Tata Steel Rd12: the race to the finish

by Albert Silver
1/30/2016 – All will be decided in the last round. After draw with So, Carlsen ensured at least a half point advantage in the last round, but a win by Caruana against Van Wely kept his chances alive for an 11th hour surprise. As if that were not enough, Ding won himself and is right behind Caruana, and could even steal gold if he beats Carlsen in the last round. Report, photos and games.

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The 78th Tata Steel Chess Tournament takes place from January 15 to 31, 2016, in the coastal village of Wijk aan Zee, North Holland. It is one of the most prestigious events in the international chess calendar. The "Wimbledon of Chess" attracts the very best chess grandmasters in the world, along with thousands of amateur players, live event visitors and online visitors from around the world. The tournament has two main player groups, each with 14 players. They are known as the Tata Steel Masters and the Tata Steel Challengers. You will find the schedule, starting times, pairings and results at the bottom of the page.

Round twelve

All photos by Alina L'Ami from the official Facebook page

Round 12 Masters - Saturday the 30th
Karjakin, S. - Giri, A.
Hou, Y. - Adams, M.
So, W. - Carlsen, M.
Ding, L. - Eljanov, P.
Navara, D. - Tomashevsky, E.
Caruana, F. - Van Wely, L.
Wei, Y. - Mamedyarov, S.
Round 12 Challengers - Saturday the 30th
van Foreest, J. - Ju, W.
Haast, A. - Bok, B.
Antipov, M. - Admiraal, M.
Dreev, A. - Abasov, N.
l'Ami, E. - Sevian, S.
Baskaran, A. - Batsiashvili, N.
Safarli, E. - Nisipeanu, L.


When titans meets - in Magnus's chair: the Dutch Olympic medalist in judo, Henk Grol

The Fair Play prize will be awarded tomorrow by Vugar Gashimov's brother,
Sarkhan. Tata Steel Chess Tournament was the last event played by Vugar.

Magnus Carlsen was one of the first to finish, ending in a fairly uneventful draw against So

The first to strike blood was Ding Liren, doing what he needed in order
to make a bid for more than bronze

Ding Liren - Pavel Eljanov

[Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Ding, Liren"] [Black "Eljanov, Pavel"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E15"] [WhiteElo "2766"] [BlackElo "2760"] [PlyCount "75"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} e6 {(0s)} 3. Nf3 {(0s)} b6 {(29s)} 4. g3 { (1s)} Bb4+ {(24s)} 5. Bd2 {(10s)} Be7 {(35s)} 6. Nc3 {(419s)} Bb7 {(0s)} 7. Bg2 {(195s)} c6 {(56s)} 8. O-O {(7s)} d5 {(322s)} 9. Qb3 {(7s)} O-O {(34s)} 10. Rfd1 {(2s)} Nbd7 {(30s)} 11. Rac1 {(4s)} Rc8 {(352s)} 12. Ne1 {(6s)} dxc4 { (623s)} 13. Qxc4 {(15s)} b5 {(118s)} 14. Qb3 {(46s)} Qb6 {(84s)} 15. Bg5 { (1053s)} h6 {(372s)} 16. Bxf6 {(39s)} Nxf6 {(571s)} 17. e3 {[#] (30s)} c5 $2 { (517s) The chess expression "long think, wrong think" seems to apply here. There was no need to sacrifice the pawn, and c5 could have been better prepared to achieve full equality. White's rooks are already in place, so why unleash them without a rook reception committee of Black's own?} (17... Ba6 { to protect b5 and prepare ...c5 was better.} 18. Bf1 {pressuring b5 once more.} Nd7 19. h4 Rfd8 {followed by ...c5 with equality.}) 18. Bxb7 {(552s)} Qxb7 { (4s)} 19. Qxb5 {(4s)} Qxb5 {(81s)} 20. Nxb5 {(95s)} a6 {(10s)} 21. Nc3 {(74s)} cxd4 {(4s)} 22. exd4 {(333s)} Rfd8 {( 53s)} 23. Nf3 {(77s)} Rc4 {(447s)} 24. Kf1 {(605s)} g5 {(142s)} 25. h3 {(178s)} Rb4 {(170s)} 26. Rc2 {(282s)} Kg7 { (93s)} 27. b3 {(644s)} Nd5 {(107s)} 28. Na4 {(132s)} Rb5 {(66s)} 29. Rdd2 { (116s)} Bf6 {(70s)} 30. Rc6 {(155s)} Nb4 {(435s)} 31. Rc7 {(31s) It is quite clear, things have gone horribly wrong for Black, and it is White who is enjoying the c-file with his rook.} Rf5 {(256s)} 32. Kg2 {(57s)} Rd6 {(756s)} 33. Nc5 {(99s)} a5 {(21s)} 34. Ra7 {(206s)} Bd8 {(254s)} 35. Ne4 {(172s)} Rc6 { (438s)} 36. Ne5 {( 57s)} Rc7 {(13s)} 37. Ra8 {(39s)} Bf6 {(182s)} 38. Nd6 { (20s)} 1-0

Hansel and Gretel

Fabiano Caruana played a nice game against Dutch player Loek Van Wely, also keeping his
chances for gold alive

Daniel King shows the game Caruana vs van Wely

Fabiano Caruana - Loek Van Wely

[Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Caruana, Fabiano"] [Black "Van Wely, Loek"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B90"] [WhiteElo "2787"] [BlackElo "2640"] [PlyCount "73"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} c5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} d6 {(0s)} 3. d4 {(0s)} cxd4 {(0s)} 4. Nxd4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 5. Nc3 {(0s)} a6 {(3s)} 6. f3 {(2s)} e6 {(170s)} 7. Be3 {(7s) } b5 {(24s)} 8. Qd2 {(18s) The English Attack} Nbd7 {(31s)} 9. g4 {(34s)} h6 { (69s)} 10. O-O-O {(95s)} Bb7 {(177s)} 11. h4 {(91s)} b4 {(646s)} 12. Na4 {(20s) } Qa5 {(60s)} 13. b3 {(6s)} Be7 {(51s)} 14. Rh3 {(1429s) Perhaps this is where Caruana's memory or preparation ended, since he took well over 20 minutes to play this.} (14. Kb1 Nc5 15. Nxc5 dxc5 16. Ne2 Rd8 17. Qc1 Nd7 18. Ng3 Ne5 19. Be2 Rxd1 20. Qxd1 Qc7 21. Bf4 Bd6 22. Nh5 g6 23. Nf6+ Ke7 24. g5 h5 25. Be3 Nc6 26. f4 Rd8 27. Qf1 Nd4 28. Bd3 Kf8 29. Rg1 Kg7 30. Bxd4 cxd4 31. e5 Be7 32. Qe2 a5 33. f5 exf5 34. Bxf5 d3 35. Bxd3 Bc5 36. e6 Bxg1 37. e7 Bc6 38. Qe5 { 1/2-1/2 (38) Kasparov,G (2851)-Van Wely,L (2646) Internet 2000}) 14... Nc5 { (494s)} 15. a3 {(984s)} Rc8 {[#] (302s)} 16. axb4 {(301s) Very nicely calculated by White.} Nxb3+ {(8s)} 17. Nxb3 {(8s)} Qxa4 {(7s)} 18. Kb2 {(13s)} d5 {(494s)} 19. Bc5 {(438s)} Qd7 {(1474s)} 20. g5 {(587s)} hxg5 {(561s)} 21. hxg5 {(110s)} Rxh3 {(7s)} 22. Bxh3 {(22s)} Nh7 {(6 s)} 23. f4 {(464s)} Qc7 { (1282s)} 24. Bxe7 {(974s)} Kxe7 {(151s)} 25. Nc5 {(388s)} a5 {(119s)} 26. g6 { (318s)} Nf6 {(235s)} 27. e5 {(242s)} Nd7 {(6s)} 28. Nxd7 {(27s)} Qxd7 {[#] (82s)} 29. f5 $1 {(10s)} Rc4 {(75s)} 30. f6+ {[#] (35s) A spectacular looking position.} gxf6 {(99s)} 31. exf6+ {(95s)} Kd6 {(10s)} (31... Kxf6 32. Rf1+ Kg7 33. Rxf7+) 32. Qh2+ {(113s)} Kc6 {(34s)} 33. g7 {(104s)} Qd8 {(32s)} 34. Qe5 { (14s)} Bc8 {(268s)} 35. b5+ {(23s)} Kb7 {(33s)} 36. Rg1 {(58s)} Qb6 {(38s)} 37. g8=Q {(29s)} 1-0

Mamedyarov has played many lively games, with mixed results

Peter Heine Nielsen enjoys a game of.... Shogi

Replay round twelve Masters games (with times per moves)

[Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Ding, Liren"] [Black "Eljanov, Pavel"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "E15"] [WhiteElo "2766"] [BlackElo "2760"] [PlyCount "75"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} e6 {(0s)} 3. Nf3 {(0s)} b6 {(29s)} 4. g3 {(1s)} Bb4+ {(24s)} 5. Bd2 {(10s)} Be7 {(35s)} 6. Nc3 {(419s)} Bb7 {(0s)} 7. Bg2 {(195s)} c6 {(56s)} 8. O-O {(7s)} d5 {(322s)} 9. Qb3 {(7s)} O-O {(34s)} 10. Rfd1 {(2s)} Nbd7 {(30s)} 11. Rac1 {(4s)} Rc8 {(352s)} 12. Ne1 {(6s)} dxc4 {(623s)} 13. Qxc4 {(15s)} b5 {(118s)} 14. Qb3 {(46s)} Qb6 {(84s)} 15. Bg5 {(1053s)} h6 {(372s)} 16. Bxf6 {(39s)} Nxf6 {(571s)} 17. e3 {(30s)} c5 {(517s)} 18. Bxb7 {(552s)} Qxb7 {(4s)} 19. Qxb5 {(4s)} Qxb5 {(81s)} 20. Nxb5 {(95s)} a6 {(10s)} 21. Nc3 {(74s)} cxd4 {(4s)} 22. exd4 {(333s)} Rfd8 {( 53s)} 23. Nf3 {(77s)} Rc4 {(447s)} 24. Kf1 {(605s)} g5 {(142s)} 25. h3 {(178s)} Rb4 {(170s)} 26. Rc2 {(282s)} Kg7 {(93s)} 27. b3 {(644s)} Nd5 {(107s)} 28. Na4 {(132s)} Rb5 {(66s)} 29. Rdd2 {(116s)} Bf6 {(70s)} 30. Rc6 {(155s)} Nb4 {(435s)} 31. Rc7 {(31s)} Rf5 {(256s)} 32. Kg2 {(57s)} Rd6 {(756s)} 33. Nc5 {(99s)} a5 {(21s)} 34. Ra7 {(206s)} Bd8 {(254s)} 35. Ne4 {(172s)} Rc6 {(438s)} 36. Ne5 {( 57s)} Rc7 {(13s)} 37. Ra8 {(39s)} Bf6 {(182s)} 38. Nd6 {(20s)} 1-0 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Caruana, Fabiano"] [Black "Van Wely, Loek"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B90"] [WhiteElo "2787"] [BlackElo "2640"] [PlyCount "73"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} c5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} d6 {(0s)} 3. d4 {(0s)} cxd4 {(0s)} 4. Nxd4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 5. Nc3 {(0s)} a6 {(3s)} 6. f3 {(2s)} e6 {(170s)} 7. Be3 {(7s)} b5 {(24s)} 8. Qd2 {(18s)} Nbd7 {(31s)} 9. g4 {(34s)} h6 {(69s)} 10. O-O-O {(95s)} Bb7 {(177s)} 11. h4 {(91s)} b4 {(646s)} 12. Na4 {(20s)} Qa5 {(60s)} 13. b3 {(6s)} Be7 {(51s)} 14. Rh3 {(1429s)} Nc5 {(494s)} 15. a3 {(984s)} Rc8 {(302s)} 16. axb4 {(301s)} Nxb3+ {(8s)} 17. Nxb3 {(8s)} Qxa4 {(7s)} 18. Kb2 {(13s)} d5 {(494s)} 19. Bc5 {(438s)} Qd7 {(1474s)} 20. g5 {(587s)} hxg5 {(561s)} 21. hxg5 {(110s)} Rxh3 {(7s)} 22. Bxh3 {(22s)} Nh7 {(6 s)} 23. f4 {(464s)} Qc7 {(1282s)} 24. Bxe7 {(974s)} Kxe7 {(151s)} 25. Nc5 {(388s)} a5 {(119s)} 26. g6 {(318s)} Nf6 {(235s)} 27. e5 {(242s)} Nd7 {(6s)} 28. Nxd7 {(27s)} Qxd7 {(82s)} 29. f5 {(10s)} Rc4 {(75s)} 30. f6+ {(35s)} gxf6 {(99s)} 31. exf6+ {(95s)} Kd6 {(10s)} 32. Qh2+ {(113s)} Kc6 {(34s)} 33. g7 {(104s)} Qd8 {(32s)} 34. Qe5 {(14s)} Bc8 {(268s)} 35. b5+ {(23s)} Kb7 {(33s)} 36. Rg1 {(58s)} Qb6 {(38s)} 37. g8=Q {(29s)} 1-0 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "So, Wesley"] [Black "Carlsen, Magnus"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A30"] [WhiteElo "2773"] [BlackElo "2844"] [PlyCount "55"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. c4 {(0s)} c5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} Nf6 {(10s)} 3. Nc3 {(0s)} e6 {(8s)} 4. g3 {(145s)} b6 {(42s)} 5. Bg2 {(14s)} Bb7 {(3s)} 6. O-O {(6s)} Be7 {(13s)} 7. Re1 {(5s)} d5 {(64s)} 8. cxd5 {(6s)} Nxd5 {(7s)} 9. e4 {(13s)} Nb4 {(43s)} 10. d4 {(10s)} cxd4 {(10s)} 11. Nxd4 {(6s)} N8c6 {(10s)} 12. Nxc6 {(134s)} Qxd1 {(19s)} 13. Rxd1 {(9s)} Bxc6 {(9s)} 14. Rb1 {(1232s)} Rd8 {(763s)} 15. Rxd8+ {(114s)} Kxd8 {( 85s)} 16. a3 {(935s)} Nd3 {(34s)} 17. Be3 {(7s)} Kc7 {(147s)} 18. f4 {(479s)} a5 {(641s)} 19. e5 {( 121s)} Rd8 {(128s)} 20. Bxc6 {(348s)} Kxc6 {(2s)} 21. Kf1 {(6s)} Bc5 {(419s)} 22. Ke2 {(16s)} Bxe3 {(19s)} 23. Kxe3 {(6s)} Nc5 {(14s)} 24. Rc1 {(40s)} Rd3+ {(51s)} 25. Ke2 {(6s)} Rd4 {(14s)} 26. Ke3 {(416s)} Rd3+ {(6s)} 27. Ke2 {(3s)} Rd4 {(6s)} 28. Ke3 {(4s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Navara, David"] [Black "Tomashevsky, Evgeny"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "E15"] [WhiteElo "2730"] [BlackElo "2728"] [PlyCount "63"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} e6 {(0s)} 3. Nf3 {(0s)} b6 {(0s)} 4. g3 {(0s)} Ba6 {(0s)} 5. Qa4 {( 144s)} Bb7 {(54s)} 6. Bg2 {(7s)} c5 {(7s)} 7. dxc5 {(8s)} bxc5 {(44s)} 8. O-O {(11s)} Be7 {(34s)} 9. Nc3 {(8s)} O-O {(43s)} 10. Rd1 {(59s)} Qb6 {(71s)} 11. Bf4 {(17s)} d6 {(224s)} 12. Rab1 {(116s)} Nbd7 {(317s)} 13. b4 {(10s)} Rfb8 {(15s)} 14. a3 {(644s)} h6 {(392s)} 15. h3 {(926s)} a6 {(1366s)} 16. g4 {(1104s)} Qc7 {(1200s)} 17. Qa5 {(72s)} Qxa5 {(250s)} 18. bxa5 {(10s)} Ne8 {(3s)} 19. Ne5 {(365s)} Nxe5 {(181s)} 20. Bxb7 {(21s)} Nxc4 {(4s)} 21. Bxa8 {(17s)} Rxa8 {(1s)} 22. Rb7 {(673s)} Bd8 {(498s)} 23. Ne4 {(524s)} Bc7 {(158s)} 24. Rc1 {(198s)} Nxa5 {(385s)} 25. Rxc7 {(14s)} Nxc7 {( 5s)} 26. Bxd6 {(11s)} Nb5 {(118s)} 27. Bxc5 {(11s)} Nb3 {(93s)} 28. Rb1 {(63s)} Nxc5 {(48s)} 29. Nxc5 {(9s)} Nxa3 {(9s)} 30. Ra1 {(7s)} Nb5 {(222s)} 31. Rxa6 {(14s)} Rxa6 {(2s)} 32. Nxa6 {(12s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Hou, Yifan"] [Black "Adams, Michael"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "C67"] [WhiteElo "2673"] [BlackElo "2744"] [PlyCount "84"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} e5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} Nc6 {(0s)} 3. Bb5 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 4. O-O {(19s)} Nxe4 {(0s)} 5. d4 {(9s)} Nd6 {(0s)} 6. Bxc6 {(5s)} dxc6 {(0s)} 7. dxe5 {(6s)} Nf5 {(3s)} 8. Qxd8+ {(7s)} Kxd8 {(3s)} 9. h3 {(23s)} Ke8 {(22s)} 10. Nc3 {(77s)} h5 {(8s)} 11. Rd1 {(258s)} Be7 {(88s)} 12. Ne2 {(284s)} Nh4 {(283s)} 13. Nxh4 {(237s)} Bxh4 {(4s)} 14. Bf4 {(7s)} Be7 {(383s)} 15. a4 {(669s)} g5 {(642s)} 16. Be3 {(51s)} a5 {(508s)} 17. f3 {(589s)} g4 {(615s)} 18. Kh2 {(738s)} Bd7 {(487s)} 19. Rd2 {( 117s)} Rd8 {(44s)} 20. Rad1 {(477s)} gxf3 {(332s)} 21. gxf3 {(7s)} h4 {(23s)} 22. Rg1 {(154s)} c5 {( 366s)} 23. Nc3 {(551s)} Bc6 {(33s)} 24. Rxd8+ {(22s)} Kxd8 {(405s)} 25. f4 {(459s)} Kd7 {(744s)} 26. Rg7 {(668s)} Ke6 {(42s)} 27. Nb5 {(35s)} Bxb5 {(272s)} 28. axb5 {(2s)} c4 {(161s)} 29. Kg2 {( 342s)} a4 {(351s)} 30. Bd4 {(6s)} Rd8 {(136s)} 31. Bc3 {(38s)} Bc5 {(461s)} 32. f5+ {(127s)} Kxf5 {( 5s)} 33. Rxf7+ {(4s)} Ke4 {(9s)} 34. Rg7 {(689s)} Rf8 {(157s)} 35. Rxc7 {(138s)} Rf2+ {(167s)} 36. Kh1 {(95s)} Rf1+ {(106s)} 37. Kg2 {(2s)} Rf2+ {(15s)} 38. Kh1 {(1s)} Be3 {(68s)} 39. e6 {(38s)} Rf1+ {(39s)} 40. Kg2 {(0s)} Rf2+ {(0s)} 41. Kh1 {(3s)} Rf1+ {(734s)} 42. Kg2 {(40s)} Rf2+ {(35s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Karjakin, Sergey"] [Black "Giri, Anish"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A01"] [WhiteElo "2769"] [BlackElo "2798"] [PlyCount "60"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. b3 {(0s)} d5 {(48s)} 2. Bb2 {(22s)} Bg4 {(5s)} 3. g3 {(204s)} e6 {(113s)} 4. Bg2 {(36s)} Nf6 {(7s)} 5. h3 {(91s)} Bh5 {(83s)} 6. Nf3 {(58s)} Nbd7 {(31s)} 7. d3 {(272s)} Bd6 {(365s)} 8. Nbd2 {(17s)} O-O {(5s)} 9. O-O {(934s)} c6 {(38s)} 10. c4 {(611s)} a5 {(591s)} 11. a3 {(31s)} e5 {(256s)} 12. cxd5 {(378s)} cxd5 {(123s)} 13. g4 {(471s)} Bg6 {(24s)} 14. Nh4 {(3s)} Re8 {(124s)} 15. Nxg6 {(53s)} hxg6 {(11s)} 16. e3 {(210s)} Nc5 {(158s)} 17. Qb1 {(1119s)} d4 {(433s)} 18. b4 {(332s)} axb4 {(470 s)} 19. axb4 {(16s)} Ne6 {(24s)} 20. Rxa8 {(110s)} Qxa8 {(14s)} 21. Nc4 {(7s)} Bxb4 {(454s)} 22. Nxe5 {(303s)} Bc5 {(170s)} 23. Nc4 {(147s)} Qa7 {(548s)} 24. Bc1 {(170s)} Rb8 {(337s)} 25. Qb5 {( 306s)} g5 {(550s)} 26. Bd2 {(592s)} dxe3 {(569s)} 27. fxe3 {(7s)} Rd8 {(9s)} 28. Qxb7 {(67s)} Qxb7 {(35s)} 29. Bxb7 {(2s)} Rxd3 {(6s)} 30. Kg2 {(32s)} Rb3 {(57s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Masters"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Wei, Yi"] [Black "Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "C95"] [WhiteElo "2706"] [BlackElo "2747"] [PlyCount "65"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} e5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} Nc6 {(0s)} 3. Bb5 {(0s)} a6 {(0s)} 4. Ba4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 5. O-O {(0s)} Be7 {(0s)} 6. Re1 {(9s)} b5 {(8s)} 7. Bb3 {(4s)} d6 {(6s)} 8. c3 {(15s)} O-O {(10s)} 9. h3 {(6s)} Nb8 {(17s)} 10. d4 {(18s)} Nbd7 {(6s)} 11. c4 {(7s)} c6 {(27s)} 12. Nc3 {(19s)} b4 {(549s)} 13. Ne2 {(11s)} Nxe4 {(46s)} 14. Qc2 {(10s)} f5 {(422s)} 15. c5+ {(12s)} d5 {(362s)} 16. Be3 {(55s)} Kh8 {( 831s)} 17. Nxe5 {(1427s)} Nxe5 {(28s)} 18. dxe5 {(4s)} Bh4 {(15s)} 19. Rf1 {(2645s)} a5 {(417s)} 20. f3 {(334s)} Ng3 {(950s)} 21. Nxg3 {(7s)} Bxg3 {(2s)} 22. f4 {(51s)} Be6 {(571s)} 23. Ba4 {(98s)} Rc8 {(127s)} 24. Rf3 {(146s)} Bh4 {(39s)} 25. Qd2 {(78s)} Rg8 {(86s)} 26. Raf1 {(595s)} Rc7 {(231s)} 27. g3 {(327s)} Be7 {(401s)} 28. Qd4 {(133s)} Qd7 {(231s)} 29. Kf2 {(74s)} Rcc8 {(67s)} 30. Ke1 {( 10s)} g6 {(132s)} 31. Kd2 {(10s)} Rg7 {(13s)} 32. Kc1 {(251s)} Rcg8 {(17s)} 33. h4 {(358s)} 1/2-1/2

Standings Masters


Although there is no question he has earned his top spot in the crosstable
Baskaran must be at least part cat, considering the number of lives he has
expended. Today, after being dead lost to Nino Batsiashvili, he somehow
clawed his way back to a draw. Remarkable.

Nijat Abasov has scored a respectable 50%

Tunnel vision

Replay round twelve Challengers games (with times per moves)

[Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "L'Ami, Erwin"] [Black "Sevian, Samuel"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "D24"] [WhiteElo "2627"] [BlackElo "2578"] [PlyCount "87"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} e6 {(1s)} 3. Nf3 {(4s)} d5 {(15s)} 4. Nc3 {(91s)} dxc4 {(63s)} 5. e4 {(68s)} Bb4 {(28s)} 6. Bxc4 {(165s)} Nxe4 {(46s)} 7. O-O {(8s)} Nxc3 {(423s)} 8. bxc3 {(41s)} Be7 {(54s)} 9. Ne5 {(64s)} O-O {(102s)} 10. Qg4 {(120s)} Bf6 {(1114s)} 11. Ba3 {(416s)} Be7 {(135s)} 12. Bc1 {(336s)} Bf6 {(198s)} 13. Bf4 {(434s)} c5 {(375s)} 14. Rad1 {(380s)} cxd4 {(152s)} 15. cxd4 {( 170s)} Nc6 {(93s)} 16. Rd3 {(131s)} g6 {(381s)} 17. h4 {(476s)} Na5 {(294s)} 18. Bb5 {(552s)} Qd5 {( 1337s)} 19. Ba4 {(188s)} Nc4 {(154s)} 20. Qg3 {(539s)} Rd8 {(278s)} 21. Ng4 {(241s)} Be7 {(187s)} 22. Rf3 {(397s)} e5 {(746s)} 23. Nxe5 {(482s)} Be6 {(119s)} 24. h5 {(71s)} Nxe5 {(77s)} 25. Bxe5 {(19s)} Bd6 {(198s)} 26. hxg6 {(237s)} hxg6 {(2s)} 27. Bb3 {(114s)} Bxe5 {(85s)} 28. dxe5 {(52s)} Qd7 {(2s)} 29. Bxe6 {(50s)} Qxe6 {(2s)} 30. Rf6 {(19s)} Qe7 {(20s)} 31. Qg5 {(64s)} Qc5 {(55s)} 32. Rc1 {(103s)} Qa5 {(6s)} 33. Rxg6+ {(301s)} fxg6 {(5s)} 34. Qxg6+ {(5s)} Kf8 {(82s)} 35. e6 {(109s)} Ke7 {(4s)} 36. Qf7+ {(15s)} Kd6 {(2s)} 37. e7 {(25s)} Re8 {(83s)} 38. Rd1+ {(184s)} Kc7 {(19s)} 39. Qf4+ {(64s)} Kc8 {(5s)} 40. Qg4+ {(0s)} Kb8 {(0s)} 41. Qd7 {(133s)} Rxe7 {(216s)} 42. Qxe7 {(21s)} a6 {(4s)} 43. Rd8+ {(14s)} Ka7 {(4s)} 44. Qe3+ {(5s)} 1-0 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Van Foreest, Jorden"] [Black "Ju, Wenjun"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "C36"] [WhiteElo "2541"] [BlackElo "2548"] [PlyCount "88"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} e5 {(0s)} 2. f4 {(0s)} exf4 {(41s)} 3. Nf3 {(0s)} d5 {(199s)} 4. exd5 {(15s)} Nf6 {(5s)} 5. Bb5+ {(245s)} c6 {(1099s)} 6. dxc6 {(6s)} bxc6 {(4s)} 7. Bc4 {(9s)} Nd5 {(68s)} 8. O-O {(297s)} Bd6 {(199s)} 9. Nc3 {(474s)} Be6 {(341s)} 10. Ne4 {(58s)} Be7 {(49s)} 11. Bb3 {(103s)} O-O {(413s)} 12. d4 {(28s)} Nd7 {(126s)} 13. Qe2 {(573s)} a5 {(213s)} 14. c4 {(388s)} N5b6 {(12s)} 15. a3 {(132 s)} g5 {(395s)} 16. h4 {(309s)} h6 {(5s)} 17. hxg5 {(181s)} hxg5 {(16s)} 18. Nfxg5 {(142s)} Bxg5 {(5 s)} 19. Qh5 {(4s)} Bf6 {(321s)} 20. d5 {(1896s)} cxd5 {(1468s)} 21. cxd5 {(8s)} Bd4+ {(3s)} 22. Nf2 {(11s)} Nxd5 {(162s)} 23. Bxd5 {(16s)} Bxd5 {(5s)} 24. Qxd5 {(12s)} Ne5 {(6s)} 25. Qxd8 {(391s)} Raxd8 {(187s)} 26. Bxf4 {(13s)} Ng4 {(115s)} 27. Bg3 {(88s)} Ne3 {(55s)} 28. Rfb1 {(25s)} f5 {(18s)} 29. Ra2 {(446s)} f4 {(505s)} 30. Bh4 {(6s)} Rd7 {(3s)} 31. Nh3 {(332s)} Rg7 {(356s)} 32. Bf2 {(28s)} Rf6 {(241s)} 33. g3 {(339s)} Nf5 {(150s)} 34. Bxd4 {(137s)} Nxd4 {(2s)} 35. b4 {(86s)} Nf3+ {(3s)} 36. Kf2 {(141s)} fxg3+ {(5s)} 37. Ke3 {(100s)} Re7+ {(131s)} 38. Kd3 {(3s)} Rd6+ {(93s)} 39. Kc4 {(15s)} Nd2+ {(60s)} 40. Kc5 {(0s)} Ne4+ {(0s)} 41. Kc4 {(159s)} Rc7+ {(51s)} 42. Kb3 {(4s)} a4+ {(60 s)} 43. Kxa4 {(11s)} Nc3+ {(3s)} 44. Ka5 {(2s)} Ra7# {(7s)} 0-1 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Antipov, Mikhail Al"] [Black "Admiraal, Miguoel"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "B40"] [WhiteElo "2567"] [BlackElo "2441"] [PlyCount "71"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} c5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} e6 {(0s)} 3. b3 {(0s)} a6 {(0s)} 4. Bb2 {(0s)} Nc6 {(0s)} 5. c4 {(0 s)} Qc7 {(49s)} 6. h3 {(0s)} d6 {(589s)} 7. d4 {(13s)} cxd4 {(14s)} 8. Nxd4 {(4s)} Nf6 {(374s)} 9. Nc3 {(90s)} Be7 {(242s)} 10. Be2 {(10s)} O-O {(61s)} 11. O-O {(12s)} Nxd4 {(710s)} 12. Qxd4 {(5s)} Bd7 {( 22s)} 13. Rac1 {(254s)} Rac8 {(27s)} 14. Rfd1 {(39s)} Rfd8 {(49s)} 15. b4 {(431s)} Qb8 {(990s)} 16. a3 {(679s)} Bc6 {(955s)} 17. a4 {(729s)} a5 {(168s)} 18. b5 {(78s)} Be8 {(166s)} 19. g4 {(561s)} Bf8 {(161s)} 20. Ba3 {(407s)} h6 {(105s)} 21. h4 {(71s)} Be7 {(290s)} 22. f4 {(516s)} Nh7 {(868s)} 23. Qf2 {(212s)} Nf8 {(65s)} 24. g5 {(93s)} hxg5 {(199s)} 25. hxg5 {(6s)} Ng6 {(40s)} 26. Qe3 {(1611s)} d5 {(210s)} 27. Bxe7 {(4s)} d4 {(5s)} 28. Rxd4 {(4s)} Rxd4 {(6s)} 29. Qxd4 {(5s)} Qxf4 {(58s)} 30. Ba3 {(6s)} Qg3+ {(198s)} 31. Kf1 {(16s)} Nf4 {(47s)} 32. Bd6 {(157s)} Qxg5 {(169s)} 33. Qe3 {(181s)} e5 {(31s)} 34. Nd5 {(22s)} Qh6 {(119s)} 35. Nxf4 {(47s)} Qxd6 {(28s)} 36. Nd5 {(8s)} 1-0 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Dreev, Alexey"] [Black "Abasov, Nijat"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "E21"] [WhiteElo "2644"] [BlackElo "2556"] [PlyCount "109"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(2s)} e6 {(0s)} 3. Nc3 {(11s)} Bb4 {(2s)} 4. Qc2 {(6s)} b6 {(5s)} 5. a3 {(268s)} Bxc3+ {(10s)} 6. Qxc3 {(5s)} Bb7 {(13s)} 7. Nf3 {(15s)} d5 {(6s)} 8. Bg5 {(294s)} O-O {(1320 s)} 9. e3 {(695s)} Nbd7 {(54s)} 10. cxd5 {(233s)} Bxd5 {(44s)} 11. Ne5 {(769s)} Qc8 {(1443s)} 12. f3 {(783s)} Bb7 {(319s)} 13. e4 Nxe5 {(519s)} 14. dxe5 {(472s)} Nd7 {(6s)} 15. Rd1 {(86s)} h6 {( 243s)} 16. Bh4 {(150s)} a5 {(6s)} 17. Bb5 {(111s)} c6 {(95s)} 18. Be2 {(17s)} Nc5 {(188s)} 19. Be7 {(170s)} Re8 {(12s)} 20. Bxc5 {(64s)} bxc5 {(4s)} 21. Qxc5 {(290s)} Ba6 {(37s)} 22. Rd2 {(22s)} Bxe2 {(248s)} 23. Kxe2 {(62s)} Qa6+ {(5s)} 24. Kf2 {(145s)} Rab8 {(131s)} 25. Rc1 {(68s)} Red8 {(2s)} 26. Rcc2 {(492s)} Rxd2+ {(281s)} 27. Rxd2 {(9s)} Rb5 {(2s)} 28. Qd4 {(207s)} Kh7 {(250s)} 29. h4 {(484 s)} Qb7 {(45s)} 30. g3 {(339s)} c5 {(427s)} 31. Qc3 {(22s)} Qb6 {(2s)} 32. Kg2 {(385s)} Rb3 {(6s)} 33. Qc1 {(90s)} Qb5 {(396s)} 34. Rc2 {(93s)} Qd3 {(19s)} 35. Rf2 {(17s)} Qd4 {(64s)} 36. Rc2 {(98s)} Qxe5 {(219s)} 37. Rc3 {(15s)} c4 {(55s)} 38. Rxb3 {(68s)} cxb3 {(4s)} 39. Kf2 {(12s)} a4 {(69s)} 40. Qd2 {(0s)} Qc7 {(0s)} 41. Qd4 {(389s)} e5 {(347s)} 42. Qd2 {(82s)} h5 {(350s)} 43. Ke2 {(281s)} g6 {( 188s)} 44. Qd5 {(154s)} Kg7 {(28s)} 45. Ke3 {(200s)} Qc1+ {(148s)} 46. Qd2 {(7s)} Qc5+ {(7s)} 47. Ke2 {(44s)} Qg1 {(478s)} 48. Qe1 {(25s)} Qd4 {(95s)} 49. Qc1 {(110s)} Kg8 {(118s)} 50. Qc8+ {(196s)} Kh7 {(6s)} 51. Qc1 {(7s)} Kg7 {(2s)} 52. Qd2 {(29s)} Qg1 {(6s)} 53. Qe1 {(14s)} Qg2+ {(71s)} 54. Qf2 {(17s)} Qh3 {(6s)} 55. Qg1 {(264s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Safarli, Eltaj"] [Black "Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "C07"] [WhiteElo "2653"] [BlackElo "2679"] [PlyCount "76"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(9s)} e6 {(0s)} 2. d4 {(116s)} d5 {(0s)} 3. Nd2 {(52s)} c5 {(1s)} 4. Ngf3 {(13s)} cxd4 {(7s)} 5. Nxd4 {(3s)} Nf6 {(24s)} 6. exd5 {(45s)} a6 {(25s)} 7. Bc4 {(480s)} exd5 {(675s)} 8. Bb3 {(250s)} Qe7+ {(497s)} 9. Qe2 {(79s)} Qxe2+ {(4s)} 10. Nxe2 {(128s)} Nc6 {(110s)} 11. Nf3 {(326s)} Bg4 {( 794s)} 12. Be3 {(511s)} O-O-O {(646s)} 13. Ned4 {(798s)} Bb4+ {(878s)} 14. c3 {(344s)} Bxf3 {(43s)} 15. gxf3 {(5s)} Nxd4 {(8s)} 16. Bxd4 {(24s)} Rhe8+ {(4s)} 17. Kf1 {(136s)} Bd6 {(835s)} 18. Bxf6 {(894s)} gxf6 {(6s)} 19. Rd1 {(38s)} Be5 {(281s)} 20. Rxd5 {(73s)} Rxd5 {(26s)} 21. Bxd5 {(6s)} Rd8 {(3s)} 22. c4 {(264s)} Bxb2 {(84s)} 23. Rg1 {(200s)} h6 {(172s)} 24. Rg4 {(257s)} b5 {(409s)} 25. Bxf7 {(319s)} Rd4 {(271s)} 26. Rg8+ {(74s)} Kc7 {(6s)} 27. cxb5 {(45s)} axb5 {(3s)} 28. Rg6 {(292s)} Rh4 {(60s)} 29. Kg2 {(9s)} Be5 {(63s)} 30. h3 {(24s)} Kd6 {(410s)} 31. f4 {(160s)} Rxf4 {(5s)} 32. Rxh6 {(20s)} Bd4 {(5s)} 33. f3 {(49s)} Be5 {(4s)} 34. h4 {(366s)} Rd4 {(32s)} 35. Kh3 {(259s)} Rd3 {( 118s)} 36. Kg4 {(26s)} Rd4+ {(3s)} 37. Kh3 {(103s)} Rd3 {(9s)} 38. Kg4 {(61s)} Rd4+ {(6s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Haast, Anne"] [Black "Bok, Benjamin"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B90"] [WhiteElo "2391"] [BlackElo "2607"] [PlyCount "80"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} c5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} d6 {(0s)} 3. d4 {(8s)} cxd4 {(0s)} 4. Nxd4 {(10s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 5. Nc3 {(27s)} a6 {(0s)} 6. Qf3 {(71s)} g6 {(40s)} 7. h3 {(72s)} Bg7 {(26s)} 8. Be3 {(31s)} Nc6 {(405s)} 9. g4 {(266s)} Bd7 {(422s)} 10. O-O-O {(112s)} Rc8 {(66s)} 11. Nxc6 {(690s)} Rxc6 {(9s)} 12. Nd5 {(388s)} Qa5 {(441s)} 13. Kb1 {(975s)} Nxd5 {(977s)} 14. exd5 {(144s)} Qb4 {(1862s)} 15. Bc1 {(112 s)} Rc3 {(61s)} 16. Rd3 {(133s)} Rxd3 {(221s)} 17. Bxd3 {(144s)} O-O {(11s)} 18. Qe2 {(441s)} e6 {( 197s)} 19. f4 {(899s)} Re8 {(86s)} 20. Qf3 {(607s)} Qa5 {(658s)} 21. c4 {(105s)} exd5 {(289s)} 22. cxd5 {(15s)} Bb5 {(63s)} 23. f5 {(346s)} Bxd3+ {(257s)} 24. Qxd3 {(1s)} Re1 {(276s)} 25. Rxe1 {( 363s)} Qxe1 {(1s)} 26. g5 {(424s)} gxf5 27. Qxf5 {(26s)} Be5 {(270s)} 28. a3 {(92s)} Qd1 {(169s)} 29. Qe4 {(99s)} Kg7 {(3s)} 30. h4 {(44s)} b5 {(4s)} 31. Qf5 {(239s)} Qh1 {(77s)} 32. Qg4 {(31s)} Qxd5 {(8s)} 33. h5 {(10s)} Qd3+ {(11s)} 34. Ka1 {(47s)} Qxa3+ {(4s)} 35. Kb1 {(3s)} Qd3+ {(37s)} 36. Ka1 {(1s)} Qc2 {(82s)} 37. Qg1 {(20s)} b4 {(38s)} 38. Qh1 {(52s)} Qa4+ {(35s)} 39. Kb1 {(1s)} b3 {(13 s)} 40. h6+ {(0s)} Kg6 0-1 [Event "78th Tata Steel Chess Challengers"] [Site "Wijk aan Zee"] [Date "2016.01.30"] [Round "12"] [White "Baskaran, Adhiban"] [Black "Batsiashvili, Nino"] [Result "*"] [ECO "E31"] [WhiteElo "2653"] [BlackElo "2485"] [PlyCount "111"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "NED"] [TimeControl "40/6000+30:20/3000+30:900+30"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} e6 {(0s)} 3. Nc3 {(0s)} Bb4 {(0s)} 4. Bg5 {(0s)} h6 {(184s)} 5. Bh4 {(0s)} c5 {(112s)} 6. d5 {(0s)} d6 {(405s)} 7. e3 {(0s)} Bxc3+ {(287s)} 8. bxc3 {(0s)} e5 {(6s)} 9. Qc2 {(0s)} g5 {(167s)} 10. Bg3 {(0s)} e4 {(87s)} 11. h4 {(466s)} Rg8 {(960s)} 12. Ne2 {(7s)} Qe7 {( 134s)} 13. hxg5 {(569s)} hxg5 {(3s)} 14. Rb1 {(541s)} Nbd7 {(391s)} 15. Qa4 {(316s)} Kf8 {(526s)} 16. Qa3 {(355s)} Kg7 {(382s)} 17. Nd4 {(59s)} Ne5 {(692s)} 18. Be2 {(1161s)} Rd8 {(222s)} 19. Nb3 {(377s)} b6 {(94s)} 20. Nd2 {(517s)} Bf5 {(330s)} 21. Qc1 {(709s)} Rh8 {(111s)} 22. Rg1 {(36s)} Nd3+ {(74s)} 23. Bxd3 {(0s)} exd3 {(5s)} 24. Nf1 {(86s)} Ne4 {(78s)} 25. Rb2 {(99s)} Qf6 {(339s)} 26. f3 {(558s)} Nxc3 {(28s)} 27. Bf2 {(421s)} b5 {(277s)} 28. Ng3 {(167s)} Bg6 {(110s)} 29. Kd2 {(182s)} b4 {(7s)} 30. Rb3 {(105s)} Nxa2 {(32s)} 31. Qa1 {(12s)} Nc3 {(18s)} 32. e4 {(20s)} Rh2 {(409s)} 33. Qf1 {(115s)} a5 {(227s)} 34. Qxd3 {(30s)} Rb8 {(19s)} 35. Kc2 {(63s)} a4 {(3s)} 36. Rxc3 bxc3 {(34s)} 37. Qxc3 {(8s)} Rb3 {(49s)} 38. Qxf6+ {(25s)} Kxf6 {(2s)} 39. Nf1 {(64s)} Rxf3 {(113s)} 40. gxf3 {(0s)} Rxf2+ {(0s)} 41. Nd2 {(9s)} Rxf3 {(381s)} 42. Nxf3 {(57s)} Bxe4+ {(1s)} 43. Kd2 {(320s)} Bxf3 {(3s)} 44. Ke3 {(194s)} Bh5 {(63s)} 45. Ra1 {(73s)} Ke5 {(22s)} 46. Rxa4 {(2s)} f5 {(71s)} 47. Ra7 {( 222s)} f4+ {(267s)} 48. Kf2 {(2s)} Bg4 {(259s)} 49. Re7+ {(102s)} Kf6 {(51s)} 50. Re8 {(20s)} Bh3 {( 256s)} 51. Kf3 {(56s)} Bf5 {(221s)} 52. Re1 {(423s)} Bd7 {(88s)} 53. Ke4 {(207s)} Bg4 {(15s)} 54. Re2 {(389s)} Bf5+ {(911s)} 55. Kf3 {(2s)} Bh3 {(7s)} 56. Re8 *

Standings Challengers

Playing schedule + Playchess commentary

The two main tournaments are round robins. Both groups start on the 16th of January 2016 in Wijk aan Zee. The Masters move to Amsterdam on January 21, and to Utrecht on January 27. All rounds in Wijk aan Zee begin at 1.30 p.m., except for the last round on 31 January 2016, which begins at 12.00 p.m. Round five will take place in the Science Center NEMO in Amsterdam, and round ten in the Spoorwegmuseum in Utrecht. Both these external rounds start at 2.00 p.m.

Date English commentary German commentary
Thursday, 28 Jan    
Friday, 29 Jan GM Adrian Mikhalchishin GM Sebastian Siebrecht
Saturday, 30 Jan GM Karsten Müller GM Klaus Bischoff
Sunday, 31 Jan GM Karsten Müller GM Klaus Bischoff

Schedule and results of Tata Steel Masters 2016

Round 1 - Saturday the 16th
Hou, Y. - Karjakin, S.
So, W. - Giri, A.
Ding, L. - Adams, M.
Navara, D. - Carlsen, M.
Caruana, F. - Eljanov, P.
Wei, Y. - Tomashevsky, E.
Mamedyarov, S. - Van Wely, L.
Round 2 - Sunday the 17th
Karjakin, S. - Van Wely, L.
Tomashevsky, E. - Mamedyarov, S.
Eljanov, P. - Wei, Y.
Carlsen, M. - Caruana, F.
Adams, M. - Navara, D.
Giri, A. - Ding, L.
Hou, Y. - So, W. ½-½
Round 3 - Monday the 18th
So, W. - Karjakin, S. ½-½
Ding, L. - Hou, Y. ½-½
Navara, D. - Giri, A. ½-½
Caruana, F. - Adams, M. 1-0
Wei, Y. - Carlsen, M. ½-½
Mamedyarov, S. - Eljanov, P. 0-1
Van Wely, L. - Tomashevsky, E. ½-½
Round 4 - Tuesday the 19th
Karjakin, S. - Tomashevsky, E.
Eljanov, P. - Van Wely, L.
Carlsen, M. - Mamedyarov, S.
Adams, M. - Wei, Y.
Giri, A. - Caruana, F.
Hou, Y. - Navara, D.
So, W. - Ding, L.
Round 5 - Thursday the 21st
Ding, L. - Karjakin, S.
Navara, D. - So, W.
Caruana, F. - Hou, Y.
Wei, Y. - Giri, A.
Mamedyarov, S. - Adams, M.
Van Wely, L. - Carlsen, M.
Tomashevsky, E. - Eljanov, P.
Round 6 - Friday the 22nd
Karjakin, S. - Eljanov, P.
Carlsen, M. - Tomashevsky, E.
Adams, M. - Van Wely, L.
Giri, A. - Mamedyarov, S.
Hou, Y. - Wei, Y.
So, W. - Caruana, F.
Ding, L. - Navara, D.
Round 7 - Saturday the 23rd
Navara, D. - Karjakin, S.
Caruana, F. - Ding, L.
Wei, Y. - So, W.
Mamedyarov, S. - Hou, Y.
Van Wely, L. - Giri, A.
Tomashevsky, E. - Adams, M.
Eljanov, P. - Carlsen, M.
Round 8 - Sunday the 24th
Karjakin, S. - Carlsen, M.
Adams, M. - Eljanov, P.
Giri, A. - Tomashevsky, E.
Hou, Y. - Van Wely, L.
So, W. - Mamedyarov, S.
Ding, L. - Wei, Y.
Navara, D. - Caruana, F.
Round 9 - Tuesday the 26th
Caruana, F. - Karjakin, S.
Wei, Y. - Navara, D.
Mamedyarov, S. - Ding, L.
Van Wely, L. - So, W.
Tomashevsky, E. - Hou, Y.
Eljanov, P. - Giri, A.
Carlsen, M. - Adams, M.
Round 10 - Wednesday the 27th
Karjakin, S. - Adams, M.
Giri, A. - Carlsen, M.
Hou, Y. - Eljanov, P.
So, W. - Tomashevsky, E.
Ding, L. - Van Wely, L.
Navara, D. - Mamedyarov, S.
Caruana, F. - Wei, Y.
Round 11 - Friday the 29th
Wei, Y. - Karjakin, S.
Mamedyarov, S. - Caruana, F.
Van Wely, L. - Navara, D.
Tomashevsky, E. - Ding, L.
Eljanov, P. - So, W.
Carlsen, M. - Hou, Y.
Adams, M. - Giri, A.
Round 12 - Saturday the 30th
Karjakin, S. - Giri, A.
Hou, Y. - Adams, M.
So, W. - Carlsen, M.
Ding, L. - Eljanov, P.
Navara, D. - Tomashevsky, E.
Caruana, F. - Van Wely, L.
Wei, Y. - Mamedyarov, S.
Round 13 - Sunday the 31st
Mamedyarov, S. - Karjakin, S.  
Van Wely, L. - Wei, Y.  
Tomashevsky, E. - Caruana, F.  
Eljanov, P. - Navara, D.  
Carlsen, M. - Ding, L.  
Adams, M. - So, W.  
Giri, A. - Hou, Y.  

Schedule and results of Tata Steel Challengers 2016

Round 1 - Saturday the 16th
Haast, A. - van Foreest, J.
Antipov, M. - Ju, W.
Dreev, A. - Bok, B.
l'Ami, E. - Admiraal, M.
Baskaran, A. - Abasov, N.
Safarli, E. - Sevian, S.
Nisipeanu, L. - Batsiashvili, N.
Round 2 - Sunday the 17th
van Foreest, J. - Batsiashvili, N.
Sevian, S. - Nisipeanu, L.
Abasov, N. - Safarli, E.
Admiraal, M. - Baskaran, A.
Bok, B. - l'Ami, E.
Ju, W. - Dreev, A.
Haast, A. - Antipov, M.
Round 3 - Monday the 18th
Antipov, M. - van Foreest, J. 1-0
Dreev, A. - Haast, A. 1-0
l'Ami, E. - Ju, W. ½-½
Baskaran, A. - Bok, B. ½-½
Safarli, E. - Admiraal, M. ½-½
Nisipeanu, L. - Abasov, N. ½-½
Batsiashvili, N. - Sevian, S. ½-½
Round 4 - Tuesday the 19th
van Foreest, J. - Sevian, S.
Abasov, N. - Batsiashvili, N.
Admiraal, M. - Nisipeanu, L.
Bok, B. - Safarli, E.
Ju, W. - Baskaran, A.
Haast, A. - l'Ami, E.
Antipov, M. - Dreev, A.
Round 5 - Wednesday the 20th
Dreev, A. - van Foreest, J.
l'Ami, E. - Antipov, M.
Baskaran, A. - Haast, A.
Safarli, E. - Ju, W.
Nisipeanu, L. - Bok, B.
Batsiashvili, N. - Admiraal, M.
Sevian, S. - Abasov, N.
Round 6 - Friday the 22nd
van Foreest, J. - Abasov, N.
Admiraal, M. - Sevian, S.
Bok, B. - Batsiashvili, N.
Ju, W. - Nisipeanu, L.
Haast, A. - Safarli, E.
Antipov, M. - Baskaran, A.
Dreev, A. - l'Ami, E.
Round 7 - Saturday the 23rd
l'Ami, E. - van Foreest, J.
Baskaran, A. - Dreev, A.
Safarli, E. - Antipov, M.
Nisipeanu, L. - Haast, A.
Batsiashvili, N. - Ju, W.
Sevian, S. - Bok, B.
Abasov, N. - Admiraal, M.
Round 8 - Sunday the 24th
van Foreest, J. - Admiraal, M.
Bok, B. - Abasov, N.
Ju, W. - Sevian, S.
Haast, A. - Batsiashvili, N.
Antipov, M. - Nisipeanu, L.
Dreev, A. - Safarli, E.
l'Ami, E. - Baskaran, A.
Round 9 - Tuesday the 26th
Baskaran, A. - van Foreest, J.
Safarli, E. - l'Ami, E.
Nisipeanu, L. - Dreev, A.
Batsiashvili, N. - Antipov, M.
Sevian, S. - Haast, A.
Abasov, N. - Ju, W.
Admiraal, M. - Bok, B.
Round 10 - Wednesday the 27th
van Foreest, J. - Bok, B.
Ju, W. - Admiraal, M.
Haast, A. - Abasov, N.
Antipov, M. - Sevian, S.
Dreev, A. - Batsiashvili, N.
l'Ami, E. - Nisipeanu, L.
Baskaran, A. - Safarli, E.
Round 11 - Friday the 29th
Safarli, E. - van Foreest, J.
Nisipeanu, L. - Baskaran, A.
Batsiashvili, N. - l'Ami, E.
Sevian, S. - Dreev, A.
Abasov, N. - Antipov, M.
Admiraal, M. - Haast, A.
Bok, B. - Ju, W.
Round 12 - Saturday the 30th
van Foreest, J. - Ju, W.
Haast, A. - Bok, B.
Antipov, M. - Admiraal, M.
Dreev, A. - Abasov, N.
l'Ami, E. - Sevian, S.
Baskaran, A. - Batsiashvili, N.
Safarli, E. - Nisipeanu, L.
Round 13 - Sunday the 31st
Nisipeanu, L. - van Foreest, J.  
Batsiashvili, N. - Safarli, E.  
Sevian, S. - Baskaran, A.  
Abasov, N. - l'Ami, E.  
Admiraal, M. - Dreev, A.  
Bok, B. - Antipov, M.  
Ju, W. - Haast, A.  


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Born in the US, he grew up in Paris, France, where he completed his Baccalaureat, and after college moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He had a peak rating of 2240 FIDE, and was a key designer of Chess Assistant 6. In 2010 he joined the ChessBase family as an editor and writer at ChessBase News. He is also a passionate photographer with work appearing in numerous publications, and the content creator of the YouTube channel, Chess & Tech.


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