Bishop block

by Karsten Müller
3/5/2019 – Two connected passed pawns are strong but a good bishop is often stronger.

Chess Endgames 1 to 14 Chess Endgames 1 to 14

All endgame DVDs by Karsten Müller in one package! More than 70 hours of instruction! from "Basic knowledge for beginners" (volume 1) to "Practical Rook Endgames" (volume 8) to the ever-popular "Golden Guidelines of Endgame Play" (volume 14).


Bishop vs pawns

Can you navigate this ending as Black and come out on top?


Karsten Mueller in ChessBase Magazine

Do you like these lessons? There are plenty more by internationally renowned endgame expert Dr Karsten Müller in ChessBase Magazine, where you will also find openings articles and surveys, tactics, and of course annotations by the world's top grandmasters.

Apart from his regular columns and video lectures in ChessBase Magazine there is a whole series of training DVDs by Karsten Mueller, which are bestsellers in the ChessBase Shop.

Karsten Mueller

Karsten Mueller regularly presents endgame lessons in the ChessBase Video Portal

ChessBase Magazine 188

Tata Steel 2019 with analyses by Anish Giri, Vishy Anand, Vidit, Peter Svidler etc. Yannick Pelletier, Erwin l'Ami and Mihail Marin present selected games in video format. Plus 11 opening articles with new repertoire ideas, e.g. Dutch with 2.Bg5!?

Highlights of this issue

  • CBM 184Tata Steel — Analysis by Giri, Anand, Vidit, Svidler, Nielsen, Adhiban, Hübner and more
  • "One of the best games from 2018" — Go king hunting with Simon Williams — Move by Move!
  • Black has all the fun — Rainer Knaak presents the forcing piece sacrifice 5…Bc5 in the Ponziani Opening
  • Counter the King's Gambit immediately — Daniel King’s video instruction shows you what to do with Black after 2...exf4 3.Nf3 d5!?
  • Aggressive against the Dutch — Romain Edouard recommends the immediate provocation 2.Bg5!
    ...and much more!


Karsten Müller is considered to be one of the greatest endgame experts in the world. His books on the endgame - among them "Fundamentals of Chess Endings", co-authored with Frank Lamprecht, that helped to improve Magnus Carlsen's endgame knowledge - and his endgame columns for the ChessCafe website and the ChessBase Magazine helped to establish and to confirm this reputation. Karsten's Fritztrainer DVDs on the endgame are bestsellers. The mathematician with a PhD lives in Hamburg, and for more than 25 years he has been scoring points for the Hamburger Schachklub (HSK) in the Bundesliga.


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