Chess News
The Grand Prix Attack is one of White’s most enterprising weapons against the Sicilian Defence, and a favourite among club players and Grandmasters alike. This is an opening that must be treated with both caution and respect. Over the past few years Grandmaster Gawain Jones, arguably the world’s leading expert on the variation, has used the Grand Prix Attack to defeat a number of world class opponents, which demonstrates that underestimating its potential can cause casualties even at the highest level. This DVD will provide you with a comprehensive repertoire that explores all of Black’s ideas against the Grand Prix set up.
Meeting the Gambits Vol.1 - Gambits after 1.e4
On Meeting the Gambits Vol. 1; Gambits after 1.e4, FIDE Senior Trainer Andrew Martin provides you with an excellent selection of repertoire choices and teaches you the right approach to take against gambiteers.
A couple of weeks ago I looked at two games by American science writer Dana Mackenzie in the Bryntse Gambit, a splendid concoction in which White gets two pieces for the queen and an often slow burning but potentially raging attack.
It looks like great fun to play for White (especially at rapid or blitz time controls). And sound or not in theory, the only real downside I could see is that Black can decline it and get a perfectly good game fairly easily.
A few days ago I received a file in the drop box from the Polish Correspondence player, Senior IM Wladyslav Krol (pictured), with a dozen of his games in this line. So I'm continuing a look at the Bryntse this week with a selection of these with some light notes (all by me). But first, somewhat embarrassingly, a related game.
It comes from the closing dinner of the London Chess Classic a few years ago where the assembled heavyweights give a simultaneous against the diners, who are supposedly helped by grandmasters at their tables. It's not a situation I hugely relish and I would have been happy to draw quickly with the collective and get back to my wine but achieved the latter through a less propitious route...
Click or tap the second game in the list below the board to switch games
A Gambit Guide through the Open Game Vol.1 and 2
To avoid them or to play them, you have to know them. In two Volumes we see gambits such as Frankenstein-Dracula Gambit, the Cochrane Gambit, the Belgrade Gambit, the King's Gambit, Marshall Gambit, the Scotch Gambit, the Jänisch Gambit and many more.
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