Jan Markos: Middlegame Secrets Vol.5 - The Inner Strength of Kings

by ChessBase
7/10/2024 – For a chess player, chess pieces are like special tools in a toolbox. We need to know how best to use them, just as a craftsman knows his tools. We shouldn’t use a screwdriver to hammer in a nail; and we shouldn’t write off the king as a vulnerable creature in need of constant care and protection. Because in this video course, kings will play a different role: a role of strong and active pieces.

Middlegame Secrets Vol.5 - The Inner Strength of Kings Middlegame Secrets Vol.5 - The Inner Strength of Kings

In this video course, kings will play a role of strong and active pieces. We will explore how Kings can be helpful in defence and prophylaxis, or even in attack!


Middlegame Secrets Vol.5 - The Inner Strength of Kings

by Jan Markos

We will explore how Kings can be helpful in defence and prophylaxis, or even in attack!

Free video sample - Introduction

We will see that they can often take care of themselves, for example by moving from one flank to another.

Free video sample - King march

We will also answer the eternal question in many positions: Where should the king be castled?

  • Video running time: 4 h 46 minutes
  • Extra: Training with ChessBase apps – Play-positions against Fritz on various levels

Middlegame Secrets Vol.5 - The Inner Strength of Kings

In this video course, kings will play a role of strong and active pieces. We will explore how Kings can be helpful in defence and prophylaxis, or even in attack!


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