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In the following diagrams you are able to move the pieces, retract moves and try alternate lines. At the bottom of the page you find the solutions, presented on our ChessBase replay board, where you can analyse with engine support (mainly to understand why alternatives do not work). Note that there are twice as many puzzles in CHESS Magazine — 24 as opposed to our selection of 12.
The last four positions are fairly difficult to solve, so we give you an opportunity to work things out with engine support. On our JavaScript board you can move pieces around, and start an engine by clicking the fan button. You can maximize the replayer, auto-play, flip the board, etc. Hovering the mouse over any button will show you its function. The little tab to the bottom right of the board tells you which side to move.
The above article was reproduced from Chess Magazine March/2018, with kind permission.
CHESS Magazine was established in 1935 by B.H. Wood who ran it for over fifty years. It is published each month by the London Chess Centre and is edited by IM Richard Palliser and Matt Read. The Executive Editor is Malcolm Pein, who organises the London Chess Classic.
CHESS is mailed to subscribers in over 50 countries. You can subscribe from Europe and Asia at a specially discounted rate for first timers, or subscribe from North America.
UK’s most popular CHESS Magazine — established 1935! All the regular features of the UK’s best-selling CHESS magazine plus more! In this issue:
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ChessBase Magazine 182
ChessBase PC-DVD
RRP £17.95 SUBSCRIBERS £16.15
The latest edition of CBM is for ‘February/March 2018, but the main emphasis in terms of reporting and annotated games is on the London Chess Classic and the Palma de Mallorca Grand Prix. Nepomniachtchi, Radjabov and So contribute, March 2018 while Daniel King, Lawrence Trent and Simon Williams make important video contributions. Finally, Michal Krasenkow has chipped in with the latest on his favourite 6 h3 line against the King’s Indian.
Order online from
The London Chess Centre or Chess4Less (USA)
My Black Secrets in the Modern Italian
Wesley So
PC-DVD; running time: 3 hours
RRP £30.95 SUBSCRIBERS £27.85
Over the years ChessBase have tempted Garry Kasparov, Vladimir Kramnik and Vishy Anand to record DVDs for them, and now the leading American GM joins such hallowed company. So does not, however, cover his best games, but rather explains how he likes to meet 1 e4 e5 2 Nf3 Nc6 3 Bc4 Bc5 as Black. In total there are 9 video clips, with So in each one essentially discussing the various lines with co-presenter, IM Oliver Reeh. At times the coverage is quite theoretical, but there are also a great number of useful general points, as Reeh encourages So to explain when Black should prefer, say, ...a5 rather than ...a6 to prepare a retreat square for his bishop, or when ...Ng4 and ...f5 might be appropriate
Order online from
The London Chess Centre or Chess4Less (USA)
You can also find these products in the ChessBase Shop
You probably know that you can move pieces on the replay boards to analyse, and even start an engine to help you. You can maximize the replayer, auto-play, flip the board and even change the piece style in the bar below the board. At the bottom of the notation window on the right there are buttons for editing (delete, promote, cut lines, unannotate, undo, redo) save, play out the position against Fritz and even embed our JavaScript replayer on your web site or blog!
Hovering the mouse over any button will show you its function