Third Shamkir Tournament in memory of Vugar Gashimov
The Vugar Gashimov Memorial, is being held in Shamkir, Azerbaijan, from the May 26 to June 4, 2016, in memory of the great Vugar Gashimov, who passed away on the 10th of January 2014. The tournament features ten world-class players: Fabiano Caruana (2795), Anish Giri (2790), Sergey Karjakin (2779), Pavel Eljanov (2750), Pentala Harikrishna (2763), Shakhriyar Mamedyarov (2750), Teimour Radjabov (2726), Eltaj Safarli (2664), Hou Yifan (2663) and Rauf Mamedov (2650). The time control is 120/40 moves + 60/20 moves + 15 minutes + 30 seconds/move at the 61st move.
All games start at 3 p.m. local time = 1 p.m. in Europe (CEST), one hour earlier in Britain, and 2 p.m. in Moscow. You can find the starting time at your location here. Today's pairings:
Round 9 – June 4, 2016 |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Anish Giri |
Sergey Karjakin |
Fabiano Caruana |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Eltaj Safarli |
Pavel Eljanov |
Teimour Radjabov |
Hou Yifan |
Rauf Mamedov |

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Final round

The stage, the players, the spectacle
What a finale for what turned out to be a very unpredictable tournament. After five rounds, the outcome of the Gashimov Memorial seemed all but certain with a re-invigorated Fabiano Caruana on 4.5/5 and seemingly poised to run away with it much as he had the Sinquefield Cup in2014. The only possible rival was Anish Giri, chasing hard with 4.0/5, and shedding himself of the draw master title he had acquired in the Candidates earlier this year.

Fabiano Caruana seemed poised to run away with the event after the first half

Only Anish Giri seemed to have a chance to challenge him
The rest of the field seemed to be struggling, with Hou Yifan going through a very rough event, while Karjakin was at plus one, and the local players all seemed to be not only scoring 50% with each other, but against the rest as well. The top-rated Shakhriyar Mamedyarov was at 50% himself, with a win and a loss.

It just wasn't her tournament as nothing seemed to click for Hou Yifan
Then it all turned around in the most incredible way. Mamedyarov broke the Azeri peace treaty and went for his compatriot’s throat in a wild game, defeating Safarli, while Caruana acceded to a draw in a dead won position with Giri. While some argued the difficulty in finding the win, the fact is that playing on presented no risk as it was the Dutch player’s king in the wide open, not his. No one could have foreseen it, but this turned out to be as pivotal as the last two rounds.
In round eight, Mamedyarov showed Fabiano’s luck had run out, inflicting his first and only defeat, and leaving himself with genuine chances for a playoff… if he managed to defeat Anish Giri in the last round. Evading the well-trodden paths of theory, the Azeri outplayed Anish reaching an endgame with a clear extra pawn on the c-file.

Mamedyarov's only chance was to beat the ultra solid Giri. If Giri had held, he would have
made it to the playoff against Caruana.

It wasn't for lack of support with GM Erwin L'Ami as his second and his wife Sopiko Giri there
Shakhriyar Mamedyarov - Anish Giri

[Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "9"] [White "Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar"] [Black "Giri, Anish"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A49"] [WhiteElo "2748"] [BlackElo "2790"] [PlyCount "105"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:900+30"] 1. d4 {(13s)} Nf6 {(7s)} 2. Nf3 {(11s)} g6 {(20s)} 3. g3 {(9s)} Bg7 {(47s)} 4. Bg2 {(7s)} d5 {(59s)} 5. O-O {(6s)} O-O {(3s)} 6. c3 {(2s)} Nbd7 {(38s)} 7. Bf4 {(30s)} b6 {(336s)} 8. a4 {(382s) Calling this the novelty seems a bit of a strenth, even if technically true. White has gone his own way in the opening as is typical for him, and neutralized any preparation Giri might have had in store.} c5 {(92s)} 9. Nbd2 {(41s)} Bb7 {(440s)} 10. a5 {(62s)} bxa5 {(292s)} 11. Nb3 {(659s)} Qb6 {(85s)} 12. dxc5 {(223 s)} Nxc5 {(40s)} 13. Be3 {(1102s)} Qxb3 {(908s)} 14. Bxc5 {(18s)} Qxd1 {(910s)} 15. Rfxd1 {(45s)} Rfe8 {(61s)} 16. Rxa5 {(18s)} a6 {(6s)} 17. Ne5 {(316s)} Rad8 {(524s)} 18. Bb6 {(119s)} Rb8 { (27s)} 19. Ba7 {(74s)} Rbd8 {(39s)} 20. Bb6 {(58s)} Rb8 {(12s)} 21. Bd4 {(61s)} e6 {(190s)} 22. e3 {(321s)} Red8 {(8s)} 23. Bb6 {(367s)} Rdc8 {(5s)} 24. Ba7 { (23s)} Ra8 {(2s)} 25. Bd4 {(9s)} Rc7 {(114s)} 26. Rda1 {(210s)} Nd7 {(37s)} 27. Nxd7 {(96s)} Rxd7 {(112s)} 28. Bf1 {(1s)} e5 {(274s)} 29. Bc5 {(16s)} d4 { (184s)} 30. cxd4 {(339s)} exd4 {(6s)} 31. Bxa6 {(65s)} Rxa6 {(353s)} 32. Rxa6 { (18s)} Bxa6 {(5 s)} 33. Rxa6 {(3s) White is threatening Ra8+ Bf8 Bxf8, so Black needs to parry this first.} f5 {(8s)} 34. exd4 {(520s)} Bxd4 {(3s)} 35. b4 {(450s)} Bxc5 {(517s)} 36. bxc5 {(6s)} Rd1+ {(7s)} 37. Kg2 {(2s)} Rc1 {(4s)} 38. Rc6 {(330s) White is up a pawn in this rook endgame and the question is whether he can convert it. Defending it will be an uphill proposition.} Kf7 { (169s)} 39. Kf3 {(475s)} g5 {(177s)} 40. Ke3 {(0s)} Rc3+ {(0s)} 41. Kd4 {(496s) } Rf3 {(564s)} (41... Rc2 {offers no relief, and White strikes with} 42. f4 gxf4 43. gxf4 Rxh2 44. Ke5 Ke7 ({Passive defense leads to a swift defeat.} 44... Rh5 45. Rd6 {followed by c6.}) 45. Re6+ Kd7 46. c6+ Kc7 47. Kxf5 { and Black cannot hold.}) 42. Ke5 {(31s)} Rxf2 {(5s)} 43. Rf6+ {(3s)} Ke8 { (1046s)} (43... Ke7 {seemed more logical, though it too fails. The real point is that it also forces White to find some extremely precise moves, making the win that much more precarious. After} 44. Rh6 f4 45. Rxh7+ Kd8 {White only has one single winning move, others failing to do the job.} 46. Rh5 $3 {is the winner.} (46. gxf4 {leads nowhere.} Rxf4 47. h3 Kc8 48. Kd5 Rf6 49. Kc4 g4 50. hxg4 Rf4+ 51. Kb5 Rxg4 {and this is a technical draw.}) 46... f3 {What else?} 47. Ke4 {and Black is out of moves.} Rc2 {Anything else runs into Rxg5.} 48. Kxf3 Rxc5 49. Kg4 {and after g5 falls it is over.}) 44. Rxf5 {(193s)} Rxh2 { (13s)} 45. Kd6 {(235s)} Rd2+ {(1120s)} 46. Kc7 {(20s)} Rd7+ {(792s)} 47. Kb6 { (18s)} g4 {(15s)} 48. Re5+ {(404s)} Kd8 {(15s)} 49. Rg5 {(8s)} Rd3 {(383s)} 50. Rg8+ {(40s)} Ke7 {(3s)} 51. Rxg4 {(10s)} Rb3+ {(35s)} 52. Kc7 {(9s)} Kf6 {(11s) } 53. c6 {(34s)} 1-0
A magnificent result that ensured a chance at the title in a playoff, but his was not the only success story of the players from Azerbaijan. As if the spirit of Vugar were present and smiling upon them, Eltaj Safarli and Rauf Mamedov also scored their first victories of the event, meaning three Azeri wins in the last round.

Vugar Gashimov was no doubt smiling upon his friends and compatriots this round
It should be noted that Safarli’s came after a dramatic turnaround in his game against Harikrishna. The Indian had completely outplayed his opponent, but at a serious cost on his clock. He had a massive position, with a rook roaming the seventh at will, and all he needed to do was trade off the other pieces. Somehow he suffered a few moments of blindness and in a handful of moves was dead lost. This tale of chess myopia was symptomatic of the great Indian player's tournament, and in spite of never giving up, will power alone was not enough to overcome the self-inflicted handicaps.

Whether fatigue or something else, Harikrishna (left) will be examining what went wrong
Pentala Harikrishna - Eltaj Safarli

[Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "9"] [White "Harikrishna, Pentala"] [Black "Safarli, Eltaj"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "E15"] [WhiteElo "2763"] [BlackElo "2664"] [PlyCount "124"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:900+30"] 1. d4 {(4s)} Nf6 {(10s)} 2. c4 {(5s)} e6 {(8s)} 3. Nf3 {(4s)} b6 {(28s)} 4. g3 {(7s)} Ba6 {(119s)} 5. Nbd2 {(6s)} Bb4 {(100s)} 6. Qa4 {(16s)} c5 {(100s)} 7. dxc5 {(6s)} Bxc5 {(51s)} 8. Bg2 {(10s)} Bb7 {( 4s)} 9. b4 {(9s)} Be7 {(86s)} 10. Bb2 {(14s)} O-O {(292s)} 11. O-O {(8s)} Nc6 {(477s)} 12. a3 {(82s)} a6 { (158s)} 13. Qc2 {(333s)} h6 {(312s)} 14. Rad1 {(1073s)} Qc7 {(145s)} 15. Ne4 { (120s)} Nxe4 {( 224s)} 16. Qxe4 {(125s)} f5 {(38s)} 17. Qe3 {(229s)} Rad8 { (163s)} 18. Rd2 {(803s)} Bf6 {(476s)} 19. Bxf6 {(361s)} Rxf6 {(27s)} 20. c5 { (83s)} bxc5 {(39s)} 21. Qxc5 {(56s)} d6 {(271s)} 22. Qc4 {( 114s)} Qb6 {(70s)} 23. Rc1 {(48s)} d5 {(604s)} 24. Qc5 {(136s)} Qxc5 {(120s)} 25. Rxc5 {(14s)} g5 {( 191s)} 26. e3 {(270s)} f4 {(1870s)} 27. Nd4 {(90s)} fxe3 {(346s)} 28. fxe3 { (15s)} Ne5 {(32s)} 29. Rc7 {(165s)} Ba8 {[#] (381s) Put simply, White is completely winning. Not only does he have a monster rook on the seventh unchecked, but his knight is attacking the e6 weakness with more pieces to follow. Add to that Black's imprisoned bishop and poor piece coordination, and it should be a matter of technique. The problem here is time though, in very short supply.} 30. Re7 {(385s)} (30. Rf2 {was White's easiest solution, trading off one of Black's only useful pieces, and preparing to do major damage with the one currently on c7.} Rxf2 31. Kxf2 Re8 {Note also that Black cannot remove the rook from the eighth due to Rc8+ winning the bishop the second he does.} 32. Ke2 Nc4 33. a4 Rb8 {and Black can either die a slow death while White pushes ahead or give up the bishop, and die a quick one.}) 30... Rc8 {(90s)} 31. Rd1 {(178s)} Ng4 {(32s)} 32. Bh3 $4 {(58s) From hero to villain in a move. White blunders in time trouble.} (32. Rf1 {was still the best idea.} Rxf1+ 33. Bxf1 e5 34. Nf5 Rf8 35. Bh3 Rxf5 36. Bxg4 Rf8) 32... Nf2 $1 {(19s)} 33. Bxe6+ {(137s)} Rxe6 {(5s)} 34. Rxe6 {(6s)} Nxd1 {(2s)} 35. Nf5 $2 {(9s) Now White is lost.} (35. Rxh6 {would still have given chances. Since Black's bishop is still dead weight, and White's wing pawns can still cause serious trouble.}) 35... Rc1 {(112s)} 36. Re8+ {(56s)} Kh7 {(12s)} 37. Kg2 { (55s)} (37. Rxa8 Nxe3+ 38. Kf2 Nxf5) 37... Bc6 {(10s)} 38. Re7+ {(52s)} Kg6 { (19s)} 39. Nd4 {(9s)} Bb5 {(19s)} 40. h4 {(0s)} Bd3 {(0s)} 41. Re6+ {(530s)} Kf7 {(428s)} 42. Kf3 {(53s)} Be4+ {(139s)} 43. Ke2 {(23s)} Nc3+ {(198s)} 44. Kd2 {(156s)} Rd1+ {(134s)} 45. Kxc3 {(5s)} Rxd4 {(10s)} 46. Rxa6 {(141s)} Rd3+ {(21s)} 47. Kb2 {(5s)} Rxe3 {(78s)} 48. b5 {(34s)} Ke7 {(549s)} 49. Rxh6 { (387s)} d4 {(265s)} 50. b6 {(209s)} Re2+ {(251s)} 51. Kb3 {(8s)} d3 {(139s)} 52. b7 {(4s)} d2 {(92s)} 53. Rd6 {(5s)} Bxb7 {(4s)} 54. Rd4 {(3s)} g4 {(23s)} 55. Kc3 {(92s)} Rg2 {(66s)} 56. h5 {(231s)} Rxg3+ {( 295s)} 57. Kxd2 {(5s)} Rg1 {(61s)} 58. h6 {(7s)} g3 {(389s)} 59. Rh4 {(39s)} g2 {(22s)} 60. h7 {(0s)} Rd1+ {(0s)} 61. Kc3 {(57s)} g1=Q {(136s)} 62. h8=Q {(8s)} Qc5+ {(43 Kd4s)} 0-1

A fantastic final sprint with three wins including two over the event's top-rated players

The press room in full hustle and bustle
Replay games of round nine (with times per move)

[Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "9"] [White "Karjakin, Sergey"] [Black "Caruana, Fabiano"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "C80"] [WhiteElo "2779"] [BlackElo "2804"] [PlyCount "67"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:900+30"] 1. e4 {(9s)} e5 {(5s)} 2. Nf3 {(4s)} Nc6 {(4s)} 3. Bb5 {(5s)} a6 {(3s)} 4. Ba4 {(4s)} Nf6 {(4s)} 5. O-O {(7s)} Nxe4 {(5s)} 6. d4 {(5s)} b5 {(4s)} 7. Bb3 {(3s)} d5 {(9s)} 8. dxe5 {(10s)} Be6 {(4s)} 9. Nbd2 {( 48s)} Nc5 {(13s)} 10. c3 {(19s)} Be7 {(9s)} 11. Bc2 {(39s)} d4 {(9s)} 12. Nb3 {(40s)} d3 {(9s)} 13. Nxc5 {(292s)} dxc2 {(6s)} 14. Qxd8+ {(4s)} Rxd8 {(7s)} 15. Nxe6 {(5s)} fxe6 {(4s)} 16. Be3 {(36s)} Rd5 {(9s)} 17. Rfc1 {(52s)} Nxe5 {(9s)} 18. Nxe5 {(5s)} Rxe5 {(4s)} 19. Rxc2 {(6s)} Rd5 {(677s)} 20. c4 {(229s)} Rd7 {(5s)} 21. cxb5 {(1326s)} axb5 {(23s)} 22. a4 {(6s)} bxa4 {(36s)} 23. Kf1 {(5s)} Kf7 {(104s)} 24. Rxa4 {(31s)} Rb8 {(22s)} 25. Rac4 {(25s)} c5 {(165s)} 26. Bxc5 {(640s)} Bxc5 {(8s)} 27. Rxc5 {(4s)} Rd1+ {(4s)} 28. Ke2 {(4s)} Rb1 {(4s)} 29. g3 {(9s)} R1xb2 {(6s)} 30. Rxb2 {(6s)} Rxb2+ {( 3s)} 31. Kf3 {(5s)} Rb3+ {(4s)} 32. Ke2 {(3s)} Rb2+ {(4s)} 33. Kf3 {(5s)} Rb3+ {(2s)} 34. Ke2 {(5s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "9"] [White "Eljanov, Pavel"] [Black "Radjabov, Teimour"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A45"] [WhiteElo "2765"] [BlackElo "2726"] [PlyCount "88"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:900+30"] 1. d4 {(19s)} Nf6 {(5s)} 2. Bf4 {(4s)} g6 {(14s)} 3. Nc3 {(8s)} d5 {(417s)} 4. e3 {(59s)} Bg7 {(240s)} 5. Be2 {(32s)} c6 {(522s)} 6. h4 {(577s)} h6 {(773s)} 7. Nf3 {(52s)} Qa5 {(678s)} 8. Qd2 {(1167s)} Bg4 {(356s)} 9. Ne5 {(677s)} Bxe2 {(5s)} 10. Qxe2 {(11s)} Qa6 {(692s)} 11. Qf3 {(176s)} Nbd7 {(96s)} 12. a3 {(677s)} Nxe5 {(1174s)} 13. Bxe5 {(39s)} O-O {(51s)} 14. g4 {(389s)} Nd7 {(73s)} 15. Bxg7 {(7s)} Kxg7 {(3s)} 16. h5 {(575s)} g5 {(39s)} 17. e4 {(184s)} e6 {(307s)} 18. Qe3 {(191s)} dxe4 {(345 s)} 19. Nxe4 {(144s)} Qa5+ {(1s)} 20. c3 {(43s)} Qc7 {(247s)} 21. O-O-O {(276s)} Nb6 {(35s)} 22. Kb1 {(115s)} Nd5 {(10s)} 23. Qd2 {(275s)} b5 {(67s)} 24. Nc5 {(86s)} a5 {(196s)} 25. Rhe1 {(25s)} Qf4 {(91s)} 26. Qe2 {(271s)} Rad8 {(102s)} 27. Nd3 {(36s)} Qd6 {(10s)} 28. Qd2 {(126s)} Rb8 {(15s)} 29. Qc2 {(270s)} Rfd8 {(62s)} 30. Nc5 {(27s)} Nf4 {(70s)} 31. Qe4 {(185s)} Qd5 {(41s)} 32. Nd3 {( 87s)} Qxe4 {(173s)} 33. Rxe4 {(5s)} Nxd3 {(31s)} 34. Rxd3 {(5s)} a4 {(44s)} 35. Kc2 {(188s)} Rd5 {(4 s)} 36. Re5 {(41s)} Rbd8 {(27s)} 37. Rde3 {(26s)} R8d7 {(11s)} 38. Kd3 {(33s)} Kf8 {(34s)} 39. Ke4 {(71s)} Ke7 {(32s)} 40. Kf3 {(0s)} R7d6 {(0s)} 41. Ke2 {(981s)} Rd8 {(259s)} 42. Kf3 {(97s)} R8d6 {( 226s)} 43. Ke2 {(17s)} Rd8 {(16s)} 44. Kf3 {(13s)} R8d6 {(11s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "9"] [White "Hou, Yifan"] [Black "Mamedov, Rauf"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "A06"] [WhiteElo "2663"] [BlackElo "2655"] [PlyCount "104"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:900+30"] 1. Nf3 {(3s)} d5 {(36s)} 2. c4 {(13s)} c6 {(5s)} 3. g3 {(23s)} g6 {(4s)} 4. Qa4 {(66s)} d4 {(895s)} 5. e3 {(600s)} dxe3 {(182s)} 6. dxe3 {(58s)} Na6 {(447s)} 7. Nc3 {(13s)} Nc5 {(42s)} 8. Qc2 {(196s)} Bg7 {(39s)} 9. h3 {(657s)} Nf6 {(369s)} 10. e4 {(213s)} O-O {(53s)} 11. Be3 {(18s)} Qa5 {(15s)} 12. Bd2 {(152s)} Qb6 {(164s)} 13. Rd1 {(509s)} Rd8 {(328s)} 14. Be2 {(367s)} Be6 {(307s)} 15. Kf1 {( 680s)} h6 {(55s)} 16. g4 {(143s)} Qc7 {(540s)} 17. b4 {(232s)} Ncd7 {(113s)} 18. g5 {(11s)} hxg5 {( 32s)} 19. Nxg5 {(6s)} Nf8 {(75s)} 20. Kg2 {(212s)} N6h7 {(104s)} 21. h4 {(200s)} a5 {(175s)} 22. a3 {(16s)} axb4 {(12s)} 23. axb4 {(3s)} Nxg5 {(146s)} 24. hxg5 {(72s)} Qe5 {(155s)} 25. Rc1 {(244s)} b5 {(1156s)} 26. Be3 {(977s)} Bxc4 {(69s)} 27. Bxc4 {(6s)} bxc4 {(3s)} 28. Ne2 {(4s)} c3 {(560s)} 29. Nxc3 {(452s)} Qe6 {(171s)} 30. Rh3 {(197s)} Ra3 {(71s)} 31. Nb1 {(164s)} Rb3 {(109s)} 32. Nd2 {( 148s)} Rc3 {(57s)} 33. Qd1 {(104s)} Rcd3 {(323s)} 34. Rc2 {(108s)} Nh7 {(49s)} 35. Qh1 {(52s)} Nxg5 {(58s)} 36. Bxg5 {(34s)} Qg4+ {(4s)} 37. Rg3 {(16s)} Rxg3+ {(8s)} 38. fxg3 {(1s)} Qxg5 {(24s)} 39. Nf3 {(7s)} Qb5 {(41s)} 40. Qe1 {(0s)} Qa4 {(0s)} 41. Rd2 {(337s)} Rb8 {(351s)} 42. e5 {(7s)} Bh6 {( 138s)} 43. Rd4 {(134s)} Qc2+ {(150s)} 44. Qf2 {(317s)} Qb3 {(88s)} 45. Qe1 {(88s)} Be3 {(312s)} 46. Rh4 {(268s)} Ra8 {(79s)} 47. Kh3 {(128s)} Qd3 {(126s)} 48. Rg4 {(77s)} e6 {(124s)} 49. Ng5 {(228s)} Bxg5 {(200s)} 50. Rxg5 {(3s)} Qf3 {(8s)} 51. Rg4 {(208s)} Kg7 {(9s)} 52. Rh4 {(60s)} g5 {(64s)} 0-1 [Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "9"] [White "Harikrishna, Pentala"] [Black "Safarli, Eltaj"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "E15"] [WhiteElo "2763"] [BlackElo "2664"] [PlyCount "124"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:900+30"] 1. d4 {(4s)} Nf6 {(10s)} 2. c4 {(5s)} e6 {(8s)} 3. Nf3 {(4s)} b6 {(28s)} 4. g3 {(7s)} Ba6 {(119s)} 5. Nbd2 {(6s)} Bb4 {(100s)} 6. Qa4 {(16s)} c5 {(100s)} 7. dxc5 {(6s)} Bxc5 {(51s)} 8. Bg2 {(10s)} Bb7 {( 4s)} 9. b4 {(9s)} Be7 {(86s)} 10. Bb2 {(14s)} O-O {(292s)} 11. O-O {(8s)} Nc6 {(477s)} 12. a3 {(82s)} a6 {(158s)} 13. Qc2 {(333s)} h6 {(312s)} 14. Rad1 {(1073s)} Qc7 {(145s)} 15. Ne4 {(120s)} Nxe4 {( 224s)} 16. Qxe4 {(125s)} f5 {(38s)} 17. Qe3 {(229s)} Rad8 {(163s)} 18. Rd2 {(803s)} Bf6 {(476s)} 19. Bxf6 {(361s)} Rxf6 {(27s)} 20. c5 {(83s)} bxc5 {(39s)} 21. Qxc5 {(56s)} d6 {(271s)} 22. Qc4 {( 114s)} Qb6 {(70s)} 23. Rc1 {(48s)} d5 {(604s)} 24. Qc5 {(136s)} Qxc5 {(120s)} 25. Rxc5 {(14s)} g5 {( 191s)} 26. e3 {(270s)} f4 {(1870s)} 27. Nd4 {(90s)} fxe3 {(346s)} 28. fxe3 {(15s)} Ne5 {(32s)} 29. Rc7 {(165s)} Ba8 {(381s)} 30. Re7 {(385s)} Rc8 {(90s)} 31. Rd1 {(178s)} Ng4 {(32s)} 32. Bh3 {(58s)} Nf2 {(19s)} 33. Bxe6+ {(137s)} Rxe6 {(5s)} 34. Rxe6 {(6s)} Nxd1 {(2s)} 35. Nf5 {(9s)} Rc1 {(112s)} 36. Re8+ {(56s)} Kh7 {(12s)} 37. Kg2 {(55s)} Bc6 {(10s)} 38. Re7+ {(52s)} Kg6 {(19s)} 39. Nd4 {(9s)} Bb5 {(19s)} 40. h4 {(0s)} Bd3 {(0s)} 41. Re6+ {(530s)} Kf7 {(428s)} 42. Kf3 {(53s)} Be4+ {(139s)} 43. Ke2 {(23s)} Nc3+ {(198s)} 44. Kd2 {(156s)} Rd1+ {(134s)} 45. Kxc3 {(5s)} Rxd4 {(10s)} 46. Rxa6 {(141s)} Rd3+ {(21s)} 47. Kb2 {(5s)} Rxe3 {(78s)} 48. b5 {(34s)} Ke7 {(549s)} 49. Rxh6 {(387s)} d4 {(265s)} 50. b6 {(209s)} Re2+ {(251s)} 51. Kb3 {(8s)} d3 {(139s)} 52. b7 {(4s)} d2 {(92s)} 53. Rd6 {(5s)} Bxb7 {(4s)} 54. Rd4 {(3s)} g4 {(23s)} 55. Kc3 {(92s)} Rg2 {(66s)} 56. h5 {(231s)} Rxg3+ {( 295s)} 57. Kxd2 {(5s)} Rg1 {(61s)} 58. h6 {(7s)} g3 {(389s)} 59. Rh4 {(39s)} g2 {(22s)} 60. h7 {(0s)} Rd1+ {(0s)} 61. Kc3 {(57s)} g1=Q {(136s)} 62. h8=Q {(8s)} Qc5+ {(43 Kd4s)} 0-1 [Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "9"] [White "Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar"] [Black "Giri, Anish"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "A49"] [WhiteElo "2748"] [BlackElo "2790"] [PlyCount "105"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "40/7200:20/3600:900+30"] 1. d4 {(13s)} Nf6 {(7s)} 2. Nf3 {(11s)} g6 {(20s)} 3. g3 {(9s)} Bg7 {(47s)} 4. Bg2 {(7s)} d5 {(59s)} 5. O-O {(6s)} O-O {(3s)} 6. c3 {(2s)} Nbd7 {(38s)} 7. Bf4 {(30s)} b6 {(336s)} 8. a4 {(382s)} c5 {(92s)} 9. Nbd2 {(41s)} Bb7 {(440s)} 10. a5 {(62s)} bxa5 {(292s)} 11. Nb3 {(659s)} Qb6 {(85s)} 12. dxc5 {(223 s)} Nxc5 {(40s)} 13. Be3 {(1102s)} Qxb3 {(908s)} 14. Bxc5 {(18s)} Qxd1 {(910s)} 15. Rfxd1 {(45s)} Rfe8 {(61s)} 16. Rxa5 {(18s)} a6 {(6s)} 17. Ne5 {(316s)} Rad8 {(524s)} 18. Bb6 {(119s)} Rb8 {(27s)} 19. Ba7 {(74s)} Rbd8 {(39s)} 20. Bb6 {(58s)} Rb8 {(12s)} 21. Bd4 {(61s)} e6 {(190s)} 22. e3 {(321s)} Red8 {(8s)} 23. Bb6 {(367s)} Rdc8 {(5s)} 24. Ba7 {(23s)} Ra8 {(2s)} 25. Bd4 {(9s)} Rc7 {(114s)} 26. Rda1 {(210s)} Nd7 {(37s)} 27. Nxd7 {(96s)} Rxd7 {(112s)} 28. Bf1 {(1s)} e5 {(274s)} 29. Bc5 {(16s)} d4 {(184s)} 30. cxd4 {(339s)} exd4 {(6s)} 31. Bxa6 {(65s)} Rxa6 {(353s)} 32. Rxa6 {(18s)} Bxa6 {(5 s)} 33. Rxa6 {(3s)} f5 {(8s)} 34. exd4 {(520s)} Bxd4 {(3s)} 35. b4 {(450s)} Bxc5 {(517s)} 36. bxc5 {(6s)} Rd1+ {(7s)} 37. Kg2 {(2s)} Rc1 {(4s)} 38. Rc6 {(330s)} Kf7 {(169s)} 39. Kf3 {(475s)} g5 {(177s)} 40. Ke3 {(0s)} Rc3+ {(0s)} 41. Kd4 {(496s)} Rf3 {(564s)} 42. Ke5 {(31s)} Rxf2 {(5s)} 43. Rf6+ {(3s)} Ke8 {(1046s)} 44. Rxf5 {(193s)} Rxh2 {(13s)} 45. Kd6 {(235s)} Rd2+ {(1120s)} 46. Kc7 {(20s)} Rd7+ {(792s)} 47. Kb6 {(18s)} g4 {(15s)} 48. Re5+ {(404s)} Kd8 {(15s)} 49. Rg5 {(8s)} Rd3 {(383s)} 50. Rg8+ {(40s)} Ke7 {(3s)} 51. Rxg4 {(10s)} Rb3+ {(35s)} 52. Kc7 {(9s)} Kf6 {(11s)} 53. c6 {(34s)} 1-0
Final standings

Note: in case of a tie for first place, the winner of the tournament will be decided by a playoff. First a mini-match
of two games at 10 minutes plus 3 seconds, then, if necessary, a second mini-match of two games of 5 minutes
and 3 seconds, and finally, if still drawn, an Armageddon game in which white has 5 minutes and black has 6.
The Playoff

No one could have foreseen it, but it all came down to this playoff
Tied for first, both Fabiano Caruana and Shakhriyar Mamedyarov faced each other in a Playoff shortly after the end of Mamedyarov's game against Giri. In the first mini-match of games at 10 minutes plus 3 seconds, Fabiano Caruana achieved a decisive advantage in both games, but each time failed to deliver the killing blow and the Azeri managed to escape. With two draws and a score of 1-1, the momentum had to seem to swing to Mamedyarov's side, if only for psycholgical reasons: escaping 'certain defeat' twice in a row had to be a confidence booster, feeling the opponent is just not firing all cylinders at this point. Furthermore, Caruana is not known to be the best blitz player (his FIDE Blitz rating is not a fluke), an area where Shakh might now feel he had the edge.

It was a thrilling finale that had everyone glued to their screens

Mamedyarov seemed to have a bulletproof guardian angel as he escaped two near losses
Whatever the truth of it, Mamedyarov won the first game in a very tense battle that had everyone on the edge of their seats. Vishy Anand, watching online, was no less riveted and commented about their great fighting spirit, "We are not worthy!". Game two saw Caruana in a must win situation with black, but being blitz, anything goes. After reaching a clear advantage in a rook and opposite-colored bishop ending, it was the opinion of grandmaster pundits that Fabiano was going to win it and level the score, but everything went south for the American and after a wild scramble he was suddenly worse with no chance of winning whatsoever, and the players shook hands.

An ebullient Shakhriyar Mamedyarov comes down to applause and congratulations
Playoff games (with times per move)

[Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016-TB"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "1"] [White "Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar"] [Black "Caruana, Fabiano"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "D90"] [WhiteElo "2748"] [BlackElo "2804"] [PlyCount "108"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [SourceTitle "playchess.com"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "600+3"] 1. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 2. c4 {(0s)} g6 {(1s)} 3. Nc3 {(1s)} d5 {(1s)} 4. Nf3 {(1s)} Bg7 {(1s)} 5. Qa4+ {(1s)} Bd7 {(2s)} 6. Qb3 {(1s)} dxc4 {(3s)} 7. Qxc4 {(1s)} O-O {(9s)} 8. Bf4 {(2s)} c6 {(1s)} 9. e4 {(1s)} b5 {(1s)} 10. Qd3 {(2s)} c5 {(11s)} 11. e5 {(23s)} Nh5 {(17s)} 12. Bg5 {(1s)} cxd4 {(32s)} 13. Qxd4 {(2s)} Nc6 14. Qe3 {(81s)} b4 {(133s)} 15. Nd5 {(59s)} Be6 {(5s)} 16. Nf4 {(33s)} Nxf4 {(2s)} 17. Bxf4 {(2s)} Qa5 {(9s)} 18. b3 {(39s)} Bd5 {(31s)} 19. Be2 {(4s)} Rad8 {(17s)} 20. O-O {(101s)} Bxf3 {(2s)} 21. Bxf3 {(2s)} Nxe5 {(3s)} 22. Bxe5 {(29s)} Bxe5 {(7s)} 23. Rad1 {(17s)} Bf6 {(37s)} 24. Qe2 {(3s)} e6 {(11s)} 25. g3 {(1s)} Bd4 {(8s)} 26. Kg2 {(7s)} Rd6 {(6s)} 27. Rd2 {(5s)} Rfd8 {(17s)} 28. Rfd1 {(5s)} e5 {(5s)} 29. Be4 {(7s)} Qb6 {(11s)} 30. Qc4 {(63s)} Kg7 {(9s)} 31. f4 {(10s)} exf4 {(50s)} 32. gxf4 {(1s)} a5 {(63s)} 33. h3 {(4s)} R8d7 {(25s)} 34. Bf3 {(8s)} Bg1 {(37s)} 35. Qc2 {(17s)} Rxd2+ {(29s)} 36. Rxd2 {(2s)} Rc7 {(3s)} 37. Qe4 {(6s)} Qe3 {(44s)} 38. Qe5+ {(5s)} Qxe5 {(2s)} 39. fxe5 {(1s)} Be3 {(5s)} 40. Re2 {(6s)} Bg5 {(8s)} 41. Bd5 {(3s)} Bf4 {(34s)} 42. Kf3 {(13s)} g5 {(2s)} 43. h4 {(46s)} h6 {(15s)} 44. hxg5 {(24s)} hxg5 {(1s)} 45. Kg4 {(10s)} Rc5 {(6s)} 46. e6 {(2s)} fxe6 {(16s)} 47. Bxe6 {(1s)} Kf6 {(2s)} 48. Bc4 {(2s)} Rc6 {(1s)} 49. Re4 {(8s)} Rd6 {(1s)} 50. Re8 {(4s)} Rd2 {(6s)} 51. Re2 {(28s)} Rxe2 {(4s)} 52. Bxe2 {(1s)} Ke5 {(3s)} 53. Bb5 {(0s)} Kd4 {(1s)} 54. Ba4 {(1s)} Kc3 {(1s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016-TB"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "2"] [White "Caruana, Fabiano"] [Black "Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "B35"] [WhiteElo "2804"] [BlackElo "2748"] [PlyCount "69"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [SourceTitle "playchess.com"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "600+3"] 1. e4 {(0s)} c5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} Nc6 {(0s)} 3. Nc3 {(1s)} g6 {(1s)} 4. d4 {(1s)} cxd4 {(2s)} 5. Nxd4 {(1s)} Bg7 {(1s)} 6. Be3 {(2s)} Nf6 {(2s)} 7. Bc4 {(2s)} O-O {(6s)} 8. Bb3 {(2s)} Qa5 {(2s)} 9. O-O {(10s)} d6 {(3s)} 10. h3 {(3s)} Bd7 {(1s)} 11. f4 {(12s)} Rfc8 {(27s)} 12. Nf3 {(16s)} Be8 {(4s)} 13. Qe1 {(39s)} e6 {(86s)} 14. Rd1 {(21s)} Rd8 {(3s)} 15. g4 {(78s)} b5 {(35s)} 16. f5 {(35s)} b4 {( 20s)} 17. Ne2 {(11s)} d5 {(39s)} 18. fxe6 {(25s)} Nxe4 {(67s)} 19. Nf4 {(8s)} Ne7 {(7s)} 20. Bd4 {( 21s)} Qc7 {(73s)} 21. Bxg7 {(7s)} Kxg7 {(1s)} 22. Nd4 {(108s)} f6 {(8s)} 23. Bxd5 {(94s)} Nxd5 {(7s)} 24. Qxe4 {(4s)} Nxf4 {(54s)} 25. Rxf4 {(10s)} Qe5 {(52s)} 26. Qb7+ {(56s)} Kg8 {(22s)} 27. Qf3 {(2 s)} Rac8 {(16s)} 28. e7 {(58s)} Qxe7 {(29s)} 29. Rxf6 {(16s)} Rxd4 {(59s)} 30. Rxd4 {(1s)} Qe1+ {(1s)} 31. Qf1 {(1s)} Qe3+ {(1s)} 32. Qf2 {(3s)} Qc1+ {(1s)} 33. Qf1 {(12s)} Qe3+ {(1s)} 34. Qf2 {(7s)} Qc1+ {(1s)} 35. Qf1 {(1s)} 1/2-1/2 [Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016-TB"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "3"] [White "Caruana, Fabiano"] [Black "Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar"] [Result "0-1"] [ECO "B35"] [WhiteElo "2804"] [BlackElo "2748"] [PlyCount "124"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [SourceTitle "playchess.com"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "300+3"] 1. e4 {(0s)} c5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} Nc6 {(0s)} 3. Nc3 {(1s)} g6 {(0s)} 4. d4 {(1s)} cxd4 {(0s)} 5. Nxd4 {(1s)} Bg7 {(0s)} 6. Be3 {(2s)} Nf6 {(1s)} 7. Bc4 {(3s)} O-O {(4s)} 8. Bb3 {(1s)} Qa5 {(3s)} 9. O-O {(3s)} d6 {(1s)} 10. h3 {(1s)} Bd7 {(1s)} 11. f4 {(2s)} Nxd4 {(1s)} 12. Bxd4 {(3s)} Bc6 {(1s)} 13. Qe2 {(29s)} Nd7 {(5s)} 14. Bxg7 {(5s)} Kxg7 {(1s)} 15. Rad1 {(14s)} Nc5 {(23s)} 16. Kh1 {(15s)} Rac8 {(29s)} 17. Qe3 {(21s)} Nxb3 {(10s)} 18. axb3 {(1s)} Qc5 {(2s)} 19. Qe1 {(95s)} b5 {(6s)} 20. Rf2 {(8 s)} b4 {(19s)} 21. Nd5 {(2s)} e6 {(3s)} 22. Nxb4 {(26s)} Bxe4 {(4s)} 23. c3 {(17s)} d5 {(7s)} 24. Nc2 {(4s)} a5 {(11s)} 25. Nd4 {(2s)} Qe7 {(14s)} 26. Ra1 {(2s)} Ra8 {(5s)} 27. Qe3 {(3s)} f6 {(25s)} 28. c4 {(26s)} e5 {(41s)} 29. Nb5 {(14s)} exf4 {(59s)} 30. Qxf4 {(2s)} dxc4 {(4s)} 31. bxc4 {(2s)} f5 {(10s)} 32. Rd1 {(10s)} Rad8 {(5s)} 33. Rfd2 {(12s)} Rxd2 {(30s)} 34. Rxd2 {(1s)} g5 {(37s)} 35. Qf2 {(10s)} g4 {(3s)} 36. Qg3 {(24s)} Kh8 {(12s)} 37. Nd6 {(19s)} gxh3 {(14s)} 38. Qxh3 {(1s)} Qg5 {(9s)} 39. Rf2 {(20s)} Rf6 {(12s)} 40. c5 {(9s)} Qc1+ {(1s)} 41. Kh2 {(1s)} Kg8 {(2s)} 42. Qg3+ {(5s)} Rg6 {(1s)} 43. Qf4 {(1s)} Rh6+ {(2s)} 44. Kg3 {(2s)} Rg6+ {(1s)} 45. Kh2 {(1s)} Qxf4+ {(10s)} 46. Rxf4 {(1s)} Rxg2+ {(0s)} 47. Kh3 {(0s)} Rxb2 {(1s)} 48. Nxe4 {(2s)} fxe4 {(1s)} 49. Rxe4 {(1s)} Rc2 {(0s)} 50. Re5 {(3s)} a4 {(1s)} 51. Re4 {(4s)} a3 {(1s)} 52. Ra4 {(3s)} Rc3+ {(0s)} 53. Kg4 Kf7 54. Kf4 {(8s)} h5 {(8s)} 55. Ra7+ {(13s)} Ke6 {(2s)} 56. Ke4 {(1s)} h4 {(9s)} 57. Kd4 {(1s)} Rg3 {(1s)} 58. Ra6+ {(2 s)} Ke7 {(6s)} 59. Ke5 {(4s)} h3 {(3s)} 60. c6 {(8s)} h2 {(8s)} 61. Ra7+ {(1s)} Kd8 {(1s)} 62. c7+ {(7s)} Kc8 {(2s)} 0-1 [Event "3rd Shamkir Chess 2016-TB"] [Site "Shamkir"] [Date "2016.06.04"] [Round "4"] [White "Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar"] [Black "Caruana, Fabiano"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "A41"] [WhiteElo "2748"] [BlackElo "2804"] [PlyCount "138"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventCountry "AZE"] [SourceTitle "playchess.com"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "300+3"] 1. d4 {(0s)} d6 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 3. g3 {(2s)} g6 {(1s)} 4. Bg2 {(0s)} Bg7 {(1s)} 5. O-O {(3s)} O-O {(2s)} 6. c4 {(0s)} Bf5 {(10s)} 7. Nc3 {(22s)} Ne4 {(2s)} 8. Bd2 {(6s)} Nc6 {(34s)} 9. Nxe4 {(9s)} Bxe4 {(2s)} 10. Bc3 {(1s)} d5 {(12s)} 11. Qb3 {(26s)} dxc4 {(45s)} 12. Qxc4 {(1s)} Qd7 {(14s)} 13. Rfd1 {(11s)} Rfd8 {(8s)} 14. d5 {(39s)} Bxd5 {(2s)} 15. Qh4 {(1s)} Qf5 {(23s)} 16. Rxd5 {(28s)} Rxd5 {(48s)} 17. e4 {(9s)} g5 {(1s)} 18. Nxg5 {(88s)} Qxg5 {(4s)} 19. exd5 {(1s)} Qxh4 {(3s)} 20. gxh4 {(1s)} Nd4 {(16s)} 21. Bxd4 {(9s)} Bxd4 {(1s)} 22. Rc1 {(1s)} Bb6 {(23s)} 23. Be4 {(6s)} Kg7 {( 11s)} 24. Rc3 {(7s)} h6 {(5s)} 25. Rf3 {(18s)} a5 {(12s)} 26. a4 {(4s)} Bd4 {(10s)} 27. b3 {(9s)} Ra6 {(3s)} 28. Kg2 {(12s)} Rb6 {(2s)} 29. Bc2 {(3s)} Be5 {(12s)} 30. Re3 {(3s)} Bd6 {(7s)} 31. Re4 {(12s)} Kf6 {(2s)} 32. h3 {(7s)} Be5 {(1s)} 33. Re3 {(3s)} Rd6 {(17s)} 34. Be4 {(2s)} Bf4 {(14s)} 35. Re2 {(3 s)} Rb6 {(11s)} 36. Bc2 {(1s)} Rd6 {(12s)} 37. Be4 {(1s)} Rd8 {(1s)} 38. Kf3 {(15s)} Bd6 {(1s)} 39. Bd3 {(12s)} Rg8 {(3s)} 40. Re1 {(0s)} Bb4 {(1s)} 41. Rc1 {(1s)} Bd6 {(2s)} 42. Re1 {(1s)} Be5 {(5s)} 43. Rc1 {(5s)} Rd8 {(4s)} 44. Be4 {(2s)} Bd6 {(1s)} 45. Rg1 {(3s)} Ke5 {(1s)} 46. Rd1 {(24s)} Bc5 {(4 s)} 47. Rc1 {(3s)} Bb6 {(1s)} 48. Re1 {(5s)} Rd6 {(3s)} 49. Kg2 {(8s)} Rf6 {(2s)} 50. Bf3+ {(2s)} Kd6 {(1s)} 51. Re4 {(5s)} Rf5 {(1s)} 52. Rg4 {(5s)} Ba7 {(24s)} 53. Rc4 {(8s)} Rf6 {(8s)} 54. Rg4 {(2s)} Bc5 {(6s)} 55. Rg8 {(3s)} Bd4 {(2s)} 56. Rd8+ {(4s)} Kc5 {(4s)} 57. Rd7 {(2s)} Kb4 {(4s)} 58. Rxc7 {( 4s)} Kxb3 {(3s)} 59. Rxb7+ {(8s)} Kxa4 {(1s)} 60. Rxe7 {(1s)} Kb4 {(6s)} 61. Rb7+ {(3s)} Kc3 {(4s)} 62. Rc7+ {(0s)} Kd3 {(8s)} 63. Rc6 {(2s)} Rf4 {(4s)} 64. d6 {(2s)} Bf6 {(8s)} 65. d7 {(0s)} Bxh4 {(4s)} 66. Rxh6 {(5s)} Be7 {(4s)} 67. Rd6+ {(6s)} Rd4 {(1s)} 68. Rxd4+ {(2s)} Kxd4 {(1s)} 69. Bh5 {(3s)} f5 {(8s)} 1/2-1/2
Schedule and results
Round 1 – May 26, 2016 |
Rauf Mamedov |
Anish Giri |
Teimour Radjabov |
Hou Yifan |
Eltaj Safarli |
Pavel Eljanov |
Fabiano Caruana |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Sergey Karjakin |
Round 3 – May 28, 2016 |
Teimour Radjabov |
Anish Giri |
Eltaj Safarli |
Rauf Mamedov |
Fabiano Caruana |
Hou Yifan |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Pavel Eljanov |
Sergey Karjakin |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Round 5 – May 30, 2016 |
Eltaj Safarli |
Anish Giri |
Fabiano Caruana |
Teimour Radjabov |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Rauf Mamedov |
Sergey Karjakin |
Hou Yifan |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Pavel Eljanov |
Round 6 – June 1, 2016 |
Anish Giri |
Pavel Eljanov |
Hou Yifan |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Rauf Mamedov |
Sergey Karjakin |
Teimour Radjabov |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Eltaj Safarli |
Fabiano Caruana |
Round 8 – June 3, 2016 |
Anish Giri |
Hou Yifan |
Rauf Mamedov |
Pavel Eljanov |
Teimour Radjabov |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Eltaj Safarli |
Sergey Karjakin |
Fabiano Caruana |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Round 2 – May 27, 2016 |
Anish Giri |
Sergey Karjakin |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Pavel Eljanov |
Fabiano Caruana |
Hou Yifan |
Eltaj Safarli |
Rauf Mamedov |
Teimour Radjabov |
Round 4 – May 29, 2016 |
Anish Giri |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Pavel Eljanov |
Sergey Karjakin |
Hou Yifan |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Rauf Mamedov |
Fabiano Caruana |
Teimour Radjabov |
Eltaj Safarli |
May 31, 2016
Free day
Round 7 – June 2, 2016 |
Fabiano Caruana |
Anish Giri |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Eltaj Safarli |
Sergey Karjakin |
Teimour Radjabov |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Rauf Mamedov |
Pavel Eljanov |
Hou Yifan |
Round 9 – June 4, 2016 |
Shak Mamedyarov |
Anish Giri |
Sergey Karjakin |
Fabiano Caruana |
Pentala Harikrishna |
Eltaj Safarli |
Pavel Eljanov |
Teimour Radjabov |
Hou Yifan |
Rauf Mamedov |
Live commentary on Playchess
Date |
Round |
English |
German |
04.6.2016 |
Round 9 |
Daniel King |
Klaus Bischoff |