12/13/2019 – Mariya Muzychuk held Goryachkina to a draw, despite the former getting an advantage in the opening. Humpy suffered her first loss of the tournament against Paehtz. Thus, Goryachkina took a full-point sole lead. Harika made a short draw with Lagno. Both Humpy and Harika are now tied at second place. Cramling, Kosteniuk, Lagno and Anna Muzychuk are at tied fourth place. Gunina lost her sixth consecutive game, this time against Dzagnidze. | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
In this course, Grandmaster Felix Blohberger delivers a complete opening repertoire for White, centred around the flexible move 1.Nf3.
Goryachkina takes a full point lead
Round nine witnessed only two decisive results and four draws, as Goryachkina was held to a draw by Mariya Muzychuk. Humpy lost against Paehtz, which means no one is undefeated in the tournament any more. All twelve players have lost at least one game in this event.
Mariya Muzychuk holds Goryachkina to a draw
Mariya said, "For a second, I [was] happy because I got the better position after the opening. I won a pawn but it wasn't easy to convert it in the endgame".
On this DVD Grandmaster Daniel King offers you a repertoire for Black with the French. Based around ten stem games, all White's major lines against the French are covered.
M Muzychuk - Goryachkina
Position after 11...♝d6
Goryachkina's 11...♝d6 allowed White to gain a tempo with 12.♘e4. After 12...♝c7 13.♕c3 a6 14.♗f3 White got in command in the opening.
Position after 15.♘d2
A much-needed 15.♘d2 forced Black to play 15...♛d6 16.♘c4 ♛e7 and White just gained a few more tempi.
Position after 25.c4
It is evident from this position that Black completely misplayed the opening. And White seized the opportunity. Black had to do something, so Goryachkina went with 25...f5 to make way for her pieces and give them some breathing room. White had to take with 26.gxf5 ♝xh4 27.♘h5 maintaining the grip.
Position after 33.♖xe6
After a whole lot of pieces were exchanged, White gained a pawn and reached an endgame with two rooks, a bishop and four pawns per side.
Position after 34...h5
White should have probably taken the h5-pawn with 35.♗xh5 ♜xf2 36.a3. Keeping both rooks on the board and trying to gain an entry on the seventh rank seemed like the best chance for her.
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1.e4e62.d4d53.Nc3Nf64.Bg5dxe45.Nxe4Be76.Bxf6gxf67.Qd2b6C13: French: Classical System: 4
Bg5 Be7, Alekhine-Chatard Attack8.0-0-0Bb79.Nc3c610.Kb1Nd711.Be2Bd6NPredecessor:11...h512.Nh3f513.Rhe1Qc714.Ng5h415.Bc4Nf816.d5Rd817.Nb5Qd718.Nxf7cxd519.Nxh8dxc420.Qe21-0 (20)
Sethuraman,S (2619)-Ganguly,S (2640) Fufeng 201712.Ne4White is
pushing.Bc713.Qc3a613...a5=remains equal.14.Bf3±Qe715.Nd2Qd616.Nc4Qe717.Ne20-0-018.g418.Nc1Kb819.Nd3Rc820.Nb418...Kb819.Ng3Rc820.h4h621.Rhe1Qf822.Be4Ka7Black should play22...h523.gxh523.Nxh5b523...a523.Qf3Bd824.Ne3Rg825.c4f526.gxf5Bxh427.Nh5Nf628.Nxf6Bxf629.Ng4Qg730.Nxf6Qxf631.fxe6Qxf332.Bxf3fxe633.Rxe6Rgf834.Rd3h535.Re735.Bxh5Rxf236.a335...Kb836.Rde3h437.Rh7Rh838.Ree7Rxh739.Rxh7Rf840.Be4Rxf241.Rxh4Rd242.Bc2Bc843.Rf4Be644.b3b545.Kc1Re246.Kd1Rh247.Rf6Bd748.d5bxc449.bxc4cxd550.cxd5a551.Kc1Kc752.d6+Kb6!53.Rf7Bc654.Bf5Rf255.a3Kc556.Be6Rxf7Accuracy: White = 63%, Black = 61%.½–½
Mariya Muzychuk talks about her game | Video: FIDE
Paehtz surprises Humpy
In a post-game analysis, Paehtz revealed that she did not prepare the Averbakh Variation. She remembers 6...a6 being suggested a few years back, as it is tricky and Black is waiting to see what White will do.
Bologan: "If you study this DVD carefully and solve the interactive exercises you will also enrich your chess vocabulary, your King's Indian vocabulary, build up confidence in the King's Indian and your chess and win more games."
Humpy - Paehtz
Position after 6...a6
Paehtz said, "If I were White, I would have played 10.♗e3".
Position after 10.Nc2
Humpy played a strange-looking 14.♘b4, which completely misplaced the knight and eventually set things in motion in favour of Black.
Position after 14.Nb4
Allowing Black to play 14...♞d4 and then 15.♗d1 ♝xc4 16.♘cd5 ♝xd5 17.♖xc8 ♜xc8 .It was just completely over for White.
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1.d40Nf602.c40g603.Nc30Bg704.e431d605.Be2360-006.Bg50a607.Qd210:18c508.Nf37:478.d58...cxd49:019.Nxd48Nc6010.Nc25:20Paehtz says, "If I were white, I would have played10.Be3"10...Be63:5811.0-06:32Rc8012.Rac117:01Qa516:0713.a37:2413.f3b514.b4Nxb415.Nd513...Nd74:5614.Nb40Paehtz found this to be interesting14.Bh6Bxc315.bxc3Rfe8
She wanted to sacrifice the exchange15...Nc514...Nd40
Black was calculating14...f615.Nxc6bxc616.Be315.Bd16Bxc47:1316.Ncd51:21Bxd56:5017.Rxc82117.Nxd5Qxd218.Nxe7+Kh819.Bxd2Rxc120.Bxc1Re821.Nd5Rxe4Paehtz felt this was a better choice for white than what happened in
the game17...Rxc81:1518.exd54Nb6019.Bxe710:07Nc4020.Qc16:12Qc76:43 Black thought that this would be easier way to take on b2Paehtz didn't play20...Nf5because of21.Bg421.Re12Qd73:1622.Bg51:47Nxb23123.Qd21:38Nxd11:3324.Qxd142a5025.Nd31:21Qf5626.h425Qxd51:0927.Nf41:56Qf51:1528.Ne21:18Nxe2+2:0629.Rxe22 Black's
original plan was to play Be5 at some pointQc5030.a431h51:1031.Re747Be5032.Rxb751Qc22033.Qe11:15Qxa42734.g32Qa1035.Rb113Qc31036.Rc146Qxe1+037.Rxe13a4200–1
Paehtz took Humpy by surprise | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Lagno vs Harika, a short draw
Kateryna Lagno signed a short draw — in just 26 moves — against Harika Dronavalli.
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1.e4c52.Nf3Nc63.Bb5g64.Bxc6bxc65.0-0Bg76.Re1Qc7B31: Sicilian: 2...Nc6 3 Bb5 g66...Nh67.c30-08.d4cxd49.cxd4d510.e5f611.exf6exf612.Nbd2Re813.Nb3Rxe1+14.Qxe1Nf515.Bd2Bd716.Nc5Qc717.Rc1Re81/2-1/2 (48)
Aronian,L (2758)-Le,Q (2708) Khanty-Mansiysk 20197.c3d68.d4cxd4
White is slightly better.9.cxd4Bg410.Be3Qb7NPredecessor:10...Nf611.Nbd20-012.Qc2Rfc813.Rac1Rab814.h3Bxf315.Nxf30-1 (48)
Brodbeck,S (2084)-Bengsch,B Dortmund 199911.b3c512.Nc3Bxf313.gxf3cxd414.Bxd4Nf615.Nd5e516.Nxf6+Bxf617.Be3Rd818.Rc10-019.Qd5Qe720.Rc6The position is equal.Bg521.Rd1
White has some pressure.Bxe322.fxe3Qg5+23.Kf2Qh4+24.Kg2Qg5+25.Kf2Qh4+26.Kg2Qg5+Accuracy: White = 88%, Black = 60%.½–½
This DVD offers Black a complete repertoire against all weapons White may employ on move six. The recommended repertoire is not as risky as other Sicilians but still offers Black plenty of counter-play.
Harika and Gunina take a trip down memory lane | Video: FIDE
Cramling gave some chances
Anna Muzychuk got a clear advantage in the middlegame, but she could not maintain it.
When choosing an opening repertoire, there are days when you want to play for a win with Black, when you want to bear down on your opponent’s position with a potentially crushing attack. The Najdorf is perfect for just such occasions. Strategy, combinations, attack and defence, sacrifices and marvellous manoeuvres — exciting chess is all about the Najdorf!
A Muzychuk - Cramling
Position after 19...b5
White needed to take the pawn with 20.axb6 first and then go for 21.f4, but she went for 20.f4 right away
Position after 24...Bb7
White has complete domination in the position. Find out the best continuation for White.
But White went for 25.♖a3 instead, allowing Cramling to take the c2-pawn — the Swedish grandmaster took it with 25...♛xc2. Thus, White's advantage evaporated. A draw was agreed after 31 moves, when Black was on the verge of losing the queen for a rook and knight.
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1.e4c52.Nf3d63.d4cxd44.Nxd4Nf65.Nc3a66.h3e57.Nde2h5B90: Sicilian Najdorf: Unusual White 6th moves, 6
Be3 Ng4 and 6 Be3 e58.g3Be68...Nbd79.Bg2b510.0-0Bb711.a4b412.Nd5Nxd513.exd5Be714.a5Rb815.Bd21-0 (36) Wei,Y (2721)-Vachier
Lagrave,M (2774) chess. com INT 20199.Bg2Nbd710.a4Be711.0-0Qc712.Bg50-013.Qd2NPredecessor:13.b3Bd814.Qd2Rc815.Rac11/2-1/2
(58) Obrusnik,M (2248) -Musialkiewicz,J (2266) Poronin 201313...Rfc814.b3Nc515.Rfd1Ne816.Be3Nf617.a5Qc618.Bg5Rd8Black should play18...b519.Qe319.f4Ncxe419...Rac820.Qe120.Nxe4Nxe421.Bxe4Qxe422.Bxe7Bxh323.Nc3Qf324.Bh4Rac825.Rf1Bxf126.Rxf1Qxc327.Qxc3Rxc328.Bxd8Rxg3+19...b520.f420.axb6Qxb621.f420...Rab8Better is20...Qb721.f5±Bc8
22.Bxf6!Bxf623.Nd5Black must now
prevent g4.Nd724.b4Bb725.Ra325.Nec3Qc826.Bf325...Qxc226.Rc1Qb2
aiming for ...Bxd5.27.Rb3White has compensation.Qa2
Hoping for ...Bxd5.28.Ra3Qb2Strongly threatening ...Bxd5.29.Rb3Qa2
Threatens to win with ...Bxd5.30.Rcb1Bxd5!31.R3b2Accuracy: White =
63%, Black = 46%.½–½
In the game between Kosteniuk and Zhao, both tried to one-up each other, but equality was maintained throughout the game. A draw was agreed after 42 moves in an equal rook and minor piece endgame.
The Ruy Lopez is one of the oldest openings which continues to enjoy high popularity from club level to the absolute world top. In this video series, American super GM Fabiano Caruana, talking to IM Oliver Reeh, presents a complete repertoire for White.
Zhao fought well | Photo: Karol Bartnik / FIDE
Gunina loses her sixth consecutive game
Gunina's first mistake in the game was giving up a pawn for nothing.
Gunina - Dzagnidze
Position after 10...cxd4
White made the incorrect decision of recapturing the pawn with the knight 11.♘xd4. Better was 11.♕xd4 c5 12.♕c3 ♝b7 13.♖e1.
Position after 15.Nc7
White is down by two pawns and her pieces are not well-placed either. Trapping her own knight with 15.♘c7 was certainly not a good idea. Find out the best continuation for White.
Shahid AhmedShahid Ahmed is the senior coordinator and editor of ChessBase India. He enjoys covering chess tournaments and also likes to play in chess events from time to time.
The Black Sniper is back – sharper and deadlier than ever! This dynamic system (1...g6, 2...Bg7, 3...c5 against 1.e4, 1.d4 and 1.c4) creates unpredictable, high-pressure positions, leaving opponents struggling to adapt.
YOUR EASY ACCESS TO OPENING THEORY: Whether you want to build up a reliable and powerful opening repertoire or find new opening ideas for your existing repertoire, the Opening Encyclopaedia covers the entire opening theory on one product.
If you're looking to revamp your opening repertoire and surprise your opponents with powerful, modern ideas, The Ultimate Scotch Gambit is the perfect choice.
Tata Steel 2025 with game analyses by Praggnanandhaa, Abdusattorov, Giri and many others. Opening videos by Ganguly, Blohberger and King. 10 opening articles with new ideas for your repertoire. Special on Korttschnoj and much more!
A cutting-edge Sicilian weapon, this variation has only gained traction since 2021, yet it has already caught the attention of elite players, including Magnus Carlsen.
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