EWICC: Gunina beats Muzychuk to take the lead

by Marco Baldauf
4/16/2018 – Valentina Gunina took the sole lead after seven rounds in Vysoke Tatry, Slovakia. Against the top favourite, Mariya Muzychuk, she managed a very convincing victory on Saturday. Six players are now a half point behind with 5½ / 7. Sunday was a rest day. Play resumes Monday at 15:00 CEST (9:00 AM EDT) | Photo: Official site

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A second sole leader

Valentina Gunina entered the tournament at the exact same rating as Nana Dzagnidze — 2507, tied for places 3-4 in the starting rank. After four rounds, Dzagnidze led the tournament with the only perfect score. Gunina, after giving up an early draw in round two, won three straight, and in the past two rounds she has faced two former world champions: Anna Ushenina and Mariya Muzychuk. Gunina walked a tightrope after an exchange sacrifice against Ushenina, who did not find a way to make progress and acquiesced to a draw on move 30.

Top results of round seven

Name Pts. Result Pts. Name
Gunina Valentina 5 1 - 0 5 Muzychuk Mariya
Danielian Elina 5 ½ - ½ 5 Dzagnidze Nana
Goryachkina Aleksandra  ½ - ½ 5 Ushenina Anna
Stefanova Antoaneta 1 - 0 Badelka Olga
Ziaziulkina Nastassia ½ - ½ Paehtz Elisabeth
Osmak Iulija 0 - 1 Bulmaga Irina
Kulon Klaudia 1 - 0 Nechaeva Marina
Batsiashvili Nino 4 0 - 1 4 Mammadzada Gunay 
Sebag Marie 4 ½ - ½ 4 Shuvalova Polina
Schleining Zoya 4 1 - 0 4 Khotenashvili Bela

The key game of the round, with Gunina facing the top-seeded Muzychuk, turned out to be a one-sided affair.

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1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.d3 Nf6 5.Bg5 h6 6.Bh4 Be7 7.c3 d6 8.Nbd2 Nh5 9.Bg3 Nxg3 10.hxg3 Bf6 11.Nf1 Ne7 12.Ne3 c6 13.Bb3 d5 14.Qe2 a5 15.0-0 a4 16.Bc2 Be6 17.Rad1 Gunina allowed her dark-squared bishop to be exchanged and set up a modest centre with c3 and d3. However, the white position has one great advantage: all pieces are on their best squares. She's already managed the time-consuming knight route b1-d2-f1-e3. No wonder that after the last move she threatens to break through with d4. Therefore Muzychuk cannot maintain the tension in the center. My feeling is the Ukrainian Ex-world champion has already gone a bit wrong. Her pieces are discoordinated after the transformation of the pawn structure that follows. dxe4 17...d4 18.Nc4 and now the pawn hangs on e5 Ng6 18...Bxc4?! 19.dxc4 c5 may be structurally acceptable for Black, but 20.cxd4 cxd4 21.Nxd4! leads to a big White edge. exd4 22.e5 Bg5 23.f4 18...Qc7? 19.cxd4 exd4 20.e5+- 19.cxd4 exd4 20.e5 Be7 21.Qe4∞ 18.dxe4 In this structure the centre is no longer an issue, but Gunina turns her attention to play against Black's worst piece, the f6-bishop Qb6 18...Qc7 19.b3!? 19.b4!? Bxa2 20.c4 0-0 21.Ra1 Bb3 22.Bxb3 axb3 23.Qb2 19...Nc8 19...axb3?! 20.Bxb3! and White manages to break up Black's bishop pair Bxb3 21.axb3 with a similar evaluation as in the game. 20.b4 19.Nc4 Bxc4 Muzychuk must give up her only good piece. 19...Qc7 might not have been as dramatic as it seems 20.Nd6+ the king just moves away and the knight on d6 will be quickly swapped off by ...Nc8. Kf8 20.Qxc4 Qxb2 21.Bxa4 b5 22.Qd3 0-0 23.Bb3± The white pawn structure on the queenside has been somewhat affected, but the extremely strong bishop on b3 does double-duty, on defence as well. On the other hand, Black's minors remain sad. Ng6 24.Nh2 24.Qd7! Qxc3 25.Rd6± would have nipped the plan ...c5-c4 in the bud, preventing counterplay. c5?! 26.Qxb5 24...Rad8 25.Qf3?! Of course the queen is at first glance more active and threatens the Black king position after the following Ng4 25.Qe3! stops ...c5 counterplay Rxd1?! 26.Rxd1 Rd8? 27.Rxd8+ Bxd8 28.Qa7!+- 25...Rxd1 26.Rxd1 c5! 27.Bd5 c4 Muzychuk allows opponent's bishop to d5, but the white pawns on the queenside really vulnerable. Black has some counterplay now even if the position is still no cause for joy. 28.Ng4 Bg5 29.Qf5 Qe2! a tactical solution - Muzychuk still has good counterplay 29...Ne7? 30.Bxf7+ Rxf7 31.Rd8++- 30.Rb1 Ne7 31.Qf3 Qxf3? the only active black piece disappears from the board 31...Qxa2 would have kept the balance better. Black still has defensive work to do but keeps drawing chances. 32.Rxb5 Nxd5 33.exd5 32.gxf3 Bd2 33.Rxb5 Nxd5 34.exd5 Bxc3 Muzychuk probably bet on her c-pawn for counter-chances, but the white troops stop it without major problems. It is important to understand how big the dominance of the white knight against the black bishop is. Though the bishop has now broken out of its prison on f6, even on the outside it's not much use. 35.Ne3± Rc8 36.d6 e4? Pure desperation 36...Kf8 37.Rb7 f6 37...Bd4 38.Nxc4!+- 38.Rc7! Rd8 39.Nxc4± 36...Bd4 37.Nxc4± 36...Bd2 37.Rxe5 Kh7! 37...Bxe3 38.d7+- 38.d7 Rd8 39.Nxc4 Rxd7 40.a4± 37.fxe4 Bd2 38.Nxc4! the knight is nothing! Bg5 38...Rxc4 39.d7 and the rook dominates the bishop 39.Rb8+?? Kh7 40.d7 Ba5 41.d8Q Bxd8 42.Rxd8 Rxe4= 39...Rd4 40.Rb8+ Kh7 41.d8Q+- 39.d7 Rd8 40.Rd5 Ra8 41.Nb6 Rb8 42.Rxg5! allows a nice finish, which epitomises the course of the game - Gunina's strong pieces dominate the helpless black army. hxg5 43.Nc8 Rb1+ 44.Kg2 Rd1 45.Ne7+ 1–0
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Gunina,V2507Muzychuk,M25401–02018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.1

Mariya Muzychuk

A bitter setback in the title race for top favorite Mariya Muzychuk | Photo: Official site

Gunina leads the table with six points after this win. On her heels are six players, including Antoneta Stefanova. The Bulgarian is also able to call herself a world champion — she held the title from 2004 to 2006. In Vysoke Tatry, as usual, she shows her refreshingly unconventional style and scores well. In round six she won against the German player Sarah Hoolt, in the next round she defeated the strong Belarusian youngster Olga Badelka.

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20...a5 black makes a play for the initiative 20...Nd5 would have taken a more solid approach. After 21.Rg3 The white attack looks dangerous, whereas black's queenside play appears too slow. Nxc3 22.Nd4 Qb6 23.Nxf5 21.Nd4 Qb6 22.Bxb5? Now Stefanova's attack develops rapidly. Suddenly all black pieces are well coordinated while white has tactical vulnerabilities at every turn. 22.Nxb5 axb4 22...Be4 23.Rg3± 23.cxb4 Bc6 24.Re2!± and with this trick Hoolt could save her pawn 22...axb4 23.Bxd7 Bd5 dominates the white bishop on d7 and creates a big threat of ...Rxa2. 24.Nb3? 24.Ra1 still holds the fort, but you do not like to play such a move Rfd8 25.e6 Be4 24...Rxa2! 25.Nd2 25.Qxa2 Qxe3+ 26.Kh1 Qxc3-+ 25...bxc3 26.Rxc3 Rxd2! The rook arrives on the second rank and is in position for a roundhouse kick. 27.Qxb6 Rxg2+ 28.Kh1 Rg6+
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Hoolt,S2393Stefanova,A24790–12018C4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.7


Antoneta Stefanova | Photo: Official site

Besides Stefanova there's a relatively large group of Gunina's pursuers with 5½ points. Among them is Irina Bulmaga, who got a huge break from her opponent on move 41. 

Osmak vs Bulmaga
Position after 40...Qe5+

The players have just gained an extra 30 minutes on the clock, and despite black's extra pawn, in a queen ending there is no clear way to win after 41.Kh1. But White spent just a minute to play 41.Kg1? allowing the transition to a losing king and pawn endgame. 41...Qe3+ 42.Kf1 (42.Kh1 Qc1 43.Kh2 Qf4+ is no better) Qf4+ and Black's kingside majority decides.

The last player to reach 5½ with a seventh-round win is the biggest surprise: Klaudia Kulon, at 2319 Elo, has won four in a row. She too was able to capitalize on a big oversight from Marina Nechaeva, this time in the middlegame.

Kulon vs Nechaeva
Position after 37.Qf2

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Nechaeva played 37...Qd7 with equality but missed a golden opportunity to gain a winning advantage. Can you spot it?

Marina Nechaeva

Marina Nechaeva in 2016 | Photo: Andreas Kontokanis CC BY-SA 2.0 via Flickr

37.Ndf4! would have won. The pin on the long diagonal is crushing. After the forced 38.Bxe6 Nxe6 white has no way to stop a powerful ...f4 advance from coming in short order, and White cannot survive for long without suffering material losses.

Instead, Kulon grabbed the initiative with 38.h4 f4 39.Qf3 Ndc7 40.Bb4

Kulon vs Nechaeva
Position after 40.Bb4

This time the last move of the first time control was black's undoing. 40...Rd8 was mandatory, aiming to exchange queens. After 40...Rf5? the game is beyond saving.

41.Qe4! Rf7 42.h5 Kh8 43.Rd2 and White is in full control with her queen invading to g6 next. Kulon won without much difficulty.

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Standings after seven rounds (top 20)

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All games rounds 1-7

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1.e4 c5 2.Nc3 e6 3.Nf3 a6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Nxd4 Qc7 6.Bd3 Nf6 7.0-0 Nc6 8.Nxc6 bxc6 9.Bg5 Be7 10.Qe2 h6 11.Bh4 d5 12.e5 Ng8 13.Bg3 Bc5 14.Na4 Ba7 15.Qg4 Kf8 16.c4 Ne7 17.c5 Nf5 18.Bxf5 exf5 19.Qd4 Be6 20.f4 Kg8 21.Be1 Rb8 22.b4 Kh7 23.a3 Qb7 24.Bc3 Rbg8 25.Nb2 Bb8 26.a4 g5 27.Nd3 Rg6 28.Kh1 Rhg8 29.g3 Bc7 30.Rfb1 Bd8 31.Bd2 g4 32.Be3 h5 33.Kg2 h4 34.Bf2 Rh6 35.Rh1 Kg6 36.gxh4 Bxh4 37.h3 Rgh8 38.hxg4 fxg4 39.f5+ Bxf5 40.Nf4+ Kg7 41.Bxh4 Rxh4 42.e6+ f6 43.Rxh4 Rxh4 44.b5 Rh8 45.Kg3 Qb8 46.Rf1 Qe5 47.Qxe5 fxe5 48.Ng2 Bxe6 49.b6 Rh3+ 50.Kf2 Rb3 51.Ne3 g3+ 52.Ke2 d4 53.Nf5+ Bxf5 54.Rxf5 e4 55.Rf4 Rb2+ 56.Kf1 g2+ 57.Kg1 d3 58.Rxe4 d2 59.Rg4+ Kf6 60.Rd4 Rb1+ 61.Kxg2 d1Q 0–1
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Osmanodja,F2300Muzychuk,M25400–12018B4319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.1
Batsiashvili,N2521Ozturk,K2295½–½2018A2119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.2
Worek,J2295Dzagnidze,N25070–12018B4219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.3
Gunina,V2507Sedina,E22921–02018C1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.4
Injac,T2290Goryachkina,A2495½–½2018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.5
Sebag,M2492Fuchs,J22861–02018B5119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.6
Yildiz Kadioglu,B2286Khotenashvili,B2484½–½2018E6019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.7
Stefanova,A2479Prudnykova,O2281½–½2018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.8
Martynkova,O2280Pogonina,N2474½–½2018D3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.9
Cramling,P2472Kursova,M2278½–½2018E1619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.10
Sargsyan,A2276Socko,M24711–02018E6019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.11
Girya,O2470Mamedjarova,T22741–02018D3519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.12
Paramzina,A2271Paehtz,E2468½–½2018B9019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.13
Cornette,D2467Manakova,M22681–02018B2319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.14
Kantane,A2266Javakhishvili,L24670–12018B4119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.15
Bodnaruk,A2460Ionescu,I22470–12018C4119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.16
Velikic,A2241Atalik,E24521–02018B3219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.17
Kashlinskaya,A2450Sandu,M22401–02018E9419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.18
Novosadova,K2240Zawadzka,J2442½–½2018C6419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.19
Hoang,T2437Maltsevskaya,A2237½–½2018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.20
Solozhenkina,E2236Tsolakidou,S2430½–½2018B4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.21
Zhukova,N2426Rodshtein,T22261–02018B1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.22
Gevorgyan,M2226Vega Gutierrez,S24250–12018B3319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.23
Ushenina,A2422Semenova,E2221½–½2018E3219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.24
Mikadze,M2216Bulmaga,I2414½–½2018A4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.25
Zimina,O2414Ozbay,E22161–02018A0919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.26
Kubicka,A2215Nechaeva,M24130–12018B2219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.27
Melia,S2411Antolak,J22121–02018B5119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.28
Motycakova,M2207Danielian,E2410½–½2018B0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.29
Gaponenko,I2406Zherebtsova,A2202½–½2018C6819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.30
Arda,C2199Shvayger,Y2404½–½2018C0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.31
Mkrtchian,L2403Ptacnikova,L2198½–½2018A0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.32
Chernyak,V2196Szczepkowska,K24030–12018D4119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.33
Arabidze,M2393Ghukasyan,S2195½–½2018D3119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.34
Richterova,N2181Hoolt,S23930–12018A4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.35
Mammadzada,G2392Mrvova,A21791–02018B9019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.36
Petrenko,S2178Milliet,S2391½–½2018A2119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.37
Shuvalova,P2389Vidic,T21761–02018C8819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.38
Berke,A2173Voit,D23880–12018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.39
Schleining,Z2382Batyte,D2165½–½2018E6019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.40
Stetsko,L2164Badelka,O23750–12018B3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.41
Gara,A2369Pavlidou,E21641–02018B3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.42
Huda,M2161Kovanova,B2368½–½2018E0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.43
Michna,M2367Smirnova,E21531–02018A0519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.44
Cosman,A2141Ovod,E23660–12018D5319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.45
Ziaziulkina,N2363Leite Oralova,C21341–02018B4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.46
Kusenkova,N2134Osmak,I23610–12018A0419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.47
Fataliyeva,U2361Hereklioglu,S21231–02018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.48
Okuyaz,D2122Mammadova,G23600–12018C1819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.49
Savina,A2358Froewis,A2113½–½2018D4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.50
Sucikova,S2107Buksa,N23570–12018A1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.51
Mamedjarova,Z2355Zpevakova,J21061–02018D3719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.52
Ilyuchyk,Y2098Balajayeva,K23481–02018C5619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.53
Arakhamia-Grant,K2347Hapala,E20911–02018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.54
Kaliadzich,M2078Cosma,E2340½–½2018D3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.55
Gara,T2330Caglar,S20771–02018A1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.56
Makka,I2076Unuk,L23290–12018C7719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.57
Sliwicka,A2329Kejzar,P20710–12018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.58
Azimova,K2069Rapport,J23280–12018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.59
Cibickova,Z2327Ferkova,D2068½–½2018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.60
Trippold,D2067Klek,H23271–02018A1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.61
Charochkina,D2326Palma,M20601–02018A3419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.62
Milcova,Z2033Tomilova,E2326½–½2018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.63
Theissl Pokorna,R2320Trisha,K20311–02018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.64
Nemcova,K1992Kulon,K23190–12018C4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.65
Babiy,O2318Koloditsova,R19781–02018C1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.66
Dwilewicz,K1967Belenkaya,D2308½–½2018D2919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.67
Brunello,M2307Slaba,A19241–02018B0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.68
Chan,N1909Warakomska,A23060–12018C5319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.69
Doluhanova,E2304Koubova,A18191–02018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.70
Nadzamova,V1766Gvanceladze,A2302½–½2018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.71
Eric,J2300Serakova,T16331–02018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20181.72
Muzychuk,M2540Fataliyeva,U23611–02018D3219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.1
Dzagnidze,N2507Mamedjarova,Z23551–02018B0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.2
Osmak,I2361Gunina,V2507½–½2018D3119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.3
Mammadova,G2360Sebag,M2492½–½2018B5119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.4
Buksa,N2357Girya,O24701–02018B1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.5
Arakhamia-Grant,K2347Cornette,D24670–12018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.6
Javakhishvili,L2467Gara,T2330½–½2018E5319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.7
Unuk,L2329Kashlinskaya,A24500–12018D3819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.8
Rapport,J2328Zhukova,N2426½–½2018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.9
Vega Gutierrez,S2425Charochkina,D2326½–½2018B0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.10
Theissl Pokorna,R2320Zimina,O24140–12018B1419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.11
Nechaeva,M2413Babiy,O23181–02018D2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.12
Kulon,K2319Melia,S2411½–½2018B3319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.13
Szczepkowska,K2403Brunello,M2307½–½2018B9419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.14
Hoolt,S2393Doluhanova,E23041–02018B9219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.15
Warakomska,A2306Mammadzada,G23920–12018B2319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.16
Eric,J2300Shuvalova,P23890–12018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.17
Voit,D2388Sargsyan,A2276½–½2018D1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.18
Badelka,O2375Velikic,A2241½–½2018D2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.19
Ionescu,I2247Gara,A2369½–½2018B2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.20
Ilyuchyk,Y2098Michna,M23671–02018C0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.21
Ovod,E2366Trippold,D20671–02018A4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.22
Kejzar,P2071Ziaziulkina,N23630–12018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.23
Prudnykova,O2281Batsiashvili,N2521½–½2018A0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.24
Goryachkina,A2495Yildiz Kadioglu,B22861–02018C9219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.25
Khotenashvili,B2484Injac,T22901–02018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.26
Ozturk,K2295Stefanova,A2479½–½2018D3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.27
Pogonina,N2474Paramzina,A2271½–½2018D4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.28
Maltsevskaya,A2237Cramling,P24721–02018B6119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.29
Paehtz,E2468Martynkova,O22801–02018D4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.30
Zawadzka,J2442Solozhenkina,E22361–02018B9019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.31
Kursova,M2278Hoang,T24370–12018A8819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.32
Tsolakidou,S2430Novosadova,K22401–02018A2519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.33
Zherebtsova,A2202Ushenina,A24220–12018E1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.34
Bulmaga,I2414Motycakova,M22071–02018A0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.35
Danielian,E2410Mikadze,M22161–02018D1619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.36
Semenova,E2221Gaponenko,I24060–12018B2219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.37
Shvayger,Y2404Petrenko,S21781–02018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.38
Ghukasyan,S2195Mkrtchian,L24031–02018B0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.39
Ptacnikova,L2198Arabidze,M2393½–½2018A1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.40
Milliet,S2391Arda,C21991–02018C1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.41
Froewis,A2113Schleining,Z23820–12018B1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.42
Kovanova,B2368Kaliadzich,M20781–02018A0919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.43
Ferkova,D2068Savina,A23580–12018E8119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.44
Cosma,E2340Huda,M2161½–½2018E1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.45
Batyte,D2165Cibickova,Z2327½–½2018A2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.46
Tomilova,E2326Dwilewicz,K19671–02018A1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.47
Belenkaya,D2308Nadzamova,V17661–02018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.48
Gvanceladze,A2302Milcova,Z20331–02018B0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.49
Socko,M2471Berke,A21731–02018E0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.50
Pavlidou,E2164Bodnaruk,A24600–12018E7019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.51
Atalik,E2452Stetsko,L21641–02018E0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.52
Balajayeva,K2348Smirnova,E2153½–½2018C1819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.53
Leite Oralova,C2134Sliwicka,A23290–12018C8419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.54
Klek,H2327Cosman,A21411–02018B9019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.55
Hereklioglu,S2123Osmanodja,F23000–12018C4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.56
Zpevakova,J2106Worek,J22950–12018E3719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.57
Sedina,E2292Kusenkova,N2134½–½2018C4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.58
Fuchs,J2286Okuyaz,D21221–02018D1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.59
Mamedjarova,T2274Sucikova,S21071–02018D2719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.60
Manakova,M2268Hapala,E2091½–½2018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.61
Caglar,S2077Kantane,A2266½–½2018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.62
Sandu,M2240Makka,I20761–02018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.63
Rodshtein,T2226Azimova,K20691–02018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.64
Palma,M2060Gevorgyan,M22260–12018A2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.65
Ozbay,E2216Trisha,K2031½–½2018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.66
Koloditsova,R1978Kubicka,A22150–12018A4119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.67
Antolak,J2212Nemcova,K19920–12018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.68
Slaba,A1924Chernyak,V2196½–½2018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.69
Koubova,A1819Richterova,N21810–12018D1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.70
Mrvova,A2179Chan,N19091–02018B2319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.71
Vidic,T2176Serakova,T16331–02018B2219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20182.72
Mammadzada,G2392Muzychuk,M2540½–½2018B1819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.1
Shuvalova,P2389Dzagnidze,N25070–12018D3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.2
Cornette,D2467Hoolt,S23931–02018C4219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.3
Kashlinskaya,A2450Ovod,E2366½–½2018D4119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.4
Zimina,O2414Buksa,N2357½–½2018A1419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.5
Ziaziulkina,N2363Nechaeva,M2413½–½2018B1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.6
Gunina,V2507Ilyuchyk,Y20981–02018E9419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.7
Schleining,Z2382Goryachkina,A2495½–½2018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.8
Sebag,M2492Badelka,O23751–02018B3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.9
Gara,A2369Khotenashvili,B2484½–½2018B1819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.10
Kovanova,B2368Paehtz,E24680–12018E9119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.11
Osmak,I2361Javakhishvili,L24670–12018E2419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.12
Mammadova,G2360Zawadzka,J24420–12018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.13
Hoang,T2437Rapport,J23281–02018D2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.14
Savina,A2358Tsolakidou,S2430½–½2018A1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.15
Zhukova,N2426Tomilova,E23261–02018A2919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.16
Gara,T2330Vega Gutierrez,S2425½–½2018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.17
Ushenina,A2422Kulon,K23191–02018A4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.18
Charochkina,D2326Bulmaga,I24140–12018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.19
Melia,S2411Belenkaya,D2308½–½2018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.20
Brunello,M2307Danielian,E24100–12018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.21
Gaponenko,I2406Gvanceladze,A2302½–½2018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.22
Sargsyan,A2276Shvayger,Y24040–12018E6219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.23
Ionescu,I2247Szczepkowska,K2403½–½2018A4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.24
Velikic,A2241Milliet,S23911–02018B9019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.25
Maltsevskaya,A2237Voit,D23881–02018C0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.26
Batsiashvili,N2521Ghukasyan,S21951–02018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.27
Stefanova,A2479Eric,J23001–02018A8019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.28
Osmanodja,F2300Pogonina,N24741–02018C9519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.29
Worek,J2295Socko,M24710–12018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.30
Girya,O2470Ozturk,K2295½–½2018D3719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.31
Bodnaruk,A2460Fuchs,J22860–12018B5619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.32
Paramzina,A2271Atalik,E24520–12018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.33
Arabidze,M2393Prudnykova,O22811–02018D7119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.34
Michna,M2367Mamedjarova,T22740–12018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.35
Fataliyeva,U2361Sandu,M22400–12018B9419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.36
Mamedjarova,Z2355Rodshtein,T22261–02018D0419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.37
Gevorgyan,M2226Arakhamia-Grant,K23470–12018B0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.38
Kubicka,A2215Cosma,E2340½–½2018C0919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.39
Richterova,N2181Unuk,L23290–12018E0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.40
Sliwicka,A2329Ptacnikova,L2198½–½2018B4219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.41
Cibickova,Z2327Mrvova,A2179½–½2018B2719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.42
Huda,M2161Klek,H2327½–½2018D5819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.43
Trippold,D2067Theissl Pokorna,R23200–12018E1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.44
Babiy,O2318Vidic,T21761–02018C7019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.45
Nemcova,K1992Warakomska,A23061–02018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.46
Doluhanova,E2304Batyte,D2165½–½2018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.47
Cramling,P2472Kejzar,P20711–02018A8019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.48
Mkrtchian,L2403Zherebtsova,A2202½–½2018D7319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.49
Arda,C2199Balajayeva,K2348½–½2018C9119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.50
Chernyak,V2196Sedina,E2292½–½2018D1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.51
Injac,T2290Petrenko,S2178½–½2018D1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.52
Smirnova,E2153Yildiz Kadioglu,B2286½–½2018E5319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.53
Martynkova,O2280Kusenkova,N21340–12018E0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.54
Hapala,E2091Kursova,M2278½–½2018B4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.55
Kaliadzich,M2078Manakova,M2268½–½2018A4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.56
Kantane,A2266Froewis,A21131–02018C0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.57
Novosadova,K2240Caglar,S2077½–½2018E8819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.58
Solozhenkina,E2236Ferkova,D20681–02018B1819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.59
Milcova,Z2033Semenova,E22210–12018C4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.60
Trisha,K2031Mikadze,M22160–12018A0919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.61
Dwilewicz,K1967Ozbay,E22161–02018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.62
Motycakova,M2207Slaba,A19241–02018C0419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.63
Nadzamova,V1766Antolak,J22120–12018B3119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.64
Berke,A2173Zpevakova,J21061–02018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.65
Stetsko,L2164Makka,I2076½–½2018C0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.66
Azimova,K2069Pavlidou,E21640–12018B4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.67
Cosman,A2141Palma,M20601–02018A5819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.68
Chan,N1909Leite Oralova,C21341–02018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.69
Serakova,T1633Hereklioglu,S21230–12018E1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.70
Okuyaz,D2122Koloditsova,R19781–02018C1619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.71
Sucikova,S2107Koubova,A18191–02018A0419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20183.72
Dzagnidze,N2507Cornette,D24671–02018E4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.1
Muzychuk,M2540Zimina,O24141–02018D1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.2
Bulmaga,I2414Gunina,V25070–12018C6519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.3
Nechaeva,M2413Sebag,M2492½–½2018D4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.4
Paehtz,E2468Mammadzada,G2392½–½2018B9119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.5
Javakhishvili,L2467Ziaziulkina,N23630–12018D4319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.6
Danielian,E2410Kashlinskaya,A2450½–½2018D3819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.7
Zawadzka,J2442Velikic,A2241½–½2018C1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.8
Shvayger,Y2404Hoang,T24371–02018A8719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.9
Ovod,E2366Zhukova,N24261–02018C0919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.10
Buksa,N2357Ushenina,A24220–12018C7019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.11
Goryachkina,A2495Maltsevskaya,A22371–02018B4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.12
Savina,A2358Batsiashvili,N25211–02018A5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.13
Khotenashvili,B2484Mamedjarova,Z23551–02018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.14
Arakhamia-Grant,K2347Stefanova,A24790–12018C7019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.15
Socko,M2471Gara,T2330½–½2018D7819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.16
Atalik,E2452Theissl Pokorna,R2320½–½2018E1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.17
Tsolakidou,S2430Babiy,O2318½–½2018B4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.18
Vega Gutierrez,S2425Osmanodja,F23000–12018B6619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.19
Unuk,L2329Melia,S24111–02018A1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.20
Belenkaya,D2308Gaponenko,I2406½–½2018B2719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.21
Szczepkowska,K2403Ilyuchyk,Y2098½–½2018E9419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.22
Gvanceladze,A2302Arabidze,M23930–12018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.23
Hoolt,S2393Ionescu,I2247½–½2018C2619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.24
Fuchs,J2286Shuvalova,P2389½–½2018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.25
Mamedjarova,T2274Schleining,Z2382½–½2018D0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.26
Sandu,M2240Gara,A2369½–½2018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.27
Girya,O2470Nemcova,K19921–02018D3819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.28
Ozturk,K2295Cramling,P2472½–½2018E1619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.29
Milliet,S2391Doluhanova,E2304½–½2018B3219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.30
Voit,D2388Kantane,A22661–02018D0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.31
Badelka,O2375Sargsyan,A22761–02018D1919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.32
Semenova,E2221Kovanova,B23680–12018C8419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.33
Mikadze,M2216Osmak,I23610–12018C1619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.34
Ptacnikova,L2198Mammadova,G2360½–½2018A2519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.35
Cosma,E2340Solozhenkina,E22361–02018A1419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.36
Ghukasyan,S2195Sliwicka,A23291–02018B5619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.37
Rapport,J2328Kubicka,A22151–02018A4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.38
Kusenkova,N2134Cibickova,Z23271–02018E0419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.39
Klek,H2327Motycakova,M2207½–½2018C2419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.40
Mrvova,A2179Charochkina,D23260–12018B0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.41
Tomilova,E2326Huda,M21611–02018A1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.42
Kulon,K2319Dwilewicz,K19671–02018C4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.43
Batyte,D2165Brunello,M23070–12018A2119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.44
Pogonina,N2474Arda,C21991–02018E0419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.45
Antolak,J2212Bodnaruk,A24601–02018B9019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.46
Petrenko,S2178Mkrtchian,L2403½–½2018A3619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.47
Zherebtsova,A2202Michna,M23671–02018A4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.48
Vidic,T2176Fataliyeva,U23610–12018C0319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.49
Balajayeva,K2348Chernyak,V21960–12018C1619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.50
Warakomska,A2306Richterova,N21811–02018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.51
Pavlidou,E2164Eric,J23000–12018A8519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.52
Smirnova,E2153Worek,J22950–12018E5919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.53
Sedina,E2292Berke,A21731–02018B3119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.54
Hereklioglu,S2123Injac,T22900–12018A4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.55
Yildiz Kadioglu,B2286Cosman,A21411–02018B3619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.56
Prudnykova,O2281Okuyaz,D21221–02018C0319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.57
Kursova,M2278Sucikova,S21071–02018D2719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.58
Hapala,E2091Paramzina,A22710–12018B9019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.59
Manakova,M2268Trippold,D20671–02018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.60
Kejzar,P2071Novosadova,K22400–12018A0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.61
Rodshtein,T2226Kaliadzich,M2078½–½2018B1919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.62
Caglar,S2077Gevorgyan,M2226½–½2018B4319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.63
Ozbay,E2216Chan,N19090–12018B3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.64
Ferkova,D2068Martynkova,O22800–12018A8119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.65
Trisha,K2031Stetsko,L21640–12018A1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.66
Froewis,A2113Milcova,Z20331–02018B0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.67
Makka,I2076Nadzamova,V17661–02018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.68
Slaba,A1924Leite Oralova,C21340–12018E1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.69
Zpevakova,J2106Koloditsova,R19781–02018D8519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.70
Koubova,A1819Azimova,K20690–12018B0319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.71
Palma,M2060Serakova,T16331–02018A1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20184.72
Ushenina,A2422Dzagnidze,N25071–02018E3219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.1
Ziaziulkina,N2363Muzychuk,M2540½–½2018B1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.2
Gunina,V2507Shvayger,Y24041–02018C0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.3
Sebag,M2492Ovod,E2366½–½2018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.4
Arabidze,M2393Goryachkina,A24950–12018E2519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.5
Mammadzada,G2392Khotenashvili,B24841–02018C7419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.6
Stefanova,A2479Nechaeva,M2413½–½2018A0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.7
Velikic,A2241Paehtz,E2468½–½2018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.8
Cornette,D2467Danielian,E24100–12018B0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.9
Kashlinskaya,A2450Savina,A2358½–½2018A4119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.10
Osmanodja,F2300Zawadzka,J24421–02018B0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.11
Socko,M2471Unuk,L23291–02018E1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.12
Cosma,E2340Girya,O24700–12018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.13
Charochkina,D2326Javakhishvili,L2467½–½2018E6019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.14
Gara,T2330Atalik,E2452½–½2018A2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.15
Hoang,T2437Buksa,N2357½–½2018D0419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.16
Theissl Pokorna,R2320Tsolakidou,S24300–12018B5119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.17
Zhukova,N2426Kulon,K23190–12018E9419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.18
Babiy,O2318Bulmaga,I24140–12018C9119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.19
Zimina,O2414Rapport,J2328½–½2018E6719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.20
Gaponenko,I2406Tomilova,E2326½–½2018C1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.21
Maltsevskaya,A2237Szczepkowska,K2403½–½2018C7819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.22
Brunello,M2307Hoolt,S23930–12018C0319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.23
Shuvalova,P2389Belenkaya,D23081–02018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.24
Ionescu,I2247Voit,D2388½–½2018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.25
Schleining,Z2382Fuchs,J2286½–½2018A4319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.26
Ilyuchyk,Y2098Badelka,O23750–12018B3219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.27
Gara,A2369Mamedjarova,T22741–02018B1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.28
Kovanova,B2368Sandu,M2240½–½2018B9519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.29
Osmak,I2361Ghukasyan,S21951–02018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.30
Melia,S2411Kusenkova,N21341–02018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.31
Batsiashvili,N2521Sedina,E22921–02018D1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.32
Worek,J2295Pogonina,N24740–12018C5319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.33
Cramling,P2472Yildiz Kadioglu,B2286½–½2018A0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.34
Injac,T2290Vega Gutierrez,S2425½–½2018A4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.35
Paramzina,A2271Milliet,S2391½–½2018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.36
Fataliyeva,U2361Prudnykova,O22811–02018B5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.37
Mammadova,G2360Kursova,M22780–12018B3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.38
Mamedjarova,Z2355Manakova,M22680–12018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.39
Novosadova,K2240Arakhamia-Grant,K23471–02018A5619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.40
Chernyak,V2196Klek,H23271–02018D3819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.41
Motycakova,M2207Warakomska,A23060–12018C9519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.42
Doluhanova,E2304Antolak,J22121–02018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.43
Nemcova,K1992Gvanceladze,A2302½–½2018B1819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.44
Eric,J2300Zherebtsova,A22021–02018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.45
Chan,N1909Ozturk,K22950–12018C5319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.46
Cibickova,Z2327Ptacnikova,L21981–02018B4119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.47
Mkrtchian,L2403Kubicka,A22151–02018A0519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.48
Sliwicka,A2329Mrvova,A21790–12018B5419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.49
Martynkova,O2280Petrenko,S21781–02018B4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.50
Sargsyan,A2276Batyte,D21651–02018E6219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.51
Kantane,A2266Makka,I20761–02018C0519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.52
Solozhenkina,E2236Caglar,S2077½–½2018A0519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.53
Stetsko,L2164Rodshtein,T2226½–½2018C7719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.54
Gevorgyan,M2226Froewis,A21131–02018C1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.55
Huda,M2161Semenova,E2221½–½2018A0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.56
Kaliadzich,M2078Mikadze,M22160–12018D1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.57
Dwilewicz,K1967Bodnaruk,A24600–12018B9419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.58
Michna,M2367Hereklioglu,S21231–02018B2319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.59
Leite Oralova,C2134Balajayeva,K23480–12018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.60
Arda,C2199Zpevakova,J21061–02018D3719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.61
Richterova,N2181Hapala,E2091½–½2018A0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.62
Okuyaz,D2122Vidic,T21761–02018B6719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.63
Berke,A2173Palma,M20601–02018B3819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.64
Sucikova,S2107Pavlidou,E21641–02018A1719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.65
Azimova,K2069Smirnova,E2153½–½2018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.66
Cosman,A2141Kejzar,P20710–12018A9619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.67
Trippold,D2067Ferkova,D20681–02018D3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.68
Nadzamova,V1766Ozbay,E22160–12018B4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.69
Milcova,Z2033Slaba,A19240–12018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.70
Koloditsova,R1978Trisha,K20311–02018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.71
Serakova,T1633Koubova,A1819½–½2018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20185.72
Ushenina,A2422Gunina,V2507½–½2018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.1
Muzychuk,M2540Ovod,E23661–02018C1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.2
Dzagnidze,N2507Mammadzada,G23921–02018A0419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.3
Goryachkina,A2495Ziaziulkina,N2363½–½2018D6719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.4
Danielian,E2410Osmanodja,F23001–02018E1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.5
Shvayger,Y2404Sebag,M2492½–½2018D1919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.6
Hoolt,S2393Stefanova,A24790–12018C4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.7
Shuvalova,P2389Socko,M2471½–½2018C4219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.8
Badelka,O2375Girya,O24701–02018E3519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.9
Paehtz,E2468Gara,A23691–02018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.10
Kulon,K2319Kashlinskaya,A24501–02018C0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.11
Tsolakidou,S2430Osmak,I23610–12018C1619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.12
Bulmaga,I2414Savina,A23581–02018C9519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.13
Nechaeva,M2413Velikic,A22411–02018D1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.14
Buksa,N2357Batsiashvili,N25210–12018C5319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.15
Khotenashvili,B2484Gara,T23301–02018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.16
Pogonina,N2474Charochkina,D23261–02018D4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.17
Unuk,L2329Cornette,D24671–02018A0519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.18
Javakhishvili,L2467Doluhanova,E23041–02018D3819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.19
Atalik,E2452Eric,J23001–02018E1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.20
Zawadzka,J2442Maltsevskaya,A22370–12018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.21
Tomilova,E2326Hoang,T2437½–½2018A4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.22
Warakomska,A2306Zimina,O24140–12018C6519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.23
Rapport,J2328Melia,S2411½–½2018D5519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.24
Ozturk,K2295Gaponenko,I2406½–½2018A4119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.25
Szczepkowska,K2403Novosadova,K22401–02018D8119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.26
Fuchs,J2286Arabidze,M2393½–½2018B4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.27
Voit,D2388Chernyak,V21961–02018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.28
Sandu,M2240Schleining,Z23820–12018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.29
Kursova,M2278Kovanova,B23680–12018E1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.30
Manakova,M2268Fataliyeva,U23610–12018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.31
Cramling,P2472Ionescu,I22471–02018A0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.32
Yildiz Kadioglu,B2286Zhukova,N24261–02018A4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.33
Vega Gutierrez,S2425Martynkova,O22801–02018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.34
Sargsyan,A2276Mkrtchian,L24030–12018A4619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.35
Milliet,S2391Kantane,A22661–02018C9219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.36
Mamedjarova,T2274Cosma,E2340½–½2018D4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.37
Paramzina,A2271Cibickova,Z23270–12018C5519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.38
Mikadze,M2216Theissl Pokorna,R23200–12018A4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.39
Ghukasyan,S2195Babiy,O23180–12018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.40
Belenkaya,D2308Nemcova,K19921–02018B0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.41
Mrvova,A2179Brunello,M23071–02018B2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.42
Gvanceladze,A2302Gevorgyan,M22261–02018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.43
Kusenkova,N2134Injac,T2290½–½2018E9419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.44
Ilyuchyk,Y2098Mammadova,G23600–12018C0119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.45
Bodnaruk,A2460Motycakova,M22071–02018C4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.46
Arda,C2199Michna,M23671–02018C0419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.47
Zherebtsova,A2202Mamedjarova,Z23550–12018D3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.48
Balajayeva,K2348Berke,A21731–02018B2219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.49
Ptacnikova,L2198Arakhamia-Grant,K23470–12018A2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.50
Klek,H2327Stetsko,L21640–12018C9919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.51
Caglar,S2077Worek,J2295½–½2018B2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.52
Sedina,E2292Huda,M21611–02018B5119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.53
Prudnykova,O2281Sucikova,S21070–12018B1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.54
Kejzar,P2071Solozhenkina,E22360–12018A2219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.55
Rodshtein,T2226Okuyaz,D21221–02018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.56
Semenova,E2221Trippold,D2067½–½2018C0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.57
Antolak,J2212Chan,N19091–02018B3219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.58
Froewis,A2113Sliwicka,A23290–12018B5919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.59
Ozbay,E2216Hapala,E20910–12018B4319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.60
Kubicka,A2215Kaliadzich,M20781–02018B1219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.61
Makka,I2076Richterova,N21810–12018C7719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.62
Petrenko,S2178Azimova,K2069½–½2018A5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.63
Batyte,D2165Dwilewicz,K19670–12018A1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.64
Slaba,A1924Smirnova,E21530–12018D1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.65
Vidic,T2176Hereklioglu,S21231–02018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.66
Pavlidou,E2164Zpevakova,J2106½–½2018D3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.67
Koloditsova,R1978Cosman,A21410–12018B2219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.68
Palma,M2060Leite Oralova,C21340–12018A1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.69
Ferkova,D2068Koubova,A18190–12018D2019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.70
Serakova,T1633Milcova,Z20330–12018A4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.71
Trisha,K2031Nadzamova,V17661–02018D3419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20186.72
Gunina,V2507Muzychuk,M25401–02018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.1
Danielian,E2410Dzagnidze,N2507½–½2018D2719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.2
Goryachkina,A2495Ushenina,A2422½–½2018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.3
Stefanova,A2479Badelka,O23751–02018E1419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.4
Ziaziulkina,N2363Paehtz,E2468½–½2018C4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.5
Osmak,I2361Bulmaga,I24140–12018E2719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.6
Kulon,K2319Nechaeva,M24131–02018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.7
Batsiashvili,N2521Mammadzada,G23920–12018D1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.8
Sebag,M2492Shuvalova,P2389½–½2018B3019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.9
Schleining,Z2382Khotenashvili,B24841–02018B0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.10
Kovanova,B2368Pogonina,N2474½–½2018C5319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.11
Socko,M2471Voit,D23880–12018E1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.12
Ovod,E2366Javakhishvili,L2467½–½2018B2219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.13
Fataliyeva,U2361Atalik,E24520–12018B1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.14
Zimina,O2414Unuk,L23290–12018A1419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.15
Maltsevskaya,A2237Shvayger,Y24040–12018C4219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.16
Osmanodja,F2300Szczepkowska,K2403½–½2018C6719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.17
Savina,A2358Cramling,P24720–12018E2119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.18
Girya,O2470Rapport,J2328½–½2018A4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.19
Kashlinskaya,A2450Tomilova,E23260–12018E1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.20
Hoang,T2437Belenkaya,D2308½–½2018D2719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.21
Cibickova,Z2327Tsolakidou,S24300–12018B9419th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.22
Theissl Pokorna,R2320Vega Gutierrez,S24250–12018B2219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.23
Melia,S2411Gvanceladze,A2302½–½2018C0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.24
Gaponenko,I2406Fuchs,J22861–02018B9019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.25
Mkrtchian,L2403Ozturk,K2295½–½2018A0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.26
Arabidze,M2393Yildiz Kadioglu,B22861–02018E2119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.27
Velikic,A2241Hoolt,S23931–02018B4019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.28
Babiy,O2318Milliet,S23911–02018B8519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.29
Gara,A2369Mrvova,A21791–02018B9019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.30
Cornette,D2467Injac,T22901–02018C0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.31
Novosadova,K2240Bodnaruk,A2460½–½2018E7119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.32
Ionescu,I2247Zawadzka,J2442½–½2018A4919th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.33
Mammadova,G2360Mamedjarova,T2274½–½2018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.34
Solozhenkina,E2236Buksa,N23571–02018B3119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.35
Mamedjarova,Z2355Kursova,M22780–12018D0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.36
Stetsko,L2164Balajayeva,K23480–12018C9219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.37
Arakhamia-Grant,K2347Manakova,M22681–02018C1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.38
Cosma,E2340Sandu,M22401–02018A0519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.39
Gara,T2330Rodshtein,T22261–02018B1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.40
Charochkina,D2326Antolak,J2212½–½2018B5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.41
Chernyak,V2196Warakomska,A23060–12018D4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.42
Doluhanova,E2304Arda,C21990–12018C0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.43
Eric,J2300Kusenkova,N2134½–½2018C4519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.44
Sucikova,S2107Sedina,E22921–02018D0219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.45
Zhukova,N2426Mikadze,M22162018D1119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.46
Sliwicka,A2329Kubicka,A22151–02018B3319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.47
Brunello,M2307Ghukasyan,S2195½–½2018C9719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.48
Worek,J2295Richterova,N2181½–½2018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.49
Martynkova,O2280Caglar,S20771–02018C4119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.50
Smirnova,E2153Sargsyan,A2276½–½2018D1019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.51
Trippold,D2067Paramzina,A22710–12018A0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.52
Kantane,A2266Ilyuchyk,Y20981–02018B6019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.53
Hapala,E2091Gevorgyan,M22260–12018B0319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.54
Dwilewicz,K1967Semenova,E22210–12018C5019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.55
Nemcova,K1992Michna,M23671–02018B0719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.56
Berke,A2173Klek,H2327½–½2018C7719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.57
Huda,M2161Prudnykova,O22810–12018A0519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.58
Motycakova,M2207Kejzar,P20711–02018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.59
Cosman,A2141Zherebtsova,A2202½–½2018D2719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.60
Leite Oralova,C2134Ptacnikova,L21980–1201819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.61
Okuyaz,D2122Petrenko,S2178½–½2018B0619th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.62
Azimova,K2069Vidic,T21760–12018C4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.63
Chan,N1909Batyte,D21650–12018C0019th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.64
Makka,I2076Ozbay,E22160–12018B4719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.65
Milcova,Z2033Pavlidou,E2164½–½2018B2219th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.66
Koubova,A1819Froewis,A21131–02018A6119th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.67
Zpevakova,J2106Trisha,K20311–02018D5819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.68
Kaliadzich,M2078Slaba,A1924½–½2018A4819th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.69
Hereklioglu,S2123Palma,M20600–12018C1319th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.70
Nadzamova,V1766Koloditsova,R19781–02018C7719th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.71
Ferkova,D2068Serakova,T16331–02018D1519th ch-EUR Indiv w 20187.72

Translation from German and additional reporting: Macauley Peterson


Marco Baldauf, born 1990, has been playing since he was eight. In 2000 and 2002 he became German Junior Champion, in 2014 he became International Master. He plays for SF Berlin in the Bundesliga.


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