Navigating the Ruy Lopez Vol.1-3
The Ruy Lopez is one of the oldest openings which continues to enjoy high popularity from club level to the absolute world top. In this video series, American super GM Fabiano Caruana, talking to IM Oliver Reeh, presents a complete repertoire for White.
In June the ChessBase video page saw an important innovation, and since then the motto has been: regardless of your operating system - your Fritztrainer is on! You have all options: Install the video course on your Windows computer or on Mac OS - or use the new stream function via the ChessBase video page!
Step by step all new Fritztrainer releases and all Fritztrainers of the past three years are made available. Since this week, Fabiano Caruana's popular trilogy "Navigating the Ruy Lopez" is part of the ChessBase video page!
Fabiano Caruana: Navigating the Ruy Lopez Vol. 1 to 3
Get a top class Ruy Lopez repertoire! In his three Fritztrainers, Fabiano Caruana examines all of Black's responses to 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5. Caruana combines concrete variations with a general approach. How do you keep an overview in the many lines of the closed variations? What is the best way to neutralise the double-edged Jaenisch Gambit? Which transitions into the endgame are particularly unpleasant for Black in the Open Variation? And much more.
Oliver Reeh listens and asks questions, Fabiano Caruana explains the repertoire.
Order "Navigating the Ruy Lopez" in the ChessBase Shop!
After ordering in the ChessBase Shop, log into the video portal with your ChessBase account. Under "My Videos" you will now find Caruana's Fritztrainer and you can start streaming - with PC, tablet, iPad or smartphone!
Since June the ChessBase video page has grown continuously. At the moment, more than 50 Fritztrainers are available, and every week this number grows! Here's the current list of all streamable Fritztrainers.
In the video portal, you can check which of the Fritztrainers you have bought at the ChessBase Shop are already available. On the video page, click "My videos". Take a look and try the stream!
Get download and stream in addition to your DVD!
If you bought a Fritztrainer on DVD in recent years, you can download this DVD via the ChessBase Shop. This is particulalrly helpful when you bought a new PC or a new laptop without DVD drive. If the course is available on the video page, the stream is automatically added to your ChessBase account, and can be started as described above.
All you need is the serial number from your DVD box and a ChessBase account. And this is how it works:
1. Log into the ChessBase Shop with your ChessBase account. (If you don't have a ChessBase account yet, please register in the ChessBase Shop: Create ChessBase Account and then log into the shop).
2. Click on "My Downloads"
3. Click on the small "+" button in the upper right corner:
4. Enter the serial number from your Fritztrainer DVD box:
5. Press "Add"
The Fritztrainer has been successfully transferred! Now click on the button "Refresh" and the new product will appear in the list of your products in your shop account. You can now start the video course by clicking the "Play" button to the right of your Fritztrainer:
The button for streaming starts the video course
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