Levy Rozman talks chess at Google

by ChessBase
6/20/2024 – With more than 5 million followers on YouTube, Levy Rozman, aka GothamChess, is the world's most popular chess streamer. He was recently invited to visit Google in New York, where Rozman spoke enthusiastically about his chess career, his book and chess in general. | Photo: Screenshot from the video about the event

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Talking about his first steps in chess, Rozman revealed how he learnt chess and that he was fascinated by the complexity of the game. He liked it as an endless puzzle, offering constant challenges and learning opportunities.

The International Master, who recently declared his intention to become a Grandmaster, admitted that as an adult one of the attractions of playing for him is winning. But he also mentioned the evolving nature of the game, noting the widespread acceptance and interest in chess across different age groups.

Rozman also talked about his involvement in various innovative chess projects over the past year, including chess boxing and playing chess while hooked up to a lie detector. He highlighted chess boxing as a particularly memorable experience due to its unique blend of physical and mental challenges.

In his role as a chess teacher, Rozman emphasised the importance of tailoring teaching strategies to the audience. He noted that while children are often enthusiastic learners, adults can be more challenging due to their egos and fear of failure. He shared insights from his teaching experience, emphasising the need to balance instruction with interactive activities to keep students engaged.


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