Batumi Olympiad Round 5: Chinese men stunned, USA women are sole leaders

by Sagar Shah
9/30/2018 – We have a sole leader in the women's section of the Batumi Olympiad 2018. Team USA has won all of their five matches and are now on 10.0/10 match points. They are being followed by six teams with a score of 9.0/10. In the open section, Czech Republic were able to create the upset of the round by beating the super strong Chinese team. Poland beat France and USA was unable to get past Israel. Everything related to this exciting round has been covered in this report which is filled with photos, videos, game analysis and much more. | Pictured: Jiri Stocek | Photo: Amruta Mokal

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Let's have a quick look at the results on the top board matches for fifth round in the open section: 

Important results of round 5 (open):

Team Team Pts. MP Res. : Res. MP Pts. Team Team
ARM Armenia 11½ 8 : 8 13½ Azerbaijan AZE
FRA France 14 8 1 : 3 8 13 Poland POL
CHN China 13 8 1 : 3 8 12 Czech Republic CZE
USA United States of America 12 8 2 : 2 8 14 Israel ISR
UKR Ukraine 11 8 : 7 13 Spain ESP
GER Germany 12 7 : 7 10½ Moldova MDA
LTU Lithuania 10½ 7 ½ : 6 13 Netherlands NED
IND India 12 6 : ½ 6 11 Paraguay PAR
SWE Sweden 11 6 : 6 12½ Turkey TUR
CHI Chile 10 6 2 : 2 6 11½ Vietnam VIE

Complete list

Azerbaijan wins the grudge match against Armenia

It was the most critical match of the entire round. When the games were about to begin both the teams looked extremely motivated and focused. Azerbaijan players have their own way of standing together away from their board. Often they are not even talking to each other but just standing together as if showing some sort of solidarity and support. On the other hand, Armenia has a nice mix of young and experienced players who sit at the board without talking much to each other. They are all on their boards, but one look and you just feel instantly that they are all a team. These two teams have the best team spirit and it was extremely interesting to see them in action, especially as the two countries share such a rivalry with each other that goes beyond the chess board!

Armenia versus Azerbaijan has begun. Aronian against Mamedyarov was the game to look forward to.

Initial moments of the match between Armenia and Azerbaijan

Black played his bishop to d6

Instead of Be7-d6 Black could have also played axb3 axb3 and Bb7, to which GM Ganguly writes, "Once again possible and could easily be the best in computer or correspondence chess, but clearly Mamedyarov didn't want a position like this where White has zero risk. True to his style he opted for the most aggressive way and got into a position which might be worse but gives White much more difficult options to choose."

Bb7-e4 was the star move of the game by Mamedyarov

The idea is to force the rook to d2 and then sacrifice the bishop on g2. When that happens, the white king which will start running from the kingside towards the centre and the queenside will not have the d2 square to hide.

The move Rg1 is what Aronian would have most probably missed.

Have a look at this amazing game by Shakhriyar Mamedyarov analyzed by GM Surya Sekhar Ganguly:

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1.e4 Levon recently started playing 1.e4 thus it was not surprising to see it coming from him in one of the most crucial game in the Olympiad. e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.0-0 Nxe4 6.d4 Be7!? This is an interesting alternative than the main line b5. Piket was playing this a lot and recently it was played by Radjabov few times. We can be assured about the source/ inspiration Mamedyarov got to enter this line. 6...b5 is far more common 7.Bb3 d5 8.dxe5 would be the normal move order for open spanish. Be6 7.Re1 b5 8.Rxe4 The most principled approach. 8.Bb3 would transpose to the main open Spanish but white gives some concession by committing Re1 thus black manages to bypass a number of critical system. d5 9.dxe5 Be6 8...d5 9.Nxe5 Nxe5 10.Rxe5 bxa4 The main tabiya of this line. Radjabov had this position twice as black and in both games b3 was played 11.Qe1 f6 12.Re3N 12.Re2 was seen in: 1/2-1/2 (22) Van Kampen,R (2637)-L'Ami,E (2630) Netherlands 2014 12...c5 played instantly 13.Qd1 0-0 Only here Mamedyarov started to consume more time 14.Nc3 Rb8 14...a3!? 15.b3 cxd4 16.Qxd4 Bb7 is doable but Mamedyarov was not really in a mood to play like this after all. 15.b3 cxd4 For his last two moves Mamedyarov thought 40 min. It was a very crucial moment as his next moves would change the nature of the position drastically. 16.Qxd4 Bd6!? changing the course of the game dynamically. 16...axb3 17.axb3 Bb7 Once again possible and could easily be the best in computer or correspondence chess but clearly Mamedyarov didn't want a position like this where white has zero risk. True to his style he opted for the most aggressive way and got into a position which might be worse but gives white much more difficult options to choose. 17.Qxd5+ Or else Bd6 is totally justified Kh8 18.Rd3 Most natural once again Qe8 19.Bb2 As of now white is a pawn up and the compensation for black is not that obvious Be5! The most practical approach. By sacrificing the second pawn black makes sure that the knight goes out of play. It is of course also based on heavy calculation and had a tremendous practical value. 20.Nxa4 Rb5 According to computer white is outright winning. During the game such things make very little impact. Right now, white has two obvious moves Qf3 and Qc4 and the important thing is to make the correct decision. 21.Qf3?! Still fine according to computer world but I am certain that had Levon spotted Mamedyarov's upcoming piece sacrifice then he would not have opted for this. 21.Qc4 This actually made lot more sense as here the tempo would come from e6 and from that diagonal black bishop doesn't look so threatening as compared with b7. Be6 22.Qh4 Bc7 23.g3± with the bishop on e6 white gets ample time to consolidate himself 21...Bb7 22.Qe3 Be4‼ With a very deep idea in mind. 22...Bxg2? This is however premature. 23.Kxg2 Qg6+ 24.Kf1 Bxh2 25.Re1 Rg5 26.Ke2 Re8 27.Kd2 The difference! It is astonishing to see the preciseness of Mamedyarov's calculation in such complex position. Why the king is better place on d2 than d1? We will see that soon which occurred in the game. 23.Rd2 23.Bxe5 this could have led to draw. Rxe5 23...Bxd3 24.Bd6 Qxe3 25.fxe3 Rd8 26.cxd3 Rxd6 27.Rc1 24.f4 Re7 25.Re1 Rff7 26.Qxe4 Rxe4 27.Rxe4 Re7 28.Rxe7 Qxe7 should be about equal 23...Bxg2! Only now the sacrifice works with the rook is placed on d2. 24.Kxg2?! 24.f4! Apparently white is still clearly better here as per comps but that really doesn't count during a tournament game. It is immensely difficult to take the right call specially in such wild positions with an open king. Ba8! Not good move as per machine but clearly any human would go for this rather than getting into some depressing endgame. 24...Bxb2 Comps say this is black's best move but I am ready to bet any amount that this was not the move which bothered Levon. 25.Qxe8 Rxe8 26.Nxb2± 25.fxe5 Qc6 Would someone get into this position as white thinking he is winning unless he knows that computer says this is winning? If Levon gets this position as a problem and not during the game then surely, he would find the best moves from white side but when one doesn't know that this position is winning or not then things get incredibly difficult. 26.Qf4‼ Only move that keeps the advantage. It stops both Qh1-Kf2-Qh2 and Qh1-Kf2-fe5 Rbb8!? 26...Rd5 27.Rad1 27.exf6 Qh1+ 28.Kf2 Qg2+ 29.Ke3 Qh3+ 30.Qg3 Qe6+ 30...Rbe8+ 31.Kf2 31.Be5 gxf6 32.Nc5 and white is winning. Once again…all these lines are very easy to create with computers (even there could be some mistakes!) but during a game things look totally different. 24...Qg6+ 25.Kf1 Bxh2 26.Re1 26.Nc5 would lead to equal position but mostly Levon was ambitious here and most likely he missed black's 28th move Re8 27.Ne6 Qg1+ 28.Ke2 Qg4+ 29.f3 Qxe6 30.Qxe6 Rxe6+ 31.Kf1= 26...Rg5 27.Ke2? The final mistake! 27.Nc3 would still keep white in the game 27...Re8 Now it gets clear why including Rd2 was important by playing 23...Be4. White is forced to play Kd1 now... 28.Kd1 Rg1! Brilliant imagination by Mamedyarov who must have seen this from long back and perhaps it was this move that Levon spotted a bit too late. Incredible bold and imaginative play by Mamedyarov. 29.Be5 29.Qxe8+ Qxe8 Hence the king should be on d1! Point of including Be4-Rd2 gets clear now. 29...Bxe5 Now it gets technical. 30.Rde2 h5 30...Rd8+ 31.Kc1 Qf5 would have expedited things. 31.Qd3 Qg2 32.Nb6 Rxe1+ 33.Rxe1 Qxf2 34.Nd5 Rd8 35.c4 Qxa2 36.Qf3 g6 37.Re3 Kg7 38.Qh3 Qf2 39.Rd3 Qg1+ 40.Kc2 Qh2+ 41.Qxh2 Bxh2 42.Rh3 Be5 43.Kd3 a5 44.Ke4 Kf7 45.Kf3 Rh8 46.Kg2 g5 47.Ne3 Ke6 48.Kf1 f5 0–1
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Aronian,L2780Mamedyarov,S28200–12018C84Batumi Chess Olympiad | Open5.1
Anand,V2771Delgado Ramirez,N26191–02018B30Batumi Chess Olympiad | Open5.1

With this win, Azerbaijan took lead in the match. Armenia pulled one back when Melkumyan beat Naiditsch on board three. But Radjabov was able to score another victory for Azerbaijan by beating Sargissian. Mamedov drew his encounter against Haik Martirosyan and Azerbaijan was able to win the match with a score of 2½-1½.

Aronian and his love for cats!

Radjabov vs Sargissian. Black has just move his queen to c7. How should White react?
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1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.Nc3 Be7 5.Bg5 h6 6.Bxf6 Bxf6 7.e3 0-0 8.Rc1 c6 9.Bd3 Nd7 10.0-0 dxc4 11.Bxc4 e5 12.Bb3 exd4 13.exd4 Re8 14.h3 Nb6 15.Re1 Bf5 16.g4 Bg6 17.Rxe8+ Qxe8 18.Qd2 Qd7 19.Qf4 Re8 20.Rd1 Qc8 21.Ne5 Bxe5 22.dxe5 Rd8 23.Rd4 Qc7 24.e6! Radjabov is extremely alert for tactical possibilities. Rc8 24...Qxf4 25.Rxd8+ Kh7 26.e7 is just lost. 25.Qxc7 Rxc7 26.Rd8+ Kh7 27.f4! Again very accurate. fxe6 28.f5! Bf7 28...exf5 29.Bg8+ Kh8 30.gxf5+- 29.fxe6 Bg6 30.h4 h5 31.gxh5 Bxh5 32.Bc2+ Bg6 33.Ne4 Bf5 34.Ng5+ Kg6 35.e7 Rxe7 36.Rd6+ Kh5 37.Bxf5 Kxh4 38.Rg6 Kg3 39.Ne6+ Kf3 40.Rg4 Ke3 41.Rg3+ Kd2 42.Rg2+ Kd1 43.Nc5 1–0
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Radjabov,T2751Sargissian,G26911–02018D5543rd Olympiad 20185.2

Extremely depressed was Aronian when he realized that there was absolutely no way to save the match

The unstoppable Poles!

The Polish team seems to be in great spirits at this Olympiad. It's not that just Duda and Wojtaszek are playing some high-quality chess. Their lower boards consisting of Tomczak, Piorun and Dragun have achieved something special here. Each one has beaten a srong opponent. In the fifth round against France, although Duda lost his game to MVL, the French team could not capitalize on the early lead. They lost all the three remaining games giving Poland a 3-1 victory.

The hero for Poland until now has been Jacek Tomzcak — apart from beating Vladimir Kramnik, he also beat Christian Bauer

Radoslaw played a great positional game in the fifth round to beat GM Etienne Bacrot. He spoke to us after the game and tells us how Poland beat France and also why the Polish team is doing so well. "All the members in the team are good guys", he said. What exactly does that mean? And how does Radoslaw keep a good level of play in spite of being a second of Vishy Anand for so many years we ask him in this interview.

Here's an Instagram post from Wojtaszek which shows the team camaraderie:


A post shared by Radoslaw Wojtaszek Official (@radek_wojtaszek) on

The Czech Mate!

Jiri Stocek

On the outside, the Czech team looks pretty ordinary. But in an event like the Olympiad, it's not the rating of the participants but their camaraderie and friendships that determine how a team fares. In the case of Czech Republic, all of the players have been showing some phenomenal bit of chess, especially Viktor Laznicka and Jiri Stocek. The Chinese team look invincible in team tournaments. They have Ding Liren on the top board followed by Yu Yangyi, Wei Yi, and Bu Xiangzhi. Where is the weak spot in their camp? But the Czech Republic team simply destroyed the Chinese wall. Ding Liren was held to a draw by David Navara. On board two Viktor Laznicka got the better of Yu Yangyi. Wei Yi made a mistake from the white side of the Sicilian against Jiri Stocek. Peter Michalik on the last board held Bu Xiangzhi to a draw.

Jiri Stocek has been the find of the tournament for Czech Republic. He has scored 4½/5 against decently strong opposition, but beating Wei Yi with the black pieces was a fantastic achievement.

The Czech team was able to beat the Chinese with a convincing 3-1 score. What an upset!

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1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Nc3 d6 4.d4 cxd4 5.Nxd4 Nf6 6.Bg5 e6 7.Qd2 a6 8.0-0-0 Be7 9.f4 Bd7 10.Nf3 b5 11.Bxf6 gxf6 12.Kb1 Qb6 13.g3 b4 14.Ne2 a5 15.f5 e5 16.Nc1 Rc8 17.Qd5?! Na7! 18.Nd2 Bc6 19.Qd3 a4 Black has completely crushed White's position. 20.Nc4 Qc5 21.Qf3 Nb5 22.Qe3 Nd4 23.Bd3 d5 24.Nd2 a3 25.exd5 25.b3 Qc3 is a forced mate. 25...Bxd5 26.Ne4 Qc6 27.Nb3 0-0 28.Rhe1 Nxc2 29.Qh6 Bxb3 30.Ng5 Bxa2+ 31.Kc1 31.Kxa2 b3+ 32.Kxb3 Qd5+ 33.Ka4 Ra8+-+ 31...Nxe1+ 32.Kd2 Nf3+ 0–1
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Wei,Y2742Stocek,J25740–12018B6943rd Olympiad 20185.3
Laznicka vs Yu Yangyi. White has just given a check from a3, where should the black king go to?
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1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Bb4 4.Nf3 c5 5.e3 0-0 6.Bd3 b6 7.0-0 Bb7 8.Qe2 d5 9.cxd5 cxd4 10.exd4 Bxc3 11.bxc3 Qxd5 12.c4 Qh5 13.Ne5 Qh4 14.f4 Nc6 15.Bb2 Rad8 16.Rad1 Rfe8 17.Bb1 Qh5 18.Qe1 Ng4 19.h3 Ngxe5 20.fxe5 Na5 21.Bc1 Nxc4 22.Rf4 Nxe5 23.Rh4 Nf3+ 24.gxf3 Qxf3 25.Bxh7+ Kf8 26.Be4 Bxe4 27.Rxe4 Rd5 28.Qe2 Qxh3 29.Rd3 Qh7 30.Re5 Qg6+ 31.Kf2 Red8 32.Rg3 Qh7 33.Kg2 Rxe5 34.dxe5 Rd4 35.Ba3+ Kg8? This allows a very strong manoeuvre. 35...Ke8∞ And the position remains complex. 36.Be7! The bishop would be very strong. Qf5 37.Bf6 g6 38.a3 Kf8 39.Rc3 Rg4+ 40.Kh2 Qh5+ 41.Rh3 Rh4 42.Qxh5 Rxh5 43.Rxh5 gxh5 This is winning position. 44.Kg3 b5 45.Kh4 a5 46.Bd8 b4 47.Bxa5 bxa3 48.Kxh5 Ke8 49.Kg5 Kd7 50.Kf6 Ke8 51.Bc3 a2 52.Ba1 Kf8 53.Kg5 Ke7 54.Kf4 Kd7 55.Ke4 Kc6 56.Kd4 Kb5 57.Kc3 1–0
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Laznicka,V2662Yu,Y27651–02018E2143rd Olympiad 20185.2

Viktor Laznicka explains his win over GM Yu Yangyi. He also tells us the secret of how Czech Republic is doing so well and mentions that if it were an individual event it would have scared him to play against these opponents. But in the team event, his confidence levels are very high.

American women unstoppable, American men stoppped

The American women's team consisting of (from top left): Tatev Abrahamyan, Anna Zatonskih, Irina Krush, Yu Jennifer, Sabina-Francesca Foiser.

Boris Gelfand tried hard but could not stop the World Championship Challenger Fabiano Caruana

Fabiano Caruana explains his win over Gelfand, his win against Anand and the upcoming World Championship Match

Wesley So was unable to get the better of Maxim Rodstein and Hikaru Nakamura also had to split the point with Tamir Nabaty. It was a must-win situation for Israel on board four and Emil Sutovsky delivered by defeating Samuel Shankland.

Sutovsky - Shankland. In this critical position, Emil pushed his pawn to a7 which came as a suprise to Sam

A move like a7 has to be made with great care. Either the position is now winning or completely drawn. Sutovsky had taken 30 minutes on his clock and had calculated all the variations. Check out what he had seen.

The first one in this tournament to beat an American, Emil sealed a 2-2 draw in the match between USA and Israel

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1.e4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.Nc3 dxe4 4.Nxe4 Bf5 5.Ng3 Bg6 6.h4 h6 7.Nf3 e6 8.Ne5 Bh7 9.Bd3 Bxd3 10.Qxd3 Nd7 11.Bf4 Nxe5 12.Bxe5 Qa5+ 13.c3 Nf6 14.0-0 Ng4 15.Rad1 Nxe5 16.dxe5 Rd8 17.Qxd8+ Qxd8 18.Rxd8+ Kxd8 19.Rd1+ Kc7 20.Rd3 Be7 21.Rf3 Rf8 22.Nh5 g6 23.Nf6 Bxf6 24.Rxf6 Kd7 25.h5 gxh5 26.Rxh6 Ke7 27.Rxh5 Rd8 28.Rh4 Rd1+ 29.Kh2 Rd2 30.Rb4 b5 31.f4 a5 32.Rb3 a4 33.Rb4 a3 34.bxa3 Rxa2 35.Rb3 Rc2 36.Kg3 Kf8 37.Kf3 c5 38.Ke4 c4 39.Rxb5 Rxc3 40.a4 Ra3 41.a5 c3 42.Kd3 Kg7 43.g4 Kg6 44.Kc2 Kh6 45.Rb7 Kg6 46.Rb5 Kh6 47.Rb7 Kg6 48.Ra7 Ra4 49.a6 Rxf4 50.Ra8 Ra4 51.a7! A strong move threatening Rg8+ Kg7 52.Kxc3 White is now a pawn up, but where will the White king go for shelther? Ra1 53.g5 Kh7 54.Kc4 Ra2 55.Kc5 Ra6 56.Kb5 Ra1 57.Kb6 Rb1+ 58.Kc6 Ra1 So what is White's winning plan? 59.Kd6 Kg7 60.Kd7!? Ra2 61.g6! The key move that breaks Black defences. Kxg6 61...fxg6 62.Kxe6 And White is winning here. Ra1 63.Rd8 Rxa7 64.Rd7++- 62.Rg8+ Kf5 63.a8Q Rxa8 64.Rxa8 Kxe5 65.Ra5+ Ke4 66.Kd6 f5 67.Ra4+ 1–0
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Sutovsky,E2633Shankland,S27221–02018B1843rd Olympiad 20185.4

Amazing fight back by Georgia! 

Somewhere around two hours into the match, the Georgian women's team were getting outplayed on nearly all the boards. But they kept their cool and the top two (Dzagnidze and Mkrtchian) boards drew their games. On board three Nino Batsiashvili lost her game to Anna Ushenina. Everything now hinged on the crucial final board clash between Bela Khotenashvili and Natalia Zhukova. 

Khotenashvili showed that she has the never say die spirit as she converted a completely losing position into a win and tied the scores 2-2

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1.d4 d5 2.c4 e6 3.Nc3 Be7 4.cxd5 exd5 5.Bf4 c6 6.Qc2 Nf6 7.e3 Nh5 8.Be5 Nd7 9.Be2 Nxe5 10.dxe5 g6 11.Bxh5 gxh5 12.Nf3 f6 13.e4 d4 14.exf6 Bxf6 15.0-0-0 0-0 16.Ne2 c5 17.Qxc5 Be6 18.Kb1 Rc8 19.Qa3 Be7 20.Qd3 Bc4 21.Qd2 d3 22.Nc1 Qb6 23.Nxd3 Bf6 24.e5 Bg7 25.Qe3 Qg6 26.Nh4 Qa6 27.Nc1 Be6 28.Nb3 Qc4 29.Nf3 a5 30.Rc1 Qb4 31.Nfd4 Bd5 32.Rxc8 Rxc8 33.Rc1 Re8 34.a3 Qb6 35.f4 Kh8 36.Nd2 Rd8 37.Nc2 Qg6 38.Qc5 b6 39.Qc7 Rf8 40.g3 Be6 41.Nf3 Rc8 42.Qd6 Bf8 43.Qd2 Bg8 44.Nfd4 Qe4 45.Qe3 Qd5 46.e6 Bg7 47.Re1 Qc5 48.Qe4 Bf6 49.h3 Qc4 50.g4 h6 51.g5 Bh7 52.g6 Bg8 53.Nf5 53.f5+- Black can never win this. It is a complete catastrophe. 53...Bxe6 54.Qxc4 Bxc4 55.Nd6 Rc6 56.Nxc4 Rxc4 57.f5 Rc5 58.Re8+ Kg7 59.Ne3 Rb5 60.Kc2 Bg5 61.Nc4 Rxf5 62.Re6 Rf2+ 63.Kd3 Rh2 64.Rxb6 Rxh3+ 65.Ke4 Rh4+ 66.Kd5 Bf6 67.Ne5 Bxe5 68.Kxe5 The position is now drawish. Rg4 69.b4 axb4 70.axb4 h4 71.Ra6 h3 72.Ra3 Rh4 73.Ra1 Kxg6 74.b5 Kg5 75.Rh1 Kg4 76.b6 Rh5+ 77.Ke4? 77.Kd6 The position is still a draw 77...Rb5! 78.Rg1+ Kh4 79.Kf3 h2 80.Rh1 Kh3 81.Kf2 Rxb6 82.Rc1 Rf6+ 83.Ke2 Kg2 0–1
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Zhukova,N2403Khotenashvili,B24690–12018D31Olympiad Women 20185.4

Final moments of Zhukova losing the plot and losing the game against Bela

Important results of round 5 (Women):

Team Team Pts. MP Res. : Res. MP Pts. Team Team
ARM Armenia 12½ 8 2 : 2 8 13 China CHN
USA United States of America 12 8 : ½ 8 13 Mongolia MGL
GEO1 Georgia 1 12½ 8 2 : 2 8 13½ Ukraine UKR
ARG Argentina 12½ 7 ½ : 7 13 India IND
GEO2 Georgia 2 12 7 : ½ 7 12½ Turkey TUR
CZE Czech Republic 13 6 : 7 11 Australia AUS
GRE Greece 11½ 6 1 : 3 6 12½ Azerbaijan AZE
TJK Tajikistan 11 6 1 : 3 6 12 Canada CAN
IRI Iran 11½ 6 : 6 12½ Vietnam VIE
ECU Ecuador 12 6 ½ : 6 10½ Italy ITA

Complete list

Photo gallery by Amruta Mokal

Armenia led by Elina Danielian were able to hold China to a 2-2 draw on the top board. Lei Tingje's win on board four was compensated by Lilit Mkrtchian's win on board two

"Bro, let's have some fun tonight!", Baadur Jobava and Markus Ragger making plans for the Bermuda party?!

Chinese players have this very nice design imprinted on their t-shirts

The founder of Russian Charity Foundation "Country of Talents" Polina Torochkova visited the tournament venue. She will organize the World Disabled Championships in 2019 in Moscow.

The Olympiad playing hall is one of the most confusing places you can ever be at the start of a round! Players, captains, journalists, photographers, arbiters and so many more people!

Ganguly's corner

Surya Sekhar Ganguly brings you his favourite positions from the round five of the event. We recommend that you spend some time with the positions and try to figure out the right way to play and then check the solutions. Doing so will help you improve your chess.

Ivanchuk vs David Anton. Black has just moved his rook to c7. How should White continue?

Ivanchuk realizes that he has the rooks well placed. However, his knight on e2 is not doing a great job So he manoeuvred it from e2 to f4. The idea is to get it to d3 followed by Nb4 with pressure on the c6 pawn.

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1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 d5 4.e3 b6 5.cxd5 exd5 6.Bd3 Bd6 7.0-0 0-0 8.b3 Re8 9.Ba3 Bg4 10.Bxd6 Qxd6 11.Nc3 c6 12.Rc1 Nbd7 13.Be2 Rac8 14.Qc2 Ne4 15.Nd2 Nxd2 16.Qxd2 Bxe2 17.Qxe2 Nf6 18.Rc2 Rc7 19.Rfc1 Ree7 20.Qf3 Ne8 21.Ne2 Rc8 22.Qf4 Qg6 23.h3 h6 24.Qg4 Qxg4 25.hxg4 Rec7 26.Nf4! The knight is coming from f4 to d3 to b4. Kf8 27.Nd3 Ke7 28.Nb4 Kd6 Black king has come at the right time to defed the pawn on c6. 29.Na6 Rb7 30.b4! Threatning b5. b5 31.Nc5 Rb6 32.Nd3 f6 33.Rc3 Kd7 34.Nc5+ Ke7 35.Ra1 Ra8 36.Nb3 Nd6 37.a4 Nc4 38.Rc2 Kf7 39.Rca2 Kg6 40.axb5 Rxb5 41.Rxa7 Rxa7 42.Rxa7 Rxb4 43.Nc5 A great position for a positional expert like Ivanchuk. He was able to convert this position quite easy. Nd6 44.Rc7 Rb6 45.Ne6 Ne8 46.Re7 Rb8 47.f4 f5 48.g5 hxg5 49.fxg5 Nd6 50.Rxg7+ Kh5 51.Rh7+ Kg4 52.g6 f4 53.g7 Nf5 54.exf4 Re8 55.Kf2 Ra8 56.Rh3 Ra2+ 57.Kg1 Ra8 58.Kh2 Re8 59.Rc3 Rg8 60.Ra3 Re8 61.Ra6 Nxg7 62.Nxg7 Re7 63.Ra3 Kxf4 64.Rf3+ Kg4 65.Nf5 Re4 66.Ne3+ Kg5 67.Nc2 1–0
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Ivanchuk,V2710Anton Guijarro,D26391–02018E1043rd Olympiad 20185.1

Ivanchuk plays a great game under time pressure to beat his young opponent

Howell - Brunello, How should white win here. Be confident and calculate all the way until the end.

David was able to find the best continuation and with a series of most accurate moves was able to finish off the game. 

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1.Nf3 d5 2.g3 Bg4 3.Bg2 Nd7 4.h3 Bh5 5.0-0 c6 6.d3 Ngf6 7.Qe1 e5 8.e4 Bd6 9.exd5 Nxd5 10.Nxe5 Nxe5 11.d4 0-0 12.dxe5 Re8 13.f4 f6 14.Nd2 fxe5 15.f5 e4 16.Nxe4 Nf6 17.Bg5 Qb6+ 18.Be3 Rxe4 19.Bxe4 Bc5 20.Bxc5 Qxc5+ 21.Qf2 Qxf2+ 22.Rxf2 Nxe4 23.Rf4 Ng5 24.Kh2 Re8 25.g4 Re2+ 26.Kg3 Be8 27.h4 Nf7 28.Rd1 h6 29.Rf2 Re7 30.Rd4 c5 31.Rdd2 Bc6 32.Rfe2 Kf8 33.Kf4 Rxe2 34.Rxe2 Nd6 35.c3 Kf7 36.g5 hxg5+ 37.hxg5 Bd7 38.g6+! Kf6 38...Kf8 39.Rd2 is the same as in the game. 39.Rd2 Ke7 40.f6+! A great move. The g6 pawn will be queened soon! gxf6 41.g7 Be6 42.Re2 1–0
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Howell,D2689Brunello,S25521–02018A0743rd Olympiad 20185.3

What is a Bermuda Party?

As per our research, the first Bermuda party was held at the Olympiad in 1992. Players enjoyed it so much that it has become a part of the tradition at the Olympiads now. At every Olympiad, the night before the free day, a Bermuda party is held with music, alcohol and a lot of fun. It's basically an atmosphere of a pub, but here you have nearly 300 to 400 people from many different countries and the best of all, they are all chess players!

What happens in the Bermuda party, stays in the Bermuda party! But we bring you a short video that lets you understand the atmosphere of the Bermuda party!

Round 6 pairing in the open section

Team Team Pts. MP Res. : Res. MP Pts. Team Team
AZE Azerbaijan 16 10   :   10 15 Czech Republic CZE
POL Poland 16 10   :   10 13½ Ukraine UKR
ISR Israel 16 9   :   9 14½ Germany GER
BIH Bosnia & Herzegovina 16 8   :   9 14 United States of America USA
IRI Iran 15½ 8   :   8 14 China CHN
RUS Russia 14 8   :   8 15½ India IND
ENG England 12½ 8   :   8 15 France FRA
NED Netherlands 16½ 8   :   8 14½ Georgia 3 GEO3
NOR Norway 15½ 8   :   8 14 Croatia CRO
TUR Turkey 15 8   :   8 12½ Belarus BLR

Complete list

The top two board clashes are extremely interesting. Azerbaijan seems to be much better than Czech Republic, but the Czech guys have never been so unrelenting. After beating Iran and China they are all set for the new challenge. Poland, after beating Russia and France seems to be the clear favourite against Ukraine, but you can never know. On board three I would put my money on Israel. USA has a relatively easier match against Bosnia and Herzegovina. China is the favourite against Iran, but the young guns from Iran — Maghsoodloo, Firouzja, Tabatabaei and others would be looking to prove themselves against world-class teams. Russia versus India is a match to watch out for. 

Round 6 pairing in the women's section

Team Team Pts. MP Res. : Res. MP Pts. Team Team
IND India 16½ 9   :   10 15½ United States of America USA
UKR Ukraine 15½ 9   :   9 15 China CHN
RUS Russia 15½ 8   :   9 14½ Armenia ARM
AZE Azerbaijan 15½ 8   :   8 14½ Latvia LAT
ITA Italy 14 8   :   8 15½ Cuba CUB
GEO1 Georgia 1 14½ 9   :   9 15½ Georgia 2 GEO2
LTU Lithuania 14 8   :   8 14½ Kazakhstan KAZ
CAN Canada 15 8   :   8 14 Uzbekistan UZB
CZE Czech Republic 15½ 8   :   8 14 Iran IRI
MGL Mongolia 13½ 8   :   8 14½ Romania ROU

Complete list

The USA team will be facing India in round 6. It should be an exciting match to follow as the Indian team with Humpy and Harika are surely the stronger team on paper, but the Americans are in great form. Ukraine versus China will also be a close match to follow. Georgia 1 takes on Georgia 2!

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1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 g6 4.Bxc6 dxc6 5.d3 Bg7 6.h3 Nf6 7.Nc3 0-0 8.0-0 Ne8 9.Be3 b6 LiveBook: 50 Games. B31: Sicilian: 2...Nc6 3 Bb5 g6 10.e5 10.Qd2 Nc7 11.Bh6 Ne6 12.e5 Nd4 13.Nxd4 cxd4 14.Ne4 Bxe5 15.Bxf8 Qxf8 16.Rae1 Bg7 17.Ng5 c5 18.f4 e6 19.g4 ½-½ (45) Tari,A (2584)-Dudukin,I (2396) INT 2017 10...f6 11.Re1 Nc7 The position is equal. 12.Qd2N 12.a4 looks sharper. fxe5 13.a5 Rb8 14.axb6 axb6 15.Bd2 Predecessor: 12.exf6 exf6 13.Qd2 g5 14.Nh2 Nd5 15.Nxd5 Qxd5 16.f4 h6 17.Nf1 0-1 (36) Mkrtchian,L (2424)-Ushenina,A (2449) Ekaterinburg 2007 12...fxe5 12...g5= 13.Bh6± Rxf3
14.Bxg7! Kxg7 15.gxf3 Bxh3 16.Rxe5 e6 17.Rg5 17.a4± 17...Qf6= 18.Rg3 Bf5 19.Kg2 h5 20.Rh1 Rxh5 is the strong threat. Rh8! 21.Ne4       White has some pressure. Qxb2 22.Qf4 22.Qg5 Nd5 23.c3 22...Nd5 23.Qd6 And now c4 would win. e5?       23...h4!= and Black is okay. 24.Rh4 24.Rg1+- and White stays clearly on top. Rg8 25.Kh1 25.Qxc6 Bxe4 26.Kh1 Kh7= 24...Qd4? 24...Rf8± 25.Kg1+- Rf8 26.Rxh5! Bxe4 27.Qd7+ White mates. Less strong is 27.dxe4 Nf4 27...Kf6 28.Qxc6+ Kg7 29.Qd7+ 29.dxe4 Nf4± 29...Kf6 30.fxe4 Nf4
31.Rf5+!       gxf5 32.Qxf5+ Not 32.Qg7+ Ke6= 32...Ke7 33.Rg7+ Precision: White = 36%, Black = 50%.
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Caruana,F2827Gelfand,B27031–02018B3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Ding,L2804Navara,D2740½–½2018A2943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Aronian,L2780Mamedyarov,S28200–12018C8043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Vachier-Lagrave,M2780Duda,J27391–02018C4243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Anand,V2771Delgado Ramirez,N26191–02018B3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Karjakin,S2760Cordova,E26091–02018B3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Adams,M2712Vocaturo,D26151–02018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Ivanchuk,V2710Anton Guijarro,D26391–02018E1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Saric,I2689Lupulescu,C26061–02018C1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Amin,B2686Flores,D2621½–½2018B3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Kovalev,V2664Ragger,M2686½–½2018C4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Kasimdzhanov,R2662Al-Zendani,Z23011–02018C7843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Grandelius,N2655Yilmaz,M2633½–½2018D5643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Maghsoodloo,P2649Kulaots,K25421–02018B9043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Meier,G2639Bologan,V25800–12018E1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Leitao,R2620Jobava,B2634½–½2018D3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Bogner,S2619Bacallao Alonso,Y25881–02018E3443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Jumabayev,R2605Amonatov,F2615½–½2018E7043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Georgiev,K2590Papaioannou,I26341–02018A1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Steingrimsson,H2573Lee,J2263½–½2018E0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Batchuluun,T2570Paichadze,L2564½–½2018E1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Dervishi,E2567Almedina Ortiz,E22160–12018C4243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Djukic,N2567Hansen,E26291–02018C9543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Sadorra,J2553Eid,F2328½–½2018E6243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Ziska,H2550Smirnov,A2549½–½2018C4243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Kadric,D2543Barros Rivadeneira,C23451–02018B2443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Sulskis,S2525Giri,A27800–12018C0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Repka,C2523Saraci,N24081–02018E3943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Popovic,D2517Duran Vega,S2401½–½2018B3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Glud,J2514Leko,P2690½–½2018A3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Gallego Alcaraz,A2511Rehan,D2095½–½2018E1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Atabayev,M2505Greet,A24411–02018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Bellahcene,B2501Borisek,J2578½–½2018C8443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Morovic Fernandez,I2501Le,Q2715½–½2018E3443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Priasmoro,N2498Urkedal,F25350–12018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
De La Riva Aguado,O2475Omar,N2356½–½2018B1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Wynn,Z2473Iturrizaga Bonelli,E26360–12018A0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Mollah Abdullah,A2472Rakotomaharo,F24221–02018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Tutisani,N2471Tologontegin,S24191–02018B0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Munoz Santana,J2434Lacayo,R22281–02018A1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Godart,F2431Mphungu,G20911–02018E0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Efimov,I2421Degondo,S21381–02018D0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Kojima,S2408Wiedenkeller,M24641–02018D3843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Gemy,J2400Lima,O18031–02018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Babarykin,S2396Galego,L24711–02018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Sanchez Alvarez,R2391Rodriguez Vila,A24770–12018A8143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Yarmonov,I2376Giron,J23031–02018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Makoto,R2338Tissir,M23881–02018E6343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Paciencia,E2335Gavarrete,N2249½–½2018E6243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Kawuma,P2329Karelina,P16311–02018E6843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Strugnell,C2327Ayyad,H22431–02018C9143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Adu,O2299Kamara,A19101–02018B9843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Dive,R2297Baburin,A24520–12018D3643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Munenga,D2273Abdul Rahman,A18501–02018C0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Husbands,O2262Frick,R20581–02018B9643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Varezhkin,V2261Wong,K16611–02018C0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Tagelsir,A2236Kibrom Weldegebriel Beraki17231–02018C4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Amdouni,Z2218Nyback,T2579½–½2018C2843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Black,R2218Zerafa,R2085½–½2018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Michaelides,K2209Mdoe,Y17711–02018D1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Paiva,D2206Johnson,J2261½–½2018E3243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Oatlhotse,P2188Farazi,K20640–12018A3843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Lim,Z2182Al Ghamdi,A21261–02018E6843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Traore,B2169Ndoma Libert Sabbas-1–02018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Teerapabpaisit,W2154Al-Ali,H22730–12018B5943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Reyes Najera,C2149Cofre Archibold,N23460–12018E1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Piyumantha,M2139Nezad,H2412½–½2018E9043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Moayed,O2125Neiksans,A25660–12018A8143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Mctigue,J2116Al-Hajiri,B21120–12018D1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Bai,A2111Kayastha,M20770–12018E4343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Al Mashikhi,S2095Drayton,A20240–12018A2943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Magana,B2074Pg,M21751–02018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Matoewi,R2067Cawdery,D24220–12018B2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Bah,E2066Mohamed Goumaneh Ismael-1–02018C4243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Gnaam,K2061Hlophe,S16081–02018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Banlock,B2058Miguel,S22850–12018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Hasford,J2042Pang Yui Kuen19810–12018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Alharari,M2038Kirby,P1988½–½2018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Hemam,M2018Altaye,G19861–02018D0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Chinasamy,D1993Fancy,S1950½–½2018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Jean Louis,M1992Wazwaz Amjad19861–02018C4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Handjaba,M1956Klaas,T1827½–½2018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Aw,O1880Bongo Akanga Ndjila,B17650–12018B1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Ephoevi-Ga,A1848Montel Jr,C18821–02018A2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Mutabazi,F1818Elliott,W22060–12018D3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Guterres,L1779Pillay,H12501–02018C4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Berardi,G1766Monteiro,A1877½–½2018A1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Ntamatungiro,W1765Belzo,K20570–12018B2743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Mimbasa Kutesa,W1760Ali Abdullahi,F20001–02018C5443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Gadeanang,A1723Matthew Bailey10601–02018B1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Tromp,H1674Barcon,H18960–12018D3543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Prudente Elmer-Blijstra,W2211½–½2018B9243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.1
Radjabov,T2751Sargissian,G26911–02018D5543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Wojtaszek,R2727Bacrot,E26781–02018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Rodshtein,M2674So,W2776½–½2018E0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Cori,J2664Nepomniachtchi,I2768½–½2018D7143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Laznicka,V2662Yu,Y27651–02018E2143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Van Wely,L2642Pultinevicius,P24651–02018A1643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Parligras,M2623Bosiocic,M26001–02018E1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Nguyen,N2620Henriquez Villagra,C2519½–½2018D6143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Erdos,V2609Bekker-Jensen,S2482½–½2018E6243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Solak,D2609Hillarp Persson,T2544½–½2018C0343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Mchedlishvili,M2607Fier,A25581–02018A4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Mastrovasilis,D2594Georgiev,V2479½–½2018C4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Iordachescu,V2591Bluebaum,M2618½–½2018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Perez Candelario,M2590Eljanov,P27031–02018C5543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Sebenik,M2570Rizouk,A2445½–½2018A1443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Peralta,F2569Adly,A26200–12018D3543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Gonzalez Vidal,Y2566Pelletier,Y25440–12018C0743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Meshkovs,N2535Mansour,S22321–02018A0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Christiansen,J2525Cuhendi,S2441½–½2018E6243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Zhao,Z2523Rodgaard,J23311–02018C1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Preotu,R2513Blagojevic,D2476½–½2018C9243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Dragnev,V2508Zhigalko,S26100–12018E1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Maghalashvili,D2508Bilguun,S24891–02018B4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Godena,M2501McShane,L2672½–½2018C0743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Ladva,O2500Tabatabaei,M25760–12018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Karttunen,M2472Zaibi,A2361½–½2018A1643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Vazquez,G2468Harikrishna,P2743½–½2018E3243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Roselli Mailhe,B2439Baules,J2358½–½2018E9243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Astaneh Lopez,A2433Hague,B2405½–½2018E0343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Khusenkhojaev,M2430Ismagambetov,A25380–12018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Ondozi,M2402Jurcik,M2451½–½2018D0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Valdes Romero,L2398Roganovic,M25270–12018A1443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Fernandes,A2389Meshkov,Y23131–02018D1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Rojas Alarcon,J2387Cu Hor,W23191–02018E0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Ynojosa Aponte,F2370Nay Oo Kyaw,T23890–12018B1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Berend,F2358Nanjo,R23241–02018E9743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Tate,A2345Atabayev,S2443½–½2018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Kobese,W2344Gajadin,D20101–02018C8043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Onkoud,A2315Mushore,E21521–02018A1743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Taalaibekov,T2291Petriashvili,N2343½–½2018D1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Soares,E2283Ebosse,K20601–02018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Ralison,M2281Rahman,Z24770–12018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
El Jawich,A2276Gomez,J24641–02018C6543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Noah,A2276Kulpruethanon,T2291½–½2018B2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Arias,D2274Gurbanov,A23050–12018C7043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Noboa,K2256Stojanovic,D24920–12018E6143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Zohaib Hassan,M2255Simutowe,M22080–12018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
AlHuwar,J2245Aloma Vidal,R2428½–½2018A0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Thing,B2237Song,R2305½–½2018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Al Badani,A2195Abdusattorov,N25580–12018B2143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Rocha,M2185Abreu Jean,C23100–12018B0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Lorne,R2161Nzabanita,J18491–02018A1443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Bemmelen van,U2152Tirador Elias-1–02018A1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Yousuf M M Al Mutawa2140Thilakarathne,G22380–12018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Stratonowitsch,A2138Fernandes,T16271–02018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Kwon,S2129Hjartarson,J25300–12018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Pg,M2125Ngani,V2022½–½2018B2743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Cupid,K2124Calicoca,W21350–12018E1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Ayyad,M2106Bullen,A2098½–½2018D0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Mannhart,M2096Del Castilho,M22501–02018C2843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Darmanin,J2069Gontcharov,S1875½–½2018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Sosa Trani,L2054Pasko,L23860–12018B1443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Wong,B2024Mensah,J1999½–½2018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Deng Khor Kuol,M2000Sanchez,S24240–12018A1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Mwale,G2000Docx,S24270–12018B9043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Islam Sh.Nour,K1995Esungi,G14951–02018D5543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Amini,H1988Khetho,P2158½–½2018A8043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Ghebrehiwet,H1979Cheikhna,M19500–12018A0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Rowe,P1951Abo Moliana,M19930–12018A4343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Press,S1935Goorsahye,A17931–02018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Toom,O1905Juarez B.,S18001–02018B5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Wojciechowski,P1904Muheto Dieudonne-1–02018B1743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Khan,T1900Salim Mohammed,S19400–12018B3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Masrahi,A1879Zulkipli,Z22030–12018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Moncur,C1873Okas,W22580–12018E7643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Winston Gerald,M1844Balogun,O22750–12018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Jacob,J1835Croes,O18050–12018A3643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Ble,K1829Sulava,N2437½–½2018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Ieong,S1825Martin,L2128½–½2018B2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Tan,S1823Amewounou,K17581–02018B0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Miliam Escobar,D1787Gong,Q23210–12018C0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Al Azmi,K1785Dempsey,J1888½–½2018B3843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Pereira,E1781Grassi,E19650–12018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Khalema,S1779Beukes,D21550–12018E9743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Njau,A1716Constantinou,P21140–12018A0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Mohamed Ali Djama1662Garber,O1701½–½2018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Mbongeni,M1560Chekh Adm Khedr,A21710–12018B4343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Araya Fessihaye Thomas-Nadir,S21700–12018D1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Aska Jerry-Taleka,J17230–12018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Bongo Ngombele Tary-Gueye,E20260–12018C4243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Jeorciley Rita-Bolanos,F22150–12018B3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Koulet Bebondi Vianney-Maiga,B19781–02018D0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.2
Kramnik,V2779Martinez Alcantara,J25651–02018E1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Nakamura,H2763Nabaty,T2692½–½2018A1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Wei,Y2742Stocek,J25740–12018B6943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Kryvoruchko,Y2695Lopez Martinez,J25811–02018C6543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Howell,D2689Brunello,S25521–02018A0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Adhiban,B2668Almiron,A23581–02018C7843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Melkumyan,H2660Naiditsch,A27211–02018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Fressinet,L2649Piorun,K26120–12018B1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Aleksandrov,A2602Shengelia,D25121–02018E4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Fridman,D2591Hamitevici,V25051–02018E1743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Firouzja,A2582Volodin,A2457½–½2018B3843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Kazhgaleyev,M2582Khusenkhojaev,M2229½–½2018C7743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Stevic,H2579Deac,B25941–02018C5443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Supi,L2548Cheparinov,I2715½–½2018A8843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Tikkanen,H2520Dastan,M25690–12018D0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Smerdon,D2508AlShourfaa,H17830–12018D0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Nenezic,M2495Gonzalez Acosta,B2452½–½2018D1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Pancevski,F2489Nikolaidis,I2544½–½2018A2643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Salinas Herrera,P2486Tran,T2491½–½2018E4743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Laurusas,T2484Van Foreest,J2624½–½2018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Studer,N2484Ortiz Suarez,I2527½–½2018B2343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Arab,A2482Skoberne,J2565½–½2018D1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Petrik,T2481Makolli,P2284½–½2018B4743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Ochsner,B2462Almasi,Z27020–12018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Draskovic,L2449Noritsyn,N24820–12018B9043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Gretarsson,H2448Walker,M20780–12018A3443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Martinez Romero,M2438Deng Ateny Riak,J20141–02018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Pascua,H2435Tomb,M21771–02018E8043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Fawzy,A2431Pichot,A25620–12018B4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Battulga,N2421Sanikidze,T24970–12018C5643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Khoroshev,N2416Al-Aqrabi,S21581–02018D0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Hennigan,M2391Silva,D22230–12018B0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Marjanovic,D2382Munoz Sanchez,M22541–02018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Boudriga,M2376Agopov,M24470–12018B2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Ashiku,F2373Mejias Nunez,R19431–02018A0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Kacharava,N2373Abdyjapar,A23720–12018B5343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Ahmad,A2355Kantans,T25090–12018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Nurmamedov,A2349Sreeves,C23821–02018E9743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Setyaki,A2316Notkevich,B24930–12018B1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Ker,A2315O`Donnell,C2360½–½2018B1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Dardha,D2299Chipanga,C21531–02018B3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Lee,Q2297Miller,M2028½–½2018C0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Grigorchuk,S2288Martins,D24020–12018A8143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Dominguez,J2283Alfaro,W21631–02018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Anwuli,D2267Lwebuga,R18191–02018A8543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Scerbin,D2264Arias,L22941–02018B5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Mohammad Fahad,R2263Andriamasoandro,M21261–02018B4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Eiti,B2259Nxumalo,V15251–02018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Berg,O2248Illingworth,M2512½–½2018A0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Ramos,E2244Lopez Azambuja,N23221–02018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Nsubuga,H2222Small,B17211–02018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Ortiz Q,J2207Dominguez Aguilar,G2324½–½2018B3243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Khin,T2200Zavarce Sayago,O23460–12018A4343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Yang Ching Wei Austin2198Jaiswal,R21650–12018C0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Garcia Paolicchi,R2176Sultan,I2112½–½2018D0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Doluweera,M2171Salih,A18471–02018A4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Saeheng,B2163Abdulwahhab,A22710–12018E9143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Kaulule Siame,K2160Muhammed,S17751–02018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Blackman,J2158Guller,A20121–02018D8543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Nelis,J2154Kouya,T17531–02018B5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Gaealafshwe,B2144Abdul Khaliq,W19211–02018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Zhemba,J2138Saber,Y21920–12018A0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Pinto,D2131Espirito Santo,W19031–02018A0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Yamada,K2128Linster,P22730–12018C7743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Mohamed,F2127Biniam Araya Zego-1–02018E6143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Fong,Y2108Al Habeeb,E19101–02018C4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Jankunas,T2093Mak,T18401–02018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Pleasants,A2090Al-Ghasra,A2096½–½2018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Savva,P2062Mlawa,H18281–02018D5843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Chunguane,I2054Harper,R22260–12018E2443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Methu,J2041Hj,A1991½–½2018A5643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Sanches,C2029Mabusela,J22450–12018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Eichab,C2016Theko,K16550–12018A3843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Anquandah,F1992Ho In Hei,H17970–12018B4443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Volpinari,D1985Barros Gutierrez,A21311–02018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Cheikhna,M1950Tilahun,A20150–12018C0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Naser Eldean,A1906Nevska,G18191–02018B2343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Salim Issa,A1885Nathoo,L16651–02018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Toure,A1859Kourakoumba Florent-1–02018C6043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Lill,S1844Psaila,C20020–12018A1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Orio,R1793Capella,R19791–02018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Raimbert,R1747Jones,R17901–02018D2143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Dube,R1743Fleming Hannibal-1–02018B1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Diaz,B1737James Tondo-0–12018A2543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Ntagasigumwami,D1720Mooney,G18920–12018A4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Botsoe,K1680Salvadora,A17721–02018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Murara Urwintwari,I1677Rowe,D21470–12018E0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
dos Reis,T1627Pillay,R13531–02018A0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Diop Yaya-Ognalaga Stephen Charmy-1–02018D5343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Germinal Kemly-Allam,M19480–12018B2443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Jallow Jalamang-Mohamed Ali Dima15760–12018A2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Kabamwanishi Mashala-Abdikani Nor,M15171–02018B1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.3
Mamedov,R2699Martirosyan,H2597½–½2018C0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Berkes,F2678Mikkelsen,N24671–02018A4943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Bareev,E2666Kalezic,B2448½–½2018A0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Sutovsky,E2633Shankland,S27221–02018B1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Tomczak,J2614Bauer,C26291–02018C1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Tiviakov,S2604Malisauskas,V24431–02018B1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Pantsulaia,L2589El Debs,F25421–02018A1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Svetushkin,D2580Svane,R25950–12018C1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Vazquez Igarza,R2573Ponomariov,R2681½–½2018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Cruz,C2571Vitiugov,N2726½–½2018E3243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Michalik,P2556Bu,X2712½–½2018D1743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Pavlidis,A2552Nedev,T2496½–½2018B3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Vajda,L2551Martinovic,S25670–12018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Perez Ponsa,F2548Hesham,A24080–12018C6543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Quesada Perez,Y2523Jenni,F2456½–½2018C9143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Sanal,V2502Westerberg,J2504½–½2018C4243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Valsecchi,A2500Pert,N2549½–½2018A8543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Beradze,I2495Munkhgal,G2452½–½2018D4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Morris,J2494Poulsen,M22391–02018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Salomon,J2477Andyka,P22741–02018B5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Nguyen,A2463Valenzuela Fuentealba,L2443½–½2018D8543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Schreiner,P2463Stupak,K2583½–½2018E1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Markoja,B2456Belouadah,S24130–12018E0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Bernotas,A2408Issa,R23881–02018B5143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Sipila,V2381Taieb,S21461–02018E0943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Sirosh,I2380Mosadeghpour,M25150–12018D7643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Sousa,A2365Dukaczewski,P22591–02018B5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Palencia Morales,W2345Win,T22351–02018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Fitzsimons,D2316Gong,D22761–02018B1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Rodi,L2308Tapia,A21931–02018B4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Abdulla,M2292Atabayev,Y24110–12018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Jimenez Garcia,E2290Ivic,V2472½–½2018A0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Jodorcovsky Werjivker,P2275Sasikiran,K26720–12018E7743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Aithmidou,M2244Masango,S21210–12018C5443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Michel Yunis,C2233Benson,P19271–02018E9243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Mwale,J2231Hovhannisyan,M2483½–½2018E0743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Munoz Sanchez,J2230Burovic,R23800–12018E9243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Garcia Almaguer,J2229Lorenzana,W2292½–½2018E6343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Van den Heever,D2227Hanoeman,S19961–02018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Burgos Figueroa,C2222Tersinsev,A21941–02018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Winter Atwell,A2221Gafar,I19841–02018B2443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Muhseen Abdullah Mohammed2220Pheephacharakan,P18361–02018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Oliveira,L2216Lobe Belhe Prosper-1–02018D3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Gengler,P2205Otawa,Y21611–02018C1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Mamatov,M2196Sibashvili,G24250–12018C0343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Smith,S2193Niyibizi,A17561–02018C1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Karimov,A2182Kostenko,P2459½–½2018E1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Uruci,E2157Gazik,V24860–12018B0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Picado,J2143Guzman,C2283½–½2018A3643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Rajaonarison,F2126Islam,K22731–02018C7843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Abera,A2116Mohamed Abderrahim,T17761–02018D4343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Al Kaoury,M2106Turqueza,M23601–02018A3643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Al-Subaihi,K2106Iuldachev,S24450–12018C5543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Medina Viana,R2048Lee,J21340–12018C1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Diaz Montes,E2034Seitaj,I23600–12018A1443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Izijk,J1995Santos Almer-1–02018E6743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Wilson,D1988Cibutso Fleury-1–02018B1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Rajbhandari,R1937Liu,Y19261–02018A5843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Ashraf,A1930Mulenga,P22370–12018B9643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Said,O1924Dacres,D1780½–½2018B5443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Bukhalaf,K1914Rayner,F2083½–½2018A1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Alothman,A1911Bansal Nayan-1–02018D0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Jelic,D1890Prescod,B2039½–½2018B0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Lai,R1863Ajavon,A1902½–½2018A0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Kang,T1860Kjartansson,G24280–12018B4443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Yussof,P1854Sang,R1959½–½2018B5243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Celis,J1840Moldovanovic,D20511–02018B1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Ghanem,A1840Alahakoon,I21210–12018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Kanz,A1826Gumpo,T20590–12018C4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Hoareau,B1820Fatima,J15871–02018E7043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Al Mutairi,H1809Mahmood Shah,M18260–12018B3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Hassuji,N1766Damianou,I20080–12018C8343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Cabuso,R1730Kolani-Banake,S16350–12018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Bateman,K1710AbuMengel Hatim Mohammed-1–02018B1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Fernandes,L1654Righi,E20310–12018B4343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Corlette,G1653Al Kathiri,S17730–12018B3443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Lekau,R1627Gariseb,I18200–12018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Skinner,F1591Kantinti,S20390–12018D0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Sihlongonyane,S1408Alhammada,I21181–02018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Abdirahin Abdullahi Mohamed-Masiala Mayuku Eddy-1–02018D2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Adeshole Beckley Brian-Olape,B22520–12018D3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Foua Aroll Junior-Lomandong,M20350–12018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Lourenco de Lima Wadmilson-Rozo,P21570–12018C4443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Mareu Garang Akech-Cardoso Cardoso,J23130–12018B9043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
McCoy Tom-Jotee,A17510–12018C0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Ngackossi-Ngoulaka Cedric-Via-Diallo,D16480–12018A4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Poaty Ibinga Samuel Ange Yess-Wane Al Hassane-0–12018B3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Smith,S-Depaune Ricko-0–12018A4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Tom Sawyer-Stetsenko,I14411–02018C0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Yassin Souleman Hassan-Nyan Ismaila-1–02018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4
Zerabruk Asante Debesai-Khalid,E20540–12018B0743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Open5.4

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1.c4 g6 2.d4 Bg7 3.Nc3 d6 4.e4 Nf6 5.Nf3 0-0 6.Be2 Nbd7 7.0-0 e5 8.Be3 h6 9.dxe5 dxe5 10.Qc1 Ng4 E94: King's Indian: Classical: 6 Be2 e5 7 0-0: Various Black 7th moves 11.Bd2! LiveBook: 5 Games h5 11...Kh7 12.Ng5+ hxg5 13.Bxg4 f6 14.Rd1 c6 15.Na4 Qe7 16.Qc3 Nb6 17.Bxc8 Raxc8 18.Qh3+ 1-0 (70) Zhou,J (2629)-Mamedov,R (2634) Khanty-Mansiysk 2009 12.h3 Ngf6 White is better. 13.Rd1N Predecessor: 13.Be3 c6 14.c5 Qe7 15.b4 Nh7 16.Bc4 1-0 (44) Belov,I (2425)-Strikovic,A (2490) Pula 1989 13...Nh7 13...Nc5 14.b4 c6 15.c5 Qe7 16.Be3 Rd8 17.Qd2 Bf6 18.Bc4 18.b5± 18...Qe8 19.Qb2 Ndf8 20.Rxd8 Bxd8 21.Rd1 Bf6 22.Nb1 Be6 23.Na3 Rd8 24.Rxd8 Qxd8 25.Be2 Ng5
26.Nd2! Reject 26.Nxe5 Nxe4 27.Nac4 Bf5= 26...Qe7 27.Nac4 Bxc4! 28.Bxc4 Nge6 29.Nf3 Nd7 30.Qd2 Nd4 31.Ng5 Ne6 31...Bxg5 32.Bxg5 Nf6 32.Bxe6+- fxe6 33.Nf3 Kf7 34.Qb2 Qd8 35.Qa3 Qb8 36.Qa4 Ke7 37.Nd2 Qa8 37...Kf7 38.Nc4 Be7 38.Nc4 Qb8 39.Bd2 a6 40.Qa3 Qc7 40...Bh4 was worth a try. 41.Bh6 Qd8 41.Qg3 Nf8 42.Bh6 Precision: White = 69%, Black = 48%.
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Kosteniuk,A2559Paehtz,E25131–02018E9143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Dzagnidze,N2509Muzychuk,A2555½–½2018A0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Saduakassova,D2474Badelka,O24041–02018D2543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Cornette,D2462Georgescu,L21951–02018B3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Socko,M2446Exler,V22671–02018E0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Khademalsharieh,S2431Vo,T23681–02018E6843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Zatonskih,A2431Munguntuul,B24221–02018D1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Ordaz Valdes,L2415Narva,M2320½–½2018E1643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Danielian,E2409Ju,W2561½–½2018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Houska,J2402Frayna,J22871–02018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Melia,S2391Atalik,E24471–02018C5443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Shvayger,Y2375Hoang,T24230–12018C1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Tokhirjonova,G2369Mona,K21571–02018C8843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Lujan,C2350Koneru,H25570–12018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Rapport,J2348Sebag,M2480½–½2018D1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Arakhamia-Grant,K2345Figueroa,A17391–02018C1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Olsarova,K2303Richards,H22591–02018B3243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Unuk,L2299Cori T.,D23910–12018E9143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Repkova,E2288Shih,C15461–02018C2443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Dornbusch,T2271Ravelomanana,S18211–02018D5343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Rogule,L2268Baciu,D22661–02018A2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Terao,J2255Vega Gutierrez,S24040–12018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Botsari,A2252Mamedjarova,Z2358½–½2018D1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Castrillon Gomez,M2248Bulmaga,I2394½–½2018A1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Goossens,H2220Mendez Tovar,Y21261–02018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Aghabekian,L2188Sihite,C22441–02018C5443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Heredia Serrano,C2159Zimina,O2421½–½2018B1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Perez Rodriguez,J2159Johnson,D14521–02018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Guindy,E2157Rodriguez Arrieta,M19431–02018E0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Stojanovic,M2113Haast,A2345½–½2018B4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Hallaeva,B2098Milligan,H19421–02018C5543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Nasriddinzoda,M2090Matras-Clement,A2225½–½2018D3243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Cordero,D2082Agrest,I22830–12018B0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Vazquez Maccarini,D2082Mutesi,P16371–02018C0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Kovacova,Z2079Esse,A13551–02018C6243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Tan,L2054Maksimovic,M21301–02018A1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Richmond,J2053Ortez,A17721–02018B2643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Mucha,A2044Golubenko,V2254½–½2018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Nazarova,A2029Khomeriki,N23130–12018C8443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Samaganova,A2024Dolzhikova,O21840–12018A1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Parveen,T2022Liu,Y2064½–½2018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Gerasimova,S1966Mezioud,A20560–12018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Barria Baker,R1962Shabanaj,E19530–12018D4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
February,J1933Johnson,G18401–02018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Agbazue Precious1902Vilhete,V17520–12018B9243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Rania,S1893Raya,A16761–02018E9143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Mencos Castillo,M1888Nouman,A1909½–½2018C5443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Mena,A1884Figueroa,J1666½–½2018D0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Premanath,D1813de Leon,P1929½–½2018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
dos Ramos,R1788Kondo Asha-1–02018C6543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Varona-Thomas,M1739Marzouk,A17451–02018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Charinda,K1718Gomez Barrera,J2035½–½2018A1643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Thornton,F1712Ptacnikova,L22110–12018E2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Gray,K1693Castillo Pena,P1810½–½2018D0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Ndirangu,J1673Wang,C20500–12018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Ahmad Murad,F1649Baptista,A20080–12018E3843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Bwalya Mulwale,L1607Caxita,E18030–12018D0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Rawan,E1568Benson,M13341–02018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Lieketseng,N1518Joshi,S15841–02018C4243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Mentile,L1502Stolarczyk,A19840–12018B9143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Jambo,L1482Plaza Reino,M17270–12018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Kollari,H1437Francis,O17790–12018C5543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Faqeeh,R1400Bejatovic,B20570–12018A2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Gemota,J1346Jabbie Fatou-1–02018B1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Magne,K1308Hoshino,K19450–12018E2143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Leung,H1284Atikankhotchasee,M16670–12018B4443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Bekheet,S1034Hernandez Bonilla,A20440–12018B5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Da Fonseca Gomes Elquissandra-Beekhy,A13970–12018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Kalisa Kayitesi Odile-Nabaa,S18310–12018C1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Kiyan Mohamed Usamath-Kamara Sarah-1–02018C4443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Mougal Roysha-Granados Diaz,M18170–12018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Nahimana Nathalie-Bobrova Lubov Leonidovna-0–12018A8043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Nzi Josiane-Girmay,F14830–12018B3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.1
Muzychuk,M2533Javakhishvili,L2475½–½2018C0943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Harika,D2500Amura,C2249½–½2018D3243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Shen,Y2464Mkrtchian,L23840–12018D2743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Skripchenko,A2414Velikic,A23390–12018A0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Nomin-Erdene,D2377Krush,I24230–12018B4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Peptan,C2374Rivera,I22271–02018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Gara,A2370Efroimski,M2313½–½2018C0943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Matnadze,A2362Alboredo,J21741–02018E6343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Osmanodja,F2348Goryachkina,A25350–12018B1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Pham,L2347Alinasab,M2261½–½2018A4743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Ozturk,K2345Charkhalashvili,I2317½–½2018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Lanchava,T2339Koljevic,N1898½–½2018D3443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Ryjanova,J2330Worek,J2295½–½2018E2143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Balajayeva,K2326Tsolakidou,S23931–02018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Di Benedetto,D2321Ortiz Verdesoto,A19541–02018D0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Fisabilillah,U2227Steil-Antoni,F21430–12018B1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Stetsko,L2188Abdumalik,Z24821–02018B4343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Hagesather,E2181Omurbekova,D18771–02018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Teuschler,B2172Zawadzka,J24240–12018A0943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Heinatz,G2170Zaksaite,S2278½–½2018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Medic,M2167Lagutina,O19481–02018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Olde,M2158Arribas Robaina,M22430–12018A0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Secopito,C2157Kalaiyalahan,A22530–12018E6343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Petrenko,S2156Berzina,I2218½–½2018A1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Paredes Bustamante,P2151Janzelj,L22541–02018C5443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Ouellet,M2144Antonova,N20381–02018E4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Wafa,S2136Gevorgyan,I2265½–½2018B1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Stojkovska,M2106Heba Assi-1–02018B9043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Janiashvili,M2081Puuska,H1961½–½2018E1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Fuentes Godoy,L2079Vanduyfhuys,D20581–02018E1643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Coimbra,M2068Alkaseer,R17080–12018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Rovira Contreras,T2033Almeraj,E10621–02018D1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Jorquera Cabello,V2031Wakuruwarewa,C15771–02018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Eynula,R2030Jumba,G15981–02018E9143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Hng,M2020Sultana,S19740–12018B2143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Bengtsson,J1986Ramirez,M2052½–½2018C6143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Mahmutbegovic,N1946Azman Hisham,N19430–12018B4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Davidsdottir,N1945Farrugia,J15821–02018C4443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Punsalan,V1932Ovezdurdiyeva,J20750–12018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Gamboa Alvarado,O1869Vasova,M2143½–½2018E1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Shabanaj,A1853Chung,Y1736½–½2018D1043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
A-ALI,S1848Murara Umuhoza Layola-1–02018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Silva Rosas,N1833Ranasinghe,S1785½–½2018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Ortiz,K1822Roy,A19231–02018E6943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Debowska,T1799Nepando,J14791–02018A0343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Hernandez,B1778Smith,O20130–12018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Al Maamari,W1774Mencos,C1996½–½2018B4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Hazim Gonzalez,E1748Barrett,A17010–12018C2643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Pires,L1729Mututubanya,P15051–02018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Botlhole,K1719Saraci,N12631–02018E0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Soondarsingh,A1719Bouah,D17800–12018B4743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Lowry-O`Reilly,H1716Nkhoma,D15021–02018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Sakai,A1713Tchouateu Tankeu Stephanie-1–02018D3543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Razan,A1712Mayar ElIdrissi,F17971–02018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Leon Sandoval,J1708Adeline Liza-1–02018A1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Miladi,A1702Ali,S13651–02018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Razafindrabiaza,C1668Berezovska,S1812½–½2018A5643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Chuemsakul,S1620Ng,S12221–02018D1843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Namaganda,C1581Comas Colon,R17200–12018A4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Haile,L1544Cisse Nda Ahou Marie Prisca-1–02018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Lohani,S1537Malillo,P13501–02018E0743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Greenidge,V1492Sanchez,M18130–12018D3243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Felix,T1468Rawan,J14711–02018D0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Jefo,S1379Assa,O18811–02018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Wong,L1378Stockova,Z22900–12018A0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Bah Mariama Djelo-Aishath Alya Mohamed Shareef10700–12018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
De Souza Ivana Claudia Eyram-Faulks Rebecca-0–12018C4443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Essoo Uvika-Gomes Marcia-0–12018D0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Jallow Hula-Mission,B14750–12018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Samson Bertha-Kaslan,C17350–12018B2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Seymour Antoinette-Avalos,L17040–12018C0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Sy Mame Binta-Kwizera Francine-1–02018C2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.2
Gunina,V2528Hoolt,S23551–02018C4243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Batsiashvili,N2482Ushenina,A24510–12018E0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Szczepkowska,K2407Froewis,A21130–12018D3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Nakhbayeva,G2394Kusenkova,N21671–02018D3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Sargsyan,A2331Huang,Q2446½–½2018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Gvetadze,S2325Yildiz Kadioglu,B22871–02018C8643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Foisor,S2311Yanjindulam,D2123½–½2018A4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Rodriguez Rueda,P2298Cosma,E2328½–½2018D5643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Llaudy Pupo,L2294Tsiganova,M21021–02018B9243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Avramidou,A2260Mammadova,G2355½–½2018A4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Gutmakher,O2258Lakos,N22581–02018C4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Petrova,K2248Nguyen,T2134½–½2018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Injac,T2241Guichard,P23900–12018A4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Fernandez,M2219Tania,S24000–12018E2443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Motycakova,M2198Wang,M15851–02018B9043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Krivec,J2185Zarate Oyague,F20391–02018B2343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Batyte,D2172De Seroux,C21751–02018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Nadirjanova,N2167Wafa,S21291–02018A8143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Head,L2161Mendoza,S21130–12018D4443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Asadi,M2135Hoang,T23231–02018B1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Otikova,E2123Partac,E2051½–½2018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Librelato,K2110Calzetta Ruiz,M22350–12018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Nilssen,E2101Castillo Morales,T19251–02018E1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Romero Echeverria,A2034Brunello,M22940–12018B5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Shohradowa,L1950Zhang,J1899½–½2018D5543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Dannenberg,A1926Koridze,L19310–12018B2643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Giulian,R1924Garcia,M17551–02018B2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Mazariegos,S1922Almaini,A14900–12018A0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Myronenko,N1919Ivekovic,T2114½–½2018B4343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Hamid,R1909Siew,K1751½–½2018B3443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Barbier,A1894Garcia Morales,I2013½–½2018C0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Azhar,P1869Tomic,J19211–02018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Miller,R1859Diaz Cesar,W1815½–½2018B2343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Akintoye Deborah1853Sitoe,C1545½–½2018B5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Bakalarz,G1849Nur Abidah,S2152½–½2018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Hotami,M1840Demchenko,S2134½–½2018B2443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Molina,J1806Fransson,A20040–12018E8143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Mahmoud,R1795Jorge,R18700–12018A0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Sivarajasingam,V1771Santos,J17021–02018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Zairbek kyzy,B1770Sahl,S21360–12018B1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
De Silva,T1764Quevedo,A18091–02018A1643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Selkirk,R1733Yearwood,S1608½–½2018C2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Kaydanovich,M1725Toubal,H1862½–½2018D1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Lebel-Arias,J1724Raharimanana,F16601–02018D0543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Carrillo Marval,M1712Gjergji,R19240–12018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Vega Jimenez,K1683Nakabo,P15811–02018B1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Rakic,T1651Paulet,I22750–12018A0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Makwena,C1626Morales Flores,M1935½–½2018E6243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Albzoor,A1595Nikolovska,D18561–02018A3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Marcos,T1583Cumberbatch,G14021–02018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Frijde,R1559Ebrahim,Z12171–02018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Uwase,J1551Al-Fayyadh,Y16040–12018C6843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Shipindo,R1518Zarubinskaya,I17720–12018B7243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Martinez Ramirez,A1510Storr Juliette-0–12018B4343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Simenda,D1509Gabriel,I16520–12018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Sisior,A1476Jallow Serray-1–02018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Wanjiru,L1475Park,S17930–12018C5543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Hoareau,R1467Narvaez Talavera,J16700–12018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Psaila,U1446Johannsdottir,J19000–12018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Sara,G1446Ashley,C12461–02018D0343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Mpinganjira,E1412Ui Laighleis,G17910–12018C6243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Makhlouf,A1408Alattar,G19260–12018B0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Alawadhi,A1374Patino Garcia,C20230–12018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
McPherson,N1267Khamboo,M17040–12018B3443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Lam,K1182Buhagiar,M13781–02018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Johnson,N1123Meddeb,C16190–12018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Nihaya,A1117Conteh Samuella-1–02018D0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Danwe Mais Siri Carole-Kojima,N16550–12018A5643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Flanagan Yasmin-Dzoglo Sename Ave Maria-1–02018A0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Nahimana Yvonne-Sy Mariama-1–02018D0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Santo Soares Patricia-Zephir Marie Lucie-1–02018B0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Vitia Elfete-Ndachipiwa,K16111–02018A0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Yavo Tchetche Marie-Eshete,R15080–12018E0643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.3
Lei,T2468Kursova,M22891–02018B8543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Zhukova,N2403Khotenashvili,B24690–12018D3143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Karavade,E2374Martinez,A22151–02018D1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Schleining,Z2370Girya,O2462½–½2018D3843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Batchimeg,T2367Yu,J22680–12018D1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Fataliyeva,U2320Markantonaki,H21491–02018B4043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Ratsma,R2260Radosevic,N16001–02018B4743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Terbe,J2260Lahav,M21511–02018C0743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Nguyen,T2244Zahedifar,A21011–02018D1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Haussernot,C2237Gajcin,M21700–12018B2443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Chumpitaz,A2222Kaps,D21481–02018B4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Hernandez Estevez,Y2192Rothebarth,A20631–02018C7843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Movileanu,D2168Sarmiento Robles,P17501–02018C0743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Trippold,D2146Warakomska,A23051–02018D3043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Agbabishvili,L2128Abrorova,S16851–02018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Ivekovic,A2118Malika,H1334½–½2018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Stoeri,L2118Perminaite,G18401–02018C4943rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Ilyuchyk,Y2114Dauletova,G22630–12018B4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Narva,T2113Miranda Llanes,Y22390–12018C4743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Berezina,I2112Novosadova,K2231½–½2018D2343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Arda,C2096Khukhashvili,S23010–12018B5143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Galas,B2080Maroroa,S21121–02018A1543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Machlik,M2059Momunalieva,S15941–02018D1143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Gitu,P2026Limanovska,E2064½–½2018B5343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Moaataz,A2020Baymuratova,S21240–12018A3643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Guerrero Rodriguez,A2009Cuvelier,A18090–12018C7843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Boshra,A1979Alaoui Belghiti,C16891–02018B1443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Anisa,A1968Blond Hanten,E16351–02018C2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Petrovska,K1966Faqeeh,A14321–02018C0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Alvarado Arcila,M1956Baqer,F11731–02018D1243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Lehaci,M1933Franco Valencia,A2188½–½2018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Salazar Gould,M1926Fredericia,L20601–02018B2343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Silva,M1924Khalil,M17970–12018B3343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Lomaia,D1876Norlamo,S1874½–½2018C7143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Tomic,V1862Nithyalakshmi,S18660–12018B0843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Nassr,L1854Sovietova,K13531–02018E6143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Blazekovic,N1819Mendoza,S17631–02018B0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Tuzi,B1813Arosemena,B15981–02018C5743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Malan,L1785Jayaweera,S16551–02018B2343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Besa,M1777Saraci Nita-1–02018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Villar Acevedo,D1765Clarke,A1643½–½2018C0243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Garcia Mendez,A1741Camp,I1940½–½2018C4743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Qin,J1727Yalkanova,M19090–12018B1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Fridthjofsdottir,S1724Stagno,M13881–02018B2343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Pinilla Delgado,S1710Nomalungelo,M15771–02018E9443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Garcia,A1698Espinosa Cancino,M1655½–½2018B2643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Hng,M1687Sultana,Z18380–12018C1343rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Kim,Y1671Mwikali,D14811–02018C2443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Ni Mhuireagain,E1655Ngugama,M13061–02018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Granados Ortiz,M1632Figaro,D16711–02018B3443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Cho,H1575Ferkova,D20600–12018A2243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Joao,D1556Mbatha,C17340–12018B3243rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Andriantsiferana,I1540Berezovsky,F15261–02018B4443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Hoshino,M1533Youwou Pedhom Grace Christie-1–02018D5643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Saba,J1515Niyonsaba Aline-1–02018A0443rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Rouda Essa,A1494Diaz,L1726½–½2018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Ali,A1446Van Zyl,C16640–12018A4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Sitoe,S1425Ogbiyoyo,P18300–12018C4843rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Hilali,W1419Shariff Sasha Christina-1–02018A4543rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Nansubuga,G1415Maldonado Polo,M12741–02018A4643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Thapa,K1411Leboela,M13060–12018D0043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Bantiwalu,A1365Cisse Nda Amenan Marie Emmanu-1–02018C5043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Vaishali Nrendra,S1357Valombola,M13641–02018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Singsomroj,S1340Li,J11370–12018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Murray,D1318Salim-Moussa,S1601½–½2018E6143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Allotey,D1241Marwa,J13220–12018B0143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Bangura Fatmata Azzahara-Nuha,R10530–12018B2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Edoh Ama-Gontcharova,O2122½–½2018C4143rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Krubally Mariama-Parrado,A15590–12018B2043rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Navini Choudary Alapati-Kaslan,A14140–12018B8643rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4
Pinder Trinity-Carreras Colman,L13970–12018D3743rd Olympiad Batumi 2018 Women5.4


Sagar is an International Master from India with two GM norms. He loves to cover chess tournaments, as that helps him understand and improve at the game he loves so much. He is the co-founder and CEO of ChessBase India, the biggest chess news portal in the country. His YouTube channel has over a million subscribers, and to date close to a billion views. ChessBase India is the sole distributor of ChessBase products in India and seven adjoining countries, where the software is available at a 60% discount. compared to International prices.


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