The flexible Taimanov Sicilian + A Complete Guide for Black against the Anti-Sicilian
Looking for a realistic way to play for a win with Black against 1.e4 without taking unnecessary risks? The Taimanov Sicilian is a reliable system, and hence one of the best options out there!
Robert Ris: "I have a look at another game from the Olympiad: Abdusattorov-Ding Liren. White opted for the Colle system, but instead of following the normal development moves, White went for the sharp line with 4.dxc5 and 5.b4, which eventually led to a double-edged structure with White having two connected pawns on the queenside and Black having the upper hand in the centre.
The World Champion set the board alight with the move 12...g5! In this episode we'll look at the details of this theme. It is clear that Adbusattorov struggled to find the right plan and suffered for the rest of the game, being lucky to escape with a draw."
Question: Black to play and win!
Feel free to move the pieces on the live diagram!
Strategy Training: How to Make a Plan
In every game of chess, there comes a moment when one is confronted with the question: what should I do now?
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