In this video course, twenty-nine examples with multiple questions are presented in the interactive format, which is ideal for a range of playing strengths. Step by step you will be taken through the complex positions.
After a two-week holiday, the Fast & Furious show is back with a spectacular game from the Prague Challengers event. The encounter features a sharp English opening and the two top seeds of the event, Benjamin Gledura and Erwin l’Ami.
White quickly launched a flank attack — a standard plan in the modern era and potentially very dangerous for Black to face. I illustrate the potential dangers by showing a few other model games.
Exercise: How would you continue the attack here as White?
Feel free to move the pieces on the live diagram!
Strategy Training: How to Make a Plan
In every game of chess, there comes a moment when one is confronted with the question: what should I do now?
Many more Fast and Furious episodes are available in ChessBase Videos