Mastering Pattern Recognition in the Opening
Pattern recognition is an important tool in modern chess, as it helps you to understand better the characteristics of a position. Particularly when you have been confronted with a surprise opening system played by your opponent, it helps when you can just
The Taimanov Variation of the Sicilian is still very hot, as a few weeks ago we looked at a razor-sharp attacking game in the old main variation with 6.Be2 followed by castling kingside.
The game Anand vs. Van Foreest, from the rapid section of the Croatia Grand Chess Tour in Zagreb, featured a more trendy line in this opening (6.Be3 a6 7.g4), which typically led to a very sharp middlegame with kings castled on opposite sides. In this week's Fast & Furious show I have a look at this fascinating game, discussing the key ideas in the opening as well as the thematic attacking ideas for both sides.
Exercise: Vishy has just taken with his knight on f5. What is Black's best defence?
You can move the pieces on the live diagram!
Strategy Training: How to Make a Plan
In every game of chess, there comes a moment when one is confronted with the question: what should I do now?
Special attention will be paid to Intermediate Moves, Quiet Moves, Sacrifices on Empty Squares, Mating Patterns, Ignoring Opponents Threat, Calculation in Defence and Method of Comparison. Plus 50 interactive examples to test your knowledge.
Many more Fast and Furious episodes are available in ChessBase Videos