The 78th Tata Steel Chess Tournament takes place from January 15 to 31, 2016, in the coastal village of Wijk aan Zee, North Holland. It is one of the most prestigious events in the international chess calendar. The "Wimbledon of Chess" attracts the very best chess grandmasters in the world, along with thousands of amateur players, live event visitors and online visitors from around the world. The tournament has two main player groups, each with 14 players. They are known as the Tata Steel Masters and the Tata Steel Challengers. You will find the schedule, starting times, pairings and results at the bottom of the page.
Round three
Photos by Joachim Schulze

The plant of the sponsors
Round 3 - Monday the 18th |
So, W. - Karjakin, S. |
½-½ |
Ding, L. - Hou, Y. |
½-½ |
Navara, D. - Giri, A. |
½-½ |
Caruana, F. - Adams, M. |
1-0 |
Wei, Y. - Carlsen, M. |
½-½ |
Mamedyarov, S. - Eljanov, P. |
0-1 |
Van Wely, L. - Tomashevsky, E. |
½-½ |
Round 3 - Monday the 18th |
Antipov, M. - van Foreest, J. |
1-0 |
Dreev, A. - Haast, A. |
1-0 |
l'Ami, E. - Ju, W. |
½-½ |
Baskaran, A. - Bok, B. |
½-½ |
Safarli, E. - Admiraal, M. |
½-½ |
Nisipeanu, L. - Abasov, N. |
½-½ |
Batsiashvili, N. - Sevian, S. |
0-1 |
In some ways, the third round brought a number of disappointments, but these were not due to a lack of good fights. The biggest shocker was without a doubt that of Shakhriyar Mamedyarov who had built a completely winning position against Pavel Eljanov. He had solved most of his technical difficulties and now had to choose which path to victory he preferred.

Mamedyarov – Eljanov

White is up two pawns, not to mention his crushing position. Since Black played Qe4 to prevent Rb7 which would win on the spot, one obvious suggestion would be Rd1 with the idea Rd7. Or there is the computer suggestion of Rb6 followed by Rxe6. While contemplating these options, the brilliant Azeri instead played…. c5?? and after Qxb1 resigned. Just terrible.

A young fan stares in shock at the ending of Mamedyarov-Eljanov
The next win of the day came from Fabiano Caruana, who outfoxed his British opponent in a long maneuvering game in which it was not always clear progress was being made. Somehow Black convinced himself to bury his bishop on a8, and as his pawns dropped, so did his position and he lost.

After a long struggle, Fabiano Caruana managed to prevail and take the early lead

Fabiano Caruana is the early leader with 2.5/3
Nevertheless, by far the biggest disappointment of the day was the absolutely fantastic attack by David Navara over Anish Giri. It started with this:
Navara – Giri

The Czech player uncorked 20.f5! exf5 21. Raf5!! And the follow up was no less breathtaking.
So why dub this a disappointment? Simply because after building a winning position, he failed to find the right path to victory, and after a few mistakes, Giri was able to defend. All the power to the young Dutchman of course, but from a spectator’s point of view, it was a deeply unsatisfying end to a game that screamed Game of the Year (of one of them in any case).

A masterpiece that fizzled out
Navara - Giri

[Event "78th Tata Steel GpA"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee NED"] [Date "2016.01.18"] [Round "3"] [White "Navara, D."] [Black "Giri, A."] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "D97"] [WhiteElo "2730"] [BlackElo "2798"] [PlyCount "84"] [EventDate "2016.01.15"] 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4 g6 3. Nc3 d5 4. Nf3 Bg7 5. Qb3 dxc4 6. Qxc4 O-O 7. e4 a6 8. Be2 b5 9. Qb3 c5 10. dxc5 Bb7 11. e5 Nfd7 12. Be3 e6 13. O-O Qc7 14. Rad1 Nxc5 15. Qa3 Ne4 16. Nxe4 Bxe4 17. Ng5 Bc6 18. f4 Qb7 19. Bc5 Re8 {[#] Black's development leaves a lot to be desired, it is true, but one doesn't often see such a spectacular punishment.} 20. f5 $1 exf5 21. Rxf5 $3 {Fantastic, amazing, ... or pure OMGness. Take your pick of accolades.} gxf5 22. Bh5 Bd5 {[#] No, the party is not over yet.} 23. Rxd5 $3 Qxd5 24. Bxf7+ Qxf7 25. Nxf7 Kxf7 { Ok, time to take a look at the balance. Materially, it is not decided yet, but Black's woes are not over, and the rook on a8 is looking awfully vulnerable.} 26. Qb3+ Kg6 27. Qg3+ Kf7 28. Qb3+ Kg6 29. Qg3+ Kf7 {After a few repetitions to no doubt gains some time and bring the time control closer, White's next move is not the best though he will get other chances.} 30. Qf3 (30. Bd4 $1 { is the best move right here, with evil looking discovered checks.} Nc6 (30... Bxe5) 31. e6+ Kxe6 32. Bxg7 {with an excellent position.}) 30... Nd7 31. Qd5+ Kg6 32. Qc6+ $6 {EIther a miscalculation or a misjudgement.} (32. Qxd7 { was simpler and stronger.} Bxe5 33. h4 $1 {An important concept that is completely overlooked.}) 32... Nf6 33. exf6 Rac8 34. Qxa6 Ra8 35. f7+ Kxf7 36. Qxb5 Rad8 37. Qb3+ ({Although he will have the chance to play this for a couple of moves as he repeats, the key move here was} 37. h4 $1 {Not only grab viatl squares near the black king, but White also ensures a fire escape in case things get too hot for his monarch.}) 37... Kg6 38. Qg3+ Kf7 39. Qb3+ Kg6 40. Bd6 $4 Bxb2 $1 41. Qxb2 Rxd6 42. h3 Ra6 1/2-1/2

Finally, one of the most anticipated games was between teen wunderkind Wei Yi and Old Man Magnus who is ten years his senior. In spite of his best efforts, Carlsen was unable to build anything, and when he finally got a microscopic pull in the endgame, the Chinese player showed he was more than up to the task.
Standings Masters

In the Challengers group Dreev won his third game in a row and now leads the tournament with 3.0/3. Half a point behind follows Adhiban Baskaran with 2.5/3.
Standings Challengers

Playing schedule + Playchess commentary
The two main tournaments are round robins. Both groups start on the 16th of January 2016 in Wijk aan Zee. The Masters move to Amsterdam on January 21, and to Utrecht on January 27. All rounds in Wijk aan Zee begin at 1.30 p.m., except for the last round on 31 January 2016, which begins at 12.00 p.m. Round five will take place in the Science Center NEMO in Amsterdam, and round ten in the Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht. Both these external rounds start at 2.00 p.m.
Date |
English commentary |
German commentary |
Saturday, 16 Jan |
GM Daniel King |
GM Klaus Bischoff |
Sunday, 17 Jan |
GM Simon Williams |
GM Klaus Bischoff |
Monday, 18 Jan |
GM Simon Williams |
GM Klaus Bischoff |
Tuesday, 19 Jan |
GM Simon Williams |
GM Klaus Bischoff |
Wednesday, 20 Jan |
Thursday, 21 Jan |
GM Daniel King |
GM Sebastian Siebrecht |
Friday, 22 Jan |
GM Yannick Pelletier |
GM Sebastian Siebrecht |
Saturday, 23 Jan |
GM Daniel King |
GM Klaus Bischoff |
Sunday, 24 Jan |
GM Yannick Pelletier |
GM Klaus Bischoff |
Monday, 25 Jan |
Tuesday, 26 Jan |
GM Daniel King |
GM Klaus Bischoff |
Wednesday, 27 Jan |
GM Yannick Pelletier |
GM Sebastian Siebrecht |
Thursday, 28 Jan |
Friday, 29 Jan |
GM Adrian Mikhalchishin |
GM Sebastian Siebrecht |
Saturday, 30 Jan |
GM Karsten Müller |
GM Klaus Bischoff |
Sunday, 31 Jan |
GM Karsten Müller |
GM Klaus Bischoff |
Schedule and results of Tata Steel Masters 2016
Round 1 - Saturday the 16th |
Hou, Y. - Karjakin, S. |
So, W. - Giri, A. |
Ding, L. - Adams, M. |
Navara, D. - Carlsen, M. |
Caruana, F. - Eljanov, P. |
Wei, Y. - Tomashevsky, E. |
Mamedyarov, S. - Van Wely, L. |
Round 2 - Sunday the 17th |
Karjakin, S. - Van Wely, L. |
Tomashevsky, E. - Mamedyarov, S. |
Eljanov, P. - Wei, Y. |
Carlsen, M. - Caruana, F. |
Adams, M. - Navara, D. |
Giri, A. - Ding, L. |
Hou, Y. - So, W. |
½-½ |
Round 3 - Monday the 18th |
So, W. - Karjakin, S. |
½-½ |
Ding, L. - Hou, Y. |
½-½ |
Navara, D. - Giri, A. |
½-½ |
Caruana, F. - Adams, M. |
1-0 |
Wei, Y. - Carlsen, M. |
½-½ |
Mamedyarov, S. - Eljanov, P. |
0-1 |
Van Wely, L. - Tomashevsky, E. |
½-½ |
Round 4 - Tuesday the 19th |
Karjakin, S. - Tomashevsky, E. |
Eljanov, P. - Van Wely, L. |
Carlsen, M. - Mamedyarov, S. |
Adams, M. - Wei, Y. |
Giri, A. - Caruana, F. |
Hou, Y. - Navara, D. |
So, W. - Ding, L. |
Round 5 - Thursday the 21st |
Ding, L. - Karjakin, S. |
Navara, D. - So, W. |
Caruana, F. - Hou, Y. |
Wei, Y. - Giri, A. |
Mamedyarov, S. - Adams, M. |
Van Wely, L. - Carlsen, M. |
Tomashevsky, E. - Eljanov, P. |
Round 6 - Friday the 22nd |
Karjakin, S. - Eljanov, P. |
Carlsen, M. - Tomashevsky, E. |
Adams, M. - Van Wely, L. |
Giri, A. - Mamedyarov, S. |
Hou, Y. - Wei, Y. |
So, W. - Caruana, F. |
Ding, L. - Navara, D. |
Round 7 - Saturday the 23rd |
Navara, D. - Karjakin, S. |
Caruana, F. - Ding, L. |
Wei, Y. - So, W. |
Mamedyarov, S. - Hou, Y. |
Van Wely, L. - Giri, A. |
Tomashevsky, E. - Adams, M. |
Eljanov, P. - Carlsen, M. |
Round 8 - Sunday the 24th |
Karjakin, S. - Carlsen, M. |
Adams, M. - Eljanov, P. |
Giri, A. - Tomashevsky, E. |
Hou, Y. - Van Wely, L. |
So, W. - Mamedyarov, S. |
Ding, L. - Wei, Y. |
Navara, D. - Caruana, F. |
Round 9 - Tuesday the 26th |
Caruana, F. - Karjakin, S. |
Wei, Y. - Navara, D. |
Mamedyarov, S. - Ding, L. |
Van Wely, L. - So, W. |
Tomashevsky, E. - Hou, Y. |
Eljanov, P. - Giri, A. |
Carlsen, M. - Adams, M. |
Round 10 - Wednesday the 27th |
Karjakin, S. - Adams, M. |
Giri, A. - Carlsen, M. |
Hou, Y. - Eljanov, P. |
So, W. - Tomashevsky, E. |
Ding, L. - Van Wely, L. |
Navara, D. - Mamedyarov, S. |
Caruana, F. - Wei, Y. |
Round 11 - Friday the 29th |
Wei, Y. - Karjakin, S. |
Mamedyarov, S. - Caruana, F. |
Van Wely, L. - Navara, D. |
Tomashevsky, E. - Ding, L. |
Eljanov, P. - So, W. |
Carlsen, M. - Hou, Y. |
Adams, M. - Giri, A. |
Round 12 - Saturday the 30th |
Karjakin, S. - Giri, A. |
Hou, Y. - Adams, M. |
So, W. - Carlsen, M. |
Ding, L. - Eljanov, P. |
Navara, D. - Tomashevsky, E. |
Caruana, F. - Van Wely, L. |
Wei, Y. - Mamedyarov, S. |
Round 13 - Sunday the 31st |
Mamedyarov, S. - Karjakin, S. |
Van Wely, L. - Wei, Y. |
Tomashevsky, E. - Caruana, F. |
Eljanov, P. - Navara, D. |
Carlsen, M. - Ding, L. |
Adams, M. - So, W. |
Giri, A. - Hou, Y. |

Schedule and results of Tata Steel Challengers 2016
Round 1 - Saturday the 16th |
Haast, A. - van Foreest, J. |
Antipov, M. - Ju, W. |
Dreev, A. - Bok, B. |
l'Ami, E. - Admiraal, M. |
Baskaran, A. - Abasov, N. |
Safarli, E. - Sevian, S. |
Nisipeanu, L. - Batsiashvili, N. |
Round 2 - Sunday the 17th |
van Foreest, J. - Batsiashvili, N. |
Sevian, S. - Nisipeanu, L. |
Abasov, N. - Safarli, E. |
Admiraal, M. - Baskaran, A. |
Bok, B. - l'Ami, E. |
Ju, W. - Dreev, A. |
Haast, A. - Antipov, M. |
Round 3 - Monday the 18th |
Antipov, M. - van Foreest, J. |
1-0 |
Dreev, A. - Haast, A. |
1-0 |
l'Ami, E. - Ju, W. |
½-½ |
Baskaran, A. - Bok, B. |
½-½ |
Safarli, E. - Admiraal, M. |
½-½ |
Nisipeanu, L. - Abasov, N. |
½-½ |
Batsiashvili, N. - Sevian, S. |
½-½ |
Round 4 - Tuesday the 19th |
van Foreest, J. - Sevian, S. |
Abasov, N. - Batsiashvili, N. |
Admiraal, M. - Nisipeanu, L. |
Bok, B. - Safarli, E. |
Ju, W. - Baskaran, A. |
Haast, A. - l'Ami, E. |
Antipov, M. - Dreev, A. |
Round 5 - Wednesday the 20th |
Dreev, A. - van Foreest, J. |
l'Ami, E. - Antipov, M. |
Baskaran, A. - Haast, A. |
Safarli, E. - Ju, W. |
Nisipeanu, L. - Bok, B. |
Batsiashvili, N. - Admiraal, M. |
Sevian, S. - Abasov, N. |
Round 6 - Friday the 22nd |
van Foreest, J. - Abasov, N. |
Admiraal, M. - Sevian, S. |
Bok, B. - Batsiashvili, N. |
Ju, W. - Nisipeanu, L. |
Haast, A. - Safarli, E. |
Antipov, M. - Baskaran, A. |
Dreev, A. - l'Ami, E. |
Round 7 - Saturday the 23rd |
l'Ami, E. - van Foreest, J. |
Baskaran, A. - Dreev, A. |
Safarli, E. - Antipov, M. |
Nisipeanu, L. - Haast, A. |
Batsiashvili, N. - Ju, W. |
Sevian, S. - Bok, B. |
Abasov, N. - Admiraal, M. |
Round 8 - Sunday the 24th |
van Foreest, J. - Admiraal, M. |
Bok, B. - Abasov, N. |
Ju, W. - Sevian, S. |
Haast, A. - Batsiashvili, N. |
Antipov, M. - Nisipeanu, L. |
Dreev, A. - Safarli, E. |
l'Ami, E. - Baskaran, A. |
Round 9 - Tuesday the 26th |
Baskaran, A. - van Foreest, J. |
Safarli, E. - l'Ami, E. |
Nisipeanu, L. - Dreev, A. |
Batsiashvili, N. - Antipov, M. |
Sevian, S. - Haast, A. |
Abasov, N. - Ju, W. |
Admiraal, M. - Bok, B. |
Round 10 - Wednesday the 27th |
van Foreest, J. - Bok, B. |
Ju, W. - Admiraal, M. |
Haast, A. - Abasov, N. |
Antipov, M. - Sevian, S. |
Dreev, A. - Batsiashvili, N. |
l'Ami, E. - Nisipeanu, L. |
Baskaran, A. - Safarli, E. |
Round 11 - Friday the 29th |
Safarli, E. - van Foreest, J. |
Nisipeanu, L. - Baskaran, A. |
Batsiashvili, N. - l'Ami, E. |
Sevian, S. - Dreev, A. |
Abasov, N. - Antipov, M. |
Admiraal, M. - Haast, A. |
Bok, B. - Ju, W. |
Round 12 - Saturday the 30th |
van Foreest, J. - Ju, W. |
Haast, A. - Bok, B. |
Antipov, M. - Admiraal, M. |
Dreev, A. - Abasov, N. |
l'Ami, E. - Sevian, S. |
Baskaran, A. - Batsiashvili, N. |
Safarli, E. - Nisipeanu, L. |
Round 13 - Sunday the 31st |
Nisipeanu, L. - van Foreest, J. |
Batsiashvili, N. - Safarli, E. |
Sevian, S. - Baskaran, A. |
Abasov, N. - l'Ami, E. |
Admiraal, M. - Dreev, A. |
Bok, B. - Antipov, M. |
Ju, W. - Haast, A. |
The games are being broadcast live on the official web site and on the server Playchess.com. If you are not a member you can download a free Playchess client there and get immediate access. You can also use ChessBase or any of our Fritz compatible chess programs. |