Annotating in ChessBase: Arrows and highlighted squares

by Albert Silver
10/26/2021 – While entering moves, writing comments, and evaluating positions are the most fundamental aspects of chess annotation, there is little doubt that illustrating the board with well-placed arrows, and timely highlighted squares can tell you in a glance you can see what is going on without a single variation or comment. Be sure to have these tools in your tool kit.

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They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and one of the most valuable annotation additions to ChessBase is the ability to add colorful arrows and highlighted squares. It is easy to gloss over, despite being even an invaluable addition to any player's arsenal. Consider this position and the comment below it:

And here the plans for the two sides are clear. White will drive the g-pawn forward to attack the f6-square supported by the rook on f1, while Black will play his night to d6 where it will help mount enormous pressure on the c4-pawn and square. 

The comments are clear and should not be hard to follow, but instead consider this alternative:

And here the plans for the two sides are clear. 

It is striking how both tell the exact same story, but the second one is not only understood at a glance, but says the exact same thing as the first, albeit just a little differently.

How to add highlighted squares

Part of the challenge of adding and using these tools is that this time there is no menu option where I can just toss a big red circle to tell you where to click, nor is there a local menu to right click on to access for this. But don't worry, I have an incredibly easy tip for you to never forget how to use them.

The first step is to just have a board open in ChessBase or Fritz. To add a highlighted square, just press Alt on your keyboard and, while keeping it pressed, click on the square you want to highlight. 

This will add a green highlight to a square. If you want to erase this, just do it again to the same square. 

Now suppose you wanted to add a red highlight to your square, and not green. Press Alt+Shift (both keys at once) and click on the square you want to highlight. 

Easy, you say? Well, adding a yellow highlight is just a matter of using the shortcut Alt+Ctrl, and this leads us to the valuable tip to remember this:

Tip - All three keyboard shortcuts start include the Alt key, so if you can remember to use the Alt key, then alone, or with Ctrl or Shift, it will allow you to add highlighted squares to the board.

How to add colored arrows

If you understood and are comfortable adding highlighted squares, then the arrows will be that much easier. The principle is exactly the same, but instead of just clicking on a square you drag the mouse over the squares you want the arrow to cross.

Example: to create a green arrow from e2 to e4, press Alt then click on the e2 square and without letting go of the mouse button, drag the cursor to the e4 square and release the mouse button. 

This principle will work for both yellow (Alt+Ctrl) and red (Alt+Shift) arrows as well.

Tip - The core principle for adding highlighted squares and arrows is the same: press Alt (alone or with Ctrl or Shift) and then drag the mouse cursor to the square you want the arrow to go to.

I strongly recommend you open a board and practice this a bit. If you do, you will remember how to use it that much easier.

In the next tutorial, you will learn how to create handcrafted training quiz questions.


Born in the US, he grew up in Paris, France, where he completed his Baccalaureat, and after college moved to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. He had a peak rating of 2240 FIDE, and was a key designer of Chess Assistant 6. In 2010 he joined the ChessBase family as an editor and writer at ChessBase News. He is also a passionate photographer with work appearing in numerous publications, and the content creator of the YouTube channel, Chess & Tech.


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audibmw2020 audibmw2020 6/3/2024 10:09
How to save the arrows? They tend to disappear. And, is there a way to increase size of the arrows?
I hate cardio I hate cardio 7/23/2023 03:42
It doesn't work, neither arrows or squares. Please fix it
jshabh7 jshabh7 4/12/2023 05:37
Please ask this setting
Use new 2D board
Can you add an option - color square

Like the previous cb13


v - use new 2D board
The arrow design is very beautiful

If the 6 colors of cb17 -
Green. Red. yellow - dark blue. aqua blue. Orange
can be used like
cb13 color square + cb17 new 2D board arrows
It would be perfect

use new 2D board

x - the grid by alt plus the left mouse click

Hollow box is too thick
This approach is very much like lichess hollow round box

It makes the board very complicated to analyze and
It makes me uncomfortable and
I can't concentrate either.

cb13's color square
is the best design


I really need it
I bought cb to draw lines and color squares
I use it when analyzing chess positions.

This way of analyzing positions
It is also currently
The best solution on the market

In the late cb13 update
After cb14 it was changed to a hollow box.

It's not working well when analyzing
It can make the board very complicated.
I can't easily find the key points on the board

Like lichess hollow circles
I'm not used to it.

I need this feature, I bought cb15.16
I also wrote a suggestion email.
But there is no option to change back

Like the previous cb13


I hope cb17 will be updated
or cb18 will have this feature

Otherwise, I don't want to buy cb17 again
Because already bought cb15.16
Still do not have this function before

Translated with (free version)
Lachesis Lachesis 10/28/2021 10:56
Thank you Albert for another great tutorial.