How to play with White or Black on ChessBase and Fritz

by Nadja Wittmann
5/3/2018 – The playchess server is ideal to practice openings. And sometimes you might want to practice openings with White or with Black and with White or with Black only. Here's a short tutorial how to do that. | Drawing: ChessBase

Fritz 16 - He just wants to play! Fritz 16 - He just wants to play!

Fritz 16 is looking forward to playing with you, and you're certain to have a great deal of fun with him too. Tense games and even well-fought victories await you with "Easy play" and "Assisted analysis" modes.


Playing with Black on the server

If you log on to playchess with Fritz 16 or ChessBase 14 you can set a number of parameters when challenging other players, e.g. whether you would like to play with Black or with White.

After clicking the "Community" tab the following screen appears:


"Seek (Classic)" leads you to the following dialogue:

In this window you can set the parameters for your challenge. But to play a game with Black you need to uncheck "Rated". (Otherwise the option "Black" appears in grey and cannot be checked.) You can also set the time-limit for your challenge.

Click on "Apply" and "OK". Your challenge is now sent to all other players in the room.

Chief editor Spanish ChessBase website, tutorials, marketing.

BimBamBomBemBum BimBamBomBemBum 5/3/2018 07:06
Very, very useful guide!