Nc4 {(26s)} Nd7 {(35s)} 8. Qe2 {(36s)} Re8 {(102s)} 9. Bd2 {(8s)} Bd6 {(775s)} 10. h4 {(11s)} c5 {(1430s)} 11. h5 {(209s)} h6 {(174s)} 12. O-O-O {(2516s)} Nb8 {(561s)} 13. Rdg1 {(771s)} Nc6 {(574s)} 14. g4 {(19s)} f6 {(5s)} 15. g5 {(334s)} fxg5 {(17s)} 16. Nxg5 {(10s)} Nd4 {(307s)} 17. Qd1 {(5s)} hxg5 {(151s)} 18. Bxg5 {(34s)} Be7 {(15s)} 19. Be3 {(72s)} Bf6 {(1439s)} 20. h6 {(16s)} Re7 {(738s)} 21. hxg7 {(314s)} Rxg7 {(10s)} 22. Qh5 {(32s)} Be6 {(177s)} 23. Bh6 {(34s)} Bf7 {(31s)} 24. Bxg7 {(15s)} Bxh5 {(12s)} 25. Bxf6+ {(5s)} Kf8 {(26s)} 26. Bxd8 {(8s)} Ne2+ {(5s)} 27. Kb1 {(21s)} Nxg1 {(9s)} 28. Bxc7 {(5s)} 1-0

Standings Masters


It was also a big day in the Challengers group as Jorden Van Foreest...

...defeated the leader Baskaran Adhiban

Nino Batsiashvili

Chess is a family event

All set for the next customers

Replay round nine Challengers games (with times per moves)

[Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Baskaran, Adhiban"] [Black "Van Foreest, Jorden"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "D17"] [WhiteElo "2653"] [BlackElo "2541"] [PlyCount "82"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} d5 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} c6 {(0s)} 3. Nf3 {(34s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 4. Nc3 {(3s)} dxc4 {(0s)} 5. a4 {(3s)} Bf5 {(5s)} 6. Nh4 {(4s)} Bc8 {(7s)} 7. e3 {(33s)} Bg4 {(9s)} 8. f3 {(122s)} Bd7 {(7s)} 9. f4 {( 218s)} e6 {(35s)} 10. Bxc4 {(70s)} Bb4 {(5s)} 11. O-O {(86s)} c5 {(225s)} 12. f5 {(1025s)} O-O {(760 s)} 13. Na2 {(1674s)} Nc6 {(1063s)} 14. Nxb4 {(26s)} cxb4 {(16s)} 15. Bd2 {(653s)} exf5 {(199s)} 16. Bd3 {(910s)} g6 {(208s)} 17. Nxf5 {(87s)} Bxf5 {(233s)} 18. Bxf5 {(2s)} gxf5 {(299s)} 19. Rxf5 {(2s)} Qe7 {(244s)} 20. Qf3 {(113s)} Ne4 {(131s)} 21. Bxb4 {(20s)} Qxb4 {(568s)} 22. Qxe4 {(1 s)} Rae8 {(130s)} 23. Qf4 {(88s)} Ne7 {(162s)} 24. Rb5 {(111s)} Qd2 {(76s)} 25. Rxb7 {(16s)} Ng6 {( 42s)} 26. Qf2 {(157s)} Qxe3 {(129s)} 27. Rxa7 {(23s)} Qd3 {(287s)} 28. Rd7 {(243s)} Re2 {(30s)} 29. Qg3 {(1s)} Qxg3 {(120s)} 30. hxg3 {(1s)} Rb8 {(21s)} 31. Rb1 {(268s)} Nf8 {(190s)} 32. Rd6 {(51s)} Rc8 {(266s)} 33. a5 {(382s)} Rcc2 {(6s)} 34. a6 {(6s)} Rxg2+ {(13s)} 35. Kh1 {(12s)} Rxb2 {(99s)} 36. Rxb2 {(53s)} Rxb2 {(11s)} 37. d5 {(1s)} Ra2 {(65s)} 38. g4 {(333s)} Kg7 {(47s)} 39. g5 {(24s)} Ng6 {(27s)} 40. Kg1 {(0s)} Nf4 {(0s)} 41. Kf1 {(642s)} Ra5 {(52s)} 0-1 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Sevian, Samuel"] [Black "Haast, Anne"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C78"] [WhiteElo "2578"] [BlackElo "2391"] [PlyCount "73"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} e5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} Nc6 {(1s)} 3. Bb5 {(13s)} a6 {(15s)} 4. Ba4 {(18s)} Nf6 {(17s)} 5. O-O {(17s)} b5 {(53s)} 6. Bb3 {(8s)} Bb7 {(22s)} 7. d3 {(23s)} Bc5 {(43s)} 8. a4 {(87s)} O-O {(66s)} 9. Nc3 {(112s)} Na5 {(140s)} 10. Ba2 {(32s)} b4 {(302s)} 11. Ne2 {(33s)} d5 {(281s)} 12. Nxe5 {(83s)} dxe4 {(360s)} 13. d4 {(11s)} Be7 {(284s)} 14. Ng3 {(837s)} Qc8 {(190s)} 15. Bg5 {(519s)} c5 {(394s)} 16. dxc5 {(1582s)} Qc7 {(1812s)} 17. Bxf6 {(80s)} Rad8 {(235s)} 18. Nd7 {(1815s)} Rxd7 {(1221s)} 19. Be5 {(13s)} Rxd1 {(112s)} 20. Bxc7 {(8s)} Rxa1 {(52s)} 21. Rxa1 {(8s)} Bd8 {(23s)} 22. Bd6 {( 94s)} Re8 {(15s)} 23. Nf5 {(50s)} Bc8 {(171s)} 24. Ne3 {(88s)} Nb7 {(183s)} 25. Bd5 {(81s)} Nxd6 {( 182s)} 26. cxd6 {(12s)} Bf6 {(33s)} 27. Nc4 {(42s)} Rd8 {(188s)} 28. Rd1 {(93s)} Bf5 {(149s)} 29. a5 {(42s)} Kf8 {(35s)} 30. b3 {(75s)} Rd7 {(191s)} 31. Bc6 {(68s)} Ra7 {(10s)} 32. Rd5 {(134s)} Bd7 {(92s)} 33. Bxd7 {(33s)} Rxd7 {(1s)} 34. Rc5 {(14s)} Ke8 {(54s)} 35. Rc8+ {(4s)} Rd8 {(19s)} 36. Rc6 {(16s)} Ra8 {(40s)} 37. d7+ {(28s)} 1-0 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Safarli, Eltaj"] [Black "L'Ami, Erwin"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "C50"] [WhiteElo "2653"] [BlackElo "2627"] [PlyCount "59"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} e5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(75s)} Nc6 {(0s)} 3. Bc4 {(113s)} Bc5 {(12s)} 4. d3 {(43s)} Nf6 {(17s)} 5. Nc3 {(4s)} d6 {(223s)} 6. Bg5 {(313s)} h6 {(115s)} 7. Bxf6 {(31s)} Qxf6 {(8s)} 8. Nd5 {(4s)} Qd8 {(10s)} 9. c3 {(43s)} O-O {(710s)} 10. O-O {(761s)} a6 {(238s)} 11. d4 {(275s)} Ba7 {(64s)} 12. h3 {( 55s)} Be6 {(334s)} 13. Re1 {(265s)} exd4 {(1307s)} 14. cxd4 {(14s)} Nb4 {(8s)} 15. Qb3 {(910s)} Nxd5 {(96s)} 16. Bxd5 {(314s)} Bxd5 {(83s)} 17. Qxd5 {(6s)} c6 {(30s)} 18. Qb3 {(93s)} Qb6 {(956s)} 19. Qc2 {(50s)} Rae8 {(93s)} 20. Rad1 {(79s)} d5 {(103s)} 21. exd5 {(453s)} cxd5 {(17s)} 22. Re5 {(16s)} Rd8 {(239s)} 23. Rde1 {(227s)} Bb8 {(159s)} 24. R5e2 {(156s)} Bd6 {(333s)} 25. Qf5 {(252s)} Qb5 {(210s)} 26. a3 {(128s)} Rc8 {(247s)} 27. Rc2 {(1290s)} Rxc2 {(34s)} 28. Qxc2 {(54s)} Re8 {(9s)} 29. Rxe8+ {(84s)} Qxe8 {(15s)} 30. g3 {(104s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Abasov, Nijat"] [Black "Ju, Wenjun"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D78"] [WhiteElo "2556"] [BlackElo "2548"] [PlyCount "123"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. Nf3 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. g3 {(0s)} g6 {(45s)} 3. Bg2 {(0s)} Bg7 {(5s)} 4. O-O {(0s)} O-O {(13s)} 5. d4 {(32s)} d5 {(22s)} 6. Nbd2 {(7s)} c6 {(390s)} 7. b3 {(20s)} a5 {(52s)} 8. c4 {(34s)} Bf5 {(211s)} 9. Bb2 {(61s)} Ne4 {(75s)} 10. Rc1 {(566s)} a4 {(733s)} 11. bxa4 {(46s)} Qa5 {(374s)} 12. a3 {(50s)} Qxa4 {(645s)} 13. Nh4 {(1349s)} Nxd2 {(533s)} 14. Qxd2 {(11s)} Be6 {(2s)} 15. cxd5 {(42s)} cxd5 {( 39s)} 16. f4 {(7s)} Nc6 {(293s)} 17. f5 {(25s)} gxf5 {(103s)} 18. Nxf5 {(8s)} Bxf5 {(17s)} 19. Rxf5 {(5s)} e6 {(79s)} 20. Rg5 {(989s)} f6 {(249s)} 21. Rh5 {(30s)} f5 {(7s)} 22. g4 {(141s)} Bxd4+ {(1523 s)} 23. e3 {(871s)} Bxb2 {(34s)} 24. Qxb2 {(94s)} Qxa3 {(6s)} 25. Rg5+ {(3s)} Kf7 {(3s)} 26. Rg7+ {( 4s)} Ke8 {(6s)} 27. Qb1 {(2s)} Rf7 {(710s)} 28. Rxf7 {(122s)} Kxf7 {(2s)} 29. gxf5 {(4s)} Qxe3+ {(64 s)} 30. Kh1 {(4s)} Ra2 {(247s)} 31. fxe6+ {(251s)} Ke8 {(25s)} 32. Rg1 {(150s)} Rxg2 {(244s)} 33. Rxg2 {(5s)} Qxe6 {(6s)} 34. Qxh7 {(8s)} Ne7 {(20s)} 35. Qb1 {(17s)} b6 {(128s)} 36. Qb4 {(408s)} Qf6 {(86s)} 37. Kg1 {(87s)} Qa1+ {(24s)} 38. Kf2 {(4s)} Qf6+ {(4s)} 39. Ke2 {(136s)} Qe5+ {(50s)} 40. Kd2 {(0s)} d4 {(0s)} 41. Re2 {(178s)} Qf4+ {(317s)} 42. Kd1 {(40s)} Qf1+ {(381s)} 43. Re1 {(17s)} Qf6 {(256s)} 44. Qa4+ {(73s)} Kf8 {(128s)} 45. Qa8+ {(438s)} Kg7 {(204s)} 46. Qb7 {(264s)} Kf7 {( 133s)} 47. Qe4 {(25s)} Ng6 {(316s)} 48. Qe8+ {(304s)} Kg7 {(2s)} 49. Qd7+ {(7s)} Kh6 {(45s)} 50. Qh3+ {(6s)} Kg7 {(3s)} 51. Re6 {(225s)} Qg5 {(104s)} 52. Rd6 {(273s)} Qg1+ {(58s)} 53. Kc2 {(5s)} Qf2+ {(211s)} 54. Kb3 {(23s)} Qg1 {(419s)} 55. Rd7+ {(272s)} Kf6 {(6s)} 56. Qf3+ {(11s)} Kg5 {(14s)} 57. Rd5+ {(49s)} Kh6 {(2s)} 58. Rh5+ {(164s)} Kg7 {(3s)} 59. Qb7+ {(4s)} Kf6 {(80s)} 60. Qc6+ {(0s)} Kf7 {(0s)} 61. Qd7+ {(57s)} Ne7 {(205s)} 62. Rf5+ {(6s)} 1-0 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter"] [Black "Dreev, Alexey"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "B10"] [WhiteElo "2679"] [BlackElo "2644"] [PlyCount "62"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} c6 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} d5 {(0s)} 3. exd5 {(0s)} cxd5 {(10s)} 4. Ne5 {(0s)} a6 {(458s)} 5. d4 {(411s)} Nd7 {(852s)} 6. Nf3 {(352s)} Ndf6 {(385s)} 7. c3 {(1121s)} Bg4 {(1012s)} 8. h3 {(690s)} Bh5 {(272s)} 9. g4 {(584s)} Bg6 {(16s)} 10. Qb3 {(5s)} Qc7 {(1020s)} 11. g5 {(386s)} Nd7 {(116s)} 12. Qxd5 {(7s)} e6 {(51s)} 13. Qc4 {(48s)} Qa5 {(7s)} 14. Bg2 {(390s)} h6 {(488s)} 15. Nh4 {(292s)} Bxb1 {(75s)} 16. Rxb1 {(40s)} hxg5 {(8s)} 17. Bxb7 {(372s)} Rb8 {(398s)} 18. Nf3 {(44s)} Qf5 {(89s)} 19. Bc6 {(266s)} Qxb1 {(419s)} 20. Bxd7+ {(392s)} Kd8 {(53s)} 21. O-O {(118s)} Qf5 {(26s)} 22. Ne5 {(235s)} Qxh3 {(87s)} 23. Nxf7+ {(252s)} Kxd7 {(35s)} 24. Ne5+ {(3s)} Kd8 {(44s)} 25. Nf7+ {(3 s)} Kd7 {(306s)} 26. Ne5+ {(4s)} Kd8 {(16s)} 27. Nf7+ {(3s)} Ke8 {(125s)} 28. Nxh8 {(5s)} Qg4+ {(45s)} 29. Kh1 {(29s)} Qh3+ {(185s)} 30. Kg1 {(5s)} Qg4+ {(5s)} 31. Kh1 {(3s)} Qh3+ {(3s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Admiraal, Miguoel"] [Black "Bok, Benjamin"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "B51"] [WhiteElo "2441"] [BlackElo "2607"] [PlyCount "66"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} c5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} d6 {(0s)} 3. Bb5+ {(31s)} Nd7 {(0s)} 4. O-O {(16s)} a6 {(1s)} 5. Bd3 {(19s)} Ngf6 {(3s)} 6. Re1 {(11s)} e6 {(16s)} 7. c3 {(9s)} Be7 {(127s)} 8. Bc2 {(223s)} b5 {(2s)} 9. d4 {(22s)} Bb7 {(4s)} 10. a4 {(333s)} cxd4 {(58s)} 11. cxd4 {(65s)} O-O {(20s)} 12. Nbd2 {(375s)} bxa4 {(543s)} 13. Rxa4 {(283s)} Qc7 {(55s)} 14. Bd3 {(310s)} Rfc8 {(74s)} 15. Ra1 {(623s)} e5 {( 649s)} 16. Nf1 {(1061s)} exd4 {(215s)} 17. Nxd4 {(15s)} Bf8 {(13s)} 18. Ng3 {(912s)} Re8 {(18s)} 19. Bg5 g6 {(1750s)} 20. Qd2 {(728s)} d5 {(437s)} 21. exd5 {(393s)} Nxd5 {(85s)} 22. Rxe8 {(202 s)} Rxe8 {(2s)} 23. Be4 {(160s)} Nc5 {(259s)} 24. Bf3 {(101s)} Qe5 {(120s)} 25. Rd1 {(68s)} h6 {(802 s)} 26. Bxh6 {(198s)} Bxh6 {(6s)} 27. Qxh6 {(2s)} Nf4 {(10s)} 28. h4 {(99s)} Ncd3 {(215s)} 29. Bxb7 {(392s)} Qxd4 {(1s)} 30. Rf1 {(17s)} Nxf2 {(126s)} 31. Rxf2 {(9s)} Re1+ {(12s)} 32. Nf1 {(31s)} Rxf1+ {(9s)} 33. Kxf1 {(1s)} Qd1# {(6s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.26"] [Round "9"] [White "Batsiashvili, Nino"] [Black "Antipov, Mikhail Al"] [Result "*"] [ECO "E32"] [WhiteElo "2485"] [BlackElo "2567"] [PlyCount "132"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(53s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} e6 {(8s)} 3. Nc3 {(0s)} Bb4 {(5s)} 4. Qc2 {(0s)} O-O {(7s)} 5. Nf3 {(0s)} d6 {(10s)} 6. Bd2 {(0s)} Nbd7 {(25s)} 7. a3 {(96s)} Bxc3 {(7s)} 8. Bxc3 {(4s)} b6 {(120s)} 9. e4 {(14s)} Bb7 {(58s)} 10. Bd3 {(9s)} c5 {(18s)} 11. e5 {(239s)} cxd4 {(40s)} 12. exf6 {(618s)} dxc3 {(8s)} 13. fxg7 {(158s)} Kxg7 {(57s)} 14. Qxc3+ {(5s)} Qf6 {(28s)} 15. Qxf6+ {(365s)} Kxf6 {( 72s)} 16. Ke2 {(730s)} Rg8 {(1584s)} 17. Rhg1 {(45s)} Ne5 {(33s)} 18. Nxe5 {(464s)} dxe5 {(5s)} 19. f3 {(3s)} h5 {(8s)} 20. Rac1 {(211s)} Rad8 {(132s)} 21. Rc3 {(371s)} Rd4 {(25s)} 22. Kf2 {(45s)} Rgd8 {(458s)} 23. Ke3 {(248s)} Ke7 {(43s)} 24. b4 {(88s)} f5 {(39s)} 25. Rgc1 {(155s)} h4 {(258s)} 26. h3 {(309s)} Bc6 {(637s)} 27. Be2 {(528s)} Kf6 {(1832s)} 28. Kf2 {(134s)} e4 {(137s)} 29. c5 {( 586s)} bxc5 {(579s)} 30. bxc5 {(248s)} Rg8 {(132s)} 31. fxe4 {(524s)} Bxe4 {(10s)} 32. c6 {(230s)} Rxg2+ {(230s)} 33. Kf1 {(5s)} Rd2 {(120s)} 34. c7 {(155s)} Bb7 {(103s)} 35. c8=Q {(288s)} Bxc8 {(7 s)} 36. Kxg2 {(12s)} Rxe2+ {(4s)} 37. Kf3 {(5s)} Ba6 {(2s)} 38. R1c2 {(86s)} Re4 {(69s)} 39. Rc7 {( 60s)} Ra4 {(49s)} 40. R2c3 {(0s)} Bb5 {(0s)} 41. Rb7 {(301s)} a6 {(537s)} 42. Rb6 {(71s)} Rd4 {(47s)} 43. Ke3 {(814s)} Re4+ {(111s)} 44. Kf3 {(5s)} Kg5 {(409s)} 45. Rc1 {(258s)} Rf4+ {(508s)} 46. Kg2 {(195s)} Bc4 {(151s)} 47. Rc3 {(98s)} a5 {(80s)} 48. Rb8 {(142s)} Bd5+ {(63s)} 49. Kg1 {(2s)} Rd4 {( 69s)} 50. Rg8+ {(73s)} Kf6 {(18s)} 51. Rh8 {(9s)} a4 {(174s)} 52. Kf2 {(49s)} Bb3 {(188s)} 53. Re3 {(108s)} Bd5 {(458s)} 54. Rc3 {(6s)} e5 {(437s)} 55. Rf8+ {(902s)} Kg5 {(22s)} 56. Rc5 {(65s)} Kf4 {( 235s)} 57. Rh8 {(37s)} e4 {(76s)} 58. Rxh4+ {(24s)} Ke5 {(2s)} 59. Rh8 {(149s)} Rd2+ {(45s)} 60. Ke1 {(0s)} e3 {(0s)} 61. Ra5 {(125s)} Ke4 {(420s)} 62. Rxa4+ {(242s)} Kf3 {(1s)} 63. Rhh4 {(13s)} Re2+ {(58s)} 64. Kf1 {(15s)} Rf2+ {(50s)} 65. Ke1 {(1s)} Kg3 {(112s)} 66. Rhd4 {(31s)} Bf3 {(23s)} 0-1

Standings Challengers

Playing schedule + Playchess commentary

The two main tournaments are round robins. Both groups start on the 16th of January 2016 in Wijk aan Zee. The Masters move to Amsterdam on January 21, and to Utrecht on January 27. All rounds in Wijk aan Zee begin at 1.30 p.m., except for the last round on 31 January 2016, which begins at 12.00 p.m. Round five will take place in the Science Center NEMO in Amsterdam, and round ten in the Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht. Both these external rounds start at 2.00 p.m.

Date English commentary German commentary
Sunday, 24 Jan GM Yannick Pelletier GM Klaus Bischoff
Monday, 25 Jan    
Tuesday, 26 Jan GM Daniel King GM Klaus Bischoff
Wednesday, 27 Jan GM Yannick Pelletier GM Sebastian Siebrecht
Thursday, 28 Jan    
Friday, 29 Jan GM Adrian Mikhalchishin GM Sebastian Siebrecht
Saturday, 30 Jan GM Karsten Müller GM Klaus Bischoff
Sunday, 31 Jan GM Karsten Müller GM Klaus Bischoff

Schedule and results of Tata Steel Masters 2016

Round 1 - Saturday the 16th
Hou, Y. - Karjakin, S.
So, W. - Giri, A.
Ding, L. - Adams, M.
Navara, D. - Carlsen, M.
Caruana, F. - Eljanov, P.
Wei, Y. - Tomashevsky, E.
Mamedyarov, S. - Van Wely, L.
Round 2 - Sunday the 17th
Karjakin, S. - Van Wely, L.
Tomashevsky, E. - Mamedyarov, S.
Eljanov, P. - Wei, Y.
Carlsen, M. - Caruana, F.
Adams, M. - Navara, D.
Giri, A. - Ding, L.
Hou, Y. - So, W. ½-½
Round 3 - Monday the 18th
So, W. - Karjakin, S. ½-½
Ding, L. - Hou, Y. ½-½
Navara, D. - Giri, A. ½-½
Caruana, F. - Adams, M. 1-0
Wei, Y. - Carlsen, M. ½-½
Mamedyarov, S. - Eljanov, P. 0-1
Van Wely, L. - Tomashevsky, E. ½-½
Round 4 - Tuesday the 19th
Karjakin, S. - Tomashevsky, E.
Eljanov, P. - Van Wely, L.
Carlsen, M. - Mamedyarov, S.
Adams, M. - Wei, Y.
Giri, A. - Caruana, F.
Hou, Y. - Navara, D.
So, W. - Ding, L.
Round 5 - Thursday the 21st
Ding, L. - Karjakin, S.
Navara, D. - So, W.
Caruana, F. - Hou, Y.
Wei, Y. - Giri, A.
Mamedyarov, S. - Adams, M.
Van Wely, L. - Carlsen, M.
Tomashevsky, E. - Eljanov, P.
Round 6 - Friday the 22nd
Karjakin, S. - Eljanov, P.
Carlsen, M. - Tomashevsky, E.
Adams, M. - Van Wely, L.
Giri, A. - Mamedyarov, S.
Hou, Y. - Wei, Y.
So, W. - Caruana, F.
Ding, L. - Navara, D.
Round 7 - Saturday the 23rd
Navara, D. - Karjakin, S.
Caruana, F. - Ding, L.
Wei, Y. - So, W.
Mamedyarov, S. - Hou, Y.
Van Wely, L. - Giri, A.
Tomashevsky, E. - Adams, M.
Eljanov, P. - Carlsen, M.
Round 8 - Sunday the 24th
Karjakin, S. - Carlsen, M.
Adams, M. - Eljanov, P.
Giri, A. - Tomashevsky, E.
Hou, Y. - Van Wely, L.
So, W. - Mamedyarov, S.
Ding, L. - Wei, Y.
Navara, D. - Caruana, F.
Round 9 - Tuesday the 26th
Caruana, F. - Karjakin, S.
Wei, Y. - Navara, D.
Mamedyarov, S. - Ding, L.
Van Wely, L. - So, W.
Tomashevsky, E. - Hou, Y.
Eljanov, P. - Giri, A.
Carlsen, M. - Adams, M.
Round 10 - Wednesday the 27th
Karjakin, S. - Adams, M.  
Giri, A. - Carlsen, M.  
Hou, Y. - Eljanov, P.  
So, W. - Tomashevsky, E.  
Ding, L. - Van Wely, L.  
Navara, D. - Mamedyarov, S.  
Caruana, F. - Wei, Y.  
Round 11 - Friday the 29th
Wei, Y. - Karjakin, S.  
Mamedyarov, S. - Caruana, F.  
Van Wely, L. - Navara, D.  
Tomashevsky, E. - Ding, L.  
Eljanov, P. - So, W.  
Carlsen, M. - Hou, Y.  
Adams, M. - Giri, A.  
Round 12 - Saturday the 30th
Karjakin, S. - Giri, A.  
Hou, Y. - Adams, M.  
So, W. - Carlsen, M.  
Ding, L. - Eljanov, P.  
Navara, D. - Tomashevsky, E.  
Caruana, F. - Van Wely, L.  
Wei, Y. - Mamedyarov, S.  
Round 13 - Sunday the 31st
Mamedyarov, S. - Karjakin, S.  
Van Wely, L. - Wei, Y.  
Tomashevsky, E. - Caruana, F.  
Eljanov, P. - Navara, D.  
Carlsen, M. - Ding, L.  
Adams, M. - So, W.  
Giri, A. - Hou, Y.  

Schedule and results of Tata Steel Challengers 2016

Round 1 - Saturday the 16th
Haast, A. - van Foreest, J.
Antipov, M. - Ju, W.
Dreev, A. - Bok, B.
l'Ami, E. - Admiraal, M.
Baskaran, A. - Abasov, N.
Safarli, E. - Sevian, S.
Nisipeanu, L. - Batsiashvili, N.
Round 2 - Sunday the 17th
van Foreest, J. - Batsiashvili, N.
Sevian, S. - Nisipeanu, L.
Abasov, N. - Safarli, E.
Admiraal, M. - Baskaran, A.
Bok, B. - l'Ami, E.
Ju, W. - Dreev, A.
Haast, A. - Antipov, M.
Round 3 - Monday the 18th
Antipov, M. - van Foreest, J. 1-0
Dreev, A. - Haast, A. 1-0
l'Ami, E. - Ju, W. ½-½
Baskaran, A. - Bok, B. ½-½
Safarli, E. - Admiraal, M. ½-½
Nisipeanu, L. - Abasov, N. ½-½
Batsiashvili, N. - Sevian, S. ½-½
Round 4 - Tuesday the 19th
van Foreest, J. - Sevian, S.
Abasov, N. - Batsiashvili, N.
Admiraal, M. - Nisipeanu, L.
Bok, B. - Safarli, E.
Ju, W. - Baskaran, A.
Haast, A. - l'Ami, E.
Antipov, M. - Dreev, A.
Round 5 - Wednesday the 20th
Dreev, A. - van Foreest, J.
l'Ami, E. - Antipov, M.
Baskaran, A. - Haast, A.
Safarli, E. - Ju, W.
Nisipeanu, L. - Bok, B.
Batsiashvili, N. - Admiraal, M.
Sevian, S. - Abasov, N.
Round 6 - Friday the 22nd
van Foreest, J. - Abasov, N.
Admiraal, M. - Sevian, S.
Bok, B. - Batsiashvili, N.
Ju, W. - Nisipeanu, L.
Haast, A. - Safarli, E.
Antipov, M. - Baskaran, A.
Dreev, A. - l'Ami, E.
Round 7 - Saturday the 23rd
l'Ami, E. - van Foreest, J.
Baskaran, A. - Dreev, A.
Safarli, E. - Antipov, M.
Nisipeanu, L. - Haast, A.
Batsiashvili, N. - Ju, W.
Sevian, S. - Bok, B.
Abasov, N. - Admiraal, M.
Round 8 - Sunday the 24th
van Foreest, J. - Admiraal, M.
Bok, B. - Abasov, N.
Ju, W. - Sevian, S.
Haast, A. - Batsiashvili, N.
Antipov, M. - Nisipeanu, L.
Dreev, A. - Safarli, E.
l'Ami, E. - Baskaran, A.
Round 9 - Tuesday the 26th
Baskaran, A. - van Foreest, J.
Safarli, E. - l'Ami, E.
Nisipeanu, L. - Dreev, A.
Batsiashvili, N. - Antipov, M.
Sevian, S. - Haast, A.
Abasov, N. - Ju, W.
Admiraal, M. - Bok, B.
Round 10 - Wednesday the 27th
van Foreest, J. - Bok, B.  
Ju, W. - Admiraal, M.  
Haast, A. - Abasov, N.  
Antipov, M. - Sevian, S.  
Dreev, A. - Batsiashvili, N.  
l'Ami, E. - Nisipeanu, L.  
Baskaran, A. - Safarli, E.  
Round 11 - Friday the 29th
Safarli, E. - van Foreest, J.  
Nisipeanu, L. - Baskaran, A.  
Batsiashvili, N. - l'Ami, E.  
Sevian, S. - Dreev, A.  
Abasov, N. - Antipov, M.  
Admiraal, M. - Haast, A.  
Bok, B. - Ju, W.  
Round 12 - Saturday the 30th
van Foreest, J. - Ju, W.  
Haast, A. - Bok, B.  
Antipov, M. - Admiraal, M.  
Dreev, A. - Abasov, N.  
l'Ami, E. - Sevian, S.  
Baskaran, A. - Batsiashvili, N.  
Safarli, E. - Nisipeanu, L.  
Round 13 - Sunday the 31st
Nisipeanu, L. - van Foreest, J.  
Batsiashvili, N. - Safarli, E.  
Sevian, S. - Baskaran, A.  
Abasov, N. - l'Ami, E.  
Admiraal, M. - Dreev, A.  
Bok, B. - Antipov, M.  
Ju, W. - Haast, A.  


The games are being broadcast live on the official web site and on the server Playchess.com. If you are not a member you can download a free Playchess client there and get immediate access. You can also use ChessBase or any of our Fritz compatible chess programs.

Born in the US, he grew up in Paris, France, where he completed his Baccalaureat, and after college moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He had a peak rating of 2240 FIDE, and was a key designer of Chess Assistant 6. In 2010 he joined the ChessBase family as an editor and writer at ChessBase News. He is also a passionate photographer with work appearing in numerous publications, and the content creator of the YouTube channel, Chess & Tech.


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sobme sobme 1/30/2016 03:49
Carlsen – Adams, 8th Tata Steel Round 9, position after Black 43rd move, h3:
I probably would have panicked and play my Knight to h4 or e3 and lose the game, but Carlsen is like
44.a5 <you've got nothing, man...> and Adams 44...N6h5 <Really?>, Carlsen 45.a6 <Nothing...>, 45...Ne6 <Alright then...>, 46.a7 <But I have got some...>, 46...Ra8, sobbing.
MorrellBridge MorrellBridge 1/28/2016 08:29
Seems crazy to me that a journalist can get through a report on this round and not mention the fact that Wei Yi and Caruana played the same novelty on different boards.
Harri Rudanko Harri Rudanko 1/27/2016 01:16
Now the Italian game is popular. but I suggest Vienna.
thlai80 thlai80 1/27/2016 09:18
@Manavian Inc, not only twin ... but his Russian twin!
Manavian Inc Manavian Inc 1/27/2016 08:06
Baskaran Adhibov?? Is he Adhiban's twin?
KrushonIrina KrushonIrina 1/27/2016 04:43
Should read 4th win in 5 games, or 4 1/2 points in last 5 games.
guest1227491 guest1227491 1/27/2016 04:10
Was Adhiban's piece sacrifice sound, or did he go astray later?
sicilian_D sicilian_D 1/27/2016 01:04
given the number of draws the top players play AFTER computer help-preparation, perhaps its time to take away their computers for good. play on merit, give us some excitement.
SchrodingerCat SchrodingerCat 1/26/2016 11:17
@Bertman: when you've finished your coffee, please take another look at the first paragraph. It still reads "fourth straight win"...
etohdan etohdan 1/26/2016 10:44
How does Carlsen play like that...insane. Against a top GM too.
Bertman Bertman 1/26/2016 08:22
@ebit Yes, I realized soon after I had posted... haha. It's fixed. Now to go get a coffee refill.
ebit ebit 1/26/2016 08:20
Tata Steel Rd9: Carlsen scores fourth straight win - nearly correct, in round eight Carlsen drew against Karjakin.
emerlion emerlion 1/26/2016 07:54
Please comment about the variation Wei Yi and Caruana both used against the berlin. Is it good or only as a surprise?