New: Fritztrainer streaming for tablets, iPads & smartphones

by ChessBase
6/14/2022 – Fritztrainer video courses now run everywhere! They run in a stand-alone app for Windows and Mac; they run in the ChessBase programme; and now, brand new, they are streamable in the ChessBase video portal - for tablets, iPads and smartphones! In fact, regardless of whether you order the download or the DVD: you can watch the Fritztrainer as a stream in the video portal!

ChessBase 18 - Mega package ChessBase 18 - Mega package

Winning starts with what you know
The new version 18 offers completely new possibilities for chess training and analysis: playing style analysis, search for strategic themes, access to 6 billion Lichess games, player preparation by matching Lichess games, download games with built-in API, built-in cloud engine and much more.


Fritztrainer Stream

This is how you do it:

So, no matter which platform, the Fritztrainer is on! Plus, you will always have all the options: you can have the course on your computer (via download app or DVD) AND available online in the video portal at any time!

The Fritztrainers how we know them, as a DVD or download. The streaming version also remains in the same format on

Currently, 15 Fritztrianer are available as streams on the video portal! In the next few weeks all Fritztrainer of the last 3 years will be available as a stream. The Fritztrainer you have bought at ChessBase will then automatically be activated as a stream for you. Just have a look in "My Videos"

Soon, all Fritztrainers of the last three years will be available for watching in our ChessBase Video portal.

The advantages of Fritztrainer are unbeatable!

Fritztrainer brings chess stars, top grandmasters and top trainers to your home. The carefully structured video courses (with lengths of from 4 to 8 hours) effectively convey high-quality learning content. Fritztrainer is not only videos with synchronous presentation of moves and variations in the board window, but includes additional training material: e.g. interactive exercises with video feedback, sample games as a ChessBase database, repertoire databases etc.

Fritztrainer also offers many extra functions:

  • Analysis engine can be switched on at any time
  • Input and storage of your own variations and analyses
  • learning variations in combination with the ChessBase WebApp Opening ("Drill", “Guess Variation” and much more)
  • Interactive opening training: actively test the new opening in a match against Fritz.
  • And even more possibilities in combination with the ChessBase programme e.g.: Import of games, variations, analyses, replay training, transfer to opening reference, print-out and much more.
  • By the way: all games, variations and positions shown in the videos can be imported into ChessBase or Fritz!

Fritztrainers which are already avaliable for streaming:

Reports about chess: tournaments, championships, portraits, interviews, World Championships, product launches and more.