Robert Ris' Fast and Furious: Carlsen beats Erigaisi

by Robert Ris
11/15/2024 – In his new Fast & Furious episode, Robert Ris, who is an expert of the Taimanov Sicilian, shows how Magnus Carlsen used this line of the Sicilian to outplay Arjun Erigaisi in their rapid game at the Tata Steel India Rapid & Blitz Tournament 2024. | Fast & Furious is available on-demand with a ChessBase Premium Account. You can register a Premium account here.

The flexible Taimanov Sicilian + A Complete Guide for Black against the Anti-Sicilian The flexible Taimanov Sicilian + A Complete Guide for Black against the Anti-Sicilian

Looking for a realistic way to play for a win with Black against 1.e4 without taking unnecessary risks? The Taimanov Sicilian is a reliable system, and hence one of the best options out there!


Robert Ris: "I have a look at the encounter between Arjun Erigaisi and Magnus Carlsen, in which Erigaisi with White tested Carlsen's knowledge of the Taimanov Sicilian. Erigaisi opted for the setup with 6.Be3 & 7.a3 to which World's no.1 responded with 7...Nxd4, which is less common than the main move 7...b5 which is in fact my recommendation in my video course ''The Flexible Taimanov Sicilian'' which recently has been released.

In this week's episode I compare both options. In the game Black got the chance to take a pawn and consolidate his position. Still, White obtained decent play for the pawn, but in the end the extra pawn and Black's rock solid king formation proved to be decisive."

Calculation exercise: Erigaisi played 15.Bd3. In an earlier game White tried the move 15.Bf3. What would you play with Black?

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Robert is an International Master who mostly spends his time training and coaching talented youngsters. On the PlayChess server The Fast and the Furious is a popular show where he explains sharp opening lines for a wider audience. He is also a well-known ChessBase author who produced numerous DVDs and regularly contributes to ChessBase Magazine as well. Since 2015 he is the organizer of the Dutch Rapid Championships in his home town Amstelveen. He has started a YouTube channel with chess analysis as well.


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