Hoogeveen 2016: Van Foreest strikes back

by Albert Silver
10/18/2016 – Game two of the matches in Hoogeveen brought more of the same, which is both a good thing and a bad thing. The match between Hou Yifan and Nigel Short once more saw neither player able to get a leg up, for two draws now, but if experience prevailed in game one of the second match with a win by Ivan Sokolov, 17-year-old Jorden van Foreest struck back in game two with a powerful sacrificial attack.

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The Hoogeveen Chess Tournament starts on Saturday, October 15 (opening ceremony) and ends on Saturday, October 22 2016. The tournament consists of the Hoogeveen Matches, the Hoogeveen Open and two amateur tournaments. All tournaments will take place in the attractive town hall of the Dutch city of Hoogeveen. In the chess café, well-known commentators will analyse the games with the audience. The games can also be followed live on Playchess and on the official website.

Hoogeveen Matches: Hou Yifan vs Nigel Short, Jorden van Foreest vs Ivan Sokolov.

Hoogeveen Open: Nine rounds will be played, with space for approximately 84 players who must have a minimal rating of 2000. The Hoogeveen Open is an international tournament, and consequently (grand-) master norms can be achieved. There is a total prize fund of €7,500 with a 1st prize of €3,000.

Amateur toernaments: Group I (= afternoon group): for players with a rating up to 2100. Group II (= morning group): also for players with a rating up to 2100. Each group can contain a maximum of 84 players. They play eight rounds. 1st prize for both groups is €250 each.

Rate of play: 40 moves in 90 minutes, 30 minutes extra time + an increment of 30 seconds per move starting from move one.

Venue: Town Hall Hoogeveen, Raadhuisplein 1, 7901 BP Hoogeveen.

Hoogeveen Chess Tournament

All photos by Lennart Ootes

The lyrical venue of the tournament, in the lush fall in Holland

Hou Yifan tries her 'death stare' on Nigel Short. After decades of enduring Kasparov's, we suspect it was less effectual than she might hope.

Hou Yifan - Nigel Short (game two)

[Event "20th Hoogeveen Matches 2016"] [Site "Hoogeveen"] [Date "2016.10.17"] [Round "2"] [White "Hou, Yifan"] [Black "Short, Nigel D"] [Result "1/2-1/2"] [ECO "C11"] [WhiteElo "2649"] [BlackElo "2670"] [Annotator ""] [PlyCount "83"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventType "match"] [EventCountry "NED"] [SourceTitle "playchess.com"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "40/5400+30:1800+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} e6 {(0s)} 2. d4 {(0s)} d5 {(0s)} 3. Nc3 {(0s)} Nf6 {(19s)} 4. e5 {(9s)} Nfd7 {(14s)} 5. f4 {(9s)} c5 {(10s)} 6. Nf3 {(4s)} Nc6 {(12s)} 7. Be3 {(8s)} a6 {(242s)} 8. Qd2 {(42s)} b5 {(8s)} 9. dxc5 {(486s)} Bxc5 {(12s)} 10. Bd3 {(4s)} Qb6 {(108s)} 11. Bf2 {(6s)} Bxf2+ {(324s)} 12. Qxf2 {(201s)} Qxf2+ {(7s)} 13. Kxf2 {(4s)} Ke7 {(212s)} 14. a3 {(811s)} Nb6 {(254s)} 15. Rhe1 {(311s)} Bd7 {(18s)} 16. Ne2 {(18s)} Rag8 {(680s)} 17. h4 {(1048s)} h5 {(311s)} 18. Ned4 {(260s)} Nxd4 {(29s)} 19. Nxd4 {(4s)} Na4 {(347s)} 20. b3 {(378s)} Nc5 {(80s)} 21. Ke3 {(6s)} Rb8 {(224s)} 22. Re2 {(491s)} f5 {(224s)} 23. Kd2 {(676s)} Rhc8 {(95s)} 24. Re3 {(10s)} Rc7 {(216s)} 25. c3 {(104s)} g6 {(1009s)} 26. Bc2 {(74s)} Be8 {(141s)} 27. Kc1 {(392s)} Bd7 {(164s)} 28. Kb2 {(73s)} Be8 {(19s)} 29. Rc1 {(17s)} Kf7 {(375s)} 30. Rg3 {(114s)} Ke7 {(47s)} 31. Rd1 {(340s)} Rbc8 {(91s)} 32. Ne2 {(48s)} Nd7 {(39s)} 33. Rc1 {(108s)} Nb6 {(62s)} 34. Nd4 {(10s)} Nd7 {(345s)} 35. Re3 {(50s)} Nb6 {(104s)} 36. Bd3 {( 15s)} Rb8 {(18s)} 37. Be2 {(25s)} Rc5 {(11s)} 38. Kc2 {(45s)} Rc7 {(34s)} 39. Ra1 {(169s)} Kf7 {(65s)} 40. Kd2 {(58s)} Ke7 {(6s)} 41. Kc2 {(1805s)} Kf7 {(1810s)} 42. Kd2 {(7s)} 1/2-1/2

Whether due to underestimating his young rival, or just misplaying the position. Ivan Sokolov's Philidor Defense never seemed to remotely equalize and when it went bad, it went bad fast.

Jorden van Foreest - Ivan Sokolov

[Event "20th Hoogeveen Matches 2016"] [Site "Hoogeveen"] [Date "2016.10.17"] [Round "2"] [White "Van Foreest, Jorden"] [Black "Sokolov, Ivan"] [Result "1-0"] [ECO "C41"] [WhiteElo "2615"] [BlackElo "2623"] [PlyCount "57"] [EventDate "2016.??.??"] [EventType "match"] [EventCountry "NED"] [SourceTitle "playchess.com"] [Source "ChessBase"] [TimeControl "40/5400+30:1800+30"] 1. e4 {(0s)} e5 {(0s)} 2. Nf3 {(0s)} d6 {(0s)} 3. d4 {(0s)} Nf6 {(0s)} 4. Nc3 { (0s)} Nbd7 {(0s)} 5. Bc4 {(0s)} exd4 {(0s)} 6. Qxd4 {(0s)} Nb6 {(0s)} 7. Bf4 { (59s) And this is already a novelty. It seems strange to give up the c4 bishop in this postion when it can still exert considerable force, all to save a tempo, but the you Dutchman has his ideas to blitzkrieg his opponent.} Be7 { (1391s)} 8. O-O-O {(12s)} Nxc4 $2 {(168s) This is a mistake for several reasons. In spite of complaining about giving up the bishop couple of moves ago, a lot can change in a couple of moves. Black has now spent three tempi to capture this bishop with his knight, but his king is still in the center, and White's queen is not poorly placed on c4. In fact, now that 0-0-0 has been played, the rook is aimed straight at the black queen.} 9. Qxc4 {(7s)} O-O { (67s)} 10. Rhe1 {(20s)} ({Why be gun shy now?} 10. e5 $1 {is both unsubtle and strong.}) 10... Be6 {(151s)} 11. Qf1 {(10s)} Qc8 {(541s)} 12. Nd4 {( 185s)} Bd7 {(97s) This is incredibly risky. It might seem as if nothing is happening just yet, but White has great piece placement with the excpetion of the queen on f1, lots of central control, and the kingside pawns can rain hail and fire much quicker than Black's. Black needed to start taking active measures with Nd7, Bf6 and start his pawns rolling, than this passive choice.} 13. f3 {(150s)} Rb8 {(879s)} 14. g4 {(44s)} b5 {(3s)} 15. Nf5 {(147s)} Bd8 {(25s)} 16. Qh3 {(457s)} b4 {(60s)} 17. Ne2 {(37s)} Qa6 {(319s)} 18. Kb1 {(2s)} Be6 {(192s)} 19. b3 { (402s)} Rb5 {(365s)} 20. Be3 {(199s)} d5 {[#] (62s) D-day! H-hour!} 21. Nxg7 $1 {(470s) This wins in all lines, and Black's days are counted.} Kxg7 {(107s)} 22. Bh6+ {(298s)} Kg8 {(9 s)} 23. Bxf8 {(5s)} Kxf8 {(62s)} 24. Qh6+ {(11s)} Ke8 {(271s)} 25. Nd4 {(290s)} Ra5 {(295s)} 26. Nxe6 {(6s)} fxe6 {(15s)} 27. exd5 { (3s)} e5 {(167s)} 28. Rxe5+ {(5s)} Kd7 {(39s)} 29. Re6 {(10s)} 1-0

In the Open a large number of titled players, not just GMs have come, such as FM Thomas Beerdsen (2404 FIDE)

Dutch FM Jaap Vogel

FM Lucas van Foreest (2350 FIDE) is Jorden's younger brother

GM Harmen Jonkman

Tournament Schedule

Date Matches Hoogeveen Open Amateur Analysis
Sat. 15 Oct. opening Round 1 (14.00) R1 (10.00/14.30)  
Sun. 16 Oct. Round 1 (14.00) Round 2 (14.00) R2(9.30/14.00) Jop Delemarre
Mon. 17 Oct. Round 2 (14.00) Rround 3 (14.00) R3 (9.30/14.00) Gert Ligterink
Tues. 18 Oct. Round 3 (14.00) Round 4 (14.00) R4 (9.30/14.00) Hans Bohm
Wed. 19 Oct. Rest day R5 (9.00) + R6 (15.00) R5 (9.30/14.00)  
Thurs. 20 Oct. Round 4 (14.00) Round 7(14.00) R6 (9.30/14.00) Cor van Wijgerden
Fri. 21 Oct. Round 5 (14.00) Round 8 (14.00) R7 (9.30/14.00) Robert Ris
Sat. 22 Oct. R6 (12.00), closing Round 9 (12.00) R8 (9.30/14.00) Joris Brenninkmeijer


The games will be broadcast live on the official web site and on the server Playchess.com. If you are not a member you can download a free Playchess client there and get immediate access. You can also use ChessBase or any of our Fritz compatible chess programs.

Born in the US, he grew up in Paris, France, where he completed his Baccalaureat, and after college moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He had a peak rating of 2240 FIDE, and was a key designer of Chess Assistant 6. In 2010 he joined the ChessBase family as an editor and writer at ChessBase News. He is also a passionate photographer with work appearing in numerous publications, and the content creator of the YouTube channel, Chess & Tech.


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