Fritz 16 - He just wants to play!
Fritz 16 is looking forward to playing with you, and you're certain to have a great deal of fun with him too. Tense games and even well-fought victories await you with "Easy play" and "Assisted analysis" modes.
During the Batumi Olympiad, I was assigned by FIDE, under the scheme which matches coaches without a country to countries without a coach, to captain Sri Lanka. They were a lovely team who worked hard and even managed to get into the top playing hall with two rounds to go. But sadly after the expected defeat by Bosnia in the penultimate round we lost even more heavily to Yemen in the last and ended up only just above our seeding: 112th as compared to 115th.
The Sri Lankan open and women's teams with coach GM Jon Speelman | Photo: Panagoda Buddhi
The best result was scored by the youngest player, our board two: fifteen-year-old Harshana Thilakarathne. He would have made an IM norm with a round to spare had he not, unfortunately, had a default against Djibouti in round 2; and a draw in the final round against Yemen would still have been enough for a norm. Sadly he lost as you can see in the first game below but I'm sure he'll soon get some norms. In the World Youth Championship which has just finished in Greece he made an unbeaten 7/11 which netted 100 rating points and by December he expects to have gained over 200 points in two months to hit 2446!
When I asked Harshana whether I could use his games here he kindly agreed so I'm starting with the Agonising last round loss and then moving on to an, if not Ecstatic, certainly rollicking draw with a grandmaster a few days earlier. All notes are mine.
Click or tap the second game in the list below the board to switch games
There are few opening systems which have been undergoing such a fast and furious renaissance as the 6.Bg5 Variation of the Najdorf System. Inspired by Radjabov’s victories over Anand and Karjakin in 2006, a great number of games have been played since then, meaning that the theory has developed enormously. But even before then it stretched to such distant horizons that makes it all the more important to have someone who can explain the ideas which underlie the variations. That is exactly what Alexei Shirov does on his DVD.
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Did you enjoy the column and instructive analysis by GM Jonathan Speelman? Do you wish you could have a world-renowned grandmaster analysing your play? You can!
To submit your games just upload a PGN or ChessBase file (.pgn or .cbv archive), along with your name and e-mail address. Send one success story (Ecstasy) and one loss (Agony).
Tell why you chose them, where or when they were played. Please do include your email address, so Jon can reply, and preferably a photo of yourself for our article.
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