KCF Academy: Chess Prodigy Abhi

by ChessBase
3/6/2024 – Step into the world of chess brilliance with Abhimanyu Mishra, the youngest chess grandmaster in history! At just twelve years old, Mishra captivated the chess world with his exceptional talent and unwavering dedication. In an exclusive interview at the Kasparov Chess Foundation Academy, Abhimanyu shares insights into his remarkable journey, including his experience training with the legendary Garry Kasparov.

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American Abhimanyu Mishra of Indian descent became the youngest grandmaster in the history of the game, at the age of twelve. There was a lot of skepticism about young players, as we know from the past, most of the records of young players, achieving GM titles at a young age, were made with some support. But the development of this young player and his serious work with the Kasparov Chess Foundation proved that he is a real talent and deserved his IGM title.

His last result in the USA Championship – fourth place – confirmed his bright future and real chances to start his path to the World Championship. He can continue the great line of American Champions: Morphy, Pillsbury, Marshall, Fine, Reshevsky, Fischer, Seirawan and Kamsky.

At the moment, the young prodigy is participating in the Challengers tournament at the 6th Prague International Chess Festival, where he is playing against such top-notch opponents as Erwin L'Ami, Anton Korobov, and others. Mishra will share with KCF Academy subscribers his first-hand experience, insights, and challenges he went through at the tournament in Prague.

Is Mishra future World Champion? Let us follow his future career!

Here are some comments by GM Adrian Mykhalchyshyn, commenting on the Round ten game between Mishra Abhimanyu and Ivanchuk Vasyl at the FIDE Grand Swiss 2023.

Stay tuned for the live interview with Abhimanyu Mishra at the Kasparov Chess Foundation Academy!

Save the Date: March 10, 2024

The interview will be conducted live, at 5 p.m. Central European Time.

Don't forget that the doors of the Kasparov Chess Foundation Academy remain wide open for enthusiasts and learners alike!  Participants have the freedom to join the program at any point along the way, allowing for a personalized learning experience that fits seamlessly into their busy schedules. Explore the recorded gems of wisdom, engage in live discussions, and become part of a vibrant chess community.

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  • Access to Previous Recordings: Missed the initial sessions? No worries! Enroll now and gain instant access to the recorded lectures. You can catch up on the valuable insights and strategies shared by our esteemed instructors.
  • Live Participation in Future Lectures: While you catch up on past lectures, don't forget to mark your calendar for upcoming live sessions. Join the interactive discussions, ask questions, and engage with our world-class instructors in real time.

 Enroll today at www.kcfacademy.org

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