11/27/2019 – Tata Steel Chess India, the penultimate event of the Grand Chess Tour 2019, came to an end with Magnus Carlsen showing his best ever GCT performance, scoring 27 points out of a total 36. He will be joined by Ding Liren, Levon Aronian and Maxime Vachier-Lagrave in the tour's final event the London Chess Classic starting next week. IM SAGAR SHAH brings you the detailed report of the action on the final day from Kolkata.
Fritz has fascinated the chess world for 30 years. And the success story continues. In Vienna, the most popular chess program ever was once again able to underline its premier position: the newly developed neural engine with NNUE technology won the official Chess Software World Championship!
Scarcely any world champion has managed to captivate chess lovers to the extent Carlsen has. The enormously talented Norwegian hasn't been systematically trained within the structures of a major chess-playing nation such as Russia, the Ukraine or China.
In 23 video lessons you will learn everything you need to know about the King's Gambit, the Vienna Game, the Italian, the Evans Gambit, the two-knight game, the Scottish, the Steinitz and Berlin defences, the Open Spanish or the exchange variation, Marsha
'Magnus Opus'
The world champion dominated right from the start, reclaimed his world no. 1 position in rapid ratings and has moved to number two in blitz. Levon Aronian finished last at the event, but it was good enough to qualify for the GCT finals in London starting December 2nd. Bitter heartbreak awaited Vishy Anand and his fans where Vishy was close to qualifying for the finals, but a score of just one point out of the last five rounds, pushed him out of the top four. MVL gets the fourth spot.
Another impressive trophy for the world champion's collection | Photo: Amruta Mokal
This is how things stood heading into the final day of the Tata Steel Chess India and nine rounds of blitz chess:
Standings after Day 4 of Kolkata GCT with nine rounds of Blitz left to be played
Carlsen, with a lead of five points looked untouchable. As Wesley So's chances of winning the tournament were close to nil, Aronian had already confirmed his spot for the Grand Chess Tour finals in London! Ding had also booked his spot to London. The most exciting part of the day was whether Anand could make it to the finals or not. Vishy needed to finish in sixth or higher in order to become the fourth qualifier. If he finished lower than sixth, then MVL would go through.
In the first game of the day, Magnus offered a draw after just five moves which Vidit accepted | Photo: Amruta Mokal
The game between Magnus and Vidit went 1.e4 e5 2.♘f3 ♞c6 3.♗c4 ♝c5 4.d4 exd4 5.♘g5!? As he moved his knight to g5, Magnus offered a draw. Vidit was confused, smiled, and accepted the draw. Later it was revealed that the World Champion was suffering from stomach issues and hence could not continue the game.
The game began at 13:00 hours and it was over by 13:01:31 | Photo: Amruta Mokal
In this DVD, Parimarjan Negi looks at the latest revolution in Scotch theory that has completely changed white’s plans, and once again brought back the interest of the world’s elite.
The shortest game of Carlsen's chess career?
In the next round, it was Anish who was pitted against Magnus | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Trying to better what Carlsen did against Vidit, Anish offered a draw to Magnus after just four moves in the game! Well, Magnus was perhaps already feeling better and he declined the draw offer. The game eventually ended in a draw all the same.
Anish knows how to lighten up the mood! | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Carlsen, as could be seen, was not at all feeling well | Photo: Amruta Mokal
He would finish his game and lie down on a sofa in the balcony! In spite of this he scored three wins in the day against Harikrishna, Vishy Anand and Levon Aronian.
In the Dutch Stonewall Black from the very first move fights for the initiative. Let Erwin l'Ami take you on a fascinating journey to the depth and attractions of this unique opening. At the end you will be rewarded with a new repertoire against 1.d4!
Ding did not have the best event, yet managed to beat Carlsen twice in blitz! | Photo: Amruta Mokal
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1.d4e62.c4f53.g3Nf64.Bg2d55.Nf3Bd66.Bf4!?Bxf47.gxf40-08.Nc3c69.e3b610.Ne5Bb711.Rc1Nbd712.Qa4Nxe513.fxe5Ne414.cxd5cxd515.Ne2Rc8?!15...Qh416.0-0Nd217.Rfd1Ne4=16.Rxc8Qxc817.f3Bc618.Qb4Ng519.Kd2!Ding Liren's king moves have definitely made
Magnus' life difficult!Qd720.Rc1Rc821.Nf4Nf722.Bf1Nd823.Ba6Bb724.Bb5Bc625.Ba6Bb726.Rxc8Bxc827.Bxc8Qxc828.Qe7!The queen has
infiltrated. With an active queen, knight and king, White is completely
winning.h629.Qe8+Kh730.Ng6Qc431.Nf8+Kg832.Nxe6+Kh733.Nf8+Kg834.Ng6+Kh735.Ne7!All that Magnus can now give are a few spite checks.
the White king escapes and Black is checkmated.Qb4+36.Ke2Qxb2+37.Kf1Qc1+38.Kg2Qd2+39.Kh3A flawless game by Ding Liren.1–0
Ding Liren's mother trying to capture as many memories as she could from the event! | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Vishy Anand's narrow miss
For Anand the start to day two of blitz wasn't the best. He lost his game to Ian Nepomniachtchi, and then drew the next one against Aronian. But very quickly he found his stride when he scored two wins in as many games against Harikrishna and So. Against Harikrishna, Anand dominated the game right from the word go and gave his opponent no real chances.
On this DVD Grandmaster Daniel King offers you a repertoire for Black against the Catalan, based around maintaining the rock of a pawn on d5. Keeping central control ultimately gives Black good chances to launch an attack against the enemy king.
Anand vs Harikrishna | Photo: Amruta Mokal
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1.d4d52.c4e63.Nf3Nf64.g3Bb4+5.Nbd2dxc46.Bg20-07.0-0b58.a4c69.Ne5?!This is a slightly dubious way to play.9.Ne1Nd510.e4Nb69...Nd510.Ne4f611.Nf3a512.b3?!cxb313.Qxb3Ba6Black is now a
pawn up and White's compensation doesn't look sufficient.14.Qc2bxa415.Rxa4Nd716.Ra116.Qxc6Qe7-+16...Rc817.Nc5Nxc518.dxc5e519.Ba3Bb520.Rfd1Qe721.Nh4Nc322.Rd6Nxe2+23.Kh1Nd424.Qe4Rcd825.Bxb4axb426.Qg4f527.Qh5Rxd628.cxd6Qxd629.Ra7b330.Bh3b231.Qd1Qb432.Qb1Bd333.Qa2+Qb3A very good game by Anand. After a loss to Nepo in
round 10 and a draw with Levon Aronian in the 11th. This was a good way to
come back.0–1
This DVD offers Black a complete repertoire against all weapons White may employ on move six. The recommended repertoire is not as risky as other Sicilians but still offers Black plenty of counter-play.
Wesley lost all three games against Anand in the tournament | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Wesley So played the entire event well and has been in great form recently. But against Anand, he slumped to a 0-3 score by losing in the rapid as well as both blitz games!
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1.e4c52.Nf3d63.Bb5+Nd74.d4cxd45.Qxd4a66.Bxd7+Bxd77.Nc3e67...e5is the main move, with Najdorf like play.8.Bg5Nf69.0-0-0h610.Bh4e511.Qd3g512.Bg3Rc813.Kb1Be714.h4g415.Nd2Be616.h5Qa517.Nb3Qb418.Bh4Nd719.Qe319.f419...Qb620.Qe2Rxc3!Anand
doesn't miss an opportunity like this. He saw that the knight on c3 is ripe to
be taken and he does that immediately.21.bxc3a522.Ka1a423.Nd2Qc524.Qd324.Qe3!?24...Bxh425.Rxh4Qxf226.Rhh10-0!?27.Qxd6Rc828.Rhf1Qxg229.Qd3Qh3!The queens are exchange and even though Black is an
exchange down, his position is quite preferable.30.Qxh3gxh331.Rf3Kf832.Rh1Ke733.Re3Rg834.Nf3Rg335.Rhe1Nf636.Nxe5Rxe337.Rxe3Ng438.Rxh338.Nxg4Bxg4Surprisingly the h-pawn cannot be stopped.39.Re1Bf3-+38...Nxe5The rest is just a matter of technique.39.Rg3Kf640.Kb2Nc4+41.Kc1Nd642.Kb2Nxe443.Rg8b544.Ka3Bc445.Kb4Nd646.Rg4Nf547.Rg8Ne348.Kc5Nd549.Rg3Nf450.Rf3Kg551.Rg3+Kxh552.a3f553.Kd6Ne254.Rg2f455.Ke5f356.Rh2+Kg457.Ke4Ng3+58.Kd4h50–1
Things were looking bright for Vishy and a couple of more wins would have cemented his qualification to the GCT finals. However, he simply overlooked one move against Vidit.
FM Claus Dieter Meyer has put under the microscope a comprehensive fund of topical and timeless games / fragments. On video Hamburg GM Dr. Karsten Müller has outlined corner points of Meyer's work and created 14 tests plus 10 interactive test sets.
Anand - Vidit, Round 14
Position after 20.Nd2
White's last move is a blunder. Can you see why?
Vishy Anand has just blundered with Nd2. @viditchess knows that he has a winning move and plays it- Qc5! Anand is annoyed with himself. Due to this loss Vishy's chances of qualifying for the Grand Chess Tour finals reduced in a big way!#chess#chessbaseindia@GrandChessTourpic.twitter.com/BkQzJ6mlrf
A bad mistake by Vishy which seriously put his qualification in jeopardy.20.Be3Black is comfortable, no doubt about it, but White also has nothing much
to worry about. The position should be around even.20...Qc5!Vidit is
alert and takes his opportunity. Now the pawn on f2 is hanging and also the
knight on d2 can taken follows by the bishop on c4. Vishy has no good way to
save himself against this.21.Nf321.Rf1Rxd222.Bxd2Qxc4-+21...Qxc422.Nxe5Qc523.Nxd7Nxd7Black has two pieces for the rook and Vidit went
on to register his first win against Vishy Anand.24.Be3Qc625.Rad1Bxe326.Rxe3Re827.Qb3Nb628.Qb5Qxb529.axb5a430.Re2f531.e5g532.Kf3Kf733.Kg2Ke734.Red2Rg835.Ra1Nc536.Rad1Ke637.Re2Ra838.h4g439.h5Ne440.f3gxf3+41.Kxf3Rg842.Rg2Nc443.Rd4Nxe5+44.Ke3Nc50–1
For Vidit, beating Anand for the first time in his chess career was a big achievement | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Even this loss didn't dampen Vishy's spirits. He came out fighting hard in the next game against Giri. Very soon he built up a winning position! This is when Anand began to lose his rhythm. He began consuming a lot of time for his moves and in the final position he was winning, but for just one problem — he had run out of time!
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1.c4e52.g3Nf63.Bg2Bc54.d3c65.Nf3d66.Nc30-07.0-0a58.b3Re89.e3Bf510.h3h611.Bb2Bb612.Kh2Nbd713.Qd2Nc514.e4Bd715.Ng1a416.b4a317.Bc1Ne6Black already has a very comfortable position.18.Nge2Nd419.Rb1Nxe220.Nxe2d521.cxd5cxd522.exd5e423.Nc3e324.fxe3Bxe325.Qd1Bd426.Ne2?!26.Bd2=26...Ba4!Anish seems to have missed
this move. Now the two bishops almost trap his queen.27.Qd2Be328.Qe128.Qc3Bxc129.Nxc1Nxd5-+28...Bc229.Ra1Bd429...Bxd3-+was also
completely winning.30.Nxd4Rxe131.Rxe1Bxd3Black is very close to
winning and Vishy should manage to get the full point home here. But he began
to consume too much of time for his moves.32.Re3Bg633.Re5Qb634.Nb3Rc835.Be3Qxb436.Bd2Qd637.Bf4Kh737...Rc2-+38.Re8Qd739.Rxc8Qxc840.Rc1Qd841.Be5Nd742.Bd4Bd343.Rc3Bb144.Nd2Bxa2And as Anand
picked up this pawn, his flag fell and he had lost the game. Even in this
final position, he was much better!1–0
The blitz rematch between Magnus Carlsen and Vishy Anand
Hikaru Nakamura suffered only one loss at the entire event | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Nakamura lost to Carlsen in the rapid and was unbeaten in the entire 18 rounds of blitz scoring 12.0/18. An excellent result for the American.
One of Hikaru's cleanest wins from the event was against Harikrishna
Although this performance was not good enough to fight for the first place and Hikaru had to settle for the second, it was good enough to retain the number one spot in the global blitz ratings.
Magnus Carlsen was able to beat two opponents in all the encounters (one rapid and two blitz). They were Anand and Aronian. Nakamura managed to score three wins against Harikrishna. Nepomniachtchi beat Anand in all three games, and Anand was likewise ruthless against So.
A quick video of players' room and the food arrangements for them!
Before every round, the enthusiastic spectators gathered near the stage to take pictures of their favorite players! | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Can you guess the players by their footwear? | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Wesley So played consistent chess to finish third with 18½/36 | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Playing strong chess on the last day of blitz helped Anish to finish joint third with 18½/36 | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Closing Ceremony
Carlsen received the glittering custom 6 kilogram champion's trophy made of Bronze from Chanakya Chaudhary, VP Corporate Services, Tata Steel Ltd, and a check for USD $37,500.
A proud father | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Watch the entire closing ceremony
The four qualifiers for the Grand Chess Tour finals to be held in London - Carlsen, Ding, Aronian and MVL | Photo: Amruta Mokal
The Grand Chess Tour finals will begin on December 2nd in London. The total prize fund for that event alone is a whopping USD $350,000. Watch ChessBase News for more info presently.
The final standings for Tata Steel Chess India 2019
Graham Jurgensen, the Technical Director for Grand Chess Tour worked very hard to ensure that the quality of the organization was up to par | Photo: Amruta Mokal
The main organizers of the event were Gameplan: (L to R standing) Jeet Banerjee, Surendra Sinha, Viraj Kejriwal, Guru Ramabadhram, Supriyo Ghosh (sitting) Sukanya Das, Roshni Adhikari, Supratim Majumdar, Pratiti Ganatra | Photo: Amruta Mokal
The Saint Louis Chess Club / Spectrum Studios team from the USA: Tony Rich, Marcus Batton and Kevin Duggin | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Three major forces who came together for this tournament to take place in Kolkata - Tata Steel, National Library and Gameplan | Photo: Amruta Mokal
It was a huge honour for the Indian fans that such a big event came at their country! | Photo: Amruta Mokal
Fans cannot wait for it to be back next year!
I'll leave you with this very special video that I recorded after the event ended with Vishy Anand. The legend will turn 50 years old on December 11th, 2019.
Vishy Anand on the nine best games of his chess career
Sagar ShahSagar is an International Master from India with two GM norms. He loves to cover chess tournaments, as that helps him understand and improve at the game he loves so much. He is the co-founder and CEO of ChessBase India, the biggest chess news portal in the country. His YouTube channel has over a million subscribers, and to date close to a billion views. ChessBase India is the sole distributor of ChessBase products in India and seven adjoining countries, where the software is available at a 60% discount. compared to International prices.
If you're looking to expand your opening knowledge with a modern, cutting-edge approach, the Ragozin Carlsbad is a must-have addition to your repertoire.
Videos by Leon Mendonca: French and Nico Zwirs: King's Indian. “Lucky bag” with 50 analyses by Ganguly, Giri, Praggnanandhaa and many more + two video analyses by Josefine Heinemann (in German)
The Reti Opening Powerbook 2025 has a tree structure based on a mixture of over 295,000 computer chess games, played in the engine room of playchess.com and the best games played by humans (137,000).
Reti Opening Powerbase 2025 is a database and contains 10989 high-class games from the Mega 2025 or the Correspondence Database 2024, 1069 of which are annotated.
After 1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 Nc6!?, Black takes the initiative, luring White into overextending their central pawns, only to dismantle them with precise counterplay. The Tango is not just an opening – it’s a weapon, designed for players who want to win as Black
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