My Black Secrets in the Modern Italian
The Italian Game is considered a sound but quiet opening without early trades, giving rise to rich positions where plans are more important than forced variations. So shows black's plans on this DVD.
The live show is free to watch and available on-demand for ChessBase Premium accounts.
The Italian Opening has recently gained in popularity. Whereas the slow system (with 5.d3) in the Giuoco Piano might not be to everyone's taste, the setup with 5.d4 exd4 6.e5 is a more straightforward attempt to put the opponent under pressure as quickly as possible. The ensuing structures are very interesting and offer both sides chances exploiting their trump cards.
White is looking for ideas building up a kingside attack, while Black is intending to generate active counterplay in the centre against White's pawns on d4 and e5. In tonight's show recent grandmaster games will be discussed to illustrate both sides plans. It's recommended for those who want to build an easy to learn repertoire for White with 1.e4 e5 and understand more about thematic attacking ideas with this pawn structure.
This DVD emphasizes the importance of training your calculation skills. Dutch IM Robert Ris made a selection of training material which he uses in lessons with students ranging from 1400 to 2400.
But first...What is White's easiest way converting his advantage?
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Robert is live at 19:00 CEST
Power Play 23: A Repertoire for black with the Queen's Gambit Declined
On this DVD Grandmaster Daniel King offers you a repertoire for Black with the QGD. The repertoire is demonstrated in 10 stem games, covering all White's major systems: 5 Bg5, 5 Bf4, and the Exchange Variation.
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