Power Play 24: A repertoire for black against the Catalan
On this DVD Grandmaster Daniel King offers you a repertoire for Black against the Catalan, based around maintaining the rock of a pawn on d5. Keeping central control ultimately gives Black good chances to launch an attack against the enemy king.
Magnus Carlsen hasn't lost a rapid playoff in what seems like forever. It not only shows the world champion's strength in quicker formats of the game, but also the ability to deliver results at critical moments. He doesn't seem to follow any particular philosophy towards rapid chess, except for one typical fact — he hardly plays sharp variations. Ding on the other hand Liren seems to have a clear pattern in rapid chess — dynamic and principled openings with white pieces and solid setups with black.
The first game reflected Carlsen's preferred approach to rapid chess as he steered clear of any sharp setup with white pieces against Ding's Slav, instead entering quieter waters.
The rapid games had the time control of 25 minutes per player with a time delay of ten seconds per move. Both Carlsen and Ding appeared a tad tentative in the opening phase, taking their time and obviously trying to arrive at a position unfamiliar to the opponent, more than anything else.
The start of the tiebreak | Photo: Lennart Ootes / Grand Chess Tour
Some of Carlsen's decisions were puzzling, however.
9...♛xd1 10.♔xd1?!
White voluntarily gives up castling, and temporarily brings the king to the centre. It was difficult to understand the thinking behind this move. Simpler was 10.♘xd1 ♞d5 11.♗d2 with a game, where white should hold the better side of equality.
10...♞d5 11.♘e4?
Simply wasting time — what is White aiming to achieve with this move?
11...♝b7 black is fine already, aiming for simple and sound moves: 0-0-0, ...c6-c5 etc.
15.♔c2? White should immediately challenge Black's queenside domination with 15.b3 cxb3 16.axb3 and hope for the best.
15...0-0-0 (15...f5! was even better) 16.♖hd1 f5! and psychologically Black was already doing better.
By this point, Carlsen was clearly indicating his discomfort at the board, raising his eyebrows, twirling a piece in his hand and looking at the clock ticking away. He finally decided to stop playing for initiative and found a way to fight for a draw: 17.♘d6+?! Sacrificing a pawn, Carlsen aims to simplify into an ending with opposite-coloured bishops and rooks, hoping to achieve a draw. 17.♘g5 ♝xg5 18.♗xd5 was a much better way to play for equality.
17...♝xd6 18.exd6 ♜xd6 19.♗xd5
Magnus Carlsen — desperate measures | Photo: Lennart Ootes / Grand Chess Tour
Here, after a two-minute thought, Ding came up with 19...exd5!?
Ding Liren – Creative thinking | Photo: Lennart Ootes / Grand Chess Tour
Commenting on the game, Maurice Ashley drew viewers' attention to this move, a typical chess engine concept, not bothering about the optics of shutting down the bishop on b7 with a pawn on d5. Rather, Black looks at the long term advantage of activating his rooks to invade into the centre and kingside.
It is one thing to understand the possibilities in a position with the help of a chess engine, but another to find such a move over the board in just two minutes, that too in a rapid game against the world champion, in a high tension encounter! After this particular moment, it was difficult to watch this match without an extra admiration for Ding.
20.♗c3 ♜e8 21.e3 g5! 22.♖d4 ♜e4?! — but he lost the plot here. Instead, 22...♜h6 23.h4 gxh4 24.♖xh4 ♜xh4 25.gxh4 ♜g8 and black preserves good chances to invade in the kingside.
After the game ended in a draw, there was a clear feeling that the momentum had perceptibly shifted in Ding's favour; if he could trouble Carlsen and almost get a sizable advantage with the black pieces, he would surely enjoy his white pieces?
The second game was a fundamentally dull affair, with pieces traded at regular intervals and the balance never tipping in anyone's favour till the end.
Now, the interest shifted to the two remaining blitz games, where Carlsen too is a formidable force. But looking at the way he has played the whole tournament and the rapid games, I felt that Carlsen's victory was not a foregone conclusion, as it has been for many years running.
The Blitz games had the time control of five minutes per game with a three-second time delay per move. Carlsen played the first blitz game surprisingly poorly from the opening stages, and was down by a pawn in quick time. Ding had difficulties in conversion, but he reached an advantageous ending.
Attacking with the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez
The purpose of this DVD is to teach players how to conduct the attack on the black king using different methods. Although the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez are mostly positional openings, it is very often possible to make use of attacking methods of play
41...♝b3?? Black would have survived with 41...g5.
42.e5?? White could have won with 42.g5 fxg5 43.♔f5 (threatening 44.♖f8 mate) 43...♝e6+ 44.♔e5 winning.
42...fxe5? Better was 42...g5+.
43.♔xe5 and it looked like a sure win now. But Ding still couldn't deliver the knockout punch.
Just when White was struggling to find a way to win in a better position, Carlsen was about to execute 87...♜g2 when he overstepped the time limit!
Ding Liren during the breaks of tiebreak | Photo: Lennart Ootes / Grand Chess Tour
Once Ding won the first game, there was a clear realization that Carlsen wasn't in his element on the day, and to score a win with white pieces in the next game looked like a tall order.
The Art of the Positional Exchange Sacrifice
The positional exchange sacrifice is one of the most powerful and fascinating strategic weapons in chess. On this DVD Sergey Tiviakov explains why the positional exchange sacrifice is such a strong weapon and how to use it.
A typical position from the Chigorin variation of the Ruy Lopez. Since White has still not fully mobilized his forces, his next move was surprising.
This hardly looked like a position in Ruy Lopez where white could generate any activity on the kingside. Carlsen's move came off as more like desperation due to the score of the match, rather than fitting the demands of the position.
17...♞c5 and White is forced to part with the light-squared bishop now: 18.♘g3 ♞xd3 and Back is considerably better.
Winning with the Ruy Lopez Vol. 1: Berlin Wall and others
Among the open games the only opening with which White can really fight for an advantage in the long term is the Ruy Lopez. But in order to make this serious effort, he has buckle down and learn a whole series of sub-variations. That is what the professionals do, including of course Viktor Bologan, who now reveals the secrets of his own grandmaster repertoire.
A complicated position, where both sides have to be careful. The long diagonal with white's light-squared bishop absent always favours Black, practically, over the board.
32.g5 ♝a8!?
Ding played this instantly, and a shocked Carlsen hardly gave his best after this:
33.♕xa6?? Better was 33.gxf6, but there is the practical problem of 33...♛b7 34.♔f1 ♛g2+ 35.♔e2 ♛f3+ 36.♔f1 ♛g2 which will lead to a draw — a Ding victory at this point. 36.♔d2?? ♝d8 37.♕xa3 ♛d5+ will end in a victory for Black.
In the game, after 33...♞d5, Black's advantage became overwhelming.
The actual game became much more adventurous. It is pointless to analyse a blitz game deeply, but let us look at the finish.
At this point, watching the game up until now in the media centre, I made my way to the playing hall, to be present for the result either way, but on the way saw a great spectacle.
Henrik Carlsen (seated) and New In Chess' Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam with Garry Kasparov kibitzing the game | Photo: V. Saravanan
Kasparov was obviously enjoying himself, and the finish brought out cheers and laughter from him.
Black has excellent compensation for the queen, but Carlsen blundered his way into a beauty.
39.♕xd6?? ♝f4 40.♘c5 ♞e7 and Carlsen resigned, as he cannot prevent mate here.
Magnus Carlsen with a disappointing loss | Photo: Lennart Ootes / Grand Chess Tour
Though he lost the playoff matches, Magnus Carlsen was magnanimous and objective in his praise for Ding Liren, calling him 'a lot better than I was today'. “I had a very difficult day today. I couldn't get anything going, I was thinking too long. Mainly I was defending in most of the games”, said Carlsen. However, he took solace in the fact that he 'managed to salvage a lot in the last two days (of Sinquefield Cup) — I am not too disappointed'.
The affable and shy-sounding Ding Liren was obviously happy with his performance, saying 'he didn't expect to win' the tournament.
In the first two games, I think my play was not good...My win against Anish [Giri] gave me lot of confidence. This was the kind of game I [am] used to playing. The very kind of position I play [well]. After the rest day, I beat Fabiano and became the co-leader, which was good. After that game, I wanted to draw all the [rest of] the games!
Ding is the first person to defeat Carlsen in a tie-break in a long time — how did he feel about that?
Yes, I know this! He has won [tiebreaks] ten out of ten in more than ten years. But today was different from yesterday. Since I finished the tournament yesterday with [a] very good result, today I went for more! Today I just felt relaxed and enjoyed [playing].
Thus, Ding Liren pulled off one of the best achievements of his career in a fitting way. And also kept himself firmly in front, for a place to the finals of the Grand Chess Tour at London. And maybe even the birth of a strong idea that Carlsen might have found his next challenger.
By the way, this play-off match was conducted only to decide the winner of the event. Otherwise, the GCT Points were shared equally between Ding and Carlsen.
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Commentary by WGM Jennifer Shahade and GMs Yasser Seirawan and Maurice Ashley
Correction: The prize money for Grand Chess Tour classical events is not shared for those who tie for the first place — that is the case only with the Rapid & Blitz events. Hence, the Sinquefield Cup prize money for the top two places were split $82,500 for Ding and $67,500 for Carlsen. However, the GCT Grand Prix points were shared equally: each player received 16.5 GCT points.