Mihail Marin: Power Strategy 3 - From the middlegame to the endgame

by ChessBase
7/14/2023 – Usually regarded as a separate phase of the game, the endgame bears a tight connection with the middlegame (and in some extreme cases, with the opening). The process of simplifying to an endgame implies a series of subtleties and principles, highlighted on this video course. Ignoring them, could result into losing the middlegame advantage or getting the worst of it. How, when and which piece to exchange are the main questions requiring an accurate answer.

Power Strategy 3 From the middlegame to the endgame Power Strategy 3 From the middlegame to the endgame

Usually regarded as a separate phase of the game, the endgame bears a tight connection with the middlegame (and in some extreme cases, with the opening). The process of simplifying to an endgame implies a series of subtleties and principles, highlighted


Power Strategy 3 - From the middlegame to the endgame

by Mihail  Marin

The endgame main principles are widely known and not too complicated. Mentioning the necessity of the king‘s centralization and the creation of passed pawns covers a big part of the abstract theory. The examples examined here show that the main problem can be discerning the highest priorities at a certain moment.

The selected examples are presented in an interactive format. At key moments, it‘s your turn and you have to decide which move to make. You get feedback in video format and can thus directly apply what you have learned.

  • Video running time: 5 hours 30 Minutes
  • Extra: Training with ChessBase apps - Play key pawn structures against Fritz on various levels

Power Strategy 3 From the middlegame to the endgame

Usually regarded as a separate phase of the game, the endgame bears a tight connection with the middlegame (and in some extreme cases, with the opening). The process of simplifying to an endgame implies a series of subtleties and principles, highlighted

Mihail Marin's Power Strategy 1 + 2 in our ChessBase shop for only € 29,90!


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