Superbet: Deac joins the lead as Rapport blunders

by Carlos Alberto Colodro
5/7/2022 – For a third day in a row, we got to see one of five games ending decisively at the Superbet Chess Classic in Bucharest. Bogdan-Daniel Deac, the clear underdog in the field, joined Wesley So and Ian Nepomniachtchi in the lead after making the most of Richard Rapport’s one-move blunder. Meanwhile, Levon Aronian escaped against Alireza Firouzja, who could not convert his advantage in a double-edged endgame. | Photo: Lennart Ootes

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Three co-leaders

Each of the three first rounds at the Superbet Chess Classic has seen a single decisive game. Three different players scored full points, while none of the losing players bounced back from previous defeats, thus leaving three players tied for first place with a plus-one score.

Wesley So won on opening day; Ian Nepomniachtchi beat Alireza Firouzja in the second round; and now Bogdan-Daniel Deac has joined the lead by defeating third seed Richard Rapport. The latter had a strong initiative out of a Nimzo-Indian with opposite-side castling.

Rapport vs. Deac

White’s king looks quite weak, but after 19.Rxd3 Qxd3 20.Nxf6 it is Black who needs to be careful. Of course, 20...gxf6 fails to 21.Qxf6#, but the young Romanian was not going to fall for such a simple tactic — he found 20...Qd6, preparing to defend the weak g7-square after 21.Nfh5, which threatens mate-in-one.

Deac’s follow-up was not as strong though, as he gave a check with 21...Qh6+ instead of going for the correct 21...Qf8


White now gets the upper hand after 22.f4. Finding the right path to make the most of the initiative was no easy task for Rapport, though, who failed to play the most precise continuation on move 26. 

A dynamically balanced position appeared on the board with the clocks ticking down dangerously four hours into the round.

Suddenly, however, the balance was tipped in Black’s favour as Rapport found himself in a clearly losing position after blundering on the last move before the time control.


The Hungarian needed to play 40.Nf6+ here, when Black is forced to give up his extra exchange with 40...Rxf6 — 40...Kf8 fails to 41.Rh2, since there is nothing better for Black than 41...Qb5+ 42.Qxb5 cxb5 43.Rh8+ Ke7 44.Rxa8 Rxf6, and White has the upper hand in the rook endgame. (You can try your own variations on any of our dynamic diagrams!)

Instead, Rapport faltered with 40.Ng5, which allows an immediate simplification which clearly favours Black: i.e. 40...Qxf4 (crucially attacking both the knight on g5 and the rook on d2) 41.Qxf4 Rxf4 and Black is simply an exchange up in the endgame.


Rapport went through the motions until move 52, when he finally resigned. In Sunday’s fourth round, the Hungarian will have the tough task of facing Alireza Firouzja with the black pieces.

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1.d4 3 Nf6 2 2.c4 1:21 e6 37 3.Nc3 46 Bb4 0 4.e3 12 0-0 37 5.Nge2 13 c6 53 6.a3 53 E46: Nimzo-Indian: Rubinstein: 4 e3 0-0 5 Ne2 without early Bd3. Ba5 22 7.c5 39 d5 2:00 8.cxd6 1:55 The position is equal. Qxd6 0 9.b4 38 Bb6!? 8:07       Exploring less charted territory. 10.Bb2 5:19 Nbd7 7:46
11.Ng3N 2:42 Predecessor: 11.g3 a5 12.b5 c5 13.Na4 cxd4 14.Nxd4 Nc5 15.Nxc5 Bxc5 16.Nb3 Qxd1+ 17.Rxd1 1-0 (34) Gupta,A (2617)-Deac,B (2578) Budapest 2018 11...Rd8 7:00 12.Bc4 11:52 e5 16:34 13.Qb3 33:44 13.Na4= 13...exd4 15:16 aiming for ...Ne5. 14.Bxf7+ 3:03 Kh8 12:36 14...Kf8! 15.Nce4 Qe7 15.exd4!= 1:08 Bxd4 5:52 16.0-0-0 5:30 Ne5 2:04 17.Nce4 1:02 Bxb2+ 10:45 Don't play 17...Nxe4 18.Bxd4 18.Rxd4? Qh6+ 19.Qe3 Qxe3+ 20.fxe3 Rxd4-+ 18...Nxf7 19.Qxf7 Qh6+ 20.Be3± 18.Qxb2 55 Nd3+ 37
19.Rxd3! 36 Qxd3 9 20.Nxf6 9 Pair of Knights! Qd6! 2:47 21.Nfh5 1:51 Qh6+ 15 Black should play 21...Qf8! 22.Bb3 Bg4 22.f4!± 5:34 Bg4 39
White must now prevent ...Rd7. 23.Qe5! 42 a5 1:05 24.bxa5 2:32 Rd7 2:25
24...Rf8± 25.Be8? 0 Better is 25.Bb3!+- 25...Rdd8! 17       White is under pressure. 25...Rd5? 26.Qe7 g5 27.Nf6 Rdxa5 28.Nxg4+- 26.Re1 51 Kg8! 38 27.Nf5 9:03 Bxf5 9 Dancing on a razor blade. 28.Bf7+ 3       Decoy Kxf7 1:09 29.Qxf5+ 11 Kg8 2 30.Re7 50 Rf8 3:21 31.Qe5 1:02 Rf7 24 32.Re6 25 Reject 32.Rxf7 Kxf7 33.Qc7+ Kg8 34.Qxb7 Re8 32...g6 18 33.Nf6+ 58 Kh8 1:05 34.g4 3:41 Qxh2 31 35.Rd6 2:11 Qh1+ 28 36.Kc2 24 Qg2+ 23 37.Rd2 16 Qh3 0 38.Kb2 1:14 Qf1 34 Threatens to win with ... Qb5+. 39.Nxh7+ 1:18 Kg8! 10 40.Ng5? 0       40.Nf6+= Rxf6 41.Qxf6 Qb5+ 42.Kc2 42.Ka1 Qf1+ 43.Ka2 Qc4+ 44.Kb2 Qb5+ 45.Ka2 Qc4+ 46.Kb2 Qb5+= 42...Qc4+ 43.Qc3 Qxc3+ 44.Kxc3 40...Qxf4-+ 0 41.Qxf4 4:10 Rxf4 40       Endgame KRR-KRN 42.Rd6 8 Rxa5 6:59 43.Rxg6+ 52 Kh8 11 44.Ne6 5:22 Rf3 2:27 45.g5 5:17 45.Nd4 might work better. Rfxa3 46.Rh6+ Kg7 47.Rd6 45...Raxa3 5:30 And now . ..Rae3 would win. 46.Nd4 2:15 Rh3 43 47.Rd6 48 Rag3 29 48.Rd8+ 33 Kh7 0 49.Rd7+ 4 Kg6 4 50.Rxb7 5 Rg2+ 15 51.Ka1 4 Ra3+ 6 52.Kb1 8 Rd3 3 Quite a comeback for Black. Weighted Error Value: White=0.47/Black=0.08 (flawless)
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Rapport,R2776Deac,B26710–12022GCT Superbet Romania 20223.3

Bogdan-Daniel Deac

Bogdan-Daniel Deac leaves the playing hall, while young fans await to get an autograph | Photo: Lennart Ootes

Aronian escapes

After a bit over five months of inactivity in classical chess, Firouzja entered the tournament in Bucharest as the top seed. A draw against Fabiano Caruana was followed by a defeat with white against Ian Nepomniachtchi.

Facing an in-form Levon Aronian in round 3, the 18-year-old seemed to be heading to a speedy recovery after his loss on Friday.

Aronian vs. Firouzja

Firouzja, playing black, correctly agreed to enter this double-edged endgame with bishop against knight and passed pawns on both sides of the board. 

Such sharp positions need extremely precise calculation though, as both players must consider every potential pawn endgame carefully. A long-standing competitor like Aronian knew this all too well, as he continued to create problems for his opponent.

By move 47, a mutual-zugzwang position appeared on the board.


As Yosha Iglesias pointed out on Twitter, this position is winning for Black if it is White to play. But it is Firouzja’s turn, and he has no way to make progress — the position is drawn.

The grandmasters continued playing until move 62.


62.Qxb2+ Qxb2 Stalemate!

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1.c4 26 c6 14 2.Nf3 4:48       d5 7 3.d4 10 Nf6 7 4.Nc3 17 dxc4 9 5.a4 5 Bf5 0 6.Ne5 4 Nbd7 8 7.Nxc4 6 Qc7 9 8.g3 51 e5 8 9.dxe5 6 Nxe5 5 10.Bf4 3 Nfd7 0 11.Bg2 47 g5! 12 11...g5 is better than 11...f6. D17: Slav Defence: 5 a4 Bf5: Lines with 6 Nh4 and 6 Ne5. 12.Ne3 28 gxf4 17 13.Nxf5 3 0-0-0 0 Resist 13...Qb6 14.gxf4 Ng6 15.e3± 14.Qc2 12 Of course not 14.gxf4 Nc5 15.Qc2 Nc4 14...Kb8 1:33 15.gxf4 9:16 Nc4 17 16.e3 0 Nc5! 57      
Strongly threatening ...Rd2. 17.Rd1 5 Against Rd2 Rxd1+! 0 18.Nxd1 4:54 Qa5+! 26
19.Ke2N 19 19.Nc3! Predecessor: 19.Nc3 Qb6 20.0-0 Qxb2 21.Qxb2 Nxb2 22.Rb1 Ncd3 23.Be4 Kc7 24.Kf1 a5 25.Bxd3 Nxd3 ½-½ (50) Wang,H (2726)-Nakamura,H (2778) Istanbul 2012 19...Qa6 22:12 20.Kf3! 3:14 Qxa4 9:03 21.Qxa4 1:02:37 Nxa4 30 22.Ke2 5:23 22.Nd4= 22...Ncxb2 2:27 23.Nxb2 6 Nxb2 4 24.Rb1 41 Na4 2:00 25.Kd2 14 Against Nc3 Nb6 1:36 26.Bf3 1:22 Bc5 6:39 27.Nh6 0 f6 2:37       28.Rg1 0 a5 19:16       29.Rg8+ 32 Rxg8 4 30.Nxg8 4       Endgame KBN-KBN f5 2:59 31.Kc2 2:41 a4 1:35 32.Nh6 0 Nc4 7:27 33.Be2 41 Nd6 16 34.Bd3 32 Ne4 1:25 35.Bxe4? 1:14 35.Nxf5 is a better defense. Nxf2 36.Bf1 35...fxe4-+ 6 KB-KN 36.Ng8 2 b5 5:02       37.Nf6 5 Kc7 2:53 Inhibits Nd7. 38.Nxh7? 23 38.f5 38...b4 1:07 39.Ng5 1:08 b3+ 10:27 40.Kb2 0 Bb4 0 41.Nxe4 5:33 c5? 14:16 Black should try 41...Kb6-+ 42.f5 Bf8 42.Nc3!= 7 The position is equal. Bxc3+ 0 43.Kxc3 4 KP-KP c4 30 44.Kb2 0 Kd6 1:04 45.f5! 5 Ke5 1:22 46.f3! 23 Kxf5 5:24 K3P-K3P 47.h4 3 Ke5 2:11
And now ...Kf5 would win. 47...Kf6!? 48.f4 Kf5= 48.h5 29 Kf5 52 aiming for ...Kg5. 49.f4 6 Ke4! 20 50.h6 5 Kd3 0 ( -> ...c3+) 51.h7 4 c3+ 8 52.Ka3! 5 52.Kb1? Kd2 53.h8Q c2+ 54.Kb2 c1Q# 52...c2 0 53.h8Q! 9 53.Kb2 is a self mate. Kd2 54.Ka3 c1Q+ 55.Kxa4 b2 56.h8Q Qa1+ 57.Kb4 b1Q+ 53...c1Q+ 19 54.Kxa4 35 Qd4+ is the strong threat. KQ-KQ b2 5:55 54...Qc3!? 55.Qh7+ Ke2= 55.Qh7+ 10 Kxe3 3:45 55...Kd2!? 56.Qh2+ Ke1 57.Qg3+ Kd2 58.Qh2+ Kxe3 59.Qh3+ Kd4 60.Qd7+ Ke4 61.Qh7+ Kxf4 62.Qh6+ Kg3 63.Qg6+ Kh4 64.Qe4+ Kh5 65.Qe8+ Kh6 66.Qe6+ Kg7 67.Qe7+ Kg8 68.Qe8+ Kh7 69.Qf7+ Kh8 70.Qe8+ Kh7 71.Qf7+ Kh8 72.Qe8+ Kh7= 56.Qh3+ 5 Kxf4 38 57.Qh4+ 26 Kf5 10 58.Qh3+ 6 Ke5 57 59.Qh5+ 23 Kd6 20 60.Qg6+ 28 Kc7 0 61.Qg7+ 37 Kb6 41 62.Qxb2+ 15 Qxb2 4:54 White happily takes the draw. Weighted Error Value: White=0.23 (precise) /Black=0.14 (very precise)
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Aronian,L2765Firouzja,A2804½–½2022GCT Superbet Romania 20223.4

Levon Aronian

A smiling Levon Aronian | Photo: Lennart Ootes

In the all-American confrontation between Caruana and So, it was the latter who got a slight edge with black out of a Catalan. A draw was nonetheless signed after 40 moves. 

Meanwhile, in Nepomniachtchi vs Leinier Dominguez, the Cuban-born grandmaster spent over an hour on moves 22 and 23, as his opponent was better prepared in the variation of the Petroff Defence that the strong theoreticians explored in their round-3 contest. Dominguez spent his time wisely though, as he managed to keep things under control against the latest World Championship challenger.

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov reached a draw by triple repetition after merely 20 moves.

Round 3 results


Standings after round 3

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Carlos Colodro is a Hispanic Philologist from Bolivia. He works as a freelance translator and writer since 2012. A lot of his work is done in chess-related texts, as the game is one of his biggest interests, along with literature and music.

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