12/8/2019 – Humpy had a quiet draw with Kateryna Lagno to maintain her sole lead. Pia Cramling had an uneventful draw with Nana Dzagnidze. A further pair of draws, plus two decisive games leaves five players — Cramling, Dzagnidze, Goryachkina, Harika and Kosteniuk — on 3.0/5, a half point behind the leader. | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
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Rook endings are amongst the most frequently encountered endgames there are, and so your training effort will be quickly repaid in the form of half and full points. Knowing even a few rules of thumb and key methods makes life a great deal easier and provides a guiding light even in complex positions. This DVD focuses on the important themes which are to be found in common rook endings.
Round five witnessed two decisive games and four draws. However, two of the draws were very exciting. Humpy maintained her lead by a half point after making a short draw with Kateryna Lagno. Goryachkina missed a win against Paehtz, thus missing the opportunity to join Humpy in the lead. Harika beat Gunina after the latter blundered in the endgame. Anna Muzychuk missed an initiative in the opening against Kosteniuk and later made an exchange sacrifice which eventually turned out to be incorrect, and she lost. Zhao Xue missed a win against Mariya Muzychuk in time pressure.
Lagno holds Humpy to a draw
Humpy faced the Gruenfeld Exchange variation for the second time in this tournament, this time against World Blitz champion Kateryna Lagno. In round one, she defeated Mariya Muzychuk in the same line. However, Lagno deviated with 14...bxc5 instead of Mariya's 14...a6.
The Grünfeld is a highly dynamic opening in which Black's position often seems to hang together by a single thread; and yet, this apparently precarious equilibrium appears to be enough to make it entirely viable — up to the highest level.
Humpy - Lagno
Position after 14...bxc5
The game ended up in a draw after neither side could extract anything out of their position.
Humpy had a quick finish | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Cramling vs Dzagnidze — a short draw
In Queen's Gambit Declined, Ragozin Defense, pieces got exchanged rapidly and the game arrived at an opposite-colour bishop ending which was equal on move 26. A draw was agreed after another six moves.
The Ragozin is being played by every top grandmaster in the world - it is time you also add it to your repertoire to get interesting and dynamic positions against 1. d4! GM Alejandro Ramirez analyses every single move that White can play once the Ragozin is reached, but due to several transpositional possibilities he always emphasises strategic goals to keep in mind.
Nana Dzagnidze is still undefeated | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Gunina blunders against Harika
In Semi-Slav, Gunina played in her usual style and went for a sharp line with 7.g4, Harika obliged and took it with 7.♞xg4:
The Semi-Slav (1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Nf3 Nf6 4.Nc3 e6) can arise via various move orders, has decided World Championships, and is one of Black's most fascinating replies to 1 d4. Magnus Carlsen's second, Grandmaster Peter Heine Nielsen explains in detail what this opening is all about.
Gunina - Harika
Position after 7.g4
Later, after 14.0-0-0, Harika felt that she had two choices either 14...0-0-0 or 14...♜g8.
Position after 14.0-0-0
Since castling allows 15.♖g2, she opted for 14...♜g8, and after 15.♖xg8 ♞xg8:
Position after 16.f5
Harika said, "Here I did not expect the move f5 at all because I was trying to figure out how white is getting e4. I felt that I was completely okay after 16.f5. It was all getting forced after 16...♞f6."
Position after 20...fxe6
Here Gunina made the mistake of playing 21.c5. Harika expected her opponent to play 21.♗d3 ♜g8 22.♕xh7, and she thought this position to be dead equal.
Position after 31.♗f7
Harika was thinking a lot about this 31.♗f7 ♜e7 32.Rh8+ Bd8 33.Bf6 Rxf7 33.Bxd8. "Even this should be fine. But I felt it's unnecessary to give such chances. I can just move the bishop and it should be completely fine. Then I realized at the last minute that I am having 31...♜e1, so I played 30...f4. Then I was shocked when she played 31.♗f7."
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1.d40d502.c40e603.Nf339Nf604.Nc318c605.e32:05Nbd7506.Qc20Bd6207.g40Nxg4348.Rg128Qf6419.Rxg41:54Qxf3710.Rxg719Nf64911.Rg53:11 threatening 12.Bg2Qh12:2012.f416:58Bd7013.Bd29:50 Harika
thought she had to takeQxh28:4914.0-0-01:30Rg82:06
the idea was to remove the rook and black will be fine15.Rxg8+16:00Nxg84016.f53 Harika did
not expect thisNf67:5417.e4dxe45:3718.Nxe410:12Nxe45419.Qxe420-0-0020.fxe610:28fxe66:3620...Bxe621.Bd3
Harika thought that she is giving additional option to white with21.d5
but she felt that it is unnecessary to give her this kind of choice21...Rg822.Qxh7Harika thought this position is much better than what she played21.c54:17 Black did not expect this move at all. As she always
felt that c5 is good for black.Black expected her opponent to play21.Bd3Rg822.Qxh7and Harika felt this position to be dead equal21...Bc71:3622.Bc43Qh37:5223.Rh10Qf53024.Qxf55:39exf5025.Bg51:4225.Rxh7f4and now white's dark squared bishop
cannot come to kingside26.Rf7Be827.Rf827.Be6+Bd727...Bd728.Rf6Bg429.Bxf4Rxd425...Rh81826.Bf67:28Rf82:1827.Be756Rh8428.Bf60Rf84:4829.Bg716Re8030.Rxh71:10f43330...Be631.Rh8Bd731.Bf7??
Harika was shocked to see this moveRe1+32.Kd2Ba5+0–1
Harika talks about how she dealt with the previous round loss | Video: FIDE
Zhao misses win in time pressure
Since Zhao Xue plays a lot of openings and variations, it was difficult to prepare for her according to Mariya Muzychuk. She did not see any games in her database where Zhao played 6...♛c7.
With the bishop! Black took on c3 with 34...♜xc3+ and all hopes for win went away with that. White managed to equalize easily after that and the game ended up in a draw in another ten moves.
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1.e40c502.Nf30Nc603.Bb50g6214.Bxc60dxc6205.d343Bg72:196.h30Qc72:437.Nc33:17e508.Be36:00b6509.Qd217f52:3910.g36:29Mariya considered taking on f5 with10.exf5gxf511.g3Be6and bishop is coming on d5 so she thought it was better to wait10...Ne76:4011.0-0-08:0811.Bh60-0at some
point black would want to play f412.Bxg7Kxg713.exf5Nxf5Mariya felt
that white has some problems with the knight at f311...0-08:4912.exf51:24Nxf5013.Ng53:59h61:5814.Nge422Kh71:3715.Rdf111:13Be63:5216.h45:35Rae8017.b35:2017.h5g518.Bxg5White did not see anything
concrete here and felt this does not workhxg519.Nxg5+Kg817...a5018.f33:13 with the idea of g4,g5, Nf6 and to open
up g-file to launch an attack on the kingsideBd56:4219.a421:0819.g4Nd420.f4Bxe421.Nxe421.dxe4exf421...exf422.Bxf4??Rxf4-+19...Nd42:2520.Qd13:01
White had some idea to play crazy chess with20.f4Bxb321.h520...Rd89:28
Mariya felt that this position is like a zugzwang as she does
not have a good move here.21.f40Nf57:0322.Bd254Qe78:1023.h52:42c4024.hxg6+6Kg81625.Kb14:37cxd35426.cxd316Bxe41:5527.Nxe411exf4028.Rxf42:22Nxg32:2429.Rf75:37Rxf71:0730.gxf7+4Qxf72431.Nxg32:20Rxd3031...Qf632.Qc132.Ne45232.Ka2??Rxg3-+32...Rxb3+2833.Kc12Ra31:0533...Bb2+34.Kc2Qc4+35.Bc3Rxc3+36.Nxc3Bxc334.Bc30Rxc3+3734...Bxc335.Qd8+Kg736.Rg1+Kh737.Ng5+hxg538.Rh1+Kg639.Qd3+Kg740.Rh7+Kg841.Rxf7Bb2+-+35.Nxc35Qc42736.Rh329Bxc31637.Qd8+1:07Kh72738.Qd3+18Qxd3039.Rxd3Bb44740.Rd7+17Kg6041.Rc730:02Bc531:2441...c542.Rxc6+Kg52743.Kd22:45h5044.Ke20Kg40½–½
Mariya would be happy to get away with a draw | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Paehtz saves the day with a 'desperado'
Elisabeth Paehtz opted for Pirc Defence with the black pieces, and she managed to equalize easily. However, she landed in an inferior endgame.
Goryachkina vs Paehtz
Position after 29...♞e3
White continued here with 30.♖a7 ♝d5 31.♘xe6+ ♚f6 32.♘c5 rendering Black unable to recover the lost pawn.
Soon Paehtz lost couple of more pawns and was in a completely lost position.
Position after 38.♖xf7+
Goryachkina decided to exchange the knights and remove all possibility for Black to stir up any trouble, at the cost of two pawns.
Position after 42.♘f6
The World Championship Challenger exchanged a pawn on the queenside to create a passed pawn on b-file.
Position after 55.♖b2
Black has one last desperate attempt to salvage the game and Paehtz did it with 55...♜xb3. With very few minutes left on the clock, Goryachkina missed the win.
Position after 56...♚xh2
Find the only way for White to win.
Only 57.♖b4 wins. Goryachkina went with 57.♖b8 and Paehtz managed to save the game with ease after 57...g4.
Paehtz made sure Goryachkina does not get a full point | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Kosteniuk beats Anna
Anna Muzychuk made a good start in Petroff Defense by advancing her pawn with 9.c5 and gaining some space, but she could not manage to keep it.
Anna - Kosteniuk
Position after 12...d4
Here white continued with 13.♖e1 and lost the c5 pawn very quickly. What Anna needed to do was to play 13.♘c4 first and try to capitalize on her advanced pawn. 13...♛d5 is met with 14.f3. Now black cannot take it as 14...♛xc5 will have to face the strong threat on e-file with 15.♖e1.
Position after 22...♜fc8
Anna made a dubious exchange sacrifice with 23.♖xe6 for which she might have thought that White has enough compensation but eventually it turned out that it was not enough. 23.♘b3 would have been a better option.
The material imbalance seemed too much for White to overcome and eventually she lost the game after an almost five hour long battle.
Shahid AhmedShahid Ahmed is the senior coordinator and editor of ChessBase India. He enjoys covering chess tournaments and also likes to play in chess events from time to time.
The Black Sniper is back – sharper and deadlier than ever! This dynamic system (1...g6, 2...Bg7, 3...c5 against 1.e4, 1.d4 and 1.c4) creates unpredictable, high-pressure positions, leaving opponents struggling to adapt.
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A cutting-edge Sicilian weapon, this variation has only gained traction since 2021, yet it has already caught the attention of elite players, including Magnus Carlsen.
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