Countdown to Guinness World Records’ attempt begins

by ChessBase
6/23/2024 – In celebration of International Chess Day and the FIDE’s 100th anniversary, FIDE invites all chess players in the world to participate in an attempt to set a new Guinness World Record on July 20. All chess players are invited to support the attempt by participating in OTB tournaments or playing online, thus demonstrating the unity and passion of the chess community.

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Making history

Press release by FIDE

The countdown has started! With one month to go, we are excited to execute our attempt to set a new Guinness World Record on July 20 in celebration of International Chess Day and the FIDE’s 100th anniversary. This ambitious event will unite chess lovers from around the globe, inviting organizers and players to participate in this historic moment.

“We are thrilled to bring the chess community together for this extraordinary event. Our aim is to set a new standard and celebrate the game we all love. Your participation is crucial, and we look forward to seeing you on July 20,” says Laurent Freyd, Chief Arbiter of the Project.

For organizers:

We are calling on organizers worldwide to join us by hosting over-the-board (OTB) tournaments on July 20, 2024. Your participation will not only contribute to breaking a world record but also celebrate the rich tradition of chess. Some prestigious tournaments have already joined our initiative, including a renowned high-level Biel Chess Festival in Switzerland, Liaocheng Festival in China, which aims to bring together 2000-3000 OTB players and 5000 online participants, Turnier auf der Schallaburg in Austria, in a beautiful Schallaburg Castle, and others.

By showcasing your tournament on the global stage, you will attract more players and gain widespread recognition.

Registration of the tournaments joining the attempt is done before July 15, 2024: Please note that the event shall be registered by the FIDE Arbiter, who will later perform the reporting procedure to record the attempt.

For players:

We invite all chess players to support our record attempt by participating in OTB tournaments or playing online on, Lichess, or FIDE Online Arena. Your participation will help us achieve this remarkable goal and demonstrate the unity and passion of the chess community.

You can find the list of registered tournaments here, so pick, play, and participate in history!

For chess fans:

We will have a live broadcast of the attempt on FIDE’s YouTube channel, featuring players, influencers, officials, and organizers from around the world. This will be a fantastic opportunity to witness the global chess community coming together. The broadcast will include live coverage of the participating events held worldwide to celebrate World Chess Day and our GWR attempt.

Join us in this historic endeavour and be a part of chess history!

For more information and to register your tournament, please visit FIDE Guinness World Records Attempt.

Let’s make history together on July 20, 2024!

Guinness World Records

About the Guinness World Records

Guinness World Records, originally known as the Guinness Book of Records, has emerged as the definitive authority on record-breaking achievements, stemming from the idea of resolving disputes in pubs with a book of facts. Today, it stands as a global brand, with offices spanning London, New York, Beijing, Tokyo, and Dubai, alongside a network of brand ambassadors worldwide. Its mission extends beyond the pages of its iconic book, now encompassing TV shows, social media, and live events, all aimed at documenting the extraordinary.

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