Magistral "Ciudad de Barcelona" 2017
The tournament is a round-robin with 10 players. The time control is 90 minutes until the move 40 and then 30 minutes for the rest of the game plus 30 seconds increment per move starting from move one. It is not allowed to offer draws, prior to move 40.
Live games
(From November 9, 2017, at 16:30 CET)

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The players
GM Laurent Fressinet (Elo 2667)
- Born in 1981
- French Champion (2010 and 2014)
- Runner-up European Championship (2012)
- Participated in 8 Chess Olympiads
- Participated in the World Cup 2011, 2013, 2015 and 2017
- Trainer of Magnus Carlsen for his 2014 World Championship match

Laurent Fressinet (France)| Photo: official site
GM Daniele Vocaturo (Elo 2598)
- Born in 1989
- Bronze medal winner 2013 European Team Championship
- Winner in Rohde (2008), Balaguer (2010), Group C Tata Steel Chess (2011)
- Participant in the 2006 Chess Olympiad as a teenager

Daniele Vocaturo (Italy) | Photo: official site
GM Benjamin Gledura (Elo 2605)
- Born in 1999
- European Champion under-10 (2009), World Champion under-12 (2011)
- Silver medal with Hungary at the European U-14 Championship (2012)
- Champion of Hungary in Rapid chess (2015)
- Participated in one Olympiad (2016)

Benjamin Gledura (Hungary)| Photo: official site
GM Karen H. Grigoryan (Elo 2584)
- Born in 1995
- Armenian Champion U-14 (2008) and Absolute (2011, 2013, and 2015)
- Champion of Europe U-16 (2010)
- Winner of Memorial Kasparyan (2010), Albena (2012), Sitges (2013), Sant Martí (2014), Badalona (2014 and 2017), Barberà (2015), Sabadell (2016), Yerevan (2017)
- Champion of the Catalan Circuit (2014, 2015, and 2017)

Karen Grigoryan (Armenia) | Photo: official site
Rodrigo Vásquez Schroder (Elo 2555)
- Born in 1969
- Champion of Chile (1989, 1992, 2004, 2010, 2014)
- Participated in 7 Olympiads (1990, 1998, 2004, 2010, 2012, 2014)

Rodrigo Vásquez (Chile) | Photo: official site
GM Fernando Peralta (Elo 2551)
- Born in 1979
- Champion of Argentina in 2006 and vice-champion in 2001 and 2007
- Winner of Andorra (2005), Barberà (2009, 2014), Sabadell (2010 and 2017), La Pobla de Lillet (2011), Badalona (2015)
- Participated in 7 Olympiads

Fernando Peralta (Argentina) | Photo: official site
GM Álvar Alonso Rosell (Elo 2530)
- Born in 1992
- Champion of Spain under-12 (2004), U-14 (2006), U-18 (2009)
- Champion of Catalonia U-12 (2004), U-14 (2005), U-16 (2008) and junior (2008 and 2009)
- Champion of Catalonia (2014 and 2016)
- Champion of Spain (2011)
- Champion of Spain in rapid chess (2016)

Álvar Alonso (Spain) | Photo: official site
GM Camilo Ernesto Gómez Garrido (Elo 2524)
- Born in 1987
- Earned GM title in 2016
- Champion of the Catalan Circuit 2016

Camilo Gómez (Cuba) | Photo: official site
IM Hipólito Asis Gargatagli (Elo 2520)
- Born in Barcelona in 1986
- Champion of Spain U-18 (2004)
- Champion of Catalonia U-18 (2003 and 2004)
- Champion of Catalonia (2015 and 2017)
- Vice-champion of Catalonia (2016)

Hipólito Asis (Spain) | Photo: official site
GM Miguel Muñoz (Elo 2494)
- Born in Peru in 1975
- Blitz Champion of Catalonia (2006, 2009, in 2010)
- Champion of Catalonia 2012

Miguel Muñóz (Perú)| Foto: sitio web oficial
- 1st: 2,000 euros + trophy
- 2nd: 1,500 euros + trophy
- 3rd: 1,100 euros
- 4th: 900 euros
- 5th: 700 euros
- 6th: 600 euros
- 7th: 500 euros
- 8th: 400 euros
- 9th: 300 euros
- 10th: 200 euros
Total prize fund: 8,200 euros
Photos: Official site