Videos: Jan Werle takes a close look at Carlsen's 4.c4 in the Caro-Kann Advance Variation. Robert Ris shows a powerful attacking idea against the Taimanov Variation. "Lucky bag" with analyses by Edouard, Krasenkow, Kapnisis, Shah and Srinath.
A look with the Reference Search of ChessBase 16 into the Mega Database 2021 reveals that Carlsen's continuation 4.c4 in the Caro-Kann Advance Variation - so far - can be found far below in the popularity ranking:
In his half-hour video analysis, Jan Werle focuses on the game Carlsen-Fedoseev and repeatedly refers to the recommendations of Erwin l’Ami. In many - but not all – details he agrees with the assessments of his friend and countryman. In the game, after 4…e6 5.Nc3 Bb4 Carlsen chose another unusual continuation by going for 6.cxd5 (6.Qb3 and 6.a3 have been played most often so far).
Jan Werle examines the consequences of both, 6…Qxd5 (as played by Fedoseev) and the perhaps more obvious move 6…cxd5. In his analysis, Werle comes to the conclusion that White, although Black’s position makes a healthy and stable impression, still has astonishing attack potential in both cases. Carlsen's fantastic win against Fedoseev, which Werle shows in his video up to the final move, is of course a prime example of how to exploit this potential in a practical game.
And especially in the line after 6…cxd5 7.h4 h6 8.g4 Bh7 9.h5 Nc6, the GM from the Netherlands comes up with some completely new attacking ideas for White!
Full video playing time in CBM Extra 203: 31:09 min
In the second opening video of CBM Extra #203, Robert Ris presents a topical attacking idea against the Sicilian Taimanov Variation: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 exd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7 6.Be3 a6 and now 7.g4!?. Video playing time: 38:15 min.
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